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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 515 KB, 800x1178, 1691105617426367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57124303 No.57124303 [Reply] [Original]

I want you all to know something. Your ability to easily lie and put a positive spin on EVERYTHING will be directly correlated to your level of wealth.

If you can't see yourself being a CEO, multimillionaire, influencer, or whatever, it's because you know you don't have the ability or willingness to feed into widespread and common fantasies. A key feature of your "autism" is that you "care about the truth". This is inherently a working-class trait. You may ruminate on this truth for months or years before you finally decide that telling the truth to people who don't want to hear it anyway isn't worth sacrificing the life you always dreamed of.

>> No.57124340

I don't dream of money gained through dishonesty and I'm not falling for your psyop shit

>> No.57124426

>life i always dreamed of
your dreams are garbage. sounds like ass.

>> No.57124438

perfect encapsulation of the sentiment of poorfags. all big money depends on a degree of dishonesty. refusing to be dishonest amounts to a vow of poverty

>> No.57124454

and that's why i know I'll never amount to anything, I know i'm completely worthless and barely even human

>> No.57124721
File: 813 KB, 678x1280, asuna racecar whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love this blonde skank like you wouldn't believe

>> No.57124741

And what's wrong with that?

>> No.57124793

there's nothing wrong with that other than you will eventually decide that your one arbitrary virtue isn't worth being eternally poor. there's a limit to how much desperately clinging to "at least im honest to people who don't want it" can comfort you as you advance in age and watch your inferiors vastly exceed you in wealth, status, and influence. as a middle-aged person, i'm telling to do what needs to be done, whatever it is, to advance your position and clout. you either exploit or be exploited--there's no in-between.

>> No.57124932

Then those people can have fun with their wealth, status and influence when they're six feet under. They people probably don't even have real friends, because why would you want to be friends with a yes man?
Also, not being rich doesn't automatically mean you're poor, you can have a normal amount of money and be happy without having to be a rat

>> No.57126026
File: 164 KB, 1200x893, 1642626380464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How you can make a gajillion dollars following these 10 steps that may possibly work for 1-2 of the 10 million watching this video, but is very unlikely.
How does one discern the veracity of information, distinguishing between truth and falsehood?

Can an individual be deemed deceitful if they assert a belief in a statement without ever discovering its factual inaccuracy?

In the realm of subjective matters shaped by individual interpretation, how does one ascertain the authenticity of claims as true or false?

>> No.57126061

tl;dr telling people what they want to hear

>> No.57126912
File: 287 KB, 395x488, 1664823062312727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a highly cynical view on the world (i genuinely believe all celebrities are money hungry sociopaths and all politicians are actively working against their own people while raping kids and committing human sacrifices)
>play videogames all day, practically obsesssing over axie infinity and blocklords (just to name two blockchain vidya games)
>still make good money working from home while mostly jacking off, ocassionally day trading, masturbating, and watching a lot of porn
ill probably hit $1 mil next year if btc behaves

>> No.57126926

10/10 would bang this hottie gurl

>> No.57126929

i want to cum so deep in her womb

>> No.57126952

based and sociopathkilled

>> No.57126964

dude what the fuck
id usually tell someone like you to rope but you just made me sad, seek help stop being so pathetic

>> No.57126970

its over already and has been for very long

>> No.57126992

so youll be poor and a wagie forever, unfortunately

>> No.57126995
File: 7 KB, 477x447, 1659736393053688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

although its true, are we really willing to sell our souls over money? thats literally being an onlyfans girl

>> No.57127006

hey its okay you can still make it even if youre brown

>> No.57127008

>A key feature of your "autism" is that you "care about the truth".

Yeah, I've been thinking about this a lot recently and I think the sweet spot is to be yourself on your free time and put on the fake personality for work until you've made enough money that you don't have to work anymore. But it's definitely not an easy thing to pull off.

>> No.57127009

im extremely white actually
whiter than anyone in this thread probably

>> No.57127013

have you considered transitioning at this point

>> No.57127024

you overestimate how important those honorable things are to these people, theyre completely happy being friends with cold money and get everything they want whenever they want, they dont care about the heart and the soul and feelings, if you dont understand this soon, youre gonna get fucked over easy

>> No.57127025

now here's the kicker
(yes) it failed basically because im just an ugly man

>> No.57127029

the cope, no one whos ever had money would choose poverty over wealth, only poor people think like this