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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57179500 No.57179500 [Reply] [Original]

how do we explain to people that this isn't how this works?

>> No.57179521
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>> No.57179529

Ask them if McDonald's sold more or less than 20 million burgers last year.

>> No.57179530

You don't. That's why they're the ones working for minimum wage.

>> No.57179551

things sure are expensive when you can't shit cheap supply lines all over the globe secured by glowies and hardball politics

the real horror story here is that america is becoming a bizarro version of russia in the 90s

prices ain't goin up, dollar's goin down

>> No.57179656

Billions must read Sowell

>> No.57179676

Damn even the CEOs at mcshits are underpaid. You'd have to offer me $200,000,000 to even CONSIDER the job, and honestly I'd want more like $400M total comp.

Zeihan was half right as usual. I don't think he would have predicted that the Houthis of all losers would be able to effectively shut down the Suez Canal shipping route and the USA wouldn't be able to immediately blast them to shit and get trade safe again. I guess he thought Saudi Arabia would actually be competent and not just a paper tiger, lol.

>> No.57179695

I’m surrounded by these fucking animals that spew commie shit all the time and hate billionaires for even existing like it’s a crime to earn money. They want the pencil maker to make a % of every pen he makes and therefor sells but the ceo shouldn’t ? But of course they all use either an android or iPhone, have Netflix accounts etc

>> No.57179708

>minimum wage hikes

>> No.57179714

You tell them that their credit card is why shit is so expensive. People buy things on credit thinking they've got 0 interest for 18 months and can just roll it over and then assume a massive debt.

Take away credit cards being easily available and a lot of this will flip around and right itself.

>> No.57179722

the fuck does the ceo of mcdonalds do anyway? create those shitty limited menu items or something? it's been more or less the same fucking bullshit food since it started.

>> No.57179726

Wa went to 16 or something on the first

>> No.57179745

Why would that affect prices outside of Wa?

>> No.57179750


>> No.57179752

Nice, based and redpilled haha
Hey wait what the fuck why did my tax bracket change

>> No.57179764


>> No.57179876

Worthless people = worthless currency

Given the current trajectory of the demographics with the decline of IQ it's only going to keep going one way baby.

>> No.57179904

He only gets paid 20 million to run McDonald’s?

>> No.57179906

hey retard quit using the debt system and we won't have inflation

>> No.57179914


If you split 10 million and gave it to every employee. They would walk away with a grand total of….. 66 dollars each.

>> No.57179942

In Denmark, McDonald's workers make at least $20/hr yet the price of a Big Mac is $5.41 (as of last summer). It's almost as if other factors play a larger role in determining the price of a fucking hamburger.

>> No.57180040

And now cut a couple mil from all the overpaid board of directors and their overpaid secretaries and the overpaid regional managers etc

>> No.57180088

If you were to split 50 million between 150k employees. Each employee would walk home with a whole whopping…. 333 dollars

Poor people don’t need handouts. If you gave a low wage employee that much he would just put it towards Netflix or a hecking rtx 4060

>> No.57180137

Of course. Denmark is one of the most socially conservative and protective of its labour market nations in the WORLD.
Over there, there is no minimum wage but you the unions deal with the corporations themselves and set the prices, therefore your wages are much higher.
On top of that as I said the unions deal with the corporations and they are actual unions, not the business friendly pseudo-unions you see in the rest of the world, in the WEST corporations would go cry to the government and most of the time now is the government dealing with these fake unions, you don't accept the terms of corporations ? then I am gonna fuck the labour market by bringing 5m immigrants tomorrow to replace you and the corporations have to pay less. In Denmark all parties from left to right are as anti-immigration as a 1930s german in order to protect their labour market.
In Denmark mcdonals profit margins are way lower than in the US for these reasons

>> No.57180159
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What they aren't acknowledging is things aren't getting more expensive, the dollar is simply losing its buying power.

>> No.57180225

>It now costs 3x as much monies to grow the food chud!!!

baka why don't the proles understand the big boys are taking a LOSS feeding their sorry asses? Sad!

>> No.57180238

Stay in denmark then fuckwit nigger

>> No.57180261


>> No.57181066

>I guess he thought Saudi Arabia would actually be competent and not just a paper tiger, lol.
If you pay attention to him you wouldn't be surprised when he makes this kind of mistake. He's very sloppy IMO.

>> No.57181109

20 million a year simply wont dent the price of the billions of burgers sold by MacDonalds a year.

>> No.57181114

Its not just the food itself. Fertilizer to grow it, gas to move it, space to store it, wages to process it. Everything in the chain has gotten more expensive.

>> No.57181197

>no skills fag detected
If it was such an easy job, the supply of applicants would apply downward pressure on the wage of the position. Have you ever managed even two people? Can you imagine how many fires you have to put out managing one of the largest international corporations in history?

>> No.57181219

McDonalds is a real estate, marketing, food safety and logistics company all in one. It probably involves a lot of negotiations and monitoring to distribute their goyslop.

>> No.57181240

Sergey pegged chainlink to the big mac

>> No.57181254

wait the ceo of mcdonalds only makes 20M a year? kek what a poorfag even my local plumbers make more than that

>> No.57181297

>If it was such an easy job, the supply of applicants would apply downward pressure on the wage of the position.
unless you are valued so low that you are applying for a miinimum wage job in which case the government's artificial price floor will prevent the market for labor from clearing causing a surplus of labor.

there should not even be a minimum wage. if the wage is too low, do not take the job, its that simple. in the end minimum wage just makes low value wagies even more irrelevant as there becomes a huge surplus of them who cant find jobs, and as companies replace them with automated solutions

>> No.57181536
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Daily reminder youcould simply buy some fresh bread, good cheese, or roast beef for less cost which you would enjoy much more

>> No.57181611

Literally nothing. Amazon is worthless without beezos. Nonfounding CEOs get worse further from the founder you get. These nonfounding CEOs are like putting chainlink holders in charge of a small business. Notice how microsoft products went from exciting under gates to ok under ballmer to clown show under satya.

>> No.57181631


Satya >> Ballmer. Microsoft almost died under Ballmer completely, now it's a tech giant staple again.

>> No.57181740

>now its a tech giant
they are repeating the same cycle since gates left.
>find new tech trend
>try to adopt new tech trend
>implement it poorly
>apple or google do it just good enough to take marketshare
>microsoft has more technical bloat and continues to lose consumer interest

If DOD wasn't paying for microshit software they would be a zombie company. Just look at their push for xbox, a dumpster fire. Valve will wind up moving to linux and their own hardware and microsoft will lose a big cash flow. Satya is just an updated version of ballmer for current times. Gates could've destroyed apple, not a single tech CEO since could do the same.

>> No.57181814

>if it was an easy job
its not about easy, there is only 1 ceo. its not an indicator of how hard the job is

>> No.57181832



game consoles are kid's change. Their real success was Azure and being the 2nd option in cloud services.

>> No.57181848

>it da gommies!!!!
shut up you fucking retard

>> No.57181878
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>> No.57181886

Eat the rich
>your just a commie Marxist. One day I’ll make 200 million a year too.

>> No.57182019

The rest of the world subsidizes your burgers, no doubt. Labor is the largest cost in nearly all fast food and many regular restaurants.

>> No.57182030
File: 11 KB, 280x376, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one person is worth more than $5m.
No one person deserves more than $200k in compensation yearly.
No one benefits their company or society so much that it helps society more than the cash going into the greater population for more spending, which means more selling, which means more money for your company...
>and my incentive is...
America actually gets great and you helped.
For the first time ever. Not fake "we own you" great. Real, bonifide, "we helped" great.

Nah fuck all that. Daddy needs a new Lambo and two more small countries.

>> No.57182142
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While I fully agree there are some products that will simply never be produced in America. Why would I buy a dish towel for $10 when I can buy a 2 pack made in China at the dollar store?

>> No.57182185
File: 2.02 MB, 2047x2944, You Will Own Libtards And Be Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops that pic is so 2023

>> No.57182206

That goes along with legislation.Also more money in people's pockets means they're likely to care a lot fucking less about $10 vs $1, and seeing your country do well should fill you with pride for buying your country's product.
Like Spyderco.
>nice knife, bro
>thanks, Chad. Nice Benchmade.

>> No.57182242
File: 372 KB, 2111x500, Schizo Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck did you just try to shill me you little piece of shit?

>> No.57182245

Based knife enthusiast.

>> No.57182336
File: 27 KB, 200x140, The Ride Never Ends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we need to name our knife company something outdoors related
>how about buck? Deer fuck shit up while looking pretty
>or maybe okapi? Goyim look jap sounding words and giraffes are kinda strong I guess
>no. The company is named spyder. The y makes us mysterious. Throw in a backwards r to market to kids.

>> No.57182359

Why do you hate monero so much?

>> No.57182379
File: 1.39 MB, 2208x1945, CALL IT FRIENDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57182391

Jesus christ you people are dumb as fuck.
It's more like
>people are funneled into easy credit to make up for not actually providing for citizens properly
With near-0 saving rates it's real great if you have any wealth at all(because you can invest), but makes building wealth incredibly difficult.

>> No.57182404
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Bankers keep debasing the currency and then saying that it's lower/middle class wages that need to get down and stay down for inflation to be stopped. Remember that capitalist/free-market notion, that a rising tide raises all boats? You are being told to your face that your boat needs to be held down so that infinite liquidity can keep pumping rich people's higher.

>> No.57182416

>With near-0 saving rates it's real great if you have any wealth at all(because you can invest), but makes building wealth incredibly difficult.
That's the thing though, people make SHIT incomes but I've seen "low income housing" for people making 40k now. People make crappy incomes, but they got credit cards that let them buy well beyond their means so they never riot or demand better. They got government programs like SNAP to make up for their low income- the low income might even be desirable to get the gibs and as long as they have a credit buffer they can buy more.

>> No.57182445

iirc he said that the Saudis would be able to buy a competent force from someone else, which would've been true at any other time than right now.

>> No.57183072 [DELETED] 

>rich people
Asset owners. Any American can make a stock account and put some of their income aside to buy in l so that they can make some of that profit too. These CEOs usually earn stocks and margin calls as an income.

>> No.57183128

>pay him less
>another company gives him a better offer
>he leaves
>no other CEO wants to take his place for pennies
Good plan