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57195734 No.57195734 [Reply] [Original]

How do people who aren’t millionaires by 30 not kill themselves

>> No.57195791

By just numbing out their feelings with substances and carrying on. Look at San Francisco's skid row. They carry on. Sick, near dead, eating shit from dumpsters, sleeping in the rain, finding pennies on the street, robbing someone for drugs and food. They carry on. Survival instinct is a dangerous thing.

>> No.57197259

What does this art depict

>> No.57197276

Why even need money when I can loot freely in CA, lel

>> No.57198382

desert fathers/early Christian ascetics who would sometimes ascend to the top of pillars where they would remain in prayer as an act of devotion and faith

>> No.57198401

I work 12 hours a day, lift, and play VNs. I drink a monster in the morning and combined with the VNs it fries my dopamine system so I feel nothing. Then I mostly robotically do the right things. I am working now.

P.S. VNs > mediocre gf.

>> No.57198411

Honestly, even if you make it after 30, literally no one cares. Like it's better than not making it, but it's not the same.

I *am* talking about top 10% making it. Maybe the .1% is still worth it. Cant even imagine it / don't know any if those people.

>> No.57198453

If they did, millionaires would starve to death.

>> No.57198525
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i want to make it, and i think by the time I have the equivalent of a few mil in the bank it wont matter. "oh look its the 40 year old guy who has a bmw"

>> No.57198536

I will just rant since I don't want to find random fields in the code that are now optional, but mandated in every fucking layer (FE, validation, BE validation, DB, etc).

Basically top 10% "making it" is more than money. It's 120IQ at a bare minimum, good fitness, good teeth, decent looks, knowing how to carry and dress yourself, some life experience, etc and waking up to how much the 1% on mogs you without even trying.

>> No.57198547
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>> No.57198560

See above. Basically you can still hope to not have to wagie cagie. Also, I think some of your soul comes back when you don't wagie for a bit.

Again, it's not the dream life, but it's not literal wagie he'll. Wagies in Ukraine become trenches for example. Not very fun.

>> No.57198566

You grow up and realize it takes actual decades to get there

>> No.57198574

he'll, trenchies*

>> No.57198603

I mean my friends that I graduated with are pretty FUCKED by comparison. I don't think they will ever own a house. making decent money but im nocoins

>> No.57198654

Yea, a lot of people are totally fucked. Our society is stratified into socio-economic to an absurd degree, but most people don't notice. My point is that "it's all relative" to some degree.

>> No.57198706

You simply live with the pain.

>> No.57198743

guess I have it pretty good