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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57142651 No.57142651 [Reply] [Original]

This coin will make more multimillionaires than Chainlink

>> No.57142660

I hold about 120. What am I in for?

>> No.57142682
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300 SOLIDs here

>> No.57142752

We're all gonna make it

>> No.57143035
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>only 1400

>> No.57143108

what is the official make and sui for sold

>> No.57143948

ppl say its 1k sui 10k make it

but its more like 500 sui 3k makeit

>> No.57144188

Even small LP contrtibutooors are going to have nice stacks of SOLID, already at like 350 solid farmed from emissions in like 2 days, lol. But seraph, the fuck, needs to launch muh merkle push reeee

>> No.57144201

To moon guys lets go!

>> No.57144213

wtf how are you making so much? whats ur vested stack size? what did you vote on?

>> No.57144236

I said LP, I am around 5% of the link/weth pool as it stands. Combined with emissions, I am making a hefty return, and am getting decent amounts of eth-link daily from fees. Benefit of small dex LP provisioning I guess.

>> No.57145858


>> No.57145969 [DELETED] 

how much are you staking?

>> No.57145972

360 SOLID here

>> No.57145978 [DELETED] 

whats the minimum stack size for LP profits?should i put my 1k solid there

>> No.57145985

how much can i profit from providing liquidity anons?should i buy a 1k stack and put it all there ?

>> No.57146195
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1k is a nice suicide stack for the /biz coin

>> No.57146615
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Solidly offers the sole Omnichain DEX (One token : SOLID) (#2 DEX on FTM, 3rd on ETH) associated to its own bridge SolidSync, an in-house 2/3 bridging solution, a complete novelty in crypto using Chainlink CCIP, Axelar and Layer 0.

In Q1 2024, Solidly will release an Omnichain PERP product, using the SOLID token, offering Intent-based & bilaterally settled, permissionless derivatives on 10+ Chains.

- Solidly DEX introduced 50% gas savings to Uniswap V3
- Solidly APRs are highly competitive, e.g. 340% on $LINK/ETH.
- Solved long-standing problems like JIT attacks and toxic flow during volatile phases.
- Demonstrated in October (proven on-chain) that its solution can front-run even veteran MEV bots
- Working on an improved Solid V2 version with an killer feature for memecoins
- Token has actual utility, earns 20% of all swap fees and 100% of bribes. Can be staked to perfectly counteract its own inflation (i.e. 100% dilution protected), which in any case is low at ~6% per year, reaching ~0% in 18 years
- Tokenomics is top tier : 82m of 100m Solid have been emitted. 95% of these 82m is perpetually locked by voters. Liquid naked SOLIDs are only 7.5m, which will be the same tokens used on more than 10 chains. The token will have arbitrage opportunities.
- Additionally, token holders can exclusively decide where weekly emissions go by voting. Voters earn all of the swap fees for the pool they voted for, thus incentivising capital efficient capital allocation
- Recently partnered with $SYMM, LIDO & Chainlink, Layer 0 and Axelar and present on all majors aggregators (1inch, paraswap, cowswap, firebird..)
- Roosh (co-founder) is the main holder of SYMM which is launching in Q1 2024, bringing Solidly PERP the lowest fees possible in the industry.

And most important short-term catalyst:
Solidly will go across different L2 chains having completed their in-house 2/3 bridging solution, a complete novelty in crypto…

>> No.57146621


>> No.57146631

Wait I just zoomed out the chart and this already rugged once before

>> No.57146645

Different project and completely different team. v1 and v2/3.
Solid v2 didn’t made any presale or fund raises and they allowed v1 holders (who have been rugged by Andre Cronje) to bridge to v2/v3 1:1.

>> No.57147379

i have a 20k veNFT as a third worlder,

what I'm in for?

>> No.57147394

In the light of this... Andre bridged his vsolid NFT from v1 to v3. I don't want to sound like a schizo, but that kind of makes me feel he endorses the current team/v3.

Imagine the exposure this will get when he does it publicly.

>> No.57147586

hes going to dump
Hes a huge faggot

>> No.57147675

he can’t dump a VeSolid nft (locked 4 years)

>> No.57147706

Is biz vesting its solid tokens

>> No.57147715

Honestly sounding more and more like a bunch of desperate Indians are supporting this project. That alone is giving ne cold feet on this one

>> No.57147722


>> No.57147731

Idk I bought at 20 cents up to 1usd

>> No.57147740
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>> No.57147767

I just don't like smelly Indians. They annoy me. Bought a sui stack just incase it moons, still getting bad vibes

>> No.57147777

the original post was legit went x10. project also seems legit. all the partnerships have been verified. tokenomics is legit top-tier.

>> No.57147797


Hold 200 of these, hoping it goes past YFI in Mcap for this run

>> No.57147863
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OK give me the elevator pitch then. I'm open. Tell me why this is gonna do well and what it is?

>> No.57147885
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Considering the potential, yeah. But it's better to be pessimistic. 1k sui and 10k make it considering inflation, taxes and other bs.

>> No.57147887
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- Small cap omnichain dex already #2 volume on FTM. Currently beating Sushiswap on ETH
- Early access to Chainlink's CCIP network among big boys like Aave and Synthetix
- Provide a 'Concentrated Capital' feature that enables lower fees and attracts more liquidity. This is their edge over other dexes (even Uniswap)
- Other protocols can implement these features; Lido Finance and Paraswap have already done so
- Regularly shilled by the Fantom Foundation twitter

>> No.57147898

absolutely based digits, kek wants us to know about the relationship with ccip

>> No.57147914

>Doors close
First Omni-chain Dex.
Early access to CCIP.
More than 90% of the supply is locked for over 3 years, current circulating supply is less than 10 million.
No one can dump on us this entire run.
Branching out to other L2'S like Arbitrum soon.
Have a nice day anon

>> No.57147941

thank you for the QRD anon

>> No.57147973

Fuck you. Have fun staying poor. lazy dickhead

>> No.57148938

No need to be rude anon.

>> No.57149050

Why not just buy link if CCIP is such a selling point?

>> No.57149057

Is it going to correct a bit soon? I want to get in but not at these prices..

>> No.57149146

It is very cheap, compare it to uni or even sushi marketcap. it didn't correct before and it should continue going up

>> No.57149150

Would you say sub 10 is a good entry?

>> No.57149202

Because SOLID has a current circulating supply of <10 million.
A little over 90% of the max supply is staked.
Everyone who isn't staked is buying and everyone who staked can't sell for 3 years.
Sergey can't dump on us

>> No.57149213

It's a <10m mcap coin anon

>> No.57149227

><10m mcap coin
Small caps overwhelmingly either rugpull at worst, or stagnate at best.

>> No.57149236

I actually agree since this is the case 98% of the time. This has too much going for it to be one of those cases though.

>> No.57149247

>This has too much going for it
You sure it isn't just jeet shilling? Wasn't Rubic also supposed to be the next big thing?

>> No.57149258

Anything sub 5 is a great entry

>> No.57149259

lol team is arguably as awful as before. this will just rise on back of everything rising but it's just a farming shitcoin after all
Maybe buy in after the exploit

>> No.57149267

Stay poor retard

>> No.57149281

It was sub 0.5 just a week ago, I feel like a sucker for considering buying right now.

>> No.57149295

Imagine how you feel when the new floor is $3.50. Do you think its gonna just randomly dump? Look at the chart, people ave been testing ti for days, now that ETH And BTC Have turned around this thing is actually very primed to jump. Market says buy, or be prepared to wait a long long time.

>> No.57149301

>Look at the chart
I did, it's just going up with no correction, wouldn't buying right now be buying the local top? It would be like buying TRB when it was pumping and it was at over 500.

>> No.57149308

Also, let's say I take your advice and accumulate as much as I can sub 5 dollars, what mcap do you see this hitting?

>> No.57149338

>wouldn't buying right now be buying the local top?
If it dumps yes, but its not dumping because people know its going up still. I dont think well see correction till after $3.

Minimum 100, but 250-1b is possible given the scope. Looking that far out is always a silly game though, so I just look at short term. Short term says "I will make money" so I buy. Also no dump while the market is bleeding is a great sign, only makes it stronger when the market is bullish.

>> No.57149346

The liquidity is so low, how would one even cash out if his target goal is met?

>> No.57149375
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>The liquidity is so low

Is it though? I tried the wETH pair and ETH pair earlier today and it was fine.

>> No.57149380

By selling in smaller chunks until liquidity goes higher. You can make $3k moves for around 2% price impact right now. Roosh and co have more cash in the coffers, theyre just slowly adding to it for this initial growth phase. Rewarder isnt even live on FTM yet, its all under construction so yes its still early.

>> No.57149388

Do you think this can eventually get listed on coinbase? Uniswap and sushiswap got their tokens listed on coinbase...is that possible for this one as well?

>> No.57149392

The team has said its possible yes

>> No.57149628

Where do I get it? "No liquidity" on eth network at solidly dot com.

>> No.57149631

use weth

>> No.57149908

Almost 1m liquidity on weth/solid on solidly.com

>> No.57149956

wait for a little bit. i buy solid with eth without issue. the contract auto swaps your eth to weth. it shouldnt be saying no liquidity.

>> No.57150264


>> No.57150623


>> No.57150633
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$3.10 breached

>> No.57150701
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>> No.57150856

not buying your bags, Roosh