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57163021 No.57163021 [Reply] [Original]

What can I buy right now that hasn't pumped already? Can you still make money in this market?

>> No.57163118

I'd fuck a heron. Like an actual one. Have you seen the wingspan on them? Incredible. It'd be a dream to get wrapped up in those feathery wings while I was balls deep in her 103F bird cloaca.

Buy Chainlink.

>> No.57163130

>Buy Chainlink
Already did at 34¢ newfag

>> No.57163132
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i was gonna watch this then i read the plot and it reminded me of my own deceased mother

>> No.57163181

good movie, seen it 3 times already

>> No.57163279

Yeah one of the best films I've ever seen.
Was genuinely surprised a decent original film has come out.

>> No.57163625


>> No.57163650

Such a weird movie. What's your take on it ?
It felt like I was stuck in a pretty fever dream.

>> No.57163666

its fucking terrible, by far the worst Miyazaki movie, I couldnt even believe it was his movie

you guys have dogshit taste
the movie had no plot
literally every other Miyazaki movie before this is a masterpiece, I dont know how its possible for him to have fallen off this hard

>> No.57163682

It was not good

>> No.57163711

i can confirm that trotelcoin has not been pumped

i may have signed a death warrant

>> No.57163760

What the actual fuck did I just read

>> No.57164026

>the boy and his heroin

i need glasses

>> No.57164532

There's a lot that hasn't really pumped but that's probably because they're shit coins like Link, XRP, Rose and Hbar. I have an xrp bag incase the lawsuit goes in their favor but honestly the SEC will just keep appealing until they win or Ripple collapses under court costs.

>> No.57165353

yeah this and Ponyo didnt do it for me, pretty much all the others are incredible

>> No.57166367
File: 56 KB, 1000x1000, f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in fact yeah. thought the market died or something but some of my $trump bags i had since august just had a 10x. there's still hope, ygmi anon

>> No.57167121

lmao. Why are linkies so hilarious?

>> No.57167131

Is there anything worth buying on kraken?
give me 1

>> No.57167217

It didn't need a plot. It was like an interprative amalgamation of his own career. Good commentary on life as a creator.