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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57187276 No.57187276 [Reply] [Original]

seriously, STX.. how has biz missed this entirely? why is no one talking about bitcoin layer 2s?

>> No.57187442
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I don't know anon. I been hodling my stax for a year now. I also shilled another BTC L2, $ML, here when it was at 1mil MC. Also holding SPACE which is supposed to be a BTC sidechain. I will also go balls deep in botanix spiderchain when they launch SPIDER.

>> No.57187525

too busy buying bsc shitcoins and other scams, i suppose.

>> No.57187804

last year bought 25$ of btc everyday. this year doing the same, plus 25$ of stx a week.

>> No.57188363

Space is better than this shit

>> No.57188398

is mexc ez to get withdraw like 5-6figs from? I want to buy these shits but they're never on any dexes and all my money is on metamask.

>> No.57188424

Pajeet scammer (((ceo))) and web3 is gay anyway BOOM roasted

>> No.57188439
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>> No.57188568

Except space hasn't really rolled out anything except marketing campaigns so far and they are an anonymous team in china. So yea, maybe someday it will be but right now its still a shitcoin while STX is a fucking thoroughly developed ecosystem. Spiderchains are going to mog all BTC ecosystem competitors though, when it drops.

>> No.57188589

>botanix spiderchain
tell me more about this, i've not heard of them.

>> No.57188608

also I found your old post on ML, damn.. shilled it at 3c and its over 60 now. well done!

>> No.57189107

They said it couldn't be done, but it has been done. Google is your friend. I've been thinking about playing around with the testnet in hopes of getting an airdrop, but haven't had time yet.
I bought 100k ML at .025¢. Wish i hadn't sold 1/3 of my bag after the first 5x. But hey, I guess its hard to complain when im still holding $45k worth that i bought for $1k.

>> No.57189121

What’s ML here? How can invest is this arachnid chain?

>> No.57189167

Actually just checked my records and i had close to 120k ML back then, down to 66k. It was even better than my KAS entry. Man did I fyck that up... Fucking wanted to take some profits cuz the ML guy is kind of a shady italian weasel type. There was alot of people saying he was a fraud and he burned the people that he hired to develop ML. I ironically trusted the KAS jews more and never sold any KAS, actually bought more KAS on the way up. My second best call.

>> No.57189214

ML is a BTC L2. Its on the gecko. I haven't checked in on it for a long time but last time I did, they were in testnet and it and they were looking to hire new devs. The original dev left in a seething fit. Not sure the status these days, except that the coin has performed extraordinarily well and moved into the top of my portfolio.
Spiderchain is in testnet. There is no coin yet. But you could dally with the testnet and hope for an airdrop.

>> No.57189242

Why does biz only shill coins pumped half way to mars ? Can any one give a list of 10 non pumped coins worth buying this cycle ?

>> No.57189353

speaking of Italians, what happened to dfohub

>> No.57189459

yeah not a bad idea anon, i'll have a play with the faucet and maybe launch a dummy dapp or something. Hopefully they throw some shekels our way

>> No.57190037
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>Can any one give a list of 10 non pumped coins worth buying this cycle ?
NO. Jannies delete it immediately. If you post only one that hasn't been discussed yet and isn't a direct shill then usually they let it stay. Otherwise if its not on the niggers who get paid to spam this board's approved list then the first response you will get is from the most dark of niggers. He will say, "Buy an ad! You're a jeet! You shit in street!" That's usually followed by someone saying it's a scam. Then he and his squad will report your post for violating the rules, and it will be removed by a janny, who is probably also in on the racket somehow.
Here is your list:

$BEAM (Not the large cap gaming one, other beam)

>> No.57190155

Yeah, this is legit. A dev I respect greatly told me about it when it launched and I overlooked it because I was on drugs lol.

>> No.57190205

you really love MEXC, huh? can't find a few of these but i've written down the price and will come back in a month to see if nostradamus strikes twice

>> No.57191209

They are all on gecko. And yes, MEXC is your friend. Its the pit stop before gate.io, bybit, kucoin, and bitmart. And XeggeX and then bingX are the onramps heading toward MEXC.

>> No.57191239

Honest question Ive been lirking here for quite some time and also had quite a revelation when I checked into stacks.
Then I came here to try to find data on these L2 coins but nothing to find except average bullshit like "bitcoin is dead".
I saw stacks when it was way lower but checking things alone is tough, it's good to have confirmation/discussion and I couldn't do that.
Any idea to replace the current biz ? It's too lame currently.
I've tried one or two discord servers but it's full of shills and retardation

>> No.57191528

Biz are actually sleeping on QR blockchain, IMO it will lead the bull run compared to BTC L2

>> No.57191621


>> No.57191637

Have you ever actually used their chain? I have. It's pretty fucking horrible. That said, the Alex project has some big brain folks.

>> No.57191894

Wise people are buying QANX now

>> No.57191900

what's the ca? is this on ethereum?

>> No.57192223

This was supposed to be $BAKA. I don't know how it ended up as baka. Although BAKA is near the bottom of the list because I'm not super sure it will pump given the emission schedule.

>> No.57192298

Ok. Now i understand. 4chan changes the letters SamMaryHector into "baka" for some reason. Kinda like SamOliverYankie gets changed to "onions". Lol. All these years and i just found another weird 4chan quirk.

>> No.57192584

I’ve been eyeing space mesh. Any other places for alpha bro? 4chan is trash as you know.

>> No.57193117

I like your input on here a ton. Thankyou for this. How can I keep up with your posts?

>> No.57193163

also interested
how can i also keep up with this spiderchain shit

>> No.57194044

I can tell you're a new roodypoo candy ass