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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57143964 No.57143964[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Shill the business u will start this year to make bank

>> No.57144008

No white women want white men in 2024

>> No.57144013

If that was my daughter I would beat her to death

>> No.57144025

Single mom

>> No.57144032

absolutely revolting

>> No.57144075


Backroom/Basement Cyberware.

>> No.57144082

thats ok we dont want them either, except the young ones that arent horrible, there are some

>> No.57144087

How come she didnt show her black boyfriend for a clap back?

>> No.57144099


no more of this cuck shit in 2024

>> No.57144116
File: 33 KB, 600x493, 0d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually laugh whenever I see this shit.
Race-mixed children looks absolutely NOTHING like their parents. Like, if I saw that shitmutt of a kid I would have no way of knowing that's her mom.
Nose, completely different.
Hair, completely different.
Eye color is not the same.
Skin is not the same.
None of the features are the same.

Like, what the fuck is even the point of having a child if the child carries literally not a single trace of your own genetics?

>> No.57144121

She's hot as fuck but she 100% has that typical "stay away" psycho white chick face that anyone should be able to pick up on regardless of whether you've seen that she has a mixed kid. Like the type of look of a chick who "seriously" dates at least two guys per year and then posts shitty lyrics by Sia on social media or some shit when they break up.

>> No.57144123

>Shill the business u will start this year to make bank
Here's the business. At least two dozen guys with guns & gear. You hit the amazon warehouse. Secure the big ticket items. We go for the funko pops, as many as we can get into Deshawn's mother's 2012 Honda Civic. Straight onto the black market. Millions of dollars in funko pops. Everyone walks away a made man

>> No.57144190

ugly and dysgenic whore.

>> No.57144196

She has the NPC soulless stare

>> No.57144223

2024 is truly the year of the toll


>> No.57144255
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holy fuck AR-15 digits confirm

>> No.57144265
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>> No.57144278

>Kid looks 16

>> No.57144292

She gave up being pumped and dumped by BWC chad cock for one night with Tyrone. Now her only option is mediocre black guys. That's the real coal toll.

>> No.57144295

that's why God invented sexual assault.

>> No.57144309

Mud shark

>> No.57144311
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>> No.57144330
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>some useless roastie likes black guys and has a genetic abomination of a child that will never pass on its genes
Don't care

>> No.57144333

> this is white in America
dios mio

>> No.57144341

Lmao coalburner.
I miss coalfax

>> No.57144347

the joke is that no black or jap guy is either lol

>> No.57144382

fitness platform, social + AI influencers (ai versions of real ones)

also uses AI for diet and nutrition

>> No.57144448

crackers are going extinct because you guys got no rizz

>> No.57144456

clothing too, just hats and fitness stuff because why not

>> No.57144643

This is true, I'm socially retarded. What do you want me to do about it, cry? It is what it is

>> No.57144653

Let it rot anon

>> No.57144736
File: 470 KB, 1644x2326, Amwf_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No white women want white men in 2024

>> No.57144913

I don’t understand how fat faced 3/10 women caked in makeup have any social media following at all. What is this world coming to?

>> No.57144921

no one is white on this picture

>> No.57144967

permanently moving mental illness genes into the brown side of humanity is hardly a bad thing. whites only exist when genes are unspoiled, all browns of any kind simply occupy the "not white" category.

>> No.57144982

>She's hot as fuck
SHES young but shes got that fat face

>> No.57145011

lmao at all the seething wahbois itt

>> No.57145017

She's fucking gorgeous.

>> No.57145022

The fact is more prosperous and higher iq a race become the less children they tend to have

this is why the shitskins pop out tons of kids because they are poor and stupid

same reason white back in history had many kids because they were poor as fuck and needed them on the farm

>> No.57145038

>The fact is more prosperous and higher iq a race become the less children they tend to have
hyper-gamy and low IQ are directly correlated.
I think higher IQ means more consciousness and awareness which contributes to higher inhibitions.
The solution is a sort of Elon Musk strategy, finding one good female (I know Elon didn't do this) and having as many kids with her as possible.

>> No.57145044


>> No.57145053

>this one webm makes this seething
Damn I love this woman

>> No.57146150

Truth, white men are out. Social programming from Jewish overlords will cull us. If you’re not having children unfortunately you’ve been selected out of the gene pool. Your ancestors died for nothing.

>> No.57146173

Whatever, I will just analyze and record my entire genetic sequence for a couple thousand dollars with a private company and write that shit into stone and metal and fucking everything everywhere.
I'll pay kids to graffiti tag my gene sequence on the fucking walls of abandoned buildings.
I will have IBM or whoever embed my gene sequence at the atomic level on molecule latices structures.
It's just a matter of money.
I can pollute this planet with my genetic data completely legally so that it is never forgotten, even if I do not reproduce, my DNA will inevitably be picked up and immanetized artificially with clones by some future people curious to see whose DNA is spammed all over the fucking Earth.
Shit, I will write a best selling book that also happens to contain my genetic sequence, some cyberpunk harry potter bullshit and at the end there's my DNA for 5 chapters.

>> No.57146178

All of that doesn’t matter anymore we are reaching an inflection point in history. Gattaca will become a reality

>> No.57146202

Basically, sexual reproduction is obsolete beyond purely recreational purposes and you are all retarded normies and I am ahead of the curve.

>> No.57146207
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wage cuck a while, keep shorting link holding hard sol-btc and farming hard my blocklords village.
with a bit of actual luck that'll hold me out for the rest of the year

>> No.57146209

Yep you are right not many people get this yet

>> No.57146217

We should pass laws that only people we approve of can spam their DNA everywhere.

>> No.57146287

Wasted genetics.

>> No.57146295

least obvious 'jeet cope. keep asking for bob anf vagene poojesh

>> No.57146317

kill yourself

>> No.57146336
File: 201 KB, 982x838, IMG_6348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking longnosers derailing an actually beneficial thread with blatantly false information. I hope you change, but if you don’t you should kill yourself.

>> No.57146388

Lol ur I'd says Like

>> No.57146390

Haha my ID says cow

>> No.57146457


>> No.57146473

>coal burner
>attention whoring social media narcisist
You can't fall lower than this.
No self respecting white man would ever want to be near this abomination. Even being a kissless virgin is better.

>> No.57146480

that's ok for her, she wants the no self respect whites, which are quite a lot, she'll be fine

>> No.57146509

my brother in poo, if webm related is your idea of white, we'll gladly let you have them

>> No.57146512


she looks like putin

>> No.57146691
File: 374 KB, 953x953, gwbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uber, but for airlines
>dont like paying for big name airlines?
>dont like paying the premium for certified pilots?
>try AirShare!
>we rent out our planes to people who want to rent their time flying you to your destination!
>our pilots are guided through an easy step by step instruction process that shows them exactly how to operate the controls in the right order
>bypassing the need for certified pilots liscence will cost the average flyer hundreds in savings
>that means more money for YOU to spend on vacation!
>download AirShare now!

>coming soon: use your own plane to recieve a bonus on every flight!

nah its gotta be called something gay like Flyeo

say its crazy but uber just ignored the law and said "fuck you you cant sue all of us", and now noone will enforce medallion regulations

>> No.57146753
File: 914 KB, 1086x1920, EUJ7dsIXgAQyXOz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehehe, now that's a creative plan to win at life, on behalf of your genes

>> No.57146784

Good luck, hopefully you have the trillions required to pay off the FAA and Supreme Court. And buy a few planes

>> No.57146791
File: 409 KB, 446x449, sbf evidnece.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

business loans, its easy
if you owe me a million, its my problem
if you owe me billions, thats your problem
VC retards would eat this up

>> No.57146798

>VC retards would eat this up
Did your parents go to a prestigious university on the west coast? Did you? What fraternity? How many SV networking events do you frequent per week?

>> No.57146802


>> No.57146849

she ain't no hollaback gurl

>> No.57146881

She was. Now she's a defiled whore.

That's the game with women bud. Your scars are cools hers are ugly.

This is a fairly typical country girl btw. They aren't as nuts.

Also OPs video when she's about to look at the camera her eyes flinch. She's lying and definitely trying to hard.

>> No.57146891


>> No.57146904

Why do mixed babies always look so weird

>> No.57146919

Affiliate marketing/ecom.

>> No.57147287

No white man will ever touch her

>> No.57148112

good morning sir