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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57121415 No.57121415 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ starting to fud our new lord and saviour while we just pumped past 2 dollars.
picked up a new stack. Dick feeling pretty SOLID right now not gonna lie

>lets say it hits 1/10th of uniswap, thats a 100x from here. same mcap is 1000x from here.
>daily exchange volume is as high as its market cap (6m)
>uniswap's volume is 200m which is 33x the amount of volume. so if you compare the two in terms of trade volume, it can still grow at least 33x given current trade volume, ignoring the fact that its actually a better exchange (cheaper trades)

>> No.57121422
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>> No.57121427

daily reminder DEX's dont have a dedicated userbase. Since there is no onboarding required, people will easily switch to whatever is cheapest

>> No.57121550

this is going to be this cycles sushi swap and no one can change my mind, I could see it 200x'ing from here easily

Look at the uniswap token - literally a rigged governance token (rigged in the sense that your vote doesn't count because the devs can out vote everyone), AKA token not needed yet its market cap is something like $7.5 BILLION

Solid is the people's DEX and token is actually needed, join the right side of history, current market cap only $12 Million

>> No.57121578
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Solidly the people's DEX

>> No.57121708
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>> No.57121714

I'm feeling it bros, 4$ EOY is FUD

>> No.57121755


>> No.57121940

appeararntly its already 2,50 on phantom

>> No.57121986

fuddies completely BTFO

>> No.57122093


>> No.57122121

For once bizraelis did good and shilled this for early birds. It’s still small cap anon!

>> No.57122128

SOLIDly already higher volume today than sushiswap on the ethereum chain...
Sushiswap has about a 25x times the market cap of Solidly
I hope you don't need more hints anon...

>> No.57122147
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Oh god, oh fuck

>> No.57122175
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>> No.57122196

$2.99 on Fantom
$2.37 on Ethereum


>> No.57122566
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>> No.57122582

kind of crazy. I just sold 10% of my stack last night and now I regret it. I'll probably sell another 10% at $3 and let the rest ride

>> No.57122910

i think we're still in for a x20 from here

>> No.57123003
File: 538 KB, 1792x1024, GCXHCwuWQAAk6Sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOLIDLY already top 2 DEX on FTM By Volume.
Gonna hit $6 soon

>> No.57123048
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Come /biz/ make me rich again

>> No.57123056

Lets make it $1000 per SOLID in full bull

>> No.57123058

How much for a suicide stack?
it’s at 8m mcap now

>> No.57123059

I don't agree because TVL isn't really rising as fast as the cap on solidly is.

>> No.57123079

Wait I lied. Wrong tab on defillama. Yeah this is undervalued. 54bn. Probably a 2x here is conservative. I like to see a 3:1 ratio for token to TVL

>> No.57123087

Lied again it IS 6m. I'm gonna kill myself. Sorry for the mix up. I'm drunk as shit right now

>> No.57123090

Also, what do I buy this with?

>> No.57123101

I use open ocean to buy almost everything, personally.

>> No.57123118

10k sui
I used weth on the solidly site

>> No.57123164

>10k suicide stack
well shit, I’m late again, is this going to do a 5x only from 6m mcap?

>> No.57123187

its not 6m its nearly 20m atm.

>> No.57123188

it is a nice way but directly on solidly.com is still the cheapest for me.

>> No.57123210

its where the biggest liquidity is

>> No.57123262

This shit has disturbingly low volume

>> No.57123266

fuuuuck fomo is killing me…
$25k on a suicide stack fuuuck

>> No.57123284

More like 1k sui and 10k for make it. Take a look at how much have been locked for 4 years.. supply shock incoming. Hard.

>> No.57123485
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>more than 90% of supply is “locked for four years”
>voting holders vote to unlock their tokens
>rug in 5d 6h 38min
Thanks for playing

>> No.57123501

Where’s the proposal?

>> No.57123507

This is accurate

>> No.57123515

There isn't one. He's coping.

>> No.57123587
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>Thanks for playing
nice fud pajeet. this is the lp weekly voting.

The amount of people on biz that have wrote off a project that:
>works better than the competition
>isn't centralized garbage
>has good tokenomics
>is cheaper than the competition
>has a head start on ccip features because of a unique relationship with chainlink
>has 1000x of room to grow
is something else
this board cries out for decent projects to buy into and for good discussions to be had on fundamentals
I honestly don't give a shit if anyone here buys, in fact I may just join the fud

>> No.57123800
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The Fantom Foundation has shilled them days on end, check their twitter, basically it's a Solidly timeline. With such price moves (ie 10x), projects always get approached and offered new opportunities, marketing budgets get replenished etc.
So catalysts are almost a certainty and the chart supports them.

>> No.57123926

Idiot. Kerp on fudding tho.

>> No.57124688
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>> No.57125510

SOLID Good Coin

>> No.57126343
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Sui stack is actually 1k, make it 10k

>> No.57126473

You KNOW you need more Solid in your life

>> No.57126958

i was looking at this shit two days ago at $1 thinking, fuckin fantom is a shitchain.
Didnt read into it past that and realise its on eth and does crosschain shit too. Goddam it. just bought 100 solids and will get to 500 over the coming days.. assuming it pulls back a bit.

>> No.57126973

$1000 min. Look at that tiny ass supply. And crypto twitter barely knows fuck all about it still. People are lowballing this thing hard on this board as far as how high it could run.

>> No.57127140

If SOLID was so great, why isn't it on exchanges?

>> No.57127159

Dick Solid is a cool song. Goes hard af

>> No.57128290

Are exchanges on auto pilot right now? They aren't adding shit.

>> No.57128699

That's how early it still is

>> No.57128956

Aaaaaaaa it keeps pamping

>> No.57128975

realistically where can this be in 2 years?
>t. interested buyer

>> No.57129054

what's amazing is these retards will keep buying their own token believing that someone will eventually look at the chart and think "wow I want to buy this"

>> No.57129125
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You could literally say the exact same thing about any dex token, yet they have a history if performing really well.

>> No.57129138

dex tokens always dump. especially those with no tvl or volume and which have no organic buy pressure

>> No.57129148

where to buy?

>> No.57129216


Use wETH pair

>> No.57129487

Thanks for spoonfeeding us anons. The fud on this coin seems very fallacious and low effort. Meanwhile the shills actually seem to have good arguments. I bought some just in case

>> No.57129532

>just 15x'd

And you want me to buy?

>> No.57129544

We are doompimg sers

>> No.57129545

Cope cope

>> No.57129553

Im a europoor fag from europoor country. Could 1k be make it stack here?

>> No.57129555

It's not just another dex though is it, it'll be the first cross chain dex running on top of ccip
I wouldn't be surprised if devs build products on top of solidly the more they enable cross chain swaps
The layered infrastructure: CCIP -> Solidly -> [insert product here,]

>> No.57129557

Lido and Paraswap already integrated Solidly. It's definitely more than just a dex.

>> No.57129561

can confirm solidly eth swaps ARE cheap. $2, $3. what eth should be not this $20, $50, $100+ bullshit.

>> No.57129604

I haven't used coinbase in forever, tried buying some USDC to send to wallet to swap to SOLID. Coinbase won't let me withdraw more than 0.66 cents even after I deposited 250 bucks, what the fuck is this.

>> No.57129613

Yeah they usually have really long waiting periods for 'security' as mandated by our benevolent government

>> No.57129631

if it does a 100x youll have 260000$ usd

>> No.57129676

wow, beginning to remember now. I used to add money via debit card. or am I thinking about cashing out. either way, I just tried the card option and they want 5% fees. fuck that shit, what a joke.

>> No.57129685

Yeah man its a racket all the way through. I stopped onramping through cb for that reason. Fuck CEXs, even binance.us had a 10 day wait on new funds before you could send them out.

I started using alternative onramps, moonpay was one of them a few years ago but idk whats being used now. Check through your metamask, you may be able to buy directly through there, and itll have fees but it goes directly to your wallet.

>> No.57129712
File: 29 KB, 1500x500, solidly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just another dex though is it, it'll be the first cross chain dex running on top of ccip
I wouldn't be surprised if devs build products on top of solidly the more they enable cross chain swaps
The layered infrastructure: CCIP -> Solidly -> [insert product here,]...

>> No.57129943

lmao its still pumping someone make a new thread
3 dollar waiting room

>> No.57129998

it's only /biz/realies buying right now, hopefully CT fags follow suit.

>> No.57130081

whats CT

>> No.57130088

you have to go back

>> No.57130103

crypto twitter

>> No.57130655

Should I lock my solid? Or isn't it that necessary?
How much would I earn for a week or month worths if staking. Imagine I had 400 solid

>> No.57130973

you can check voting apr on their website for ftm by connecting your wallet and go to vote tab

>> No.57132352


>> No.57132760


>> No.57132804


>> No.57132833

Where can I buy? I'm definitely going to grab a bag. What's a sui stack?

>> No.57132865


Swap to WETH then to SOLIDLY

>> No.57132887

Thanks, I got it. Only buying $2k worth now, but if what you guys are saying is true then it's still fucking early...

>> No.57133108

Whats the Potential?
Can I stake 500 of em? How much would that yield me in a month?

>> No.57133119

You can look at the aprs on the site itself, it depends on the pair you LP and what the market is doing, but it's been very strong.

>> No.57133121

Read the thread, lots of good and bullish info

>> No.57133145

What would you do? Or what did you choose!>>57133121
I read most of it. Just wanted another sober opinion

>> No.57133160

I have 2k split between solid and wftm on ftm, its been giving me ~700% apr, but it started higher. The vast majority I have is solid in my wallet, but I'm waiting to bridge it to ftm and then I'll increase my lp position and probably vest some.

>> No.57133177

Very nice. I don't want to bridge. Would you recommend me to lock mine?

>> No.57133197

If you want to stay on ETH yeah I'd look into what vesting does for you. To get full voting power you need to lock for 4 years, but you can get some voting power by locking much shorter. Right now in the growth phase some of the incentives for locking are reduced, so the short term play is probably just to buy the token itself and ride the wave and accumulate. Once it starts hitting other chains then it would make more sense locking into the protocol.

That said the gas savings are kinda nuts on solidly on eth, most of my swaps were between $3 and $7.

>> No.57133223

Yeah. I was pretty amazed too about the swap cost. Immediately showed me that is "just works". So I guess I just hold mine (500) for now and wait. Not sure if I'll put in more. Still skeptical about the aprs.

>> No.57133236

You should at least try to get a 1k sui stack, then you can play with 250 or so in the lps and just hold the rest or whatever feels best for you. I'm holding most of them, but I'll play with a little on the side. The growth potential is huge, this is definitely my next bullrun pick.

>> No.57133299

But then again I think about the "all eggs in one basket"- thing and fear we have a liquidity Exploit

>> No.57133308

Thats why I just looked at their security measures theyve built in: docs.solidly.com

but yeah thats also why i dont ever lp everything.

>> No.57133415

So advice is actually throwing in moar? Rather then just letting the 500 solids sit there

>> No.57133468
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Yes. If this get even a fraction (1/10th) of uniswap mcap, its still like 80x from here. If you just compare the volume, it's a 33x. Either way, you can make real money with how this market is looking. BTC Still may retrace here and drop back into the low 30s before the real bull, but solid will be a big riser in the next cycle.

And we look at uniswap because solid offers a better and more efficient product, there is no competitor that can beat solid on its cost savings and cross chain governance.

>> No.57133486

I hope ur not just shilling. Whats ur average buy?

>> No.57133512

>its still like 80x from here. If you just compare the volume, it's a 33x.
When people say this shit I usually just aim for lower and ask myself if a 5x or 10x is likely or possible given what I've read, and in this case the answer is a clear yes.

I'm really not, its a good project with cutting edge tech concepts, I think it'll be very relevant over the next couple years at a minimum unless someone develops better tech somehow. My avg buy is around $1.50-$1.60, but I'm glad I was able to get some around $1.25. Holding till $10 min, but I'm pretty confident it will go further so I'll hold a chunk for a long time most likely.

>> No.57133527

They are triple-audited. with a 4th audit ongoing. you can find these audits on their github.

It is also based on an uniswap v3 fork so it is pretty approved

>> No.57133563

Why's this post two times in this thread?

>> No.57133585

Some dude copied it from a thread last night and has been spamming it in random threads

>> No.57133992

Pretty sure it's some reverse fudding gymnastics

>> No.57134073

this place has made me schizophrenic