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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 1207x809, bato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57102740 No.57102740 [Reply] [Original]

we are so early bros...

>> No.57102743

>1 year resistance
>TA on a dead since 2021 never gonna recover bnb dog shit scam

lmao do the people of 4chan really

>> No.57102768

>contract renounced
>autoadded liq
>sold dying
>bnb flying

imagine being this low iq

>> No.57102830
File: 595 KB, 1135x1111, IMG_0853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who tf is buying? There's no devs, the reddit's dead, and the telegram is an unmoderated shithole. Can't be a pump and dump because of tax...

Are people this stupid?

>> No.57102836

which marketcap should i sell this ?
i reckon 50M is doable

>> No.57102839

Just accept it, your SOL clone cucked you this bullrun chuds

>> No.57102858

the real d0b0 chart on eth i'm looking at doesn't look anything like this one, what gives?

>> No.57102862

How fucking mad niggers?

>> No.57102865

How does 1 billion sound?

you get reflections so its free money

>> No.57102985

Niggas will look at this chart and unironically feel bullish. You people are beyond saving.

>> No.57102995

nah never gonna happen
binance will never list a deadcoin

>> No.57103062

who talked about binance?

>> No.57103644
File: 169 KB, 860x815, dogbatnotdeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna make it Dobros
The subreddit is very much alive

>> No.57103649
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>> No.57103710

Lmao this is the true midwit test. Last chance to pack your bags /biz/, you can't say later that /biz/ didn't try to help you.

>> No.57103759
File: 19 KB, 369x369, 1660262130282272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you lord for the reflections

>> No.57103955

No telegram is dogbat2024

and new twatter is dogbatbinance

No one can stop what’s coming.

>> No.57104235

Old tg is dead, someone kept posting CP and it got nuked by Telegram

>> No.57104814

Good, now that that distraction is gone, carry on bonking

>> No.57104852
File: 177 KB, 1125x854, 1703168445738160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling so incredibly bullish. We've got two years of pumping ahead of us.

>> No.57104867
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Imagine not hodling 1T dogbats to 50B EOY. Couldn't be me.

>> No.57104911

Lmao it really god suspented. I wonder what the fuck is Justin doing.

>> No.57104932

dobaggies tongue my anus.

>> No.57104948


>> No.57104956

>imagine being this low iq
well, would you like to tell us?

>> No.57104961

lmao implying any of that actually matters for a shitcoin anyway

>> No.57104972

kek, he's low IQ enough to /makeit/
meanwhile midwits like (You) will not

>> No.57104987
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>> No.57105008

I have no idea what a liquidity pool even is and I 100x’d my money on dog bat bak in 2021. I’m an actual fucking retard and people are still talking about this shitcoin lmao.

>> No.57105021
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Let's go dobros.

>> No.57105030
File: 57 KB, 800x800, 5F9A638A-60F7-4B54-B727-C92D31C38D67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this little guy like you wouldn’t believe

>> No.57105038

>and I 100x’d my money on dog bat bak in 2021
sure you did
then why not make another 100x on the same coin rather than autistically screech about it on mongolian yak investment forum?

>> No.57105061

I might be drunk at 11:37 am but dobaggie logic has been horseshit since I dumped on you. Thanks for carrying my bags, faggot.

>> No.57105158


>> No.57105252

how do you see reflections on bscscan?

>> No.57105338

Busy fapping to all the pizza that was posted.

>> No.57105526
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huge W incoming

>> No.57105657

It's simply to based

>> No.57105669

is this forex trading? seems too complex

>> No.57105680

>pedo starts posting CP in the telegram
>D0b0 starts going up

What does this mean?

>> No.57105700
File: 73 KB, 705x670, IMG_1980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I boughted. I made 2k off the original /biz/ pump back in the day from $20. I have faith.

>> No.57105713

The telegram doesn't even exist anymore, its been nuked
So thats not even true, also everyone was griefing the retard posting CP

>> No.57105837


>> No.57105910

>and new twatter is dogbatbinance
Can't find it, wat do?

>> No.57106115

Looks like the TG got raided by the ETH niggers. They are all posting that about about it on Twitter and earlier when it started pumping they all got together to sell and try to create a panic. Between copies, fud, jannies and this kind of griefing the BSC chain seems to be fucking cursed.

>> No.57106132

check your wallet adress for all the tokens you are holding, select canine with a baseball stick and it will show how much you have.

>> No.57106203

Yeah sad little fucks. I don't get why they are so hooked on that old news eth dogbat still when the original is pumping.

>> No.57106216

That's both impressive and depressing.

>> No.57106226

dogbat more like dosgshit amirite?

>> No.57106287

>Looks like the TG got raided by the ETH niggers
Bullshit to create more community division.

>> No.57106589

It is. I could have made it, but it was not my time.

>> No.57106793

Its actually hilarious all the smug "purists" b0nkers who tried to money grab on eth are now trying to money grab on Solana
You fucks are pathetic
The only thing gayer than bsc d0bo is solana and eth d0b0

>> No.57106815

>dogshit fags being delusional for 2 years straight

>> No.57106984

It's not bullshit. The moment they started posting cheese on the TG ppl like Santovi were talking about it on Twitter. How would he know? How would he even care if he is involved in his ETH knock off? Faggot tier drama.

>> No.57107319

What are the odds this thing hits ATH again?

>> No.57107414

How would anyone know?
I'd say its pretty high if the community gets together, makes new tg/twitter/socials

I boughted, alongside Dogezilla
Baking on bsc doggers wildin' this coming bullrun

>> No.57107455

the only sane person on this thread
the rest are jeets and baggies

>> No.57107520

but bro, check the chart?
It went from 4.5mil mc to 5.3mil now
Its pumping again

>> No.57107540

5m MC reclaimed
50b MC inevitable
fudders will ROPE.

>> No.57107543

im in for the long haul
in fact im in for the son of my sons haul

>> No.57107565
File: 29 KB, 728x483, photo_2022-01-21_12-30-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the funds are actually safe with d0gbat dumbo. it's literally built in.
t. never sold, top 500. we're literally waving you onto the rocket ship, it's your choice to jump on or not.

>> No.57107777

I just realised I have 60B still sitting in my bsc wallet from 2 years ago what can I expect from it?

>> No.57107784
File: 46 KB, 700x479, photo_2021-11-01_10-50-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People here don't get it. They would rather be in something where the entire liquidity pool can be rekt by a couple people. This coin has 2m+ liquidity and it would take the entire Top 20 holders to dump to even make this thing take a massive shit. That isn't happening. The LP keeps growing with buys/sells, and the burn pile grows exponentially. This thing is a golden coin at this point, and as we pump harder, more eyes will come to see wtf is even going on. These ETH and SOL idiots forgot who big daddy is, and forgot why the tax tokens 2-3 years ago went as crazy as they did. This coin is all the promises of safemoon without any of the baggage of a v2 or a scam team. You morons can try to talk all the shit you want, but the LP to MC ratio speaks volumes over your weak ass fud. This coin will pump as a leverage play on BNB and 90% of the holders have forgotten they even hold this right now and/or don't even know its pumping.

Biz, if, you sleep on this, you're going to fucking regret it.

>> No.57107800

Fucking checked my guy. Top 500 wallet here myself.

By my best estimates we can expect an easy 10-20x in the short term. Long term... we are looking at an ever deflating token with a locked liquidity that keeps growing. I doubt I will ever sell my entire bag.

>> No.57107844

lmao at whoever made this

>> No.57107893

are insiders at nintendo buying, bros?

>> No.57107896
File: 143 KB, 1129x858, 60b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you can expect at least $500k during the next bullrun. Safemoon tokenomics, and BNB going past $1000 etc. However I believe Dogbat will go past a 10b mcap eventually for sure. 50b prophecy might even come true at some point.

>> No.57107923


>> No.57107945

That was some next-level seethe in the main TG that got it deleted yesterday. It always puzzled me when the past two years and particularly during the past year whenever we've had a dogbat thread on /biz/, which was rare, there would always be someone coming in absolutely seething and malding and telling people to off themselves within 20 mins of thread creation. Could it be the same mentally ill subhuman that posted all that filth in the tg? Looks like the bear absolutely buckbroke somebody beyond repair.
Anyway, probably best with a fresh start since jussie didn't care to come back, nothing is going to stop the dogstick now.

>> No.57107948
File: 71 KB, 1600x900, 50B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So pic related is happening?

>> No.57107971

>Still going up
Uhh... bros.

>> No.57107991

remember to sell AFTER i sell this time
not before

>> No.57108034

Volume still only at 50k too. Last time it went as high as 700k volume. If it happens again it might unironically double in price

>> No.57108053

It literally pumped and dumped last week. 12% tax each way isn’t all that bad when it pumps 300%

>> No.57108563

That tg shit was honestly disgusting. Shows what kind of people try to push this thing down

>> No.57108648

Yeah, I went to the eth tg and there were some whales seething about how they felt betrayed by bsc D0bo, and how they were planning to dump and crash it all down
Whoever was posting cp could either be eth fags or some psycho that just wanted an excuse to delete bsc tg and become the leader of a new one.

>> No.57108716

>Yeah, I went to the eth tg and there were some whales seething about how they felt betrayed by bsc D0bo, and how they were planning to dump and crash it all down
I'm in that tg and didn't read anything like that, besides ethfags know that the bnb version is undumpable. I don't know where the pedofag came from but from what I've read on /biz/ dogbat threads I suspect he's a frequent here

>> No.57108929
File: 291 KB, 512x512, 1693600527720237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, that was my line. I would like to add; "D0B0 supports Israel" as well.

>> No.57108955
File: 42 KB, 704x691, thebonkfather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may the bonkfather bless you my d0br0

>> No.57109684
File: 81 KB, 600x800, IMG_5415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we back d0br0s?

>> No.57109710

>I don't know where the pedofag came from but from what I've read on /biz/ dogbat threads I suspect he's a frequent here
probably the dobaggies schizoposter desu
he's deranged

>> No.57109719

No comrade premier, it has only begun

>> No.57109747

LMAOOOOOOOOOOO you could have been shilling bonk this whole time. Its up what, 100x? More?

>> No.57110147
File: 181 KB, 640x481, 1679329582653435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so comfy dogbatbros

>> No.57110275

we're talking about the OG DogBat on BSC. It's Back.

>> No.57110420

So wen listing

>> No.57110507
File: 82 KB, 954x478, VINU2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VINU on the other hand, being as bullish as always, never touching the floor and always delivering 2x

>> No.57110538

that math wouldn’t be right due to the tax right? price would be higher?

>> No.57110553

Who cares about some cheap copycat? Are you a newfag?

>> No.57110619

A nice controlled poompa. I like it.

>> No.57110707
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>> No.57110765

If dubs 50b in 2024 confirmed

>> No.57110801

Feeling incredibly bullish. Literally two years of pumping ahead.

>> No.57110847

Do you think this coin will get listed on some exchanges? I think that's the biggest thing it needs right now to take off.

>> No.57110862

Eventually yes but for the moment it just needs a slow steady growth. The last ath was reached with no major exchanges being involved

>> No.57110961

It's over two years old, tried and tested. It is a good canditate for getting listings. Now is the time to buy in cheap early.

>> No.57110990

god i love reflections

>> No.57111167
File: 429 KB, 674x1088, dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found pic related. Followed by CZ.
Do you guys think the chinese will fomo into it?
It also has some insane burn mechanics and low supply. Current MC is 1m

>> No.57111256

Fuck off

>> No.57111359

Eth fags paid a dude to post CP to the bsc tg
There's literally nothing worse than eth fags

>> No.57111434

We should all come together and build back better.

>> No.57112037
File: 657 KB, 240x240, cd5e59b0cc31aeb73d6ae7a7e913a089001fbd36ea37493639f5d29285f7ebba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, the 550b I forgot about has turned into 580. My only regret is gonna be not getting at least to 1t huh, maybe if it collapses lower again.

>> No.57112142

In how long? 2 years?

>> No.57112310

Yeah, crazy how much reflections you get when you hold stacks this big, these would be literally thousands of dollars at ATH prices. People really should buy now when it's still cheap.

>> No.57112447

As I see it right now, reflections are only useful if you are a super whale. Seems to me, reflections are a meme at this point. I'm not trying to fud. I want this coin to succeed but I just don't see me getting anything from reflections.

>> No.57112512

No I'd agree with that, it's just a nice bonus. Mine are from a little over a year and it's nice to see from a project I had written off as dead. Now that's at the current volume, if/when it picks up again...like 5-8b of that is just from this last burst of trading in the past week. They are useless when the volume is low and the coin sits and remains dead

>> No.57112513

It doesn’t change strategy much at all. Buy a lot while it’s cheap, then you increase your reflection upside while it pumps. Back when I had like 200B I had made 20-30B in reflections

>> No.57112562

Yeah getting a +300B stack doesn't cost that much right now and will get you billions in reflections which are thousands at ath prices.

>> No.57112564

Kek! I'm only focused on slurping BASEDGROK massively before the presale ends in few hours. Pinksale is right on fire.

>> No.57112758

Let's say we reach 1B or 500M. There will be whales selling reflections daily to get their thousands of $. How much will that impact the price? It might tank it and the coin will be doomed to never go further? I don't know enough about volume of a coin with 1B market cap... Or it might not even be noticed at that point?

>> No.57112980

Won't be noticed if it hits those levels

>> No.57113034

how can we make this moon to 50b? Ads?

>> No.57113055

make it popular.

>> No.57113090

Reach the last ath while the king shitcoin isn't dumping

>> No.57113127

>Who tf is buying? There's no devs, the reddit's dead, and the telegram is an unmoderated shithole. Can't be a pump and dump because of tax...
>Are people this stupid?

Some people have realized few important points. First, this cant go to zero, liq pool locked and it is pretty big for this project. Second, no matter what, every single transaction make this stronger by growing liq pool. Third one is reflections what you get just by holding this coin.

This is literally sleeping monster, its like having leveraged bnb.

Hate as much as you want, but if you dont understand how this coin works and what it really means, you are official retard.

>> No.57113267

>and how they were planning to dump and crash it all down

Lmao. It cant be done, they should know it. Even if top 100 holders would sell it wouldnt kill this.

It just cant be done, every transaction makes liq pool even bigger.

>> No.57113345

What's the deal with the eth d0b0? I haven't been following it at all, does it even have the same tokenomics with a renounced contract as ours?

>> No.57113368

>What's the deal with the eth d0b0? I haven't been following it at all, does it even have the same tokenomics with a renounced contract as ours?
No, their whole thing was that because of D0b0s tax, it'd never get into CEXs, plus they wanted access to the tax so they could fund stunts/marketing as far as I member, they were banking on ETH wildin
As you can tell tho, it hasn't worked and I'd encourage you to check out their TG. Its got cuck energy vibes all over the place

There was also some drama with Justin or whoever the fuck I don't really know the details about

>> No.57114191

Off by 1 boooo
We’re going to 1B mcap this cycle. $50 B by 2028

>> No.57114497
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>> No.57114721

make it binance's official meme coin

>> No.57115027

Those brainiacs got greedy and frustrated. During whole bear market they kept repeating "its bear market, there is no point to do anything" and my favorite "bnb will make d0b0 launch". Then at some point someone just asked why not d0b0 eth and everyone turned it down, i mean that "og' crowd. Not so long after that they suddenly started to talk about it, they wanted some action because bnb wasnt doing anything and some me.e coins on eth did something. It was obviously classic pumb&dump, but it was enough to make them dream about coin what would surge from zero to billions. After that everything happened very fast, as if everything has been planned long time ago including dividing community and killing old og and bnb coin.

All they did was big mistake from the beginning. They forgat what bnb d0b0 was made of and why it did make it lot stronger than it looked. Tokenomics was one thing, that taxation what they used to love and defend, it is main piece in that puzzle. Another one is liquidity, which was large enough carry d0b0 through any bear market, fud or shitstorm. These two things has made it self sustaining creature what really doesnt need anymore any TG, twitter/X, reddit, devs, marketting team or any of that artificial bullshit what people think crypto project would need to survive and grow.

With other projects, with other liq and tokenomics there might be need for those, but not with this one, not anymore.

Volume can go to zero, it will survive. Every single transaction makes liq pool bigger, and more bnb grows value, d0b0 will do same but with leverage.

You might laugh at this now, but d0b0 might be one of the biggest positive mistakes what has happened in crypto world.

>> No.57115110

Oh look, it's the bag holder who is obsessed with liquidity. Just in time to defend your bags, right rankeesh?

>> No.57115150

See you in two years

>> No.57115783

>Oh look, it's the bag holder who is obsessed with liquidity. Just in time to defend your bags, right rankeesh?

Yet its in front of your eyes and you still dont see, still doesnt get it even if it has been explained many times.

There is nothing to defend, not even shill. It is absolutely meaningless what you or we think, say or do.

You cant kill d0b0, its completely on its own, tokenomics and liq combined has made this one self sustaining sleeping monster.

Whatever you may say wont change any of these facts.

>> No.57116476

Feeling so damn comfy right now with my stack.

>> No.57116717
File: 101 KB, 675x795, D0B0_Dec23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, but of course I wish I had at least doubled my stack a month ago before the surge. I could have got more that quadruple more D0B0 for the same money.

>> No.57116769

Uh uh uh dogbat uh uh uh

>> No.57116940


>> No.57117014

I got up to my planned tril plus stack during the past two years so I'm happy

>> No.57117083
File: 53 KB, 508x568, dogbat5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this shitcoin more than you could think

50b eoy prophecy is real

>> No.57117165

This coin has the highest percentage liquidity pool in all crypto. This is literally the safest investment you can make on this Earth. No 5 coin by market cap by end of 2024

>> No.57117279

>buying taxed ( pajeet coins)garbage in 2023
>dead shitcoin
>pajeet's chain
>needs huge buys to pump the price


>> No.57117289

>he thinks the tax is a negative
brainlet detected

>> No.57117310

>This coin has the highest percentage liquidity pool in all crypto. This is literally the safest investment you can make on this Earth.

This has been sayed hundreds of times here, and still some of the fudders dont get it. Probably most funny part will be that moment when they finally understand it was their retarded arrogance what stopped them doing right thing.

>> No.57117331
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>> No.57117560

Aight, i have a bag.
But I gotta say, if exchanges don't start listing it - which is gonna be difficult due to the reflections - I don't see it going higher than 0.5B.

>> No.57117581

>which is gonna be difficult due to the reflections
I don't know where this meme fud comes from. Exchanges can just paper trade it on the platform and charge the tax on deposits/withdrawls.

>> No.57117621

Sure, but is there an example of exchanges doing this?
Did Safemoon ever get listed?

Look, I have 600 dollars in it atm and I'm poor - I'd love for it to go fucking nuts. I'm just being cautious

>> No.57117645
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>> No.57117673

Safemoon is on Gate.io and some others. Another thing to consider is that LUNC has trading fees implemented to burn down the supply and Binance complies.

>> No.57117689
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>> No.57117829

Oh, true. I wasn't aware, I just looked at the old one.
Thanks for the info :)
Let's hope this stuff moons and no one gets obliterated who can't afford it

>> No.57117846

>India bans crypto
>All of it pumps
What does this mean?

>> No.57118191

Poos aren't meant to get rich

>> No.57118773

Gimme dat fuckin rug santoviiiiii

>> No.57119237

Bro I agree with u. I don't want u to get burned. I think this coin will prolly 2 or 3x. If we get lucky it will 30x. I hope u get some money from this

>> No.57119585
File: 108 KB, 1280x731, photo_2021-10-21_18-06-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another 7.5k USD buy. Whales accumulating still...

>> No.57120027

This is a great summary. Many of us OG holders wanted to build when everyone was chasing ‘use cases’ and ‘fundamentals’ but were shot down with ‘bear market’ they watched Shib and other eth shit coins find footholds and make moves and they wanted to jump on the bandwagon by creating an official copycat instead of building an ecosystem for the BsC coin.

This is a hodl to be proud of, regardless of what the naysayers fud you with.

>> No.57120176

Said a hundred times because it’s not convincing anyone. The pump already stopped

>> No.57120325
File: 58 KB, 700x700, 1635489190311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that to the people accumulating massive bags in the last few days. Do you not understand every other tax coin died? This is the only one that matters and will prove the tax function wasn't just a meme. That plus the fact that it's the OG dogbat... So lets recap.

>Down 97% from ATH but still has 2.2m liquidity w/ a 5m MC
>Was "Dead" at 99.5% down but came back to life with massive buys in the last 10 days.
>A fractured community with people in 3 other blockchains chasing gains from it's clones, but those people are noticing what the OG dogbat is doing.
>Is traded against BNB meaning it will get a free leveraged pump when BNB pops off
>Nobody holds more than 1 percent of this coin, and even if the top 5 holders sold we would still have a big LP, that would grow even more due to taxes and would spray massive reflections to the other holders.

You probably think you're smarter than the dudes dropping 5-10k on this coin at current prices, but you're clearly not. You're thinking with with a typical crypto mindset that deals with typical shitcoins. This is by no means a "typical" shitcoin. So many of you have forgotten what was spoken about in the era of reflection/tax coins. This is one of the only surviving coins of that era, and thus inherits all the benefits of the original ideal. May you learn or kick yourself later.

>> No.57120402

See you in two years, dobros.

>> No.57120572

I want to buy on Binance !!!!!!! How?????? And fuck reddit

>> No.57120644

Buy bnb, send it to your metamask, swap on pancakeswap.