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57193217 No.57193217 [Reply] [Original]

ICP Information Dump

To start my credibility is I work as a Development Operations monkey for a startup that they tell us is worth a few billion dollars. If you don't know what DevOps is we basically help most programmers in the company hook up their applications to one another and to the public internet and stuff like that. The job is a pain in the ass and in short ICP practically renders my job meaningless, because ICP itself handles so much of the work itself. In addition this post won't be comparing ICP to other cryptos, because the competition to ICP isn't just a token, it's the entire cloud ecosystem, meaning Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, etc. I will be weighing the two in this post.

DNS Routing
- Currently, if you want to have an application hosted online, you need to pay for a DNS address and then point that address at your application. (mysite.com -> IP). It may sound simple enough but once the application becomes sufficiently complex, you need to manage many of these, some are records within records (example.mysite.com), some are databases. Sometimes the range isn't enough so you need to move everything to a new range.

- With ICP you can literally just reference the canister ID and make calls to it. Every canister has a default address, and they have a system similar to DNS which will allow for easier to read sites with much less hassle in the setup

>> No.57193227

- Currently, user authentication is an absolute pain in the ass. You need to set everyone up with a key that is cryptographically secure, you need to keep up with security "best practices" which means making annoying code changes constantly. You need to rotate tokens, get HTTPS certs, mangle information. If you want to be certain about security, you need to hire a guy who's an expert at security because god forbid anything goes wrong.

- ICP handles all user auth through the system. If you log in you are the same user as the last guy because it's cryptographically secure. It sort of becomes the "one password to rule them all" that people have dreamt about for so long. This alone will get people excited about it.

- Currently, if you have to make apps communicate, you need to first create the DNS routes between them, or put them in the same kubernetes cluster, which then opens the door to kubernetes / terraform / pulumi / helm which is another circle of hell in itself, but you also need to provision which apps can speak to which other app, and otherwise have rock solid security that nobody will be able to hack directly into these. Additionally, for performance you may want to ensure these apps are in the same location, because communicating back and forth across the country is going to hurt the speed.

- In ICP you can just add another canister (ICP word for "application") in `dfx.json` and it will automatically set up all that boring stuff for you. You can basically write something like "user_canister is in this folder" and then anywhere else you can do "user_canister.make_user()" and call a function. It's so much simpler. Now practically the only con is that performance may take a hit here, whereas with the current cloud it could go faster, but it's still a new technology and when more datacenters pick up on it it will ideally go much faster.

>> No.57193240

In short, there is a lot of tedious bullshit work that is absolutely necessary for most web apps to function, and you can see take insane performance or financial hits if you set these things up incorrectly, which forces you to overpay people to do all this stuff before you even have a product. ICP allows developers to focus on the actual fun part of developing, making the code, and pushes aside all of the boring bullshit, like security and networking.

I know I may not display that much knowledge about the current way the internet works, and I'm still learning a lot in my job. Fact of the matter is I do not fully understand the best practices for DevOps of the current internet or the right terminology and it has been my job for 2+ years (mouse jigglers ftw), but I have seen how ICP solves practically every problem that I see in my work right out of the box and I can fully understand it without 2 years of learning about it. Down with the cloud

>> No.57193249

I am also making a dapp currently if anyone is interested. Stealth launch but be ready for some FAT gains. It's going to have a real life use case. I had developed most of it several years ago, but stopped because ERC20 analogues weren't really supported so I started making a video game but I'm back

>> No.57193292
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If ICPs entire function runs contrary to legacy cloud services, than are either outcome not the most likely:
>the legacy companies do all they can to shut ICP down, discredit it etc because it's competition to their dollar
>thus icp never takes off, and one of those companies eventually reverse engineers their own version of it
or two
>One of those companied recognises just how revolutionary it is, and how it can literally obsolete traditional cloud storage overnight
>Thus the company then buys and absorbs the tech and runs with it as their own
>In the process makes bank

What am I missing here?

>> No.57193295

Well i hope others think its as amazing as you do and pump my bags

>> No.57193312

ML Infra engineer here. Old info, verianon already dumped similar info last year on biz. For web 2.0 we have tons of devops automation tools and related services that makes devops much easier. ICP isn't some magical solution that removes all barriers. Their innovation is running apps fully onchain and tokenizing the compute.

>> No.57193337

>- Currently, user authentication is an absolute pain in the ass. You need to set everyone up with a key that is cryptographically secure, you need to keep up with security "best practices" which means making annoying code changes constantly. You need to rotate tokens, get HTTPS certs, mangle information. If you want to be certain about security, you need to hire a guy who's an expert at security because god forbid anything goes wrong.

Do you even Okta bro? All mid to large size enterprises have oauth solutions in place.

>> No.57193344





>> No.57193348

If ICP potentially makes redundant the jobs of countless mouse jigglers, as you call them, could it not be a risk to the global ecconomy in the sense that if all those folks no longer had to jiggle their mice because the ICP does it, then do we not have a problem.
>technological indutrial complex
The mouse jigglers are worth more to big dollar than an entity that makes the majority of them useless, no?
It's not about efficiency for these people it's about greasing the wheels of capitalism, and I know which option does that better of the two.

>> No.57193362

>legacy companies
I've been in some meetings everyone hates the cloud provider they are using. The grass is always greener. I don't think it would be cost effective for most businesses to transition at this point in their existence, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happens in the future.

I don't think companies like expedia or best buy will host on-chain, but I feel like most sites with user content, like social media, would probably have good reason to switch over.

>reverse engineers their own version of it
Too much time and first mover advantage is over

I think you're missing how much of a pain in the ass all this setup stuff is. I think we will have a new internet renaissance. To build a world-class social media application currently you either need years of expertise or hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay engineers to do a lot of this stuff and pay for the cloud services. On ICP I guarantee there is a boom of smaller teams making bigger things because ICP handles so much of the stuff that they worry about.

It may seem ridiculous but a bad DNS setup or a security flaw can cost an insane amount of money over time if it's not working correctly. As a developer most of my concern in the app was the app but then you need to spend several weeks learning best practices for deployment and whatnot. It really is a massive hurdle at the end of the road that I guarantee many developers would rather not go over

>> No.57193379

Yeah we okta. But that's probably another cost as well that ICP handles for free. Also you don't even need a Users table if you use ICP, it's just their user principal ID. It's great.

>> No.57193385

ICP will not make cloud obsolete in the way anons think. It is built for a separate use case i.e. running and hosting apps fully onchain. If applications aren't on the blockchain or require minimal usage (i.e. current eth apps), then aws/cloud infra remains the viable option.

A good analogy is using email vs text messaging. Both have their usage.

>> No.57193390

>greasing the wheels of capitalism
Stupid commie don't buy ICP

>> No.57193392

icp's main flaw is it's centralization and the fact that dfinity owns everything.

>> No.57193402

Moot point with no good explanation. Opinion discarded.

>> No.57193413
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Does dfinity own my bag?
Thanks for the info anon, think I might top up my bag another couple of hundre on this low and then leave it be for a while see where it goes half a year from now

>> No.57193435

The centralisation part is a retarded argument, the right word is permission.
You require permission by dfinity to run a validator, but that's temporary, since they'll eventually allow everyone to when it's ready.
In the meantime your can ask permission to run one yourself before it's rendered free for all

>> No.57193441


It's going back to 8,2

>> No.57193584
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If ICP isn't a "coin" then why does it's value seem to fluctuate in unison with BC
Seems like a shitty set up if an unrelated technology's success or failure is literally shackled to an unrelated predecessor.

>> No.57193601

read between the lines clown

>> No.57193637

Absolute cope. Permissioned by a single entity is exactly what centralization is by the strictest definition. It doesn't matter if eventually this process is handled by the NNS or whatever, it's still a singular entity which controls the entire network topology. Node admission will always require some sort of whitelisting, it's how the protocol is designed to operate.
>your can ask permission to run one yourself
No anon on this board is going to drop $20k on a server rack and find an approved data center to host it in kek. ICP has probably the strictest and highest barriers to network participation of any crypto i.e. centralized. You fags need to just own this and stop pretending like it's somehow equivalent to chains with hundreds/thousands of permissionless nodes which don't need a giant rack to run.

>> No.57193656

ICP is a governance token for the Internet Computer Protocol. It can be used as a way to vote on proposals through staking which you earn rewards or you can burn icp in order to host content on the chain. So it's inflationary and deflationary. The chains sole purpose isn't to move coins from A to B

>> No.57193668
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brb buying my own rack

>> No.57193686

There's a difference in what's being hosted. It shouldn't be treated similarly to other chains. It's the reason why it went unwashed by the inscription stress test and every other chain failed it. It has better technical requirements that form the foundation.

>> No.57193691

It took me a while to realize this and when I did understand I went in heavy on ICP. The entire crypto market until now has been priced speculatively based on the supply fluctuations of Bitcoin. This may be the dawn of a new era as adoption becomes not only possible, but the only logical thing to do for a rational actor in the economy. Crypto's usefulness to traditional tech/finance/business so far has been minimal because the two systems exist almost independently and the infrastructure linking the two has not been built; Sergey understands this and is working towards integration of the two systems with Chainlink. Dominic is a visionary in the same sense with the same goal. Unironically, this time is different; this will be the cycle of adoption and it is completely uncharted territory.

>> No.57193694

Dead ghostchain

>> No.57193698

I get that the technology is entirely distinct from BC, so my confusion stems from the fact that it's price literally fluctuates based on what BC is doing at any given moment
I don't want to go deep on this and then find BC shits the bed immediately or over the course of a year or two and find I'm out of pocket
It's a market inefficiency from where I stand, and a shitty limitation to the progress of something that could otherwise be great

>> No.57193704

lowest barriers for devs though, who make the content

>> No.57193731

Btc is the market maker of the crypto market. ICP is a cryptocurrency. You're investing in the crypto where anything that happens to btc will eventually affect the rest of the market.Occasionally it doesn't but most of the time it does. If you want to avoid btc dominance avoid the crypto market entirely

>> No.57193752

All crypto follows BTC because we have no adoption. As adoption grows, these projects/products that are actually used will decouple from BTC. Who knows how long it will take, but I think it will begin this cycle.

>> No.57193756

That is just because its a "crypto" and that's what almost every token does. This logic will have you invest in nothing

>> No.57193762

i would buy amazon shares but i don't like how amazon is amazon

>> No.57193766

We want from the meme phase (last cycle) and now the tech has developed the legit projects and the scams are being easily distinguished resulting in real long term adoption.

>> No.57193863

Anon, you had plenty of time to pack your bags. Don't hold malice towards others, it is bad karma. ICP is going to new ATHs regardless so what does it matter to you?

>> No.57193872

If you listened to dfinity intentions they stated multiple times that's it's temporary, so go ahead and scream centralised all you want, eventually you'll lose your fud and you'll have to find a new

>> No.57194111

Jeet traders means pumping shitcoins. Pumping shitcoins brings defi retards from other chains. Defi activity burns cycles and increases usage of the IC. That brings dev attention and mainstream attention. That pumps all our bags.

>> No.57194130

If we see adoption and Web 3 becomes the norm, their will be a new wave of Luddites who find that their skills are no longer needed. We see this happening right now with AI. It's not like this is an unprecedented event, you can look back to any major technological innovation in human history and see the same pattern playing out. Field workers and the adoption of farm machinery, wagon drivers and the adoption of automobiles, periodical newspapers and the adoption of the internet, etc.

>> No.57194259

token not needed tho also unlimited token supply.

>> No.57194484

Did I mention you have to fellate Dom and his lover personally in order to get approval?
> It's the reason why it went unwashed by the inscription stress test and every other chain failed it
God this is the dumbest fucking shill point. ICP doesn't really have ordinals/inscriptions in the sense that other chains have and it certainly never saw the same single chain load that other chains did. You can check individual subnet's write throughput history, cycle burn rate history, and ICP tx volume history if you don't believe me. EVM chains were doing several times the tx volume, some for days on end. It also uses a reverse gas model so even if the chain was slammed and having difficulty it wouldn't be apparent to users in the way that it was for EVM chains other than failed/delayed txs.
>It has better technical requirements that form the foundation
More powerful hardware sure, the tradeoff is that it's extremely centralized in ways that other chains simply aren't. As such it can handle larger amounts of data and more intensive computation than other chains this is true. ICP's bottleneck is consensus though, not execution or storage, and pretty unimpressive compared to decentralized chains frankly.
>If you listened to dfinity intentions
sorry, I'm not a fucking rube kek. Reading your own white paper would be start, if you're able to that is.

>> No.57194530

Get with the times man. There are still the moneros of the world but nothing is going to grow without user adoption, and ICP is the foot in the door for regular people. With the chain-key crypto on ICP you can have monero and BTC on ICP, which means that people who do want those cryptos don't have to fuck with a new wallet and all that stuff

>> No.57194603

>ICP doesn't have ordinal and inscriptions
Kek you can feel the cope in this response.
So for the inscription stress test yes you could feel it and we had a shit ton of transactions. Where transactions were going so fast the CEX broke and couldn't keep up. Literally after they completed testing it pumped a little more than 300%. That's how you know it succeeded.
Was barely affected and broke the fucking cexes. It's just funny how people are in full denial of this happening and there's proof you can easily find yourself.

>> No.57194890

I agree, spoonfeeding season should begin when we’re comfortably holding 20$+. Any earlier is being way too generous to the faggots on biz. I’m holding a make it stack at an avg of 7 dollars though, we’re really gonna fucking make it

>> No.57194904

I agree on this Kek

>> No.57194951

Can you comment on the Kohler Tresham mechanism?

>> No.57195087

I've been an active user throughout bear and would love to check out/beta test your dapp! Mind dropping a link or something to stay in the loop?

>> No.57195194

If you wanna drop a way to contact you, like a burner email, I can loop you in when it's a thing. I don't want to give the idea or name out yet though I want to have a working product before I take peoples' money

>> No.57195342
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Having looked into ICP I would be 80% confident that old money won't let it succeed, if it proves too successful it would rug too many wealthy people's livelihood
Those vested interests will keep it down, it's almost too ambitious for it's own good.
Nikola Tesla shit
Starting to see how that fudged launch was as some people have already suspected, was an orchestrated hit job.

>> No.57195432
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They can’t stop it. It’s inevitable the tech is too great. Alien tech. Why do you think Brazil is using it?

>> No.57195455

Asia already has picked it. There's no stopping it now. If it was solely based in the US yeah it would get destroyed

>> No.57196063

During the supposed "stress test" no subnet ever exceeded ~400 writes/sec, easily achievable by most EVM chains and ICP transaction volume on the ledger canister never exceeded 1M daily tx on the single day that the network saw unusual traffic, that's absolutely nothing so
>yes you could feel it
is hilarious because that's like an average day on ETH kek.
>Literally after they completed testing it pumped a little more than 300%
absolute conspiracy theory nonsense. All kinds of alts pumped around that period, nothing to do with muh Chinese. Stop lying to sucker more newfag liquidity in so you can dump your $50 bags on them

>> No.57196123
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Keep coping faggot. Your chain shat its pants again

>> No.57196134
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>> No.57196207
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Uhm, ICP is a scam and moonman is a scammer.

>> No.57196225

If ICP is so good then why is it only #16?

>> No.57196261

But did you buy skibidi toilets?

>> No.57196279




>> No.57197400

>No anon on this board is going to drop $20k on a server rack and find an approved data center
just because you are poor and stupid doesnt mean everyone else is also, i know multiple anons who run nodes.

>> No.57197431

How much do they make

>> No.57197432

Now what is this shitcoin again, any info? They're popping up so fast and each one makes me laugh

>> No.57197451

Blessed thread

>> No.57197462

Kek baggies

>> No.57197774

are you on oc?

>> No.57198149

idk what that is

>> No.57198156

Open chat on ic

>> No.57198160
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ok cupid

>> No.57198199

i boughted

>> No.57198205

havent asked

>> No.57198269

Evil. Vile. Godless.

>> No.57198354

yeah sure whats your OC

>> No.57198387


>> No.57198679

>Multiple ids on an anime basketweaving forum told me they do!
>n-no I don't really know anything about it
>t. retard

>> No.57198927

youre mad