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57157698 No.57157698 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you just quit your job and go travel?

>> No.57157705

Lack of money and abundance of niggers.

>> No.57157708

thanks anon just quit and traveled to the nearest homeless camp

>> No.57157710

I did quit my job but travelling is boring af bro
I went to Egypt it was okay I guess

>> No.57157723

I will if I make it, till then it's once or twice a year to Japan

>> No.57157733

thats one of the worst places to go anon... just a bunch of scammers

>> No.57157735

that's my plan after I make it

>> No.57157743

Pointless to travel if I have to go back to work

>> No.57157747

i did it when i was 26
i fucked a lot of useless bitches and lost a lot of precious time (and money)

don't do it unless you paid your house and have great skills to get a job once you are done wasting your time in a shitskin country

>> No.57157758

i'm not a wagecuck so i first would have to get a job in order to quit it

>> No.57157896

I plan on doing bald and bankrupt teir videos when i lose the rest of my weight. would you anons sub and hit he bell button?

>> No.57157909

There are so many tryhards doing this now it's unreal. Even some of the guys he features are complete cockheads.

>> No.57157937
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because that would take away my travel money, so I couldn't do shit, and I can't leave a weight this big to my SPX bags, I need at least 2 years to get out of my house without being broken

>> No.57157952

I'm going to quit my job in July 1st and go travel.

>> No.57157955

I am not a woman

>> No.57157985

This. Every normie and their dog wants that sweet v-logging lifestyle now, shits over buddy. Its a nice pipe-dream though, being a little internet star as you coast about on easy mode kek

>> No.57158040

I need money to travel.

>> No.57158051

because Yurop has become just as "diverse" as where I am now

>> No.57158065

I have a fully remote job and make very good money.
I was thinking about doing it, but tough to support my gf through it and also realized I am not a roastie.

>> No.57158078

yeah I know that now kek
but a country of scammers was still interesting to see I guess

>> No.57158119

travel is overrated
>bro the egypt pyramids
>bro the memetower and cathedrals in Paris
>bro the X,Y and Z in Rome it's so heckin cool and awesome!
>bro just go to some middle-east shithole, they are so diverse and nice (they shit on the streets and rape white female tourists)!
I'm in for a trip with the bros or something but I'm just ok with the place where I am.
It's a thing older people in europe do. Once they retire what do you do, rot in front of the TV for the rest of your life? That's when the craving for travelling starts so you see old fat people moving their lard mass around the world.
I would also add that I'm an uncultured clueless animal so I wouldn't appreciate why a church is so cool and unique and reddit and whatever.
You might also make the case that those things might perish one day, like Venice going under water (kek) or something but I honestly don't care, all those places have already been designed to retain and scam tourists, they are just not the same.
Guess the jews won.

>> No.57158159

>I am not a roastie
Come on bro. That's weak. Don't pretend living an average ordinary life is better because
>heh not a roastie heh
You're just too scared to make the step. Stop lying to yourself
>t. Living abroad for over 20 years. 15 different countries. WFH in China rn

>> No.57158185

>once i lose the rest of my weight, my real life begins

>> No.57158224

That shit is Roastie tier. I spent a few months in Diani Beach, Kenya recently getting absolutely white festishized by every skinny little qt. Literally every girl aggressively hits on you there. Being an average white guy there is like being a 10 18yo girl in the US
I also bought a cheap Chinese motorbike in Pakistan and spent 3 months riding it across the Northern Territories.
I've done lots of other shit. Egypt is a fuckong shithole and you get worn out by the scammers after 1 day.
Paris and Rome are for women.

>> No.57158272

I scuba dive every weekend off our boat and kiteboard when the seas are too rough.
I don't think my quality of life would improve elsewhere.
Looks cool, but trying to start a family in the next few years as well.
I would like to buy a 44 lagoon and sail around a lot of the world with them.

>> No.57158314

Fair enough. Travelling is not for everyone.
There's roastie instagrammaxxing and there's adventure that attracts a certain kind of man. Don't confuse the two is all

>> No.57158328
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i did quit my job and started a SaaS company for income, and i did the travel thing. i have no complaints about it, i think anons in this thread are just jaded that traveling to a foreign country didn't fix their depression (it wont)
that being said my grandma lives alone and i dont want to abandon her completely to fuck impoverished thai pussy for a year

my "bucket list" is to do a 2 month trip through the mediterranean
>spain probably barca
>some eastern euro shithole on the adriatic
>greece for them ruins and islands
>istanbul because we must RETVRN TO ROMA
>some middle east shithole because why not
>tunisia maybe
mostly i just want to see some ruins and drink near the beach, but somewhere besides mexico although i do like bumming around mexico

>> No.57158344

What the hell I moved there as a minimum wagie its really not that hard

>> No.57158352

why not go to a Micronesian paradise?

>> No.57158358

>>spain probably barca
>>some eastern euro shithole on the adriatic
>>greece for them ruins and islands
>>istanbul because we must RETVRN TO ROMA
>>some middle east shithole because why not
>>tunisia maybe
Tits or gtfo

>> No.57158362

If I didn't have a gf I probably would.
I don't think she'd be down for the type of adventure I'd want to persue.
She'd 1000% want to roastie instagrammmaxxxx

>> No.57158374

I've traveled enough to know that I don't really enjoy it. Especially not the "visit a random European city and walk from tourist trap to tourist trap along with all the other miserable zombies" kind. I like being home, so I'd rather save my money and buy a nice house.

>> No.57158375

lol why did you sperg out like that

>> No.57158413
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what girl on this planet wants to visit tunisia anon. also

>> No.57158475

For me, I love to travel because I exercise maximum freedom. I always travel alone so I can wake up with a skinny qt, drink a good coffee, and think to myself
>hmmm should I stay one more night or go? How do I feel rn?
And if I feel yes, I get on my motorbike and take a relaxed coastal ride for like 6 hours to the next destination. There I meet some cool people, fuck some new qt, swim for an hour at sunset and reflect on life and reality
Unironically, this is what I love. And also why I never travel with anyone. It's this maximum freedom that many people have but so few exercise

>> No.57158485

How do you start a SaaS. I'm currently a remote fullstack dev and have no idea what to do.

>> No.57158547

It's euro middle aged roastie ground zero anon. They go there for the Arabs who drip old school chivalry over them, fuck the shit out of them and then manipulate them into getting married so they can move to Europe
Tunisia might sound exotic to an American but it's a budget cheapo holiday to euros. I've been there myself, idk what you're looking for but whatever it is, you won't find it there. The most idyllic Arabia is Oman. Stunningly beautiful, extremely safe and friendly. You can rent a land cruiser for $40 per day, fill it up for $10. Buy a tent and drive all over the country wild camping. Don't go to Tunisia mate

>> No.57158555

you're asking the wrong guy because i currently have no customers, but...
>have business idea
>write backend code
>use a registered agent to create an LLC so you have an EIN number, so you can open a business bank account
>open a bank account and fill it with money to pay for cloud hosting expenses or other expenses
>deploy a dev instance
>integrate with whatever third-party systems you need, like Stripe or an email provider or AWS or whatever
>write front-end code
>rewrite everything once your goals change in a month
>have a complete clusterfuck of spaghetti code
>say fuck it and deploy a prod instance
>desperately start blasting out marketing emails to your target clients so you can get at least one user and not feel like a lose <----- I AM HERE
>make money

>> No.57158591

I'll just go to Oman later on anon. your flights are cheap as fuck and its only a couple hours from my other destinations, and as you said, it sounds exotic to me.

>> No.57158609

>your flights are cheap as fuck and its only a couple hours from my other destinations
Fair enough anon. Don't fuck an Arab, marry him and bring him back to the US

>> No.57158646

seems unlikely

>> No.57158656

lol youre gonna get sex trafficked and be licking saudi asshole by the end of the year
unless you are fat/ugly. in that case, enjoy your travel anon!

>> No.57158736

i am average looking average height irish-american, not worth trafficking

>> No.57158758

I`m not a white middle class 1st worlder woman

>> No.57158770

traveling is mindless consumerism and a means by which idiots escape their self-induced problems (which is why it's popular with women, who are biologically incapable of solving their own problems.)

>> No.57158779

Anywhere besides America is a shit hole and this is coming from someone who has travelled the world

>> No.57158845

Thanks anon. I’m starting this journey as of last week. What tech stack did you use?

>> No.57158855

The yearning for adventure is what made the white man conquer the world, colonise the new world and your ancestors set out across an ocean unironically fearing sea monsters all to end up with you ending their bloodline, with your diabetes medication, social anxiety and your cope that travel is consumerism anyway

>> No.57158872

i'd traffic you bb

>> No.57158947


>> No.57158983

I need a new mobercycle and more eurobux.

>> No.57159021

I had this old boomer teacher in high school and there was this poor kid in my class that wasnt doing well and the teacher asked her why she doesn't come in for extra help and she's like i cant i have a job and the boomer looks at her and goes "oh well why don't you just quit your job?" Lol she didn't get how bad things are these days.

>> No.57159026

He was asking to groom her. Many such cases.

>> No.57159481

that was back when the world was under-developed, full of unknowns, and able to be exploited.

>> No.57159528

Why the hell would you go to Egypt? I love traveling and my favorite places are Thailand, Mexico City, and Colombia. They have good food and loose women.

>> No.57159566

I did. I went to Asia for a year. Now i'm back home and working is even worse and more painfull than before

>> No.57160471
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so many women ITT but not a single pair of pixelated tiddies

>> No.57161943

no money obviously.

>> No.57161957

No money. I just quit because I was getting treated like shit at this warehouse job.

>> No.57161969

I traveled extensively in my 20’s. Eventually I realized everywhere is basically the same. The world has been throughly paved.
I don’t care to do much traveling anymore

>> No.57161981

i did quit my job and travelled for 13 months the past 2 years. was really good would recommend.

>> No.57161986

I'm not a woman

>> No.57161998

I did then came back and am now homeless and unhirable

>> No.57162009

>that one anon who always has that 1 retarded suggest you havent tried/travelled to that would make travelling worth it and not a stupid waste of time

fucking die

>> No.57162155

where you going anon?

>> No.57162190

I'm two mil nw and even I don't allow myself such a luxury.

>> No.57162207

>poor whiteys scared of black boys

>> No.57162653

what are you gonna do now?
t. ready to quit my shitty job also

>> No.57163286

Hope CCIP comes out Q1 and sell for like 20k. NEET until staking rewards are lucrative. If all else failed go to a temp agency or do doordash.

>> No.57163633

I'm considering it but there's really no point anyways.

>> No.57163670

>when i lose the rest of my weight.

alos i might sub but i will not hit the bell button. only project farm gets the bell button because i want to be first to the good tool deals.

>> No.57163872

I haven't made it yet. Simple as.

>> No.57163938

Checked and this. Traveling is fucking fun if you do it right. In no particular order
>fuck foreign qts
>unironically eat delicious food and often drink cheap but good alcohol
>learn other languages
>hiking, backpacking, biking, skiing, adventuremaxxing
>unironically become more worldly and cultured by learning about the art, history and ways of life on other parts of this planet outside your little shithole in Niggerville USA
>do it all over again and again
There's so much to experience you would need 10 lifetimes desu, but it's not for everyone. Helps to be at least a chadlite who can bang qts pretty easily though.

>> No.57164363

Best of luck to you anon

>> No.57164780
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health issues. need to waggie for insurance of just kill myself

>> No.57164877

I want to sex travel all over Africa but I never even left my state and wouldn’t know where to begin

>> No.57164925

>my life isn't ordinary because... I live in China!!
So do billions of very ordinary chinamen

>> No.57165321

based take, travelling is massively overrated and basically just a ruse from credit card companies to entrap young morons

>> No.57165326

lol americans

>> No.57165375

How is Japan?
I'm working remote now for about $4500 take-home, with another $2100 passive.
I was thinking about heading to the Philippines for a few months because of the cost of living, but Japanese women are... not jungle asians.

>> No.57165465

I'm a Bong and I live up in a tree house in the Amazon jungle with Bozo Kagua tribe
You: but that's ordinary for the Bozo Kagua tribe

>> No.57165544

So I guess if I travel to another dimension and go live there it's not interesting because a bunch of people are already living there too?

>> No.57165667

China is not another dimension anon, you are choosing to live as an outsider in a creepy polluted country on the other side of the earth because its cheaper there and they have authentic tea or some shit.

>> No.57165800

barca was the biggest letdown imaginable.
The beach is ok, although there are some decent Michelin star restaurants, if you are REALLY into Picasso especially his earlier work, the Picasso museum might be worth it, everything else is a scam.

If you're broke consider going there in September during correfoc, all entries are free then.

>> No.57165834

Every mainstream travel destination is underwhelming. The entire world has been commodified.You are just shuffled from one "experience" to another while brown people try to gouge money out of you.

To find anything real you need to explore for 3 to 6 months and unfortunately I have children, responsibilities and don't have the financial freedom to jeopardise my job.

That said I will head to Japan next year, might be my last opportunity before it gets globalised.

>> No.57165856

Japan is already pretty over rated and commodified, at least from the typical tourist perspective. I believe you will get more out of trips there if you actually learn how to speak and read the language.

>> No.57165963
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That's the plan, anime and manga can only take you so far though.

>> No.57166115

How to bang foreign cuties?

>> No.57166141

>China is not another dimension anon
You've obviously never been here then. I live in Chongqing, it's the biggest city in the world and looks straight out if Bladerunner. Look up the images. I can walk around the city all day and not see one foreigner

>> No.57166157

How is Chinese pussy

>> No.57166554

I’m convinced Kenya is Thailand for high test guys. I’d love to go there and pound some tall ebonies with my bwc. But I also like first world conviences like hot showers and drinkable water so probably won’t happen

>> No.57166588

>no drinking water and hot showers in Kenya
Anon, you can't be that stupid. Search Diani Beach Kenya in booking.com

>> No.57166611

I think an unfilled niche is someone who isn’t a cookie cutter reddit s*yboy doing a travel vlog. The closest I’ve found is kurt caz who seems like a low key racist and always has a brown whore on his arm

>> No.57166628

because I would rather learn skills then do mean-less travel

>> No.57166634

>kurt caz
Watchable, but his rant against passportbros was white knight/onions af

>> No.57166643

whats your current networth?

>> No.57166660

>I have never left my village but I learned a new skill
What a bad ass anon. Really living life

>> No.57166715

Haven’t watched his videos in over a year but that’s unfortunate. It proves my point though that a non lefttard travel vlogger is a niche waiting to be filled

>> No.57166745

Lift, buy nice clothes and learn game. Practicing asshole game is great while traveling since you're just going to leave eventually.
800k americuck bucks with the last ICP pump
bullish capcha desu

>> No.57167320

vagrant holiday was based but he quit youtube

>> No.57167381

>Why don't you stop being a productive member of society and become a dead weight for the rest of the world?
KYS globhomo.

>> No.57167435

>poor nigger doesn't get that it's not about fear but disgust

>> No.57167453

I figured. Unless you're in some African jungle living amongst the tribe it's gonna be pretty similar

>> No.57167455

>a non lefttard travel vlogger

pretty sure Bald & Bankrupt is far from a leftoid. Don't think he's anywhere close to altright/having good opinions but definitely not left

>> No.57167476

You should start it when fat
Then evolve to a fit fucker

>> No.57167658

Interesting. I live in for cheap in the Midwest and would love to see the ocean and maybe visit Florida. Just my “make it” dreams.. maybe Switzerland could also be nice for its natural beauty and the green mountains. I wouldn’t want to visit Asia or South America because there are too many brown people lol.

>> No.57167908

I've been living abroad for 4 years, at least a dozen countries and all I want to do now is just go home. I will tour asia though before I hang up the hat. It's just weird constantly being a foreigner and not belonging anywhere.

>> No.57167918

I did. It was cool but travel gets old after a while. I'll still try to see every fine art museum but for now I'm taking an extended break before I go back to Europe.

>> No.57168071

I went to egypt 10 years ago and don't think I saw a single woman

>> No.57168515

I tried this and just ended up getting drunk all the time and wasting my money

>> No.57168587

I can answer that. Boring. I lived there and banged a literal 10 Chinese barbie. Worst sex ever. They are lifeless.

>> No.57168737
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Unless youre under the age of 25 aimless traveling is for people with no direction in life who just want to distract themselves from their own emptiness. You meet the saddest lost puppy dogs traveling and its depressing

>> No.57168815

I want to quit my job but travel is a waste of time and for instathots and brown people. I just want to be anything but wageslaving. I am so allergic to work, the only times I’ve felt genuine peace and happiness in my adult life has been between jobs. I have 25k saved and once I’ve saved 130k (hopefully 2.5 years time- I live a kike- tier frugal existence) I will quit wageslavery for good, just go as far as I can on savings till my luck runs out kinda like sky god.

>> No.57168827

I go to thailand 2-3x a year just to fuck young girls, as a white man you are like a god there

>> No.57168949

I do this but unless you’ve legitimately made it you have to be ok with shouldering the psychological burden of being a fucking loser who keeps running from himself.

I’m 33 and I’ve been job hopping my entire life, but I’ve fucked 220 girls/hookers and spent 2 years in Thailand. As long as I max my Roth every year, and maintain a 6 month emergency fund. I feel ok with fucking off whenever it’s feasible.

I’m not gonna get married, have kids, or retire in America so I think I’ll be fine

>> No.57169140

had long term relationships with all three: korean, chinese and japanese.

best for sex was korean, worst japanese
best for conversation was japanese, worst chinese
best for housekeeping was japanese, worst was korean

I can go on for a while
ultimately nothing worked out, but they all rimmed my asshole on various occassions

>> No.57169435

don't bother anymore, it's oversaturated by faggots like this anon >>57158328

>> No.57169581

>as a white man you are like a god there
no you're not, it adds like 1 point to your smv. If you're a 4 in the west you're a 5 in asia