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57142237 No.57142237 [Reply] [Original]

Is everyone gonna legit sleep on Solana again? It's holding support near $100 and it's now in a big accumulation zone, why did everyone suddenly stopped talking about it?

>> No.57142252

Theres nothing to discuss, all it has is shitcoins and a retarded phone, the ecosystem is void of content

>> No.57142263

This, it's basically BSC 2.0
ICP is where the real shit is going to be, as soon as normies discover its ecosystem made of real apps, and not shitcoins

>> No.57142273

That's not remotely true, we have a thriving NFT market and defi gambling, and so much more i can't even list all of the things.

>> No.57142277
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People like stuff that’s more FUN

>> No.57142391

>ICP is where the real shit is going to be, as soon as normies discover its ecosystem made of real apps, and not shitcoins

normies care about real apps? kek

>> No.57142393

Oh i see...thats a lot then wow, you guys have gambling and nfts...amazing!

>> No.57142644

Theres a lot more than just that, all you need is a simple google search.

>> No.57142705

I just shorted it based on the retards in this thread. I am fully okay with losing the 200 dollars I have on 50x leverage.

>> No.57142713

Sorry I dont buy hyperinflationary dead memechains bro

>> No.57142745

>p-p-please buy my obsolete bags I swear it has nfts and stuff

>> No.57142759

Youll all look back to this time as the "I wish I had sold" time when SOL was still trading above 100 fucking dollars

We will go back down to like 30 before 2024 is over.

>> No.57142762

There's just one little problem with your theory: the validators aren't selling. They have no reason to sell.

You see, gas costs don't actually represent the value of the work being done. They represent demand for blockspace. There is effectively NO COST for processing these transactions. So it's not a subsidy. Validators don't need to sell their rewards to stay online. They can just get richer and richer.

It's an infinite money glitch. Solana rises into the hundreds of billions of dollars, people keep flocking to the token because number go up. The validators all become billionaires and eventually trillionaieres, and that value is real, because they are the ones securing the most valuable, most used blockchain on the planet.

Solana was always the chosen one. Why do you think all these VCs attached themselves to it?

>> No.57142772

>It's an infinite money glitch
READ THIS AGAIN and tell me why youre not shorting this fucking mania?

>> No.57142777

Holy fuck the cringe is off the charts

>> No.57142781

>please buy my pajeet coin i swear its good, its going to flip ethereum

Nah im good man, i wasn't confortable buying it at $8 I'm not gonna be your exit liquidity

>> No.57142793

Lmao i legit love that copypasta

>> No.57142806

guaranteed replies

>> No.57142807

Youre gonna have to dump mate.
At like 80 if youre lucky.
Its going to be a glorious game of retards with staked tokens shilling like crazy as they see their wealth melting like crazy. Theyll be manically schizoposting. Their relationships will suffer. You can avoid this fate anon. Either GTFO of crypto or learn to play the game better.

>> No.57142823

Also pro tip with financially illiterate retards who have their ponzi staked somewhere - You can always hedge to conserve your insane gains with a short. You dont have to ride your bags back down. Good luck

>> No.57142847
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>thriving NFT market

>> No.57143076

People stopped talking about it because the price stopped going up, hype died down and people realized it's a useless coin.

>> No.57143158

Fucking nice I caught something.
Its not too late to sell above 100, baggies.
Thanks for the hooker money.

>> No.57143218
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SOL money has been moving to LINK for the past week. Just look on chain. SOL is finished

>> No.57143512

Yeah Solana and Avalanche are consolidating at support while shitcoins are pumping and nobody is paying attention.

Won't be surprised if they rip higher from here again, Funding rates going down too slowly, They're almost ready imo.

>> No.57143536

>top 5 coin is going to go down -70% during a fucking BULL MARKET
I'm not even a soilana baggie but holy shit you are dumb

>> No.57145148

>thriving NFT market
it's not 2021 anymore
No one wants your degay NFTs, especially not SBF

>> No.57146085

bunch of latecels in here coping that they missed out on eth lol

>> No.57146260 [DELETED] 
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good goy, keep shilling. Imma dump from the prison

>> No.57146367

Solana is the risky gambling chad 1000x overnight chain, not for the faint of pussy. /biz/ couldn’t handle it, need to make sure jeets are trapped with $600 gas fees in eth

>> No.57146714

Zoom out you idiot

>> No.57146983

OK, but besides a thriving DeFi ecosystem, the most popular NFT markets, a sold out cellphone and being the go-to network for Decentralized Physical Insfrastructure and payments, what else is there really?

>> No.57147008

I am HODLing not to just put everything I own into SOL ATM as I have made so much profit from it already from practically nothing, the very first crypto I bought was pre-crash LUNA though so I'm kind of traumatized into not doing so. Hopefully it's a blessing in disguise but I have a feeling I'm missing out

>> No.57147018

can anyone send me 1 solana coin so i can start gambling

>> No.57147104
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>> why did everyone stop talking about it?

because it's inferior tech.

oh, i'm sorry, it costs how much to host 1 gb of data on solana? how embarassing for you all.

>> No.57147122

Smart money has been moving to ETH and LINK. Just look onchain.

>> No.57147197

bros anyone thinking of shorting the shit out of this shitcoin?

>> No.57147704

>we have a thriving NFT market and defi gambling
Fucking kek

>> No.57147738

what? There's a lot more to our ecosystem than that, i only said two options lol

>> No.57147744

Ok, please go on then. Sincerely asking you to set the record straight on what Solana has to offer.

>> No.57147776

Let me help, low fees, fast transaction, nfts, gambling, a thriving memecoin market that is even bigger than ethereum's, not to mention all vcs already left because of the ftx fud which is why solana crashed so hard

>> No.57147781
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Because it's an old last cycle coin. They all fade away.

>> No.57147784

you see, we have lots, also we pump the hardest because people noticed the great fundamentals, we are bound to go 4 digits this cycle while ethereum will barely reach ath

>> No.57147792
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just for the sake of comparison, look at how much we've grown in these last months compared to ethereum which is mostly stagnate.

>> No.57147915

The question is why are we talking about top 10 coins on biz? Go to reddit to discuss large caps.

>> No.57148128
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i'm still holding all of mine. it's my biggest position.
i want to leverage it more but am spooked by etf shenanigans

>> No.57148257


No, icp won't be, and also icp is 100% owned and centralized by dfinity who are just dumping on investors constantly.

> but but the tech

It's nothing special, just website addresses tied to the blockchain like nft meta data.

the tech isn't a scam, but the developers are running it to scam people and they control all of the nodes, they have no intention of ever allowing anyone else to run them. This is worse than Binance.

>> No.57148271
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Because at 100 odd bucks we're still 2.5x off ath and not counting further boosting due to a bullrun and wider platform adoption?

>> No.57148280
File: 95 KB, 1071x828, Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 11-36-48 Coinbase Inc. and Coinbase Global Inc. - comp-pr2023-102.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're an idiot, icp is 100 controlled by dfinity and whatever dream you have about creating big money dapps, they will take control of your project or just delete it.

You have to be a fool to trust a fully centralized network that literally pumped from $2 to $700 back down to $2.

Notice that eth, btc never hit bottom?

I don't like solana all that much but it's going to be number 3 based on principle that the dev team is more community based and transparent than dfinity.

Go ahead and read the icp forums and see the loads of complaints people have about running nodes and how they bought $10,000 worth of server equipment just to have dfinity deny their application.

>> No.57149794
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It's happening

>> No.57149800

We stop talking about shits so we can make more money.

>> No.57149828

I couldn't hold it, sold it off to get back after earning real diamonds with KIMBER, an ecosystem, which is making these luxurious gemstones accessible to everyone through exclusive TNFTs

>> No.57149963

Whales are out to make money but fags are always afraid to dive in.

>> No.57149990

Nothing feels sweeter than an ultimate thrill of gambling on Funarcade. It provides an immersive experience where you can chase your luck and potentially boost your earnings

>> No.57150011

But NFT is dead, wtf is this retard talking fgs

>> No.57150422

Won't be surprised about that, most whales are relying on TBOB trading bot to get richer. Imagine BOBNET's Telegram Bot delivering profitable signals and the AutoSniper tool, ensuring poorfags never miss a pump.

>> No.57150477

>don't buy SOL, it's a scam!
Yeah, it's crypto.
Isn't that worn on the sleeve by default?