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57166888 No.57166888 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57166937

the hek is happening here

>> No.57166950

strange tyrone crytpo token gets jeet shilled every time he goes to bed. its like the jeets wait til he goes to bed thaqn spam him token for some reason. you arent even in tyrones real telegram you scammer scumjeet

>> No.57166961

1. why does crypto communication always take place on telegram and
2. what us tue telegram

>> No.57167017

lmao what the hell are you talking

>> No.57167028

The fuck with the monkey

>> No.57167032

We can talk about crypto anywhere, not just on Telegram, he's a fuckin bastard

>> No.57167107

hey, normie are you tired of your life.
how do people here scam you unless you gave them your assets damn you

>> No.57167160

stupid scumjeets do you even know how to do the captcha with your bots? you dont? thats why you dumb jeets are manually typing your replies and looking stupid. stinky stinky stupid jeets off you go to poo poo street. no more shill scams for today, throw off building cuz you're gay

>> No.57167199

just an oldfag who doesn't know where he is the fuck

>> No.57167212

throw yourself scumjeets.. die poor idiot like you has no place in this world

>> No.57167226

go to hell you idiot, why are you here, you're not welcome here anyway lmao. Bsides no one can post here without taking the captcha

>> No.57167271

this place is full of shits the hell happened to all of you

>> No.57167288

Fuck, suck your dick

>> No.57167341

So you are one of the shit scumjeet..
stop acting like you are a pro

>> No.57167388

IMO he is not a monkey lol.
You didn't hear about TYRONE the grade 12 students that make a crypto coin

>> No.57167418

chill dude, it seems you are mad haha

>> No.57167457


>> No.57167463

maybe you are just jealous of him. coz you know he can make money while sleeping while you are not

>> No.57167485

sounds new to me pajeet.. where I can ape this coin

>> No.57167498

here https://app.uniswap.org/swap?&outputCurrency=0xc3bba536616c13121b0feff70ea887eb218ef080 you seem lost

>> No.57167542

Maybe you were right. Seems like crypto's the new playground

>> No.57167545


>> No.57167585


>> No.57167598

why it is nonsense to make money while sleeping lol..
I guess you can't generate income while sleeping IMO

>> No.57167630

Kids rn are talking about NFTs and trading instead of leveling up in fortnite

>> No.57167655

That's f*cking crazy, Why are they ditching controllers for crypto wallets

>> No.57167673

wdym controllers lol, or you must say joystick the fuck

>> No.57167705

It's the whole get rich quick vibe seeing stories of people making money in crypto and now they wanna catch that crypto wave

>> No.57167745

Maybe That man experienced the era of Super Mario.

>> No.57167767

Aren't they too young to grasp the complexities of cryptocurrency?

>> No.57167805

Why does it matter to you if they do? Focus on your own life

>> No.57167856

Your perspective will shift once you hold Tyrone.

>> No.57167883

I don't think so. That's a poop

>> No.57167952

Tyrone is a mini crypto wizard! He knows more than you do.

>> No.57167980

That's crazy so, it's like kids swapped the gaming skills for trading skills lol

>> No.57168012

Its like they learn to code before learning to write I cursive

>> No.57168036

Well, kids are definitely adapting to the digital world faster so better buy Tyrone now

>> No.57168057

Where can I see full details of Tyrone?

>> No.57168082

https://tyronescryptoproject.com/ invest what you can afford to lose pajeet

>> No.57168098

Pajeets lack the skills to conduct thorough research. Don't mind them

>> No.57168122

Yeah they are attention seekers

>> No.57168161

Tell them to ride TYRONE train

>> No.57168188

They are noobs you dont need them

>> No.57168207
File: 51 KB, 500x522, 79ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57168210

Everyone here is talking nonsense.

>> No.57168240

Just like you, cluttering this space with nonsensical moods.

>> No.57168264

You don't control this domain; I can do want I want. It's none of your business anyway

>> No.57168278

buy an ad you fucking tyrone nigger

>> No.57168290

Then buy Tyrone on Uniswap before it experiences a significant surge. Here is the link

>> No.57168294

New playground where I made couple of grand last year on QANX and NEAR which I used to buy my dream car, we go again this year

>> No.57168306

I don't care with you asshole