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57185719 No.57185719 [Reply] [Original]

An ETF will be the end of bitcoin and you people are cheering on your own doom.

>> No.57185737

ive been saying that..

>> No.57185744

Woah this nigger is still out there? Or are they interviewing him from a joint prison cell with sbf?

>> No.57185750

2017 bros i thought they were gonna pay millions per transaction?

>> No.57185751

And then we just fork bitcoin and make them buy it all over again kek

>> No.57185755

I'm OK with that. It's been years now that it's obvious that true purpose of Bitcoin is to become a store of value. It will become the value base of the digital era. To be truly rich will mean to own Bitcoin, as in history you had to own gold to be truly rich. We don't care if there are less transactions, the network self adapt by decreasing difficulty to attract miners if fees are drying up.

>> No.57185756

i don't give a fuck what a scamming market manipulating pos says. it's impossible to know if he's expressing genuine beliefs

>> No.57185853

The end game of Bitcoin is to pass the buck to normies and insitutional money while we get dirty rich and move to Monero.

>> No.57185874


>> No.57186822

The death of btc will be a sweet victory for crypto as a whole.

>> No.57187178

When bitcoin dies all of crypto will die.

>> No.57187393

It will be the end of Bitcoin core and the beginning of Bitcoin(BSV).

>> No.57187397

Whoever controls the liquidity controls the market. The rest is just smoke and mirrors.

>> No.57187419

It will be the end of the massive swings, but it won't be the end of BTC, it will just turn it into a boomer stock.

>> No.57187518

Surely the idea of Bitcoin is to get away from money-printing. Does it really matter if people are actually trading Bitcoin? Doesn't it only matter that the currency is backed by something finite? It would be more of an evolution of Bitcoin, surely?

>> No.57187630

Have you? Show us the posts.

>> No.57187654

>I-i mean i was posting somewhere else i swear

>> No.57187663

>please sell, thread № 8712
You had a year.

>> No.57187702

are you retarded? there is so much more to crypto than bitcoin

>> No.57187811

Yes there are a lot of other trashy scam shitcoins. You are right.

>> No.57187869

number WILL go UP before that happens. sell, then who fucking cares?

>> No.57188167
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Arthur hayes is the most bullish nigger on the planet. He's talking $1mil btc in a few years. This is FUD. In case you dumb niggers didn't know. December was profit taking time for anyone in the USA. They buy it back in january. There are huge tax advantages to doing this. Hence the december dip and huge rally jan 1st. Now the FUD campaign to keep price low while they buy back. (Ex. Fakenews about ETF being rejected erased jan 1st pump). They have to buy back within a month. Then they basically get to keep all the gains on their BTC but with a stepped up tax basis. Ridiculous FUD is to be expected start of January. Its whales manipulating the market so they can avoid taxes. Next big pump starts late jan or in feb. I doubt the ETF news does anything more than wick up and down when it hits. Its long since priced in and ETF buyers will probably wait til end of Jan to see how the announcement volatility plays out before buying. If they waited this long, they won't have any problem waiting a few weeks more. Their vanguard accounts are look good to them and they are averse to volatility.

>> No.57188180

its the other way around retard
you want to buy in December and sell in January

>> No.57188302

You can do it either way depending on your position and your tax goals. The wash sale rule does NOT apply to crypto transactions, hence, you can harvest tax losses in december, and buy back in january. Why you think dumped in mid december?

>> No.57188333
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Why the hell would you want to purposefully tax loss harvest anyway? Surely that money you had to write off earlier was more useful in your hand at the time rather than being written off through inflation where it matters less and less.

I never really understood it. It's there to soften the blow when your investments shit the bed, nothing more.

>> No.57188625

You harvest losses to offset tax your tax liability from gains. Its about not paying taxes. Don't think too hard about it. You will probably never have any gains to offset anyway.

>> No.57188697


>> No.57188713

Crypto market needed to change.
Arthur hayes is just another fucking sensationalist writer trying to take advantage of this uncertainity.
Ive seen many and many articles like this 2 years ago when web3 gaming where a boom.
Yeah, many of them failed, but those cleared the path for true gems like Blocklords, with legit gameplays.
Its just a matter of time and adaptation brothers, keep coping.

>> No.57188724

Dubs of truth

>> No.57188727

Stop crying you dubfuck motherfucking jeet, buy btc before is too late, 100k it's scripted

>> No.57188730

>Not vaporeon.

>> No.57188738
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If by changes means gov's regulations, that's a market where i dont want in.
Fuck you and your NFTS

>> No.57188753
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i will pump them all full with my cum.
yes but doesn't inflation and compounding make this basically pointless? You'd have been better off not taking a loss at all and just shoving it in the market sooner instead.

>> No.57188780
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BTC is Money (unit of account), not currency (transactional media), it doesn't need to scale, it doesn't need to be used transactionally. Currency gains from being made of Money, but Money gains nothing from being used as currency. All of global finance will be Bitcoin's L2.

Core to Money is the store of value, but of course you can't actually store value. So how does money accomplish this function? By being a difficult thing. If I only trade my goods and labor for something I know is difficult to produce/procure, I stand a good chance of being able to trade that thing for roughly what I paid for that thing in goods/labor. I am storing the value dispersed within the economy. It should be obvious that while any difficult thing can be money, only some will be well suited and very importantly, have the network effect, to develop significant monetary value (premium over it's difficulty cost). Bitcoin is simply better Money than what we're had available, gold & equities (Equity Premium "Puzzle" is the product of partial monetization of equities post-gold standard). Network effect guarantees BTC will be The Money as it's the oldest, most compute intensive, and largest, BTC will continue to grow because economic calculation is enhanced by having a good Money (price carries information, fixed unit of account reduces variables, increasing effectively by deceasing the necessary iterations to arrive at fair market price) and a good Money needs a large capitalization.

This halving will be the beginning of hyperbitcoinization, as it marks the inflection point where BTC's inflation rate permanently falls well below that of gold's mining inflation (2%). BTC will stand alone as the hardest Money, at all points after this halving BTC will only ever be a better and better fixed unit of account.

>> No.57188827

not how it works

>> No.57188834

this, if BTC can be flipped then any crypto can and it’s all a worthless ponzi hot potato game at that point with no security

>> No.57188933

An etf just flew over my house!

>> No.57188939

How much inflation you think is going to happen in the 2 weeks between your december sell and you january buy back? I'm talking about US and UK taxpayers, not venezuelan's bro. It has nothing to do with taking a loss and everything to do with offsetting a gain, so that come april, which is right around the corner, you don't have to write the government a check. Instead you buy more crypto with the money. Undastaaaaan?????? If not just give up. This is what accountants are for. If you have enough money someday that it matters you can hire one.

>> No.57188946

Based and correct

>> No.57188951

less bitcoin transactions frees up the network for other shit like ordinals and inscriptions or L2s like stacks. freeing up bandwidth by getting rid of the petty transactions that can be settled off-chain will be huge for bitcoin

>> No.57188959

>We don't care if there are less transactions
This. Why tf would I care?

>> No.57188998

Ordinals are being removed next update

>> No.57189201

I won't sell, lol.

>> No.57189216

the ETF will enrich us with all the retard shorties paying out borrowing fees to a bunch of autistic HODLers until they capitulate and catapult us into the 4th dimension.

>> No.57189347

Sure they gonna kill bitcoin after all major investment institutions have invested in bitcoin and rest crypto.

Crypto was created, and it survived, outside of mainstream central bank currency. Go ahead and try to kill it. There is billions in it, it just doest go away.

Then again fud like this is perfect to get price lower and let them invest in with cheaper price. Crypto is not regulated so all nasty shit is allowed, possible and happening all the time.

>> No.57189361

>fractional reserve banking
>sec 15c3 3
>legal rehypothecation
Ya... crypto is a scam to get peoples wealth into intangible digital juddaism

>> No.57189384

>limited supply thing
>becomes more limited as it gets hoarded

>> No.57189527

If miners make less BTC, then it becomes scarcer both for them and for the people they sell to. The price would need to go up for them to stay in profit.

>> No.57189673

All of you are dumbasses.

For those who don't understand what's about to happen, this is for you:
Institutional players are getting into BTC first because it's the obvious option; but do I need to remind you that they're here to make profits too. BTC won't bring that much profits, the big bags will be made from leveraging on products from Institutional grade (Defi) platforms. If you can identify those ones early, you're about to make wife changing money. You're welcome

>> No.57189701

kek that won't happen. but it will sky rocket in terms of fiat garbage.

>> No.57189934

>the big bags will be made from leveraging on products from Institutional grade (Defi) platforms
Please enlighten us on which ones these are and how they are going to leverage their BTC ETF shares on a defi platform. Wouldn't it violate securities laws if they reinvested the underlying bitcoin in some way? The Bitcoin ETF's have separated custodians to prevent this. You are just making shit up. Nothing about the bitcoin ETF does much for defi. But it does alot for bitcoin. It's pretty easy to see the advantage for BTC if ETF's are approved: consumers will be looking at bitcoin priced at $5/share instead of $40,000/coin, which is much more palatable. This is why companies do stock splits. This is why utter dogshit priced at .00009¢ per coin outperforms utter dogshit priced at $350/coin. People are simply that dumb. And you can drive in buyers alot easier, cuz the number they see is their $5 investment going up to 6, 7, 8...
Institutional defi is not even on the horizon outside of the dominant regulated entities, i.e. exchanges. Hopefully you didn't forget to buy some coinbase options when u bought your institutional grade shitcoins. Or go all out and splurge on some kraken shares pre-ipo. It's a 10k minimum investment on equityzen.

>> No.57190078

Says a noob with zero idea of what's going on.

>> No.57190197

what part of metaphorical vault did you not understand? Any kind of fractional reserve system leads to money printing again

>> No.57190222

The point is that having spot BTC ETFs is a good way to get into the space; however, there's a huge possibility that they'll also want to leverage on other products apart from BTC(not necessarily rerouting their initial BTC deposits); imagine a TradFi institution creating a smart vault on SpoolFi for their users with so much more flexible features for them to leverage on; they could earn a lot from performance fees even without leveraging on their own pool(now imagine what they could get if they also leverage on their own Pool)

>> No.57190518

Once BTC stops issuing BTC rewards per block miners will have to rely on transaction fees to make profit. Faggots think you need a lot of transactions to get revenue but fees can just go up to sustain the miners.

>> No.57191034

Are you on crack? What sort of analogy is this?

So controls liquidity now?

>> No.57191066

but this time it will be different as it is given signal to be an official and secure thing to invest in... no one will start buying for sure, not the etfs nor the actual bitcoin.

>> No.57191227

Flexible features? Isn't it same stake your assets and get yields that's available everywhere? Miss me with that BS

>> No.57191235

>imagine a TradFi institution creating a smart vault on SpoolFi for their users
I can't imagine this at all with current US securities laws. I also couldn't imagine a fund based on any defi product other than native staking being offered to consumers by a tradfi institution, for a very long time.

>> No.57191244

sure there is lil jeetoid

>> No.57191275

What I really want to know is how much longer will normalfags be filtered by MUH BUTTCORN BAD

>> No.57191484

>Flexible features?
More robust smart vault guards like time locks, wallet whitewashing, NFT gating etc.
More automated actions like auto swaps, insurance fees etc.
Flexible was a perfect description indeed.

The US isn't the only country in the world. They're already MiCa compliant, so I expect EU tradfi institutions to start leveraging on their services any moment from now; the US will eventually catch up but if they decide not to, my heart goes out to Americans who'll continue to be starved.

>> No.57191531
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doesn’t matter, grin is the real bitcoin

>> No.57191869
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Why buy BTC when I can invest in altcoins like XTP for potentially higher profits when the bullrun begins? Use your brain anon.

>> No.57192100

If you believe this you don't understand Bitcoin.

If a wall street fund vacuums up millions of bitcoins then the value skyrockets. It doesn't matter that there's not as much Bitcoin outside the fund because Bitcoin is infinitely divisible and just as many transactions can continue to occur. It doesn't matter if there's 21 million bitcoins or 1, at a high market cap you still transact.

>> No.57192248
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I am one of those insane people that actually would rather the ETF be rejected. I'd rather them not control it. I hold majority bitcoin.