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File: 1.21 MB, 1620x1080, SEVEN_DAYS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57113181 No.57113181 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

>Temporary alliance with jews and reddit we can go back to hating each other later
>Don't take any DD for fact use your brain

>As always
Kek bondies

Previousneed on /BBBYQ/:

>> No.57113196
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bed, bag, and beyond

>> No.57113213

Reminder- no DD has ever been correct. No DD writer has ever made an accurate prediction.

>> No.57113242

Is today the day?

>> No.57113260
File: 364 KB, 944x903, Screenshot 2023-12-28 092814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post proof of your short position being closed. I’ll wait.

>> No.57113329

how about you post proof you even have a position in BBBYQ or Teddy. I'll wait, shilly billy

>> No.57113384

post proof of any redditnigger DD coming true, i’ll wait.

>> No.57113389

So shorts never closed?

>> No.57113415
File: 9 KB, 441x495, 1701011990617205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuddy duddies are sneething right on schedule

>> No.57113423

hey, uh so wealthsimple is saying this now "this security isn't eligible for settlement through the clearing system in Canada." Is my maple money more fucked then usual? my loonies and toonies!

>> No.57113577

Shorts never closed. It’s why they’re scared. It why they still need to come here and try to shill.

Once the RC lawsuit is done, and once chapter 11 finishes up and the unsecured creditors are sent away, then the stage is set for the teddy merger.

>> No.57113586

shorts never opened

>> No.57113638

>Shorts never closed.
Prove it

>> No.57113687

it's literally today

>> No.57113712
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>> No.57113770
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Holy Innocents Day

>> No.57113782
File: 84 KB, 760x507, 20211228171248_d245e76611a63cee2760dd2d8e0567dc2e2bef98804e6f3cc254f3e0c851d7da[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57113819

BrInG PeOpLe ToGeThEr

>> No.57113878

I mean if they changed this back to the AMC general then at least it would represent a stock that can be traded. A shit stock, but one that manages to cross the low threshold of still being real.

>> No.57113931

I haven't done this in a bit, but are the new shares in the room with us right now?

>> No.57113979

You cannot predict the date you dumb fucking reddit nigger. There is a court case happening

>> No.57113996

Date fagging is the shill's second favorite past time

>> No.57114004

shills mad

>> No.57114015

This is why I hate the hype around "back stage RC" who is clearly Alex or Travis.

>> No.57114058

You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.57114083

Baggies you keep saying shorts haven't closed. That means you can provide proof of an open short position correct?

>> No.57114110
File: 3.53 MB, 4928x3264, Bucket-of-fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the proof you seek!

>> No.57114144

That poster correctly predicted the date that buy buy baby stores would reopen. Has to be an insider, maybe not RC himself but someone with some serious access. Might even be a group of high level people posting with that identity.

>> No.57114200

That announcement was made by the company in the investor relations part of the site. He did not predict shit. Have higher standards as an adult grown man.

>> No.57114210

If that is true then the countdown hit 0 today. What amazing event was this insider hinting at?

>> No.57114259

Reminder- my DD has been proven to be true. I used the company's financial statements, liquidation, and basic common sense to predict that my portfolio would outperform BBBYQ. Now that BBBYQ no longer exists, I have been vindicated. I'm just glad I was smart enough not to take my investment advice from a youtube grifter and lose my life savings in a bankrupt towel retailer, I'm all in on dogshit.

>> No.57114303

90 days following form 15 is today. Boom.

>> No.57114334

So you guys got your Teddy shares?

>> No.57114348

keep on shillin’

>> No.57114368

>This thing happened today which proves us right
>Wow why did you expect something to happen today are you retarded WAGMI
So you concede that the 90 day wait was meaningless?

>> No.57114381

AH could be an announcement drop.

>> No.57114392

Sorry, the announcement has an NDA.

>> No.57114420
File: 85 KB, 1200x675, ddc4eqc7ksy31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean your brokerage still shows no value or shares? I am surprised. I wonder if there is another date of significance, say two weeks from today, which will prove you right? Should people continue watching and donating to various streamers for the updates until that day is also proven to be meaningless?

>> No.57114438

We can’t do anything about it except wait and watch it unfold. Be zen and trust RC. Nothing can stop what is coming. God wins.

>> No.57114466

I accept your concession>>57114438

>> No.57114514

My favourite part of delusional baggie ramblings is that when you ask them to actually prove any historical claims they throw their hands up and go 'well we can't do anything anyway so who cares'

>> No.57114736
File: 15 KB, 255x205, CigarPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else feeling comfy womfy this afternoon?

>> No.57114752


Michael from the pp show is hurting for money so bad, he’s offering dream interpretations for money.

>> No.57114866

and by dream he means cock and by interpretations he means ratings
kek baggots

>> No.57114869
File: 54 KB, 615x408, GCcj-poWgAAIXhU[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite part of dedicated kekers is throwing my hands up when they ask me to actually prove any historical claims.
>It’s easy to sit there and say you’d like to have more money.
>And I guess that’s what I like about it.
>It’s easy.
>Just sitting there, rocking back and forth, wanting that money.

>> No.57114901

remember when they said they are done and are leaving because we "got our Q"

>> No.57114903

Me, boss. AH announcement perhaps?

>> No.57114925

When looking back on those fun times is there ever a point where now you're like
>fuck I should have sold right there

>> No.57114932
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JPM is about to get fucked hard.

>> No.57114943

That's what they get for crashing the Titanic and setting up the Fed. Fuckers.

>> No.57114968

And fucking Tesla out of all wealth, imagine where we could be right now as a species if Tesla was allowed to continue his research with full funding.

can also blame JPM for that.

>> No.57114970

No. I'm unironically more bullish now than I was back then and my price targets are much higher knowing we are headed to tZERO.

>> No.57114977
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1681279607781287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, that's honestly impressive.

>> No.57114987

I've had an overwhleming boner ever since our shares we erased, What they aren't saying answers all my questions.

Fairly easy to understand what's going on when you stop looking for reasons why and just look at the actions taking place.

>> No.57115133

>we are headed to tZERO.

>> No.57115147
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>> No.57115183
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Look on my 147 get, ye Shills, and despair!

>> No.57115187

Isn't T-Zero down for a few hours for "maintenance" today? Hmmm ...

>> No.57115210

which youtube channel do I like and subscribe?

>> No.57115360


>> No.57115371
File: 363 KB, 600x1224, translation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that, baggies? You thought that just because the plan administrator and one of the liquidating attorneys told you that the company can't even pay its debts, you can finally stop giving Alex Zarac your money? Not on Bruno's watch!

>> No.57115407

Ud be more convincing if u put less effort into ur shilling efforts

>> No.57115422

TYFYS. You can always count on shills to bring us the latest DD

>> No.57115431

Isn't a "shill" someone who is selling you something in a deceptive way? Alex "PPseeds" Zarac fit the definition better than the people (me) who shit on your non-existent bags.

>> No.57115443

He doesn't know

>> No.57115454

Did Kais "Fuck my wife for $500" Maleej finally usurp small-pp energy Zarac?

>> No.57115474

>fuck Kai's wife for $500
Now that's a deal!

>> No.57115485

Oh now do "fraud"!

>> No.57115500

No one cares about that retarded internet drama. I think ppl just like the stock and are speculating on what could be in store. U sound very pathetic and should probably consider touching some grass m8

>> No.57115516

>outside of what is in the public domain.
so there is something going on behind the scenes.

>> No.57115577

>just like the stock

>> No.57115593

good one
also, way to post on the 4's and get dubs
you guys are doing really well

>> No.57115599

If shills could read they would be very upset.

>> No.57115624
File: 615 KB, 1284x1697, IMG_0479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shareholder of BBBY
>present tense
We are ALL going to WAGMI

>> No.57115638


>> No.57115665

We are gonna WAGMI it harder than it's ever been WAGMI'd before.

>> No.57115677

I just did a review of FFx and it appears you should add it to the list to play.

>> No.57115678

Shills gone silent lol.

>> No.57115697

Nice numerals, but please don't distract the discussion from the wonderful bullish evidence your fellow shillbro so graciously brought to our attention >>57115371

>> No.57115761

They scurry back to the discord so the hive mind can reconvene. They are incapable of independent thought.

>> No.57115770

Are your shares in the room with you right now?

>> No.57115796

And they're BAAACK!

>> No.57115824

Who wrote that?

>> No.57115837
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, 0004-08-were-back-a-dinosaurs-story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only there was a special cereal that could make shills smarter

>> No.57115874


>> No.57115974

reminder that there's no proof that shorts closed except that proof I didn't like

>> No.57115985

Baggies can't prove they own shares. Baggies can't prove shorts didn't close. What exactly makes baggies think they won?

>> No.57116024


>> No.57116109
File: 968 KB, 1345x3482, 1633478566790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, this has the same energy as

>> No.57116111

I saw something that might be something idk.
Right now it’s $0/share but I saw that in the filings for chapter 11 that this is a special case.
Interestingly enough if you add 1+1=2
If you add that to 11 you get 13 which is a different kind of chapter
If you also take BBBY and number it out you get b=2 and y= 25
If you add those you get 2+2+2+25 which equals 31 which is the inverse of 13.
If I take those and cross multiply the one drops and so all you’re left with is 3.
Do you know what this means?
Half life 3 confirmed

>> No.57116138
File: 279 KB, 1851x1864, guhst9n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best news I've seen come out of these threads in a while, checked

>> No.57116387

Why are baggies already arguing about whether 24th January or 16th May are the new goalposts? Is it not going to happen in 2023?

>> No.57116432

It’s not going to happen in 2024, either. Maybe if baggots keep donating to the pee pee show the dee dee will shine upon them and indicate that something may happen in 2025. KEK DUMBFUCK BAGGIES ;)

>> No.57116500
File: 20 KB, 474x484, MoonaSoona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say "baggot", remember? Your fellow cocksucking meltdownies will be seething once they get done dilating.

>> No.57116511

The proof shorts are closed is that the stock no longer exists.

>> No.57116529

It still exists, it’s just not currently listed.

>> No.57116564

Suck my girthy dick, nigger. Don’t fucking lump me in with Reddit faggots. YOU ARE WARNED, BAGGOT, YOU ARE WARNED

>> No.57116802


>> No.57116839

There is an NDA regarding the existence of BBBY. I'm fact this entire thread is in breach of an NDA, you are all going to jail.

>> No.57116927
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Believe it or not, straight to jail

>> No.57116955

You can't talk about the NDA, it's under NDA

>> No.57117031
File: 21 KB, 900x1047, 173742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17% of this entire thread are 1PBTID, and they started samefagging in earnest after our good friend shillbro showed us this >>57115371
Some organized group of fags doesn't want this discussed. Shills shamblin and ramblin. Don't let it slide.

>> No.57117052

Detective Baggot is on the case! Next, you should tackle “The case of the phantom shares”

>> No.57117079

That's not how a stock cancelation works. There is no limbo or purgatory for a stock to wait in, maybe to come back. The BBBYQ CUISP number is gone, and you can not reuse a CUISP number. This process of canceling a stock is irreversable.

>> No.57117095
File: 953 KB, 2250x1502, Sea-Lion-Baby-Max-0001-8088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you solve the case of the unprecedented CH11 proceedings which force closed all shares and forced a taxable event on all parties without the issuance of new equity (you can't, it's never happened. Shillfags cannot refute this.)

>> No.57117202

Hmm, I could work on that. Or, I could continue to mock and bully you faggots as nothing continues to happen and you grow progressively more desperate and unhinged. I wonder which one I’ll do lmao

>> No.57117249

I accept your consnession. TYFYS

>> No.57117290

>force closed all shares and forced a taxable event on all parties without the issuance of new equity
Sounds like you finally accept shares are gone, good for you.

>> No.57117297

Baggies love the thought terminating cliche. With big brain power like that, no wonder you guys are such wildly successful investment whizzes!

>> No.57117443
File: 94 KB, 1080x1080, motivation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using shill terms to mock them
>Baggies love the thought terminating cliche!
Absolutely braindead. Thanks for the good kek

>> No.57117737

Just because this is baggies first bankruptcy doesn't mean it is the first one ever. Object permanence is a fundamental development stage for babies that baggies missed.

>> No.57117760

Wow, not one counterargument, just a bunch of ad hominem, the final refuge of the loser of arguments. Dare I say we all gonna wagmi?

>> No.57117762

they bump for us, do dd for us, and sometimes they even make fresh oc, this is the good life

>> No.57117767

If we lost the argument where is your equity?

>> No.57117786


>> No.57117912

Imagine going balls deep in baggy wives and daughters. With those desperate whores letting you piss all over them just for a next meal.

It's a good time to be a bag kekker.

>> No.57117973

Things baggies don’t have: wives, daughters, dignity, shares.

>> No.57118035

Maybe them cancelling the shares forcibly and give you nothing had something to do with them announcing that the plan was to cancel the shares and give you nothing?
Many CH11 end in nothing for equity. SHLDQ was cancelled, no new equity for SHLDQ holders, Sears went CH11. There's your spoonsneed

>> No.57118088

Except Sears is still in people's accounts and traded OTC. Maybe try being correct when you spoonsneed.

>> No.57118121

Did you get your shares back? Did you receive equity in exchange? I stand corrected, bagbros. I apologize.

>> No.57118161


>> No.57118200

The equity is under an NDA

>> No.57118212

ok alot of schizos say that there are paid fudders in these threads and I was like yeah sure but then I read comments like these... I mean that is so hostile. Are they in your Mumbai telegram demanding you up the heat? It's just obvious

>> No.57118222


>> No.57118235
File: 8 KB, 390x252, Screenshot 2023-12-28 202926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not true. finra.

>> No.57118373

Did it hit a little to close to home baggie? Not the first time mommy's had to do some special work to keep Christmas going after daddy pissed away the money?

>> No.57118397

I stand corrected. I am willing to admit when I'm wrong. Sears is no longer traded due to market makers not having to make markets for securities who no longer report financial information, and they are still awaiting funds from litigation to enact their reorganization plan and exit CH11. All of these parallel the bbby bankruptcy. Thank you for the spoonsneeding, I guess I needed it.

>> No.57118400

FINRA is under an NDA

>> No.57118415

SHLDQ took years to be canceled after ch 11, but they finally did it because of schizo baggies, and buying bankrupt tickers became a meme. Expert market was created so retail pump and dumpers couldn't create more idiot baggies. Now expect shares of bankrupt companies
To be canceled much faster to prevent all this.

>> No.57118469

So is PP talking how amc is the new play now? Kek

>> No.57118487
File: 663 KB, 794x1508, Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 9.03.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very fucking cringe. Basically paints the full, undeniable picture that he was grifting this whole time and fears no consequences from retail. A complete fucking nigger and failure of a grandson


>> No.57118526

Pulte is out-trolling you guys, and it's your job to troll. Pretty weak/pathetic on your part if you ask me

>> No.57118548

No, pulte, its not a troll and that will not be a valid cop out once my minecraft VM finishes booting up (4070 and 32 cores btw). You religiously block anyone that points out your grift so it cant be "just a joke". Youre a fucking lame nigger.

>> No.57118551

everything about this is bizarre
RC rugpulling us while keeping up the cryptic tweets/likes
truly psycho behavior if there's nothing good coming to us

>> No.57118570

Hertz disproves you.

>> No.57118573
File: 53 KB, 798x348, Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 9.16.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very psychotic. I had a thought today that Pulte is running the RC twitter account. A very slimey egotistical guy

>> No.57118599

Hertz was never cancelled lol

>> No.57118605

Exactly. Now this shill is starting to wake up.

>> No.57118623

Based Sal.
Him and Jake and tuley are the only ones I enjoy. The rest are talmud followers or literally just satanic like Travis making the hook ‘em horns live shamelessly or retards in chat doing it which I insta block ie rooster. Like yea get on board with satan! Like… Fuck yea devil horns guys… Kys pedophile devils. Then burn in hell forever you faggots.
P.s. lmfao sal burned grifter Pulte.
That was a burn too like gtfo btfo you fucking weasel.

>> No.57118632

Different sal. You’re thinking of the angry Pakistani guy.

>> No.57118639

Sal is an annoying faggot and his accent sounds like he has a mouth full of cock. The only sane person was okbet and im assuming he gave up

This isnt the same Sal though.

Is he really Paki???

>> No.57118658
File: 1.28 MB, 587x782, pulte_amc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57118662

>british accent
>wildly antidemetic
>terrible investing

yup, 100% pakistani

>> No.57118670

The constant anger and spending all day online arguing definitely fits

>> No.57118673

It might be tough for Americans to hear it, but anyone familiar with how British accents sound can hear it super clearly that he’s paki.

>> No.57118689

I don’t read twitter so my bad thanks for enlightening me except Sal is British or something in uk.

>> No.57118706

Yes, he grew up in England. But it’s the same how you can tell a black person just by their voice. If you know Brit and pakis in England. You can hear it in their voice.

>> No.57118713

Okbet I wanna like but 99% sure he’s a moloch mason. So no dice. I’m not down with child sacrifice like 99% of PPshow.

>> No.57118727

Paki still better than Indian though right?

>> No.57118774

indian are slowly becoming the most powerful peoples on earth..... you really cant compare them to the pakis at this point

the two 'I's of the world - india and israel - are shaping up to be the next world order in power and politics

>> No.57118786

Pulte: strength in unity not division.
Reality: literally divides us by grifting amc.

Anyone else gunna say it or am I the only one with balls enough to say he’s in a secret society? OH MY BAD ITS JUST A SOCIETY WITH SECRETS.

>> No.57118806

Have you checked out the India hate threads on pol lately? Don’t make me post images of Indians bathing in shit and piss while eating cow Pattie’s. Superpower my ass they’re too busy eating shit off the floor LITERALLY THATS THE CULTURE. THEY SELL COW DUNG AND PISS IN BOTTLES TO PAY FOR THE FLIGHT TO N AMERICA.
Superpower…. LOL

>> No.57118813
File: 2.00 MB, 500x208, ShilliesInaBBBYQThread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why hello fellow anons.

>> No.57118885

Pulte does NOT follow God.
Sorry Pulte moloch/Baal/Repham or any fallenangel/nephilem/Lucifer/satan are not even demigods, they bend to Gods commands. Pulte won’t debate me on this he’s a full blown grifter liar coward.

>> No.57118890
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>> No.57118956
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>> No.57118966
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>> No.57119080
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>> No.57119171

wow!!!!!! look at all this short gain porn!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.57119200

Where’s Sears short gain porn?

>> No.57119312

Kek well now I know all the shillies are indian cause no American even knows what or where Pakistan is

>> No.57119423
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>> No.57119597

Nothing bizarre about it. RC sold, told us why he sold, and told us to diversify before that (in hindsight he meant to not to blindly invest in whatever he does). The people who didn't listen to him are now open to grifters like Pulte and PPsneeds.

>> No.57119640
File: 109 KB, 800x800, average BBBaggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and told us to diversify
Bagroids were like
AFTER Chobain sold ALL of his BBBags

>> No.57119778
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>> No.57119816
File: 494 KB, 800x600, IMG_0251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t even need to read any DD more. All the altruistic people who read dd for me then come and warn me about it is fascinating. I just wait for the shamblers to interpret the dd then I can get a sense of what narrative is currently being pushed and hopefully analyze why, while I wait for more information.

I have to go for now though, I’m off to the esoteric cooking forums to do an incredible amount of pre requisite research to warn people against using certain ingredients in their recipes, and why they should actually use different ingredients that I secretly have a financial interest in, be back later.

>> No.57120413

Pulte single handedly destroyed bbbyq cult lmfao

>> No.57120602
File: 147 KB, 1260x840, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, hello my fellow Shareholders

>> No.57121203
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>> No.57121399
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never release the secret of the bundt cake

>> No.57121465
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I expect a lot of shamblin today.

>> No.57121503

>bumping a dead thread about a dead stock with delusions about it not being over
What are you guys even trying to do? Advertise for the pp show?

>> No.57121547

it's fun to dab on transbaggies
bumping their containment thread only fuels their delusion, drawing out the pain
i'll milk them for keks till the last baggot ropes

>> No.57121579

Two more weeks until GameStop brings the entire financial system down but somehow baggies end up rich instead of penniless

>> No.57121614

>The entire system is corrupt and rife with crime
>The system will be forced to pay us because the rules say they have to
Nice doublethink baggies

>> No.57121635
File: 45 KB, 640x738, 3bdd27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically

>> No.57121688

>Baggies still cannot explain why their happening will happen
>Baggies still cannot explain why, even if their happening happens, they will get a single cent
Poor until they die lmao

>> No.57121703

There is no way to unwind this without exposing Wallstreet AND the Feds as criminal shysters. They have no choice but to pay us but to expose the entire global economy as a fraud. Once all of your paper portfolios are known to be bogus, then the musical chairs stops. Now is not the time to renege on your credibility.
I remind everyone to be hedging your GME shares with precious metals anyway.

>> No.57121740

Supply/demand. Hedgies can do as they please, it makes no difference to the price other than inhibiting GME growth by not giving us a proper valuation. As it stands GME is debt free and crash proof because it will suffer from the opposite problem of a crash. It will be a cascade of buying. Just have to keep buying and never selling and direct registering and one of these institutions will snap in half. Even massive financial institutions are going under to the massive swaps.
It's only a matter of time.

>> No.57121780

>Once all of your paper portfolios are known to be bogus
So you agree your shares are worth nothing?

>> No.57121787

They're worth as much as USD, so essentially

>> No.57121792

Hilarious that baggie DD is basically just:
>*bong rip* did you ever think about how money isn’t real, maaaaaaaaaan

>> No.57121798

>He doesn't know

>> No.57121816
File: 113 KB, 500x500, Shillies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The market makers are playing fast and loose with the shares. This was proven when the DTCC mishandled the share dividend. They got too far on the short side as they were openly STEALING retain investment and now they can't afford to balance their books because they are stuck in an illiquid trade.
Go ask LTCM what it means to be in an "illiquid trade" LOL

>> No.57121857


>> No.57121874
File: 49 KB, 515x515, oh no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys wanted to buy some BBBY shares but something is wrong I'm not seeing the ticker on any of my brokerage accounts. Help?

>> No.57121889

>The people who run the markets are thieves
>They will absolutely give us money because...

>> No.57121911
File: 28 KB, 750x422, IMG_7867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57121975

The problem is the number of shares issued by the company is a large number. But that does not mean it is infinite. Hedgies were operating as if they were infinite because they have derivatives and ways to manipulate the price etc. They are now stuck counterfeiting shares because they mis priced them and as it stands the legal mechanisms mean that the books will ultimately need to be balanced again, and that can only happen by buying them back to close out the shorts. They can't just say "sorry GME equity holders, there are now 2BN shares because of reasons LOL".
It doesn't work this way. What they were doing is very illegal for obvious reasons.

>> No.57121981

Can you share your proof of counterfeit shares?

>> No.57121999

Imagine being this retarded, but unironically

>> No.57122011

but then your shares were cancelled and it no longer matters, shorts don't apply to new equity
the same will happen to brainstop btw

>> No.57122026

they can and they already have, if they needed to (they don't) they could just dilute the stock further.
or cancel the shares again, lol
thanks for playing

>> No.57122038

>shorts don't apply to new equity
They do in the case of m/a

>> No.57122075

Who is going to force those shorts to honor a new equity?

>> No.57122085

the good jews

>> No.57122088
File: 451 KB, 498x280, BBBYQ Tendy Time.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can hear the tears welling up in their eyes while they desperately try to convince us the play is over. I don't even want $45 per share. I want SIX MILLION DOLLARS PER SHARE.

>> No.57122184

That information is under an NDA

>> No.57122237

Remember a month ago when the goalpost was
>it will definitely happen before the end of the year because NOLs
And now it’s
>it will definitely happen before may 16th because something else
And then when they’re still broke on may 17th it will be
>it will definitely happen before 2025 because Cohen released a children’s book on the second of February and tweeted at 5 minutes past 2pm if you screenshot the tweet in the North Korean timezone

>> No.57122249

Kek. The dangers of letting midwits gamble their money

>> No.57122272

I don’t want money. I want the death of every hedgie and every shill that took part in making me wait.

>> No.57122279

The point is that if BBBYQ was naked short, anyone who is long will be legally entitled to any disbursements owed to them. The broker will not eat those losses, but take money from the short sellers' margin account.
The point is the brokers can't just tell me "oh sorry, those BBBY shares we sold you, they were fake and we owe you nothing". That's not how any of this works. We are fully entitled to the rights of these shares as owners and it is the PFOF brokers who are playing fast and loose with the numbers. If they only own 10M shares but sold 100M shares then that shortfall simply gets passed onto the short sellers'. And if Citadel implodes then the DTCC gets to buy back the shares to balance the books.
Pretty simply leverage structure here. This is why Doug Cifu was crying back in October because people will still slurping up shares for pennies on the dollar and he has a pretty good idea that BBBY is not just going to disappear. He was NOT HAPPY about cellar boxing seemingly being successful. He knows something we don't. In fact, do we even know where the shares went? Was it court order or did the DTCC have to put a stop to the madness

>> No.57122311
File: 7 KB, 284x177, MOASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are looking pretty spicy. We already have confirmation that the CH11 case is moving forward with non public information.
Why is it that my shares disappear and yet this is still the most exciting investment out there right now?
I've never been comfier. I'm mentally prepared for 100% loss but I literally have the potential to be retired in mere weeks. Fortune favors the bold and I have my chips down for a trade of a lifetime.

>> No.57122462

>and yet this is still the most exciting investment out there right now
have you ever heard of Plato's allegory of the cave?

>> No.57122476

The market is corrupt, so why would the brokers give longs anything instead of just screwing them? You can't have it both ways, either the market is functional and you are entitled to money or the market is fraudulent in which case you lose.

>> No.57122509

how does 0 sound?

>> No.57122521

Why the fuck would brokers literally die on a sword for shorts when they could just margin call them and survive the storm?

>> No.57122523

>muh reverse merger aqcuisition
literally not gonna happen
thanks for playing, cuckie

>> No.57122536

they don't have to, you're not owed shit

>> No.57122543

They are playing fast and loose with the numbers. The problem is they are now facing a mechanism that pins them down to the ACTUAL number of shares they sold.
There are still laws and regulations in place. They can't just "screw" the longs. Screw them all? Screw "some" of them? What the hell are you even talking about you cock sucking tranny retard.

>> No.57122559

they actually did, the second the shares were declared worthless
infinity X 0 = ?

>> No.57122567

back to wagekekking for minimum wagerino for the rest of your miserable life goober

>> No.57122599

Now you’re fudding into circles.

>> No.57122637

What sword? What dying? They can just fuck you and get away with it because they run the market.

>> No.57122659

Who are “they”? Kek

>> No.57122679


>> No.57122682
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>> No.57122689
File: 134 KB, 976x850, it is pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to see the chapter 11 officially and definitively end already.

>> No.57122696

The projection is strong with this one

>> No.57122699

i hope it goes on forever
so you never get closure

>> No.57122709

>no u - the post

>> No.57122720

Baggies start 2024 just as poor as they finished 2023 while the grifters desperately try and come up with reasons why they have still won

>> No.57122734

My gme shares are still worth 18k.

>> No.57122739

>it's fun to dab on transbaggies
>bumping their containment thread only fuels their delusion, drawing out the pain
>i'll milk them for keks till the last baggot ropes
least cringe delusional narcissistic redditor

>> No.57122741


>> No.57122764

Thank you for defining what projection is for the retards who lack self awareness such as yourself.

>> No.57122770
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>> No.57122821

Based. If it can go to $10,000 it can go to $10,000,000

>> No.57122825
File: 1.00 MB, 1776x1098, Michael I Goldberg Will Save Us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because BBBYQ no longer exists, and all derivatives also likewise stopped existing after BBBYQ's cancellation. You can't just get DD from an extant stock (GME) and apply it to BBBYQ (non-extant)

>> No.57122837

>price anchoring
you're a fucking faggot if you plan to sell at 10 mil
it's called infinite risk you dumb nigger and redditors promised me i will be a trillionaire
kill yourself immediately

>> No.57122862


>> No.57122871


>> No.57122872
File: 42 KB, 460x338, Brrrrrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why this is such an issue. Everyone knows what the fuck is happening and they know full well to never ever sell not even for A TRILLION DOLLARS per share.
Even that old hedge fund manager admitted that GME can go to infinity. The problem is they literally shifted the supply/demand curve so much that the lines no longer even touch. It's impossible to close if the longs don't let them. They will no doubt get greedy and take their tendies. But if enough people refuse to close there is no stopping the price. People can be millionaires and just sit around watching wallstreet squirm as they do day and week ad month long halts on the share price.

>> No.57122889

>can't/won't accept that what is applicable to GME is not applicable to BBBY
>like how what was applicable to Hertz is not applicable to BBBY
Assess yourself.

>> No.57122890

>still price anchoring
holy fuck
there are NO targets, just UP
fuck off shill

>> No.57122895

Welp. Rip my $100k.

>> No.57122906
File: 136 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this rate I'm going to have to generate new glowniggers pictures

>> No.57122915

lmao, go choke on a dick, keith

>> No.57122927

Been here since before the general existed and I unironically think it's over now. Accepting that I made a mistake and going back to working 5 remote jobs and dumping more into GME.

I hope I'm wrong and we get something for our shares.

>> No.57122935
File: 242 KB, 828x691, 1702260013386832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anybody that lost money on the stock that went to literal 0 is a glownigger

>> No.57122964

My brother in shiste, you've only started posting this morning and are already competing with my post count. You seem to be really emotionally invested both in my investment and this Kieth fellow. I sincerely hope you are okay. Have a happy new year dude.

>> No.57123011

Reminder that I'd you are not excited about AMC, if you are not investigating despite being told to trust the process, if you do not believe in Bill Pulte then you are just a shill and should fuck off.

>> No.57123039

i really want the amc general back. It was a lot more fun.

>> No.57123076

>emotionally invested
lol keith, lmao even, your cringe is overwhelming
i don't care about my post counts or replying directly im not a redditor like you
try again

>> No.57123077

Must have been a general where shills could win an argument. You're free to leave or make you're own thread (just kidding, you're here until we wagmi.)

>> No.57123127

I can't wait for baggies to start writing their liquidated positions into their will because they think the play will go longer than their lifetime.

>> No.57123186

And your children will still be bumping this general for... some inexplicable reason.

>> No.57123219
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>> No.57123248

Why would this general still exist if BBBY causes a complete financial restructuring under the control of Teddy Holdings LLC?

>> No.57123257

Now you're starting to get it. Only shills claim otherwise.

>> No.57123260

Faggots. kek.

>> No.57123275

Thanks for consneeding that this general won't exist.

>> No.57123279
File: 24 KB, 703x372, 23463568247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sub-80 life expectancy
>in 2023
holy fucking kek
can the USA really even be considered a first world country?

>> No.57123340

You spend at least 80% of your time likely sat fudding and researching a stock you don’t hold. You’re not going to make it to 80 if you don’t try doing more physical activity Niggerfaggot.

>> No.57123370

So we all know that the NOLs were binned months ago but today is the last working day to make use of the NOLs before the baggie DD becomes 100% provably incorrect (rather than just 100% rationally incorrect). What goalpost will be moved? A new date to save the NOLs or an announcement that the NOLs don't actually matter?

>> No.57123387

fucking big tiddy slampigs is my only excercise

>> No.57123403

I’m amazed how much you know about this stock that doesn’t exist anymore. I truly wouldn’t know any of this “dd” if not for you kind strangers coming to a Congolese carrot farming forum to Kek my bags. I only bought this stock because a glownigger wouldn’t shut up about it.

>> No.57123435
File: 146 KB, 824x1024, 1646588579965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine NOT being involved in the play that takes down JP fucking Morgan.

I couldn't live with myself, this payout is going to be bigger than anyone can even fathom.

>> No.57123439

Lmao imagine letting the FBI trick you into setting fire to your own money

>> No.57123457


>> No.57123469
File: 243 KB, 462x515, b0728f3c2c2d9b28378fb415833314c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FBI are a buncha cock suckers, just look at their history with Hoover.

>> No.57123603
File: 83 KB, 666x500, 1682457393085174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who lost 75k you're a fucking retard if you're "next investment" strategy is still following RC and buying GME. Like seriously hopefully things play out with us baggies getting rich but if not then I'm staying as far away from RC/GME as possible.

>> No.57123685

You're just bad at trading and easily influenced. I bought my first gme at 135 and am green as fuck now. Cucked into fudding because you got bodied lmfao

>> No.57123690

What were they worth when you bought them?

>> No.57123715

I have an entire trading strategy developed around GME wheel trade.Around $14 I liquidated all of my dividend stocks and dumped them into GME and now I am reaping the rewards as my account is inflating with the GME runup.
GME is debt free and sold short which makes it crash proof. All you need to do is bide your time while we wait for MOASS. When GME is over $24 then you can invest in income stocks/ETFs and be comfy. When the price dips again then you sell it all and buy GME. You earmark shares to be sold at a higher price to keep the trade moving and pumping you full of cash. Just prime the pump over and over and over until MOASS. Small little nibbles to keep you busy but always growing your GME portfolio.

>> No.57123753
File: 712 KB, 2588x3050, 1f4229a066cd0b9438a71f9c228cf309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>am green as fuck now
>uh yea we all quintupled down at $11 so now everyone has a sub-20 cost basis
>we are very good traders for buying the stock that is red in a year when SPY is up 30% in a year in the crypto board which is up 150% in a year

>> No.57123756

A company being debt free is bad. It means they don't know what to do with their money to grow their business.

>> No.57123776
File: 51 KB, 721x717, tfpwbfo36r8c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek this is the biggest cope I've seen yet

>> No.57123804

>letting 1.2 billion dollars rot away to inflation for over 2 years now
great plan ryan

>> No.57123808

Explain how a company sitting on money is a good business decision.

>> No.57123832
File: 1.26 MB, 432x498, 1618567392215.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek don't come at me with you're pathetic 135, I literally bought GME at 4 dollars pre split, I'm a schizo investment genius and either RC is the Messiah bbby comes back and moass or RC is a fuck boy and gme is dead.

>> No.57123886

These are the posts that tell me you aren’t doing it for free.

>> No.57123906

these are the replies that tell me you're a redditnigger

>> No.57123917
File: 793 KB, 3538x1087, image_2023-12-29_100300334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waiting until a crash to buy assets at the cheapest they'll ever be
>stock buybacks
>Mergers and acquisitions
Inb4 retards think they know better and "we're in a bull market!!1!" yeah, for how much longer?

>> No.57123928

Do you really want to be in debt at a time like this? We're on the cusp of a major economic credit crunch LOL.

>> No.57123935
File: 401 KB, 866x958, 1695744556857577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro the hecking market is about to crash, please trust the guy that's literally about to fucking die at any second

>> No.57123950

How is it working out for everyone who leveraged up business operations selling 10 year bonds for 2% only to get faced with the horror of refinancing at 7%. We're going to see a LOT of fireworks caused by rising interest rates in a slowing economy.

>> No.57123972
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>> No.57123988
File: 114 KB, 1078x802, Pepesnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's old, his opinion doesn't matter!!1!!
I'd trust the opinion of one of the wealthiest and successful investors in the world than some retard on the internet who spends all day fudding an investment they don't own

>> No.57123994
File: 86 KB, 550x400, 1694957202261621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't understand. Why do these threads attract people that:
>obsess over a stock they insist is over
>defend the actions of hedge funds
>insist that the economy is perfectly healthy
What's your angle? What are you hoping to accomplish? You certainly aren't doing it for fun.
>I am le ebin 4chin troll!
Very bizarre

>> No.57124005

>what's your angle?
what's yours? losing money?

>> No.57124012

>GME is a hedge fund waiting to buy the dip
Ok baggie

>> No.57124040
File: 2.99 MB, 1718x1840, Chin 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascinating insight, 1pbtid user. Really made me think, y'know? Glad we can have a good faith debate without ad hominins over a topic that definitely doesn't make the rich mad who would never hire Indians to lurk threads and post stupid shit like this comment

>> No.57124044
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>> No.57124053

>Good faith
>Waaaaah everyone is a pajeet shill because they won't say what I want
Fuck off baggie, interesting that you care so much about people laughing at GME when this is a BBBY thread

>> No.57124056

Anons making fun of you for being a leddit refugee cult doesn’t make any of them hired shills. The delusion itt is insane.

>> No.57124072

It seems like only the newest fags overuse the words "kek" and "anon" in an attempt to fit in

>> No.57124090

>leddit refugee accusing others of being newfags
>doesn’t even get the term newfag correct

>> No.57124094

It's the obvious seething that gives you away. GME was part of the conversation lmao

>> No.57124097

To be a baggie you need to have bags.
These retards had their bags deleted and pretend it just didn't happen.

>> No.57124098

I prefer to refer to shills with masculine titles and pronouns. For some mysterious reasons it seems to agitate them.

>> No.57124117

>GME was part of the conversation
'Super smart baggie gets tricked into talking about irrelevant stock by crafty Indian wageslave'

>> No.57124118

kekking anons itt
ah so you will be using my correct title of Chadshill then thank you kind stranger

>> No.57124122
File: 39 KB, 600x567, 1487100198875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is exactly what a hedgie would say, kek.

>> No.57124124

It happens all of the time in rising interest rate environments. It's called rollover risk.
We haven't seen rising interest rates since like the 1980s. It's been a massive spending binge mascaraed as economic activity that's about to implode. But yea, you do you.

>> No.57124125

When did Niggerfaggot start wrapping herself in the comfy blanket of autism?

>> No.57124126


>> No.57124143

>economic activity that's about to implode
Would you say it will happen within the next fortnight?

>> No.57124144

Ser, I like chadshill, but you're definitely not him.

>> No.57124150
File: 74 KB, 506x432, 1701494776792177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretends BBBY and GME threads are completely separate things
>admits to being indian
>thinks hes crafty
The kekkening continues

>> No.57124149

Bankers routinely predate on states and localities all of the time. Getting entities into debt for whatever reason is profitable for them and they actually don't care if it is good for you or not.
In the case of publically trades corporate entities, naked short selling is a mechanism that can be used to STEAL the equity. Hence why having a good management team at the helm is so valuable. I love RC on that principal alone.

>> No.57124161
File: 22 KB, 365x365, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

International trade agreements last on multigenerational timelines. There is no telling what could happen as it all depends on the geopolitical cooperations or lacktheof. The banks can paper over everything so long as cheap imports and labor keep flowing. But they can never actually solve the debt problem without bankruptcy and write-offs. It's really that simple.

>> No.57124169
File: 167 KB, 1080x1074, 1701970589515187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide is always an option, we don't need anymore autisits.

>> No.57124173

>It's about to implode
>Woah woah look it could last decades if not centuries but it will eventually happen but nobody knows when
Immediate attempt to memoryhole, kek

>> No.57124186


>> No.57124188

Okay and what does this have to do with getting Pulte to be the CEO of AMC? I think you're forgetting what this play is about, building momentum for Bill Pulte's career.

>> No.57124189

But what if you didn't have breakfast, have you considered that?

>> No.57124208


>> No.57124221
File: 105 KB, 976x850, 1696970887986294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I can see her butthole

>> No.57124243
File: 176 KB, 1242x2208, 1662400511723026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't detect my posting style
>after 3 years
you will never be me

>> No.57124264

>He doesn't know how many hordes of brown people use that hand to larp as white
Yeah, definitely not chadshill

>> No.57124299

he should post one of his slampigs as proof.

>> No.57124443

Its not "you" faggot; else, there would be an updated chadshill picture. You are but an imposter and a faggot

>> No.57124888

this might be the most Judaic thing I have ever read

>> No.57124900

Is today the day?

>> No.57125801
