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5714195 No.5714195 [Reply] [Original]

I plan to hold this through January in hopes of reaching 10k. This is what I’ve come down to from my own research, but still not really sure. Do you have any suggestions of coins I should sell in favor of others?

>> No.5714245

Bro, stop buying everything /biz/ shills and you'll actually hit 10k...

>> No.5714252

are you just buying whatever is being shilled on /biz/ , because thats what it looks like

>> No.5714407

No, I bought BNTY and DBC because they both have low market cap and an interesting product which will likely gain traction
I bought XRB long ago because I realized IOTA was shit. I bought REQ recently because it had an upward trend

>> No.5714881

Pls respond

>> No.5714915


Stop diversifying, you don't have nearly enough money for that. Go all in one one coin and hold until it goes up by 50-100% then sell. Find another moon mission and do the same, then sell. Diversify when you have like 10k or something, but make sure it's only in 2-3 coins. Then when you finally get to 100k or more you can diversify a lot have start swing trading with stacks of 10k and make ridiculous amounts of money from there.

>> No.5714945

Most of this is just me jumping on pumps. The REQ I got started out as $50 but I had it all in POE and sold ATH. Where should I put it then?

>> No.5714972


BTW I have a 100k+ portfolio and that's exactly what I did. It took about 7 months to get from my initial investment of $2k to $100k. I went all in on many coins and I didn't even diversify until I hit around 8k or so.

>> No.5714982

I mean it’s kinda hard to go all in on one coin when I have these on 3 different exchanges. I’m bad at predicting very short term moons, something some of you are good at. Which one here do you think got the most potential?

>> No.5714990

Select your 3 or 4max favorite and spread your 2k into them and wait.

>> No.5715003

It's possible.

>> No.5715020

Holy shit, and my EOY goal is just $100k. How the fuck...pls shill me coins and I will DMOR on them and see if they are worth it

>> No.5715026

BNTY is a hit and miss. It could probably go lateral for the entire of January.

>> No.5715028


Put it all on DBC. It will moon. I don't trust Bounty0x or the other shit to moon as hard. You will make it. It should moon fairly soon, BTW. I know this because I own about $30k of it and can manipulate it a bit.

>> No.5715043

what one of OP's coins would be good to go all in on?

>> No.5715046
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Hoping for the same

Pls r8

>> No.5715071


I will tell you all the coins I bought, in order to get me from that to 100k:

-bought ethereum at $35
-bought RDD at 5 sats
-bought DGB at 300 sats
-bought antshares at $3
-bought stellar about 2 months ago don't remember exactly price atm
-bought Verge at 20 sats
-bought dragonchain at 10 cents

I'm in DBC right now for a moon. Trust me. It will.

>> No.5715077

What do you think it could peak at?

>> No.5715093

Dump ripple, Iota and fun

>> No.5715108

>all on shitcoins when the correction of bitcoin is over
Shit season is ending m8, the king is returning for one to two months.
You're obviously new to this so i'm trying to help somewhat, but i'd much prefer if you'd just dismiss it, nothing is better for my mood than pink wojak /biz/.

>> No.5715144

Why would you dump fun one month before it goes to the moon?

>> No.5715176

>I can easily manipulate
P-pls dont dump your bags the moment I buy
DBC got an interesting roadmap. These recent partnerships are also good to hear. I know it will go on Huobi soon which is great news. I do have faith in Bounty0x but unsure whether if it will outperform DBC or not.

You lucky fuc, how did you get in that early??

even a moron like me knows these bags are heavy

>> No.5715188


That is hard to predict, unfortunately. While I can manipulate the price easily it can also completely kill all momentum a coin has, so I usually don't do it too much. Everyone saw what happened when autistic whales fucked with Bounty0x. I dropped it after that, despite having held 100k of it.

>> No.5715194


what made you buy those coins?

>> No.5715248


This anon gets it

>> No.5715251

Dont fuck up in 2018 and you will make it anon. I started late, but I see you have the means to really make it.

>> No.5715268

Doesn’t DBC also have problem with a shitty whale

>> No.5715269

Well i bought both for €100 each when they were cheap

>> No.5715271


Some were based on tech like ethereum and reddit hype. BTW reddit hype is probably one of the best ways to buy into a coin as people FOMO, happened with ethereum/stellar/REQ/antshares. See the subscriber count rise quickly and that's a good indicator of lots of people buying in, thus price going up fast. And also paying attention to coins being listed on more exchanges (obviously).

>> No.5715288

Post proofs of your DBC portfolio

>> No.5715303


Yes, the stupid fucker is constantly holding the price down and keeping it from a moon, but it won't work for long because it will be listed on another exchange soon, unlike Bounty0x. Hence, it's a better buy.

>> No.5715346

So your suggestion for getting on a moon mission is:
>see if coin is based on Eth
>check the coin’s Reddit page for sub growth
>check out news/rumors that it will be listed on new exchanges
And nothing else?

>> No.5715405


DYOR, always. Read up on the usage of the coin you are buying before you do. Don't fomo for shit on /biz/ before doing that, you will avoid getting burned. Although I will admit I bought into it with RDD and DGB and the only reason I didn't kms back then was because I knew when to sell and to NOT GET GREEDY.

>> No.5715433

Problem for me is that I usually check out /biz/ to look after ICO’s. When it came to BNTY and DBC, at first I dismissed the threads as pajeet shills, but when I started to see those coins actually gaining traction I FOMO’ed in when hearing about market cap and such. I never browse Reddit as I can’t stand normies and their posting culture, but now as you suggest that, I will begin to check it out from now on. I will sell my BNTY and REQ now, but keep my BAT and XRB as they both have more room for growth. I hope to see DBC hit above 50 cens soon. I might buy back into BNTY when more announcements about listing on other exchanges are made

>> No.5715464

>I knew when to sell and to NOT GET GREEDY.
Teach me master. I have not been able to master this yet

>> No.5715496

Tech and usage is a fundamental pillar in predicting how prosperous a coin will be, I understand that. But care to give me some step by step on DYOR? Like read white paper, check out dev team, check market cap, check out rumors and upcoming news etc?


>> No.5715591


>> No.5715643


Set price targets for when you want to sell at. Set them in advance and just leave them or move them around when you think it might go higher. Also set a sell order for the absolute minimum you are willing to let go in case the coin does a fucking crash nosedive, although I typically don't do stop losses if I'm confident in what I'm buying. Also for fucking lulz set up a retardedly low order price and you might get lucky:


I've posted my portfolio in several threads, I am over 100k in them or just under when something dips. I was the anon with 10k dragonchain a week ago as well, told people to get into it and people shit posted about it or ignored it.

>> No.5715662

So which coins would you recommend now to get into?

>> No.5715749


A lot of stuff is already pumped so really just DBC is a good buy for me at the moment. I am sitting on everything else or selling it for more DBC. I'm holding these:

OMG (might sell this)

>> No.5715798

Problem is, whenever I set sell orders, it’s always turns out to be a fews sats higher than the ATH. I was once lucky on buying ICX 1000 sats under the current price but lost those additional gains on being a retard in daytrading later that day

>> No.5715809

Right, thanks. Just another question, how do you determine when's the right time to sell?

Also, are there any coins that you intend to hold long term?

>> No.5715818
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XLM broke the 400BTC sellwall at 3000sats last night. It will pump to at least 8000sats now. I'm settled for a comfy ride to 2$ end of February. FairX will pump XLM above ripple.

>> No.5715829

Oh I think I’ve seen your portfolio then. But what do you recommend? Holding, even with huge dips, or daytrading?

>> No.5715855

Should I get into ICX or into NEO? My funds are limited so I can only go for one.
Already holding 200 bucks worth of ICX btw

>> No.5715865
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diversifying with 10k or less is retarded. i'd go all in on a dip (if it's not a PND shitcoin) and then sell on a high. learn to TA. 95%, or more, of this board don't even know how to read charts.

>> No.5715891

Looks almost exactly like my future dreamfolio. Oh boy do I feel like time is running out to get there. I plan to split my folio when I reach $10k in XLM, REQ and either ICX, NEO or ADA. What do you think? Should I split it symmetrically as in $3k in each of them?

>> No.5715907


Depends. Do you want to get into NEO ICOs or be able to trade with NEO to get coins on Kucoin? Or get GAS (though this won't affect much for you, you need like 1000 NEO get any decent amount).
I would go into ICX with your lower amount of funds. If you had 10k to swing around I'd go all into NEO instead.

>> No.5715918

Where to learn how to read charts? I mean, are there any good tutorials out there by someone who is not a shill? Sorry if I'm asking dumb questions, I'm obviously new.

>> No.5715968
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here ya go bb

>> No.5716010


I'm counting on this too. This is why I didn't invest in Ripple, it's already overpumped and while it does have the normie factor (Coinbase) I think XLM has more upwards momentum to go, and normies don't know much about Stellar, unlike Ripple (normie factor is somewhat priced in as a result).

>> No.5716053

Thank you!

>> No.5716162

I thought XLM was already pumped to the extreme. Only have 250 XLM.

>> No.5716184

But Ripple won't go on Coinbase, anon

>> No.5716187

what does TA mean?

>> No.5716272
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>> No.5716359

Am I fucked with IOTA guys? Or I just have to wait a rather long time since I bought in around the current support line

>> No.5716443


>> No.5716593

I just started coining and after a few losses on stupid mistakes I'm holding DBC, XLM and FUN in equal measure.
Will I make it from $2k to $10k mid February?

>> No.5716606
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i think i'l make it just in time