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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57159592 No.57159592 [Reply] [Original]

>economy transitions to communism lite and the economy never crashes
>kills himself
>the gubmit confiscates his gold afterwards

>> No.57159921

bonds have crashed already
all commercial banks are underwater
he just doesn't make money because he insists on betting on old solutions

>> No.57161677
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I like Peter, but I think he might be slightly retarded...

>> No.57161841
File: 383 KB, 980x897, 1702637303757523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having sex with Peter Schiff.

>> No.57162409

Peter Stiff

>> No.57162435

The Shiffmeister and his golden rod

>> No.57162623
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Imagine his ass stretched wide. I bet it's white and hairy, like a polar bear.

>> No.57164072

>wikipedia early life

>> No.57164368

>>the gubmit confiscates his gold afterwards
grow a pair and buy a gun faggot

>> No.57165483

The government would literally rather genocide every continent than become anything communist

>> No.57165497

t. 23 year old barista on a forum dedicated to capitalism

>> No.57166279


>> No.57167350

Id say its even worse. He has a business that makes it impossible for him to consider any alternative to gold and I say this as a gold owner.

>> No.57167375

>ancestor literally financed both the soviets and the nazis
>even housed trotsky at some point

>> No.57167461

Peter shciff is the only jew i like but aside from that he is not wrong gold will hold strong and Bitcoin is a game of hot potato with a grenade

>> No.57167574
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Hey, Peter.