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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57155458 No.57155458 [Reply] [Original]

Yet you're watching this x100 from the corner

this is why you're poor

>> No.57155559

user acquisition

>> No.57155571
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My Solid is Solid

>> No.57155593
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Those are the right numbers.

>> No.57155627

What's stopping it from rugging like it did last time

>> No.57155633

Lmao that ratio is horrendous

>> No.57155635

New team that actually gives a shit. They're #2 on FTM and beating Sushiswap already. Rugging now would be like killing your golden goose.

They also got accepted for Chainlink's CCIP and some Fantom grant program. These guys are not hacks.

>> No.57155644

Ye, i already sold enough to break even and expect max 20-30x from current price.

>> No.57155729

Current pace just seems way too good to be true. Also with all this interest incl link ccip just no discussion of solid outside biz. Seems bizarre

>> No.57155738

Its early, once it hits CT its going to $20

>> No.57155756

Hope you're right anon

>> No.57155915

How does the solidly yield farming work? Do i just add liquidity to the highest APY pool? I've heard the risk is low, is that true? Are the rewards in SOLID?

>> No.57155961

>Seems bizarre
>the exact same sentiment people had about LINK at 0.20¢

>> No.57155991
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Because /biz/ is full of autists that research crypto projects while the rest of the world is invited to new years eve parties.
Its about the fastest growing dex on ETH, the current low price cannot be sustained with this situation kek

>> No.57156024

Amazing to see the progress
What's the website you got this screenshot from? Looks useful to keep track

>> No.57156043

>fastest growing
>other one in screenshot grew faster

>> No.57156064

Assuming you're talking about Dodo, they are not new. They have been around for years.

>> No.57156092

Dodo has been washtrading most of their volume since forever, they are chinese

>> No.57156751
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Solid has all these great partnerships. $150 end 202

>> No.57157098

i've deposited liquidity on the WETH-SOLID pair, how the hell do you get the rewards now lol this site is all over the place

>> No.57157199

First time defi? Rewards are added to your LP stack

>> No.57157346

On Fantom the rewarder is being fixed now, should be live before next epoch flip
On Eth, rewarder pushes the rewards each X hours, you can check the timer and claim after the latest rewards are published

>> No.57157375

yeah lmao have fun dealing with il and paying fees on mainnet for your four figure lp position when interacting

>> No.57157387

ALM integration coming soon, so no need to manually manage CL

>> No.57157411
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>see OPs thread
>"Wow actually a good find for once, let me look into it further"
>sees pic related
every fucking time... why do these devs always give themselves 90% of the supply? this smells like a scam because of it

>> No.57157431

They are permanently locked you fucking cunt

>> No.57157440

if theyre "permanently locked" then why the fuck would they make them in the first place? stupid answer

>> No.57157460
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>> No.57157473

youre making this seem like more of a scam by not answering genuinely and just screaming "stay poor" to anyone trying to do a small amount of due diligence

>> No.57157478

They are locked and not even held by the team, you learning about it now does not mean it is a big conspiracy against you.

>> No.57157508

that doesnt make sense. why would they create tokens just to lock them away? im not saying its a conspiracy i just want to know why 90% of the tokens are just floating around out there. its a reasonable question for any sane investor

>> No.57157535
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Not gonna buy your bags
Go home

>> No.57157537

nope been messing with defi since not long after Uniswap came out. I'm just used to extra incentives on top of the LP fees being dispersed separately. thanks anyway anon
i see it now kek just not used to this particular reward system. thanks anon

>> No.57157601

>How is Uniswap $4.5b marketcap and Solidly is $11.5m

The same reason a Porsche is 300k, but the cardboard box with paper plates i duct taped together in my backyard is 10cents.

>> No.57157619

There are reasons but 4chan thinks my answer is spam and i am too lazy to reword it

but in general veSOLID (locked) pays apr, so many people locked in last 2 years

>> No.57157636

do you have links to a whitepaper or gitbook docs? i cant find anything about the token lockup

>> No.57157642

GTF outta here with your SOLID shills.

SOLID is a bullshit project gaslighting everyone into thinking they're all gonna make it, wen in fact only ROOSH and the insiders control over 50% of all locked veSOLID!

You're basically making them richer by locking SOLID. You're gonna get dumped on, ANON.

They launched on Fantom and price is up only because they fucking forgot to implement rewards for LPs and voters. Check the discord. They ban people who demand REWARDS ASAP, even old OGs.

That's why the discord is full of fucking ass lickers, they ban everyone who speaks critically of them.

DON'T get involved in the Roosh propaganda. He and the main dev are fucking psychos and the community is retarded.

>> No.57157651


but i think they didn't update too much, read abot ve33 solid forks, their lockup has the same logic

>> No.57157655

Even the team is suggesting not locking any new tokens rn, as otc locked price is way cheaper

>> No.57157669

thanks, unfortunately looks like a bit too much inflation for my tastes

>> No.57157687

>Itt: pajeet shills

>> No.57157768

Is 80 solid coins good to have? I sold half my networth to buy

>> No.57157785

6% per year?

>> No.57158686
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>anks, unfortunately looks like a bit too much inflation for my tastes
6% per year for SOLID tokens, 0% for VESOLID. 95% is permalocked. 82m emitted on 100m total emissions.

It is just the BEST Tokenomics on crypto brother.

>> No.57158749

>It is just the BEST Tokenomics on crypto brother
either you dont research a lot of projects or youre an idiot. there are projects that are deflationary and don't do token lockups. this is far from the best

>> No.57158793

Deflationary tokenomics do not incentivise staking or locking your own tokens so people are less likely to sell, seems to me like you haven't researched your actual economics behind the tokenomics kek.

>> No.57158815

It's the worst of all other solidly forks out there. No voting rewards, not a single fuckin reason to lock. Do you think anyone in their right mind will baghold this shitcoin in the bull market when there are hundreds of other sharks waiting to dump on you?

wake up, anon.

>> No.57158835

locking up your tokens is about the dumbest thing you can do in crypto. when it comes time to sell you get left holding the bag. many such cases, but you must be new here so you get a pass

>> No.57158968
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>st of all other solidly forks out there. No voting rewards, not a single fuckin reason to lock. Do you think anyone in their right mind will baghold this shitcoin in the bu
Apparently so, the x14 the solid token just did announces to all others that YOU are the RETARD

>> No.57158986

Exception done when thelocked token has an utility e.g. vesolid receive 20% of all voted LP which is massive + 0% inflation

>> No.57159064

Yes, Solidly still very much under the CT radar. Over 90% of tokens are locked for 4 years. With such low liquid supply Solidly is going to go parabolic once it gets in the sporlight.

>> No.57159082

Also 100% of the voter bribes for the pool.

>> No.57159111
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I mean, people have to start noticing at some point when a new name appears in the tickers. Sushiswap is a big name and they're currently above it. They're pulling 22.5m in volume on the daily. And that is supposedly without muh CT. Quite impressive.

>> No.57159203

Buddy im in crypto to get 1000% gains not 20%. If Solidly goes up 10000% and im locked up im fucked when the bullrun ends… and all for a measly 20%? Again locking up is retarded

>> No.57159206

what does have to do with the project being a fucking scam?
Do people in this thread know anything about Roosh? He can manipulate the price as he wishes. Of course it did 10x+ since the liquidity was so thin.

Anons, check the holder list, check the buys on dextools/dexscreener, see what type of wallets pumped this shitcoin.

It will NEVER get traction since its main utility, locking to get rewards, is doomed! The veSOLID distribution is skewed to Roosh and Solidly team. They own 50%+ of the locked supply.

No one will lock this crap for 4 years expecting any reasonable income.

>> No.57159306

Don't lock then, buy locked at 1/8th of the liquid price

Or don't... whoever bought a week ago is now happily counting their profits, all fudders are just mad they missed their chance.

>> No.57159402

So what's the deal with the 2 versions out there? The Fantom Solidly went to zero and the Eth one is exploding. Why is a Fantom exchange project on Eth instead of FTM? What happened to the original that was backed by Cronje? I'm just starting to look into this so forgive me if I have it all wrong.

>> No.57159439

original was buggy, andre abandoned it
another team forked and fixed it, and launched on eth
now eth version goes multichain

>> No.57159440
File: 9 KB, 188x269, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this thread anon, it was the one that set off this run, full of schizo tidbits and red pills. Should answer everything.


>> No.57159453

>"haha fudders just mad, stay poor"
the death knell of the scammer

>> No.57159455
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>liquid price
>Or don't... whoever bought a week ago is now happily counting their profits, all fudders are just mad they missed their chance.
pure FUD from Kolkata, India. Roosh didnt buy one single solid from $0.2 to $3.8.
What you say about the solid distribution is a lie too
Stay seething.. and a poorfag.. MEOW

>> No.57159465

>How is Uniswap $4.5b marketcap and Solidly is $11.5m
go look at the size of the uniswap treasury and you will have your answer

>> No.57159467

well you fudders managed to make me take out my initial after 2xing

>> No.57159485

You gotta start somewhere. 1000 was the suicide stack. Too much uncertainty honestly to go deeper

>> No.57159491
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>> No.57159493
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Reiterating what another anon posted yesterday.

Andre bridged his vesolid NFT from v1 to v3. I don't want to sound like a schizo but that does sound like a silent endorsement. It checks out what some anon said in the OG thread.

Imagine the exposure once he publicly endorses it.

>> No.57159494

congrats, you already made 5x in a few days by not listening to these shills telling you to lock up your tokens for 20%

>> No.57159497

Thanks, and thanks for the link to that thread. I found some articles on Medium that explained it.

>> No.57159508
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dont fall for the bait nufags

>> No.57159524

Fucking lol

>> No.57159535
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>> No.57159548
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The only reason this person is pink is because he's coping that he's priced out, kek.

>> No.57159570

>makes a token with a locking mechanism
>tells you not to do it
this just makes them sound incompetent anon

>> No.57159582


If they say lock - they are scummy
if they say don't lock - they are also scummy

no winning there i suppose

>> No.57159655

no i didnt say telling you to not lock up is scummy, in fact its pretty honest of them.... but it still makes them seem incompetent like they don't have a plan and are just doing whatever

>> No.57159670

I haven't done DeFi for a while. How do I buy? On Solidly.com it looks like you should do a WFTM pair but that doesn't make sense because it's an Ethereum token isn't it? Also Solidly.com/swap doesn't show me the token addresses I'm interacting with so how do I know it's the right Solidly?
Apparently 1inch and Paraswap won't allow people in the US to trade. There are no CEXes?

>> No.57159676

hi seraph

>> No.57159692

ETH(from anywhere, read page one of how to crypto)
ETH Wallet
Dex (Kyber, Uni, most of them, Metamask's built in aggregator sells it too)

>> No.57159713


>> No.57159724

>They ban people who demand REWARDS ASAP,
No they dont, they banned one guy who wouldnt shut the fuck up about it after being told the ETA. Suck a cock nigger.

>> No.57159736

Yes this is what solid fudders look like and sound like, thats correct.

>> No.57159741

Buy on solidly.com for the best fees
buy this way if you want to waste money for no reason.

>> No.57159767
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That was last weeks thread, and people will keep on fudding even though they have no idea what's the end game.

>> No.57159774

So I need to get a Fantom wallet, get FTM in there somehow, swap FTM for WFTM and then swap WFTM for SOLID. Yes? All I have is MetaMask and Coinbase wallet and some ETH. I don't usually defi.

>> No.57159784

You can swap on Etherum as well, no need to bridge to Fantom

>> No.57159795

No, go to solidly.com and swap WETH for SOLID and youre done.

>> No.57159808
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>> No.57159829

OK thanks. WETH wasn't showing up for me on solidly.com/swap until I connected my wallet.

>> No.57159846

Yeah itll get smoother as its updated, but the base functionality is there on mainnet, welcome to the family bro, enjoy your solids.

>> No.57160333

Thanx hun 4 lookin out 4 every1s financial well-being
It's anons like you who r gr8
Butt I decided to ignore absolutely every but of fud you post on biz because you refuse to join the rocket launch and are a bitter fat mongloid
I literally just bought more to add to my stack to spite you

>> No.57161702

Retard here. How do I "wrap ether" from coinbase lol

>> No.57161728

Idk if you can, just get it off cb and into your wallet and use a dex (like solidly because its the cheapest.) It's basically a free swap from ETH to WETH.

>> No.57161755

The way I do it is through Solidly.
With ETH in your account and your wallet connected to Solidly, Swap ETH for WETH the wording will change from swap to wrap.
Last time it cost me about $3.40 to wrap the ETH

>> No.57161876

Thank you kind anons. I've been in this shit since 2016 and have never actually tried this lol. I hate buying now though.

Do you think we'll see a minor correction? I don't understand TA

>> No.57161910

TA really isn't useful with small caps like this, I'd be careful waiting too long because its still in price discovery and true value once its all online is far above single digit prices. Get into the discord and look around for sentiment there and on twitter and here, watch ETH and BTC and if they look like theyr gonna rally again its probably safe to buy, if they look weak and like theyre entering a dump phase best to wait because there will likely be some sells.

>> No.57162001
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straight to $20 end january

>> No.57162037

Do you still save money when swapping from SOLID to weth or should you just swap it straight to eth since you still have to unwrap it otherwise anyway?

>> No.57162104

You'll get a better rate going to WETH first, because thats whats in the liquidity pool.

>> No.57162444

I mean locked solidly gets a share of fee revenue, aswell as being able to vote on LP emissions, which if you provide LP, is more, nonvested solidly. Not really a big deal to vest either, you can always trade OTC if you really want to dump your bags.

>> No.57162683

eth works fine, the contract wraps it into weth automatically. you do need to pay the wrapping fee though about $2. there is no difference in price between eth or weth anymore, test it yourself.

>> No.57162701

swap between weth and eth and see if the SOLID amount changes (it doesnt). eth works fine.

>> No.57163617

I simply fade any token with %97 remaining supply ready to be dumped on. FDV is +330m

>> No.57163727


Nice FUD but
95% is permalocked. 82m emitted on 100m total emissions.

It is just the BEST Tokenomics on crypto brother.

>> No.57163924

It's 2024 and this dumb nigger doesnt know what vote escrow is.

>> No.57164043

just buy solid thru coinbase wallet with eth. search solidly in the cb search bar, and at the bottom, it'll say "buy with coinbase wallet." set up your wallet, send eth to your wallet, wait 10 minutes for funds to transfer, swap eth for solid. 0 coinbase fee, and you'll pay around $10 for gas.