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57183083 No.57183083 [Reply] [Original]

Got a needs improvement and a 1% raise on my performance review…

>> No.57183358


>> No.57183497

>The boss gave me a frowny face on my report card and said I don't get to have as much candy as the other kids
Do wagies really?

>> No.57183604

I busted ass and only got a meets expectations. I think it’s the corporate version of negging

>> No.57183705
File: 94 KB, 1002x764, ezgif-1-a853407b20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got meets expectations and a $16k bonus. I don't really care though. It isn't life changing money. Now I just work more.

>> No.57183736

At least you got a raise this year. I work for a major globohomo tech company (you've heard of it) and they offered 0% raise to everyone this year due to "economic conditions", even for exceeds expectation performers.

>> No.57183803

Yes they really do that. Wagies are eternal children getting good and bad points from their 'boss'. How can you call yourself a free man and tolerate that another man scold you for your work like a schoolchild.

>> No.57184507

5%+ = "we would like you to stay"
1-5% = "I'm OK you're OK"
0% = either you or the company is dysfunctional

no need to read anything more into it. "needs improvement" just means you don't fit socially and they are building a paper trail to lay you off first, but if the layoffs come the 1% was all you needed to know

>> No.57184528

You still live with your mom, dude.

>> No.57184624
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I got a $3.1k bonus and a 6% raise :^) my company rocks, I've never been given more money. my old more corp job manager would give me a $10 gift card to a random food place as a christmas bonus. I think my manager felt bad because he probably got a bonus and we code monkeys did not. god those corporate rules made that company suck

>> No.57184637
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they want you to quit I work at a fortune 10 that had a earnings miss last year the consequence is a whole new set of policies to rebuild our culture that are plainly obviously designed to make people quit so they don't have to pay severance, it's that simple. I would not piss on any of the management team if they were on fire

>> No.57184644

I don't. I've been financially independent for 10 years and my only master is God.
Don't be late for work tomorrow boy.

>> No.57184657

>no need to read anything more into it. "needs improvement" just means you don't fit socially and they are building a paper trail to lay you off first, but if the layoffs come the 1% was all you needed to know
or you work somewhere that there are predefined buckets, if a manager has 6 reports, only 1 can be the exceeds, 4 are in the meets, and 1 has to be sacrificed.

>> No.57184683
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If you actually looking for alternatives why not dig for gems?
X and beoble have been recently showing quite some interesting shit if you know where to look.
just need some time.

>> No.57184702

Same here. I was told by a long timer at the company i work for that anything above ‘meets expectations’ is frowned on giving out as management says it should be a near impossible goal to achieve. Wtf is the point. At the end of the day I just ignore these things and only care what my salary raise is, if it’s not good enough I leave on short to no notice for a new job because fuck them.

>> No.57184704

I quit my job in September and received a $200 Christmas bonus last month lol.

>> No.57184791

>if you know where to look
No unironically, where.
Beoble is just GM spam and X is choke-full with ERC-20 scams.

So, where.

>> No.57184798
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Mr. Goldberg needs another Bugatti to impress the ladies anon, you wouldn't want to interfere *at all* with this mmmh? Now be a good wagie and work extra hours, the company is underperforming and money seems to be disappearing.

>> No.57184801

wow you are on the worst side of twitter. how did you fuck up your algo that fucking badly. did you literally just follow a bunch of randos in hopes of claiming some airdrop like a pajeet?

>> No.57184820

vra made bank today