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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57116639 No.57116639 [Reply] [Original]

Hashrate on Kaspa continues to rise . As the network proves to be secure, the narrative that BTC is the most secure decentralized store of value fades within 10 years. If KAS runs smoothly, anyone who wants to invest will pay a premium compared to what they could have paid today, because KAS has the same qualities of Bitcoin with the important caveat that it can scale, making KAS is more BTC than BTC KAS is scalable, stateless money, and lives up to the title of the Bitcoin whitepaper, which is P2P electronic money, something BTC, at the end of the day, is not and it will never be

>> No.57116641

It's on my to buy list

>> No.57116680

Ok but ghostDAG favors miner centralization. In 10 years nobody will even know what KAS is anymore.

>> No.57116696

kek I just checked, I bought $100 of this about 15 months ago

>> No.57116709

Hey retard, people have been building btc hash rate for 10 years and have developed specialized equipment for it. Kaspa security is nothing compared to Bitcoin. Kaspa has not even 1pct as much mining power behind it as btc.

Go see the, cope and dialate

>> No.57116725

so that means we have 100x gains guaranteed

>> No.57116739

i 10x on this already and sold. but tempted to buy back in now. hmm.

>> No.57116817
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>imagine not accumulating Kaspa

>> No.57116845

>Ok but ghostDAG favors miner centralization.
It's actually the opposite, the 1s block times make solo mining on KASPA viable even with the cheapest asic miner available

>> No.57117011
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10 bps comig

>> No.57117049
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>> No.57117122

>He doesnt know about miner companies such as iceriver making specialized equipment to mine kaspa.

>> No.57117134

>It's actually the opposite
Nope. More hashpower makes going for more profitable blocks more viable. In the end there will be one big pool making all the blocks.

>> No.57117212
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>> No.57117226

does anyone actually say BTC isn't scalable?
I usually hear that about alts

>> No.57117239

what's the graph on the bottom?

>> No.57117333

>he doesn't know about the randomizing game theory behind ghostdag block selection
too bad for you I guess

>> No.57117440

It's baseless FUD. The majority of Bitcoin's hashrate is controlled by like 4 mining pools

>> No.57117481

it's not money if the unit of account fluctuates, can't be used in smart contract for a stable value

AMPL will be king

>> No.57117499

I know but even here Kaspa actually delivers an improvement
and no one is even talking about the MEV resistance yet. Yes, you heard that right. GhostDAG solves MEV.

>> No.57117535

Thanks for the sell signal brah.

>> No.57117541

your loss

>> No.57117544

update: I left it on the exchange, it was about $3000 worth today, and it got stolen lmao

>> No.57117562

I'm never using tradeogre again after what they did with KAS

>> No.57117591

mine was actually txbit. It was the only exhange selling it at the time. In September or so they gave 1 month notice on their website that all funds need withdrawn or will be forfeited. But they didn't email. Fucking kikes/chinks/whatever non-white race they were

>> No.57117758

4 is still better than 1. Also, unlike ghostDAG Bitcoin pools could be fixed such that miners create their own blocks. For KAS the financial incentive is to centralize.

>> No.57117863

dutchies, actually

>I will continue to ignore what was said and present my fantasy argument

>> No.57117898

>it will all converge into one pool, just wait 2 more weeks!!
I remember reading this same exact FUD about bitcoin years ago

>> No.57117930

I mined some back when it was worthless and have 200 dollars. I would of bought some but as a burger I had no way of purchasing.

>> No.57117932

Dutch, that doesn't sound right. Based in Netherlands by non-white criminals would be my bet, there are obviously shitloads of drug dealers there

Still, I'm going to get back on the old horse and buy some kaspa

>> No.57118115

Should I move some of my ETH into this?

>> No.57118124
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Kaspa is a GPU miner scam. Their dag has super tiny blocks and that's why its so fast to send and recieve. If they ever did implement complex general smart contracts like Ethereum and Kadena have, then it would take many many blocks to fit in the whole SC. They would fucking crash. This would defeat the purpose of KAS DAGnight or whatever the fuck its called architecture. Everything that isn't POW is a fucking scam.

I'm not sure how experienced you are with the various emissions schedules of the PoW smart contracts platforms, but KAS is literally just the most obvious scam when you look at the emissions.

>> No.57118152
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FUCK Kaspa. Dead shitcoin.

>> No.57118205
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>> No.57118207

>GPU miners
It's been on ASICs for the better part of a year now
>Everything that isn't POW is a fucking scam.
Kaspa is PoW. That's why you have to mine it. Nobody should listen to someone like you who doesn't understand this.
Kaspa isn't even a smart contract platform and AFAIK they never plan on implementing L1 smart contracts

>> No.57118306

Kadena and Kaspa should be frens really

>> No.57118322
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>> No.57118341

kaspa is this cycle's kadena, an overhyped ghost chain pnd

>> No.57118911


>> No.57118912
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>> No.57119045

cant even get lsited on uniswap lmao ok faggot

>> No.57119421

>people this new are posting on /biz/ again
local top signal?

>> No.57119903

Kaspa moving now faggots Kas chads stay winning

>> No.57119921

when everyone was FUDding and calling this project dead a couple weeks ago, I knew it was time to buy more

>> No.57119931

Had a massive stack of this but sold like 50% of it. Price target still $1 though.

>> No.57120733
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If Kaspa isn't in the TOP 5 in two years, I'll give my ass.

>> No.57120857
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FUD for KAS doesn't end

>> No.57120907

>Kaspa isn't even a smart contract platform and AFAIK they never plan on implementing L1 smart contracts
kek, did the narrative change?
now it's just a nano clone lmao

>> No.57120963

why not mine it? I have 2 KS0 Pros and it's been doing awesome. Goes directly to my own wallet too.

>> No.57120971

>already this wrong
I love how financial fags love to be so confident yet always fucking wrong.

>> No.57121075
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>plebbit just now learning about KAS

>> No.57121306

…. and /thread
Good night, OP

>> No.57121327
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>Kaspa isn't even a smart contract platform and AFAIK they never plan on implementing L1 smart contracts
Then what future does it have?

>> No.57121618
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>> No.57121749
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Kaspa is hodl

>> No.57122798
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>3 months ago in Turkey
>Kas appears on national news

>> No.57122819

whit kas is already 90 % mint .. you own all the kas ?? im worry about that.. why does all the 80% dont move is larry and elon have all buying in 2010????

>> No.57123069

>proof of work
>incredibly fast
>can process >10,000 tps
>sub-second confirmation times
It has a bright future ahead of it. People who are into computer science will understand the value of what's being done here and how it solves fundamental problems with other blockchains

>> No.57124201
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kas is held by the holders who are interested in Kaspa, that includes exchanges and miners
It came out in 2021 winter, one of them probably knows but no one really knows for certain, reminder there is a node in the white house and Russia white house.

>> No.57124225
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>White House KAS node

>> No.57124813

What does this mean, anon?

>> No.57124881
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I think Kushner is mining it underground same for the Russian bros

>> No.57125092
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Uh bros. What’s happening to my KS0Pro? Why is it suddenly hashing 5x more than normal?

>> No.57125385

I'm a long time XMR enjoyer but I decided to check out Kaspa today. I'm super impressed with the blockDAG system. Kaspa is a huge leap forward in the creation of a proper, real world ready, decentralized currency. I have a few questions that are definitely influenced by my participation in the Monero ecosystem.

>Why was an emission schedule without a constant block award chosen?

I get KAS is easily an order of magnitude more scalable than XMR, but having a constant long term emission bolsters hashrate and heavily disincentivises block reorganization.

>Why was the hashing algorithm chosen?

kHeavyHash doesn't seem noteworthy in any way. Am I missing something?

>Why focus on smart contracts in the future instead of privacy? Are there any fundamental technical limitations preventing Monero-like privacy on Kaspa?

It seems like the community is more interested in smart contracts than privacy. Frankly I find that strange considering the fierce competition in the scalable smart contract platforms, and the gigantic unfilled niche for proper digital cash.

>> No.57125421
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Do you think Muslims will ever adopt Kaspa considering a literal Jew created it?

>> No.57126038

I would suggest you try go to either the discord, twitter or the github and ask people who are involved with the project since they can give you better answers than /biz/ baggies. KHeavyHash was chosen iirc because it is a relatively power-efficient hashing algorithm, allowing miners to achieve higher hashrate while keeping electricity costs down. I mined it on GPU back in the day and it was a very power-efficient algo for sure

>> No.57126132

Another thing I would mention is that privacy tokens can be implemented on smart contract networks a la tornado cash. XMR is definitely the best coin for privacy and I would like to see a similar privacy-focused blockDAG soon. Right now, I think Yonatan is just focused on making the best blockDAG possible, to serve as sort of a reference implementation like how bitcoin was the original reference implementation of blockchain technology

>> No.57126346
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Miner here.

This poster is retarded.

So is OP

>> No.57126358


>> No.57126418
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Yes. Insh'allah

>> No.57126605

Same. Glad there is finally a wrapped version I can buy. Seemed no where else to buy it for whilenthere.

>> No.57127534


>> No.57127649
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Dandruff. No thanks.

>> No.57127784

One flake to buy the daughters, fren

>> No.57128063
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>> No.57129542

nobody cares about sandniggers, they will be gone in 100 years probably or holocausted in europe

>> No.57129790
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Kaspa is hodl