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57155985 No.57155985 [Reply] [Original]

>touches my stop by a penny
>then they drop it
Why do they care about me specifically?
I literally live rent free in their heads

>> No.57156002

Not just you. They collect all that. leveraged bets mean free money to exchanges, whales. It's the crypto version of 'idiot's tax'.

>> No.57156013

My rule that actually works:
Short only in a bear market, long only in a bull market

>> No.57156015

You're retarded. I'm talking about how they hit my target specifically

>> No.57156019

Ya ik. I just saw hyper resistance and couldn't resist, but we're in a bull now so I'm not doing that again. I'm salty as fuck though. Bitch ass jews

>> No.57156023

Yes. I was talking about that too.

>> No.57156026

No, you weren't. You just basically stated the obvious i.e. liq/stop hunting. What I'm saying is they didn't make it lose steam until I specifically was hunted

>> No.57156049

Hi, God here. I hate you specifically and have my cronies run your stops for fun.

>> No.57156050

Holy shit, they are now printing a red candle now that I was hit LMFAO
I'm literally being monitored by some celestial dragon level bullshit

>> No.57156056
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Now that I pointed it out, they are pumping it to make it seem like they weren't actually after me
I knew it. Hidden cameras

>> No.57156076

Same. They do that to me only when my leverage is more than 10x.

>> No.57156096

This. My 10x shit works. Anytime I do more, I get fucked

>> No.57156110

Looks like I was right the first time. Printing a red candle after perfectly hitting me by a penny

>> No.57156115

youre not special anon
theres thousands of other orders just sitting on the order book at or above yours

>> No.57156129

I am special. The fact that they hit me exactly is proof

>> No.57156135

Wooooow mother FUCKERS. LITERALLY at the top of the wick and then they start the dump. This is some nigger jew shit

>> No.57156178
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Fuck. Whatever. This is why I'm an alt maxi anyways. Btc is a nigger to me. That was like a whole week of pay down the drain. If they wicked it hard I wouldn't even care. It's the fact that my stop was the exact top that pisses me off.

>> No.57156241

Woooooooow they really just did that. Bitcoin is garbage. Alts are where it's at

>> No.57156277

You should conclude that you made the exact same trade as 100s of other degens and you got collectively farmed. You are the same as all the other cattle in terms of assessment, risk tolerance and depth.

>> No.57156380

>You should conclude that you made the exact same trade as 100s of other degens and you got collectively farmed.
No, retard. They literally stopped the pump EXACTLY where I had my stop meaning they searched for me specifically. There's no fucking way other people used the same exact shit as me.

>> No.57156389

the house trades against you
you should have that in mind and have no stops also don't be predictable if possible

>> No.57156444

The setup I used is rare as shit. I don't day trade. They just wanted to be niggers about it. Realistically I shouldn't use anything above 10x again, but for the most part I've been better off just dcaing into alts. Bitcoin is a bitch to trade

>> No.57156471

Holy shit, I'm fuming. It isn't even that I got stopped. It's just that they barely fucking hit it and THEN killed it. FUCK bitcoin

Look at this fucking dump from the peak of today. My stop was literally at the fucking peak of the wick. Mother FUCKER

>> No.57156477

trade all the time, make a dollar
calculate your 10x to be 1x
on long enough time scale you will do very well

>> No.57156503
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>> No.57156510

>There's no fucking way other people used the same exact shit as me.
Lol, yes there is because you are an average af retard.

>> No.57156518
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seriously, you are already outperforming the jews

>> No.57156528

holy shit look at that style, I'm swooning

>> No.57156533

Cope, nigger. There isn't even one single person in all my years here that has even mentioned what I look at ONCE

>> No.57156567

Let’s hear it then

>> No.57156642

Lmao why the fuck would I share this shit? My issue was the leverage. Would have worked if I used lower leverage, but I'm not telling you shit

>> No.57156750
File: 103 KB, 800x823, D65C1C58-DB0B-4620-A7AE-F11B6D233766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking coin. How in the nigger hell are you going to tell me it stops me out to the dollar and then they kill it
Stupid fucks

>> No.57156760

Btw I can almost guarantee it's going back to 44k by today

>> No.57156768

it is going sub 44k today
just learn to trade better

>> No.57156774

Shut up, nigger. My trade was perfect. They just did a nigger wick to stop me out first. Not my fault jews are willing to spend millions just to get to me specifically

>> No.57156776

we are going to ~39 KAY
but ultimately to 10 KAY

>> No.57156780

It literally hit me to the fucking dollar and THEN they dump it. I am literally being watched. Mother FUCK
This is some dumbass nigger shit

>> No.57156781

enjoy your gaping hole faggit

>> No.57156785

Lol. Nocoiners are delusional. I didn't short because I'm a mentally ill retard like you that didn't dca during the bear. I shorted because of a rare setup (that is indeed working, but ofc they decided to stop me out first).

>> No.57156792

You don't know to trade, nigger. My TA worker. The only thing is they went jewish mode for me. If I used lower leverage, they never would have even wicked it like that since the goal was always me

>> No.57156839

heres an idea. go on that exchange and make an order. then make the opposite order with 10x size or leverage on a better exchange. when the bogdanoffs come to liquidate your original order, you will already be up massively because you 10x inversed yourself. this strategy should be guaranteed to print money if you are being targeted with 100% reliability on a certain exchange

>> No.57156951
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Skill issue.

>> No.57157076

OP, which exchange do you use? Some exchanges have protection against scamwicks for this specific reason.

>> No.57157371

because crypto is so volatile that it will hit your target in almost all cases retard. market makers algos make the price go up and down a lot and retarded traders believe they're specifically targeted. in a sense, they are. they're too poor to afford a very loose stop loss that will be safe from the volatility

>> No.57157405

>You don't know to trade, nigger.
Actual traders are taking your money as we speak and it's hilarious

>> No.57157741

insider here. we are watchin you very closely anon. every stop you place, every short you make.

>> No.57157887

It's called a scamwick anon. Futures trading is somewhat safer when a chink exchange doesn't own the majority of the asset you are shorting on their exchange.

>> No.57159275
File: 50 KB, 750x1000, IMG_0561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t even know the basics of a broker and think you can make it trading?

Regulations don’t do anything when the average retard doesn’t know the basics of the system they are in.

You technical analysts have severe brain damage.


>> No.57159852

You didn't think the Bogs were really dead, did you?

>> No.57160209

stops look like a good tool in theory to stop loses, to buy at some price etc. They would be fantastic in a fair game, but the stock market is not. If you see a stock that costs 10, you think it should cost 12 and put "just in case" a stop at lets say 8, be sure that the whales with their AI tools to analyze your behaviour (which will not be too different from other normal rational people), will short the stocks till the point most people's stops jump, and when the stock is down in the mud the whales will eat them all at a discount.
It was never fair, stops are something that looks golden but its poisoned. Trust fundamental analisys only and have patience, invest. Or trade and lose inevitably against those who live out of small fish and can rock the market as they see fit.

>> No.57160414

you just fell for prrdictable patterns and entered at a bad time
dont be schizoid about it, poorfag

>> No.57160440


Price moves different per account retards

If you long bitcoin at $45100 and your stoploss is $45099

then price will go to $45099

but if someone else longs BTC at $45100 and put stoploss to $45098

on their account price will go to $45098

it depends where stoploss is

so if you wanna trade, dont use stoploss, wait for price to move enough, then put stoploss in profit

I seen it 100 times already

especially sites like mexc, gate, bitget they always do this

price does not move the same, they trade against you but only after your account is 3 months old

first 3 months your account will always win

then suddenly after 3 months they always stoploss to the penny

happens every time with everyone I know too

>> No.57160555

fucking loser, thats bullshit. You just want to make a quickbuck gambling and you cry when you lose. Stocks should be for investing going long, then you have subhuman traders that just treat stocks like gambling, and then you have people who short, the garbage of the garbage people who gamble against a stock ultimately damaging it. Everytime I see a "trader" or someone who shorts, crying I feel happy.

>> No.57160563

Im just saying how it is happen with stoploss, seen it myself 100s of times already

game is rigged yes gambling!!!

>> No.57160612


>> No.57160643

its your own broker hunting you kek