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57177616 No.57177616 [Reply] [Original]

Does environment dictate your life success?

>> No.57177639

>what, they wont work, marry or have kids?
>bring in the immigrants, they'll do it.

>> No.57177642

yes and no
you can be the best and get aborted, your environment killed you
you can only do what is possible

the main treat is the state

>> No.57177703

Try to be successful in an active volcano.

>> No.57177720

Really though, it's the internet and video games that did this. The timing fits perfectly.

>> No.57177726

no, it is socialism that did this

>> No.57177744

Yes, environment and genetics dictate your life success. Luck can play a role also.

>> No.57177800

Genetics dictate success

the way you respond to environment is governed by genetics

parents allowing you to live as a neet wretch is also genetics

>> No.57178067

this is true i learn english playing MMOs and later in life i use the internet to make money

>> No.57178133
File: 293 KB, 370x480, 123566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent all my life in a competition with the rest. Is it easy? No, it's stressful as fuck. Is it logical? Fuck no, after 32 years i finally understood this is just the byproduct of how my shitty ass family raised me. Is it healthy? Nope, but i don't poison people with my shit anymore.
Would i change anything tho? Nope, not even go back and do it all again, i have my xor card, my bags, millions at my disposal, im in my fucking prime

>> No.57178187


My age group (xoomer for you fucking boomers) hates alcohol. Ages you faster, and makes you look like shit. We’re all unironically on the looksmaxxing wave. Sorry we don’t want to look like bloated miserable ugly middle managers at age 24

>> No.57178197

Reminder colty use to do gay4pay

>> No.57178204

Too broke for sex drive and alcohol sorry.

>> No.57178264
File: 69 KB, 489x640, 1696627379920743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not entirely, but to a large extent yes. Almost my entire family has fallen into various behavioral sinks and refuse to change anything about their environments to improve. I've tried to help two of them now and for the first one it's irrevocably ruined my relationship with him, and I'm giving up on the other early so that we can at least stay cordial. I never imagined that, after being asked for help, and providing help and encouragement, that I would be treated so bitterly and meanly. In both cases I wasn't enthusiastically positive about their parasocial relationships (youtube commentators and fox news hosts, respectively) and my god it was like I spat on their spouse.

Don't want that to be you? Construct for yourself a healthy environment. The first step is to remove advertising from your life to the maximum extent possible. The second is to get /fit/. The third is to accumulate wealth.

>> No.57178692

Want a job? It would be in your skillset and contiguous with your philosophy. comsec3444@proton.me

>> No.57178806

Zoomers are ageing worse than millennials though. There was literally an article about this a day or two ago.

>> No.57178809

Flattering but I've already put my glowing days behind me.

>> No.57178858

>flood all the civilized nations with low quality ugly brown people
>brainwash women into obesity and feminism
>wonder why no one gives a fuck about contributing

>> No.57178870

trying alcohol doesnt mean being a raging alcoholic retard

>> No.57178945

Thank you for the reply. I wish you personal clarity and power.

>> No.57178979

Because they are vaping

>> No.57178989

the huge drop starts at 2012, that's the first year when absolutely everyone was on facebook and had smartphone.

>> No.57179032

I mean it makes sense the phone is infinitely more stimulating and fun than all that shit in the OP

>> No.57179053

Environment actually has much to do with the kind of opportunities you get, even tho you're not limited to it.
Even more with how globalized life is right now.
even a 14 y/o in Nigeria can join in free to use like Beoble and farm rewards, get into web3 exchange for some other crypto currency tokens, and actually get their entry fee into markets.
So imo even tho environment might give you bonus, its your own capabilities which dettermine where the fuck you're actually ending.

>> No.57179134


>> No.57179179

Everything experiencing a massive dip in the OP isn't necessarily because of a lack of want but due to a lack of risk/reward balance. Your brain is primitive, it's not going to judge you for playing Civilisation for twelve hours instead of chasing pussy for that time. One of those is far more exhausting, requires far more effort.

It's a sad world we live in but 80% of people were destined for mediocrity either way, it's not like 2012 and the rise of soc media degenerated your average person. It just revealed who they always were. Evolved apes with a low risk tolerance and a high comfort preference.

>> No.57179181

sink in my room fu?

>> No.57179209


>> No.57179250

>the mainstream meteor published an article on it, it must be true!

>> No.57179305

The driving one is weird to me, it seems like 50-70% of zoomers I know refuse to drive.

>> No.57179313

Why would they? People drove before to escape the boredom of their homes. Everything is at home now. Phones, games, ubereats, socializing online

>> No.57179325

They are not driving until they get their lambo. Similar to no sex before marriage

>> No.57179349
File: 1.06 MB, 966x1000, candy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bro has never played Candyland.

You can place any player anywhere on the map and start the game this way. Say this is where you were born in life, the closer to the top the closer you are to success.

But it doesn't matter. Anyone from the bottom can pick the icecream cone card and be sent to the top. Anyone from the top can pick the evil peppermint and be sent down to poverty hell.

>> No.57179520

insurance in canada is like 8 grand a year for a 16-18 year old
what teenager gets a second job while going to high school just to pay for their car

>> No.57179732


>> No.57179821

> zoomers be like: "not gonna drink, too unhealthy"
> *jerks off to nigger rape fantasies for the 12th time that day*
> *slams a bang ultra goylop: ksi sponsored*
> *sends $20 of parents' money to ethot: "hey ever going to do interracial?"*

>> No.57180502

well that's a depressing graph, other than for the reduction in drinking which is a good thing.

>> No.57180512


No. There have been a trillion-gazillion studies on this.

The #1 thing that determines success is how rich/wealthy your parents are. Mainly because they can connect you with other rich people and send you to ivy league schools where you can network and all of your friends will also be rich.

>> No.57180545

Honestly, people chose to live this way.
The market is just giving them what they want.

What's normal anyway? Nothing keeps me from going outside.

>> No.57180552

People will end up in the same socioeconomic class as their parents

>> No.57180642

cars are creepy to me. especially when people attach too much personality to them

>> No.57180735

Video games and porn for men.
Social Media and Tinder for women.

It's so over.