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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 519 KB, 1125x1208, C2866E9E-FA80-41C0-803B-7C1C95B7608E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57153811 No.57153811 [Reply] [Original]

did you realize your cult was THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57153821

i really do want to die every day. my life is a joke and god is laughing at me

>> No.57153828

Remember for you amateurs: investing is not sportsball. Just because these posts make you cry doesnt mean you’re “winning” or whatever the cult teaches you

>> No.57153838

Dont worry bud you can still load up for next cycle in ‘26. Wait til btc crashes back to $60k and move your Link in after you miss this cycle.

>> No.57153911

Newbie here. Am just about to buy into Link after doing a load of research and finding it's to be used by all the banks and the stock market owners and stuff. That Sergey guy talks interestingly about it and even the Google guy likes it. Is it better than eth?

>> No.57153966

Great research dude? (Also i upvoted for your other posts on standing up to RACISM). Theres a meetup soon where you can meetup with the team and pick which one KEKS you with your pseudo girlfriend. Hope to see you there

>> No.57154015

Not interested in meet ups just looking for the best coin, but thanks! I got married last year so I guess she kinda is my pseudo girlfriend lol. Love the vibe around this coin it feels more dynamic than the eth chat. Certainly cheaper! Can't wait for to catch up with the eth. Prob takes time huh but at least I'm on board before we leave. Thanks for the help,,

>> No.57154059
File: 58 KB, 581x596, 1701993482922223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hold LINK you retard. Also why are your eyes so far apart?

>> No.57154076

>takes out frustration on imaginary interner villian
Hahahahaha i can feel the tears flowing. This is rock bottom dude

>> No.57154104

I'm confused. do you think outperforming everything else on the market is a bad thing? i'd kill myself if i was holding something shittier like eth or btc

>> No.57154114
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>> No.57154139

about 9PM the night before last
I'd cash in but I'm too broken

>> No.57154149

“Cuckolds” is plural so you’d use “were” in English.

>> No.57154220
File: 98 KB, 596x346, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a bit of dopamine since you seem to get none over twitter. Hope that makes some of your fried synapses fire a bit .

>> No.57154433

> he can't look at the wall and his losses at the same time

>> No.57154593

If by everything you mean nothing then ya that makes sense. You’re 0-3 last 3 years, costing you millions

worst of all, youre in a cult that worships the guy shitting down your throat. Ouch bud

>> No.57154607

The irony of using stephen a smith to call someone else odd. You literally cant make this up.

The chart too :/, sorry bud. You wuzz kangz right?

>> No.57154662
File: 37 KB, 900x720, flag_of_america_fixed_over_the_globe_stock_photo_Slide01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even like steven a smith but the meme perfectly describes you hahahahahahaha third-worlder

>> No.57154716

Lol this dude is crazy! I love this place. Reminds me of this old guy who lives near me who just gives everyone abuse, funny af. Is this guy in here a lot? Does he buy Chainlink? Bet he does, too lol

>> No.57156145
File: 666 KB, 1080x2340, 1695594865308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These posts brought to you by Adem Kayser, who works at an MLM scam company called The Success Factory and has a crippling, suicidal porn addiction
also, fudcucks basically did the equivalent of a full time job last year fudding every single day (including christmas,) creating dozens of twitter fud accounts, not just fudded on twitter but screenshotted their tweets and then posted the same on /biz/, endlessly airplane mode on and off to switch IPs just to fud on /biz/ as much as possible, collected and arranged hundreds of gay cuckold images just so they can post more fud etc etc

all that and STILL they just watched early access get filled in 5 hours lmao

>> No.57156191
File: 106 KB, 638x614, 1677160767829232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it took your that long to realize it?

>> No.57156544

I dumped all my LINK already, it's had its glorious days in the past. Hope SUPRA lives up to the hype coz that's where I'm packing all my stables now

>> No.57156947

>packing all my stables
what does this mean?

>> No.57156958

Lurk for 2 more years before posting. Thanks

>> No.57156974

i've been in crypto a lot longer than you., I can assure you.

>> No.57156976


>> No.57156987

Based on your retarded posts itt I doubt it

>> No.57157084

'packing all my stables'? gimme a break

>> No.57157101

Anons used to say that chainlink crabbing for eternity would make people go insane. Impossible! I thought, but seeing examples like these >>57154059 >>57156145 make me see some people did go crazy holding link.

Not me, however. Today, I am euphoric, because I sold all my link stock (ticker: LINK).

>> No.57157113

the retarded posts were to wind mongol boy up. you clearly fell for it like he did. or maybe you are him who cares

>> No.57157184
File: 126 KB, 1835x849, (XRPBTC+XRPBTC)_2_2023-11-07_03-38-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure thats xrp baggies, but link is a close 2nd

>> No.57158260

Hey guys checking back in today. Looks like youre starting off the year with another missed bullrun. Ouch!

>> No.57158284

stop trying this hard please

>> No.57158840

Lol you're another crazy one! This place is mad!

>> No.57158927
File: 54 KB, 600x469, BzeXgQmCAAAcyzm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave /biz/ for a couple months to play vidya
>come back and this guy is still seething 24/7
this guy cares more about chainlink than most OGs. completely unhinged, dude is an absolute lunatic.

>> No.57159865

Fudding thomas is an OG. He had his heart turned cold by the fudlord