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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57179954 No.57179954 [Reply] [Original]

What did you buy from yesterday's flash dip? Or you panic sold faggot? Kek

>> No.57179985

Brainlet, the dip will continue

>> No.57180021
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We dipped?

>> No.57180174

I scalped Sei, Qanx and Bonk

>> No.57180246

You didn't know? NGMI

>> No.57180255

You'll cope soon enough. Post quantum cryptography algorithm is coming and you still didn't buy?

>> No.57180278
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>> No.57180316 [DELETED] 

You'll be dumped on

>> No.57180338

I didn't get much. Just out more fiat into Osmosis, Qanplatform and polyhedra

>> No.57180355 [DELETED] 

Coq inu for the culture

>> No.57180357


>> No.57180382

With the mainnet of qan so close, of course I got more faggot

>> No.57180391
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>> No.57180398

Solana shitcoins rugged the hell outta my bag

>> No.57180531

This is an absolute play right now. When web3 gets to find out the importance, it is going to moon hard.

>> No.57180538

I got liquidated leveraging BTC. Whales aren't your friend

>> No.57180550

I got some Proof of Randomness consensus algorithm projects. You wanna know? I ain't telling do some work and don't be lazy

>> No.57180563


>> No.57180567

NIST already has some recommendations for this, right?

>> No.57180630

Cosmos ecosystem is the alpha,anon.

>> No.57180646


>> No.57180692

Annalos was my worst hit

>> No.57180697

PoR combined the best of PoS and PoW which is kinda innovative

>> No.57180746

Nothing. Kek

>> No.57180750

SMRTR on avax, it's gonna go parabolic this run

>> No.57180751
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I know of falcon and crystals Dilithium as examples of the recommended algorithms for digital signatures

>> No.57180752

I panic sold, but I bought back in today.

>> No.57180757

COQ inu

>> No.57180762

KAVA, trying to get to living off of staking rewards

>> No.57180763
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Keep seething while my Qanx bag keeps pumping

>> No.57180784

Another doge derivative? NGMI

>> No.57180796

Stay poor shitter!

>> No.57180799
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This caters for both decentralisation and energy conservation well addressed.

>> No.57180808

OmniCat for me

>> No.57180820

Burnt one third of its total supply few weeks ago. Valhalla is coming

>> No.57180835

BTC and ETH. Others are just rugs waiting to happen

>> No.57180866


>> No.57180870

QRL and Qanplatform are known projects in this sector which are some of my best play

>> No.57180880

This rugged so many persons

>> No.57180925
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Deflationary tokenomics is the real deal atm, you don't want to fade this.

>> No.57180928

>Another doge derivative? NGMI
Nope. DOGI is the ORDI of DOGE.

>> No.57180931

Poorfag doesn't want to make it

>> No.57180944

It is one of the best developer friendly project with its hyperpolyglot feature

>> No.57180951

I bought more EGLD. It was on a fucking discount

>> No.57180966

That's a fact. I guess those chaps know how to pump their shit

>> No.57180976

Wagies don't understand

>> No.57180988
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People that faded qanx will be the losers of this year

>> No.57181004

Nothing related to Cosmos is Alpha...That piece of shit is centralized more than JP Morgan

>> No.57181006

What did you buy from yesterday's flash sale?
5k link,150 ICP, 15 SOL, 10k ROSE

>> No.57181036

>Or you panic sold
None of my stocks dipped actually.

>> No.57181043
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This is freaking insane...My blue chips bled out heavily and small caps such as Tara and Qanx dip for a few percent. WTF?

>> No.57181087

The price of Kava is on the dip since I heard about it. Are you sure that APY is not more harmful for the holders than a benefit?

>> No.57181105

What's that anon? Redpill me, I need some low cap shitcoin
They have more holders than traders in their communities...Idk

>> No.57181106

Actually I did buy to cover my AAPL shorts so I guess that counts.

>> No.57181120

As long this is not a 30k waiting room, I don't have a reason to buy or sell

>> No.57181151


>> No.57181158

Almost panic solded my ICPiss, then realised it was resisting more than expected and holded
Haven't bought anything in a week

>> No.57181161

Rose bro, wagmi

>> No.57181164

I think I’m gonna get in the cosmos ecosystem. Get some of that Osmo shit, get some Atom staked up in this muhfucka, maybe even finna scoop sum dat Injective my nigga.

>> No.57181191

I DCAed Link, Xtz, Qanx and Ixs. This is a long term game boyz, be pateint

>> No.57181223

Yes, we are good

>> No.57181262

Maybe they have the same goal but they are not the same... QRL is a ghost chain, nobody wants to build it there. QAN already has a use case on private blockchain...

>> No.57181281


no idea desu, it hasn't pumped as much as other coins, but it seems to be stable for a ~20% APY coin. the losses over the last 2 years seem to be highly correlated with the market, but it didn't pump as much as the other coins the last few weeks lol

>> No.57181292

For me, they look alike...What usecase do they have?

>> No.57181325

20% is not a joke... If you play right, it can be used instead of DCA...
Not at all. Quantum resistance is only a fragment of similarity, there are much better things on QAN besides that. I like more multi-lang feature. Alpine Esports is using a private blockchain, the rumor is that could expand to the F1 Alpine racing team...

>> No.57181345


>> No.57181380

So it's more than a sticker on the racing car..
Dude be careful, their team is staking truckloads of tokens and cashout rewards every month...

>> No.57181407

KUJI and INJ. Forget about the rest

>> No.57181558
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Haha, no panic selling here, bruh. Snagged some sweet deals on yesterday's flash dip.

>> No.57181571

I lost all my money so nothing =)

>> No.57181588

>Dude be careful, their team is staking truckloads of tokens and cashout rewards every month...

I'm not bothered with that. This is still an easy 10x if you are smart to know this.

>> No.57181649

>I don't have a reason to buy or sell
This is legit the ultimate time to level up your DCA game. You'll kick yourself later for not scooping up those based gems at a massive discount.

>> No.57181673
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No QVM and RWA gems?

>> No.57181750

Not sure of this but AIOZ DePIN gem and OCEAN AI project are among my top picks.

>> No.57181789

I'd suggest throwing in some BRC20 and QVM gems like QANX, SATS, and ORDI into your portfolio. That's where the current hype is buzzing, and it might spice up your portfolio nicely. You can stake some TIA too

>> No.57181843

>So it's more than a sticker on the racing car..
Hell yeah, bro. Serious sh*t is about to go down with their upcoming mainnet launch.

>> No.57181892

I experienced both loss and gains on the same day. You just have to be smart and play the crypto game.

>> No.57181972

Cartesi caused a stir, but the upcoming royalty rewards on QAN for devs got me hyped.

>> No.57181998

Their charts and milestones last year made me pay close attention to them. Another one worthy of note is Sei.

>> No.57182070
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why did NIST drop the recommendation for post-quantum cryptography algorithms on digital signatures? Seems like a puzzle in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.57182084

bought more BRETT because i'm not a nigger.

>> No.57182118
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Brace yourself, we are still going lower.

>> No.57182146
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Sounds like another scam

>> No.57182262

Whales are playing the game right now anon

>> No.57182295

that just means more buy opportunity.

>> No.57182319

Based. While most L1 gems shrugged off the dip like it was nothing, the vast majority of shitcoins got smacked hard.

>> No.57182373
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We've been hearing this for a good 2-3 years now. Kek. The saga continues, huh?

>> No.57182388

all roads lead to gongo

>> No.57182432

Just ride the smart money wave, play it cool, and you're bound to hit it big. Take a cue from the Qatari Royale family – they've got the degen game on lock.

>> No.57182560

Typical poor fags waiting for the market to go nuts before making a move. Meanwhile, we're sitting pretty with the sleeping giants like QANX, NEAR, AZERO, and EGLD.

>> No.57183054

ITT: brownoids brag about throwing $200 into absolute scams.

>> No.57184505

never heard of either, shill me. is inj any good?

>> No.57184840

I dunno, anon sounds like he's balls deep in leveraged trading so cares little for alts. I don't fuck with futures personally, but to each their own. Don't have the stones for it.

>> No.57184873

i am slowly dumping my osmo and atom bags week by week, unsure if this will be wise or not. i do plan to do it over the entire next year however.

>> No.57184963

I got a bunch of this myself recently. You feeling good about it still?

>> No.57185944

How many of these are bots/shills?
Same low res images with texts and random shilling that nobody cares about.
Been seeing this shit for years now on /biz/, does anybody actually fall for this?

>> No.57186283
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$Mouse, I'm already up x2.