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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57157352 No.57157352 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57157364

Asia going to bed. America will decide whether or not they want to begin the greatest crab the world has ever seen or if they want to continue the pump. Im betting on the former.

>> No.57157369


>> No.57157372

It'll dump hard

>> No.57157396

Buying the rumor is over, now comes selling the news.

>> No.57157407
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>> No.57157621

the etf creation is priced in
guess what will happen once it is postponed/rejected?

>> No.57157646

is going up right now

>> No.57157805

>America will decide

i remember 20/21 bullrun literally every day without fails when burgers woke up it would dump. 100%. it was even a meme on here for a while

>> No.57158257

ok oldfag

>> No.57158400

because Nasdaq is dumping hard, because of Apple or some shit idk

>> No.57158404
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America dump???

>> No.57159913
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because we still have to pay for our sins for not having been here before, since creation, or at least that's what my XOR card told me.

>> No.57159967
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>Muh etfs will be rejected
>Muh asia going to bed
>Muh americans and muh jews
It's January you dumb fucks. Whales sell. Lots literally decide to quit and retire every year, new ones come in and slurp, and the cycle continues. You were supposed to buy a lil BTC and sell a lil BTC not just buy and hold and wait for 100k or whatever. I literally have Rango and CMC open all day in my browser to trade instantly depending on how the chart behaves. It's not americans or whatever it's the halve, THAT will dictate if we go parabolic or if we crab before a slow descent into a red death spiral.

>> No.57159991

the answer is simple, everyone is too drunk to work

>> No.57159993

that's all these fucking mutt faggots do. sell sell sell sell. they don't even inject money into any of this shit. if it wasn't for international markets fucking with crypto btc would be 20k still. literal cancer.

>> No.57160002
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Aaaand it's going back down..

>> No.57160006

blame the jews and the genocide they are doing in the gaza strip

>> No.57160018

>Muh americans and muh jews
those treats exist and they are very, very real. i dont feel good about the etfs, never did and never will. it's going to be bad news.
>I literally have Rango and CMC open all day in my browser
not everyone enjoys daytraidng like an autist.

>> No.57160032
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Nothing bad will come from etfs and they will be approved ant they will be healthy for the economy. PERIOD.

>> No.57160040

What kind of retard "slurps" at 45k~ those new "whales" already slurped at 18k and even then this pump was mediocre at best...

ur right on the halve though. IDK if im drinking the hopium kool aid but i wanna believe still.

>> No.57160041

anon most people have a life and can't be in front of a screen for 18 hours watching how the charts behave.

>> No.57160042

shut up bobotard

>> No.57160049

Stop being dramatic extremists holy fuck not everything is a cool hollywood movie literally give this shit time

>> No.57160051

as if the U.S. market is relevant today KEK

>> No.57160061

It needs to come back down and hold 44k as support first.

>> No.57160067
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amen brother

>> No.57160075

and history is about to repeat itself thanks to the idiots who buy filecoin

>> No.57160080

>Asia going to bed. America will decide whether or not they want to begin the greatest crab the world has ever seen or if they want to continue the pump. Im betting on the former.

>> No.57160329

be fucking patient bobo holy shit

>> No.57160338

yall are fucking retarded