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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 250x250, REQMOON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5715104 No.5715104 [Reply] [Original]

>he didn't buy REQ when it was .05
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .10
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .15
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .20
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .25
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .30
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .35
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .40
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .45
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .50
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .70
>he didn't buy REQ when it was $1
>he didn't buy REQ when it was $5

>> No.5715119

yes. since 5 cents all in.

>> No.5715181
File: 183 KB, 600x600, 1514593982601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold half at 18 cents and the rest at 33 cents.

a-at least I still have my linkies

>> No.5715207

since .07 boi

>> No.5715256

haha nice dude whats that 14x? have you seen all the other coins mooning to fuck???????????? i like req but more money to be made (i bought xrb at 3k sats)

>> No.5715266

why does biz always get hyped for a coin after it moons?
it's literally up 60% today and now you're shilling it
happens every fucking time

>> No.5715294

what's your next coin?

>> No.5715325

how fucking new

>> No.5715359

We've been shilling it since it was <ICO price. Stay salty friend.

>> No.5715386

Newfag detected. REQ was shilled nonstop since ICO (and many dumbfucks actually made fun of us when we went BELOW ICO for like three weeks).

Anyone on /biz/ since October or earlier who missed REQ is a retard. At least they still have chance.

>> No.5715396

its gonna dip so bad lmao

>> No.5715479


What's it gonna dip to? Going suicidal waiting to buy back what I lost

>> No.5715560
File: 70 KB, 800x420, dog-smells-feet-and-gags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really hoping it dips hard around the time I get my income tax return. I'm expecting about $4000. My measly 3k REQ is not enough! I'll probably be pumping as much disposable income as I can into REQ between now and then of course.

>> No.5715831

gonna moon in the next week i think momentum is slowly rising

>> No.5715860

You are right, because nothing justifys this moon mission right now except people fomoing in...but hey i am in it since ico, so enjoy the ride

>> No.5715867
File: 201 KB, 1011x1484, elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I must acquire more REQ

>> No.5715868

There have been like 5 REQ threads in the catalog at any point in time for the last 2 months newfag.

>> No.5715883

This. 70 cents is insane for REQ.

Then again, ETH should be worth like a tenth of what is is now, so who knows.

>> No.5715905
File: 86 KB, 651x641, 90spepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got in at 5 cents and sold at 20-25, at least I have ICX, grats on the long holders who got in early.

>> No.5715972

sell walls coming down on KU massive support at 0.000939 ETH

>> No.5715981
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, Hot REQ and LINK OC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


REQ and LINK have been shilled for over a month ya newfag.

>> No.5716037
File: 55 KB, 680x545, link moon apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only difference is: it's not too late to buy LINK

>> No.5716046


I've been following req from the start and the whales always dump after a ath pump. Always. Why the fuck arent they dumping this time?

>> No.5716095


To be honest, there were huge sell walls before that we just couldn't break for weeks. The project has been receiving a lot of attention on social channels which probably made people buy in. There's a lot more eyeballs on REQ now.

>> No.5716107

Wtf? REQ was the only coin stable in my portfolio

>> No.5716125


But OP I have 50k REQ, I just bought in a little later than some.

>> No.5716135


Ok so do I buy in or wait for a dip? One of my crypto rules is to never buy on an ath, but FOMO is really hitting me. What's the new floor?

>> No.5716156


It had steady small gains but after a huge pump it would dip back down to the floor, or a little bit above it

>> No.5716158

Those shills are getting more and more creative. Gotta love internet.

>> No.5716166

Yeah exactly. No news, announcement...nothing...that were the only things REQ moved...but whatever, crypto is everything else than da and people just fomo in hard right now. I see a Floor at 4k sats right now

>> No.5716324

Heh I bought at that below ICO price and was told I got REQtd. Up 1300% today

>> No.5716332


>he didn't buy REQ when it was .05
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .10
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .15
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .20
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .25
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .30
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .35
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .40
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .45
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .50
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .70
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .75
>he didn't buy REQ when it was $1
>he didn't buy REQ when it was $5

don't worry guys you will get in soon it has to dip soon....r-r-r-right

>> No.5716429

this is such bullshit

>> No.5716448
File: 51 KB, 595x595, 1514439947157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5716563

>bought link instead of REQ
end me

>> No.5716637

I got into the ico thanks to /biz/ shilling it 3 weeks before. Pretending /biz/ has only just noticed it is total bullshit.

>> No.5716664

Then everyone made fun of us post ico. Look at them now.

>> No.5716726

how do We stop this madness

>> No.5716896

Gz anon great investment, I dropped the bags for xrp at like 15% gain haha

>> No.5717206

looks like it dumping hard now
smells like a classic pnd

>> No.5717729
File: 476 KB, 675x387, 1504283494905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5717824

REQ is already above 1$ on OKEX.

>> No.5717975

Newer update


>he didn't buy REQ when it was .05
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .10
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .15
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .20
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .25
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .30
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .35
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .40
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .45
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .50
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .70
>he didn't buy REQ when it was .75
>he didn't buy REQ when it was $1
>he didn't buy REQ when it was $5

>> No.5718008

It’s not $1 but fucking hell this rise is astronomical. Will it dip??

>> No.5718065

Everyone was wondering the same ever since it got above $0.33 which was the all-time high. It always "crashed" for a moment and then gain even more speed.

>> No.5718107

I’m only trading with pocket change (put £260 in) but that’s already gone to £440 in three days. Might as well hold and see where it’ll take me.

>> No.5718296

This is what’s fucking me. I sold at 33
and watched it fly to 40, waited for it to dip back to 33 but it never did, anon, it never did