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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5711912 No.5711912 [Reply] [Original]

This is the worst board on 4chan. There's no more discussion about Business & Finance, no more good crypto threads.This board is ruined by beggars, free money threads, referral link faggots, shitcoin shills, and the stinking shit spreading curry munching cow fucking subhuman vermin known as the pajeet.
The day bitcoin hit $10 000 is the day /biz/ died. I don't even know what to call this place anymore, /pajeet/? Anyway I'm here to ask what are some good alternatives to /biz/, the old /biz/? Because this place is unbearable at this point.

>> No.5712148

Yeah I feel the same, used to browse biz 7 hours a day, now only less than 1 hour now. Nothing good, no good coins to scout out since its the same coin everytime. But at least it gives me more time to play my games, visual novels and watch more anime.

>> No.5712186

I feel like visual novels are slightly more popular on /biz/ than other boards. They're a good escape from looking at charts. No other medium puts me in another world like that. Top comfy.

>> No.5712200

Honestly I feel the same, some anon promised to make a board which you would have to show a public address with a transaction pre fucking September but they never did. Now it’s just notmies.

>> No.5712210

calm down my friend, we are friends let apu calm your nerves, i will let you in on a secret, buy pajeet coin and you will own many toilets in your future i say this to you as friend many toilets

>> No.5712240
File: 8 KB, 276x270, B17kZytIYAAPcKZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello sirs, excuse me sirs. i have a proposion for you. please show bobs i will send you 1 BTC thanks sirs.

>> No.5712505

Do any anon know some alternatives?

>> No.5712534

why can we allow flag and just block India.

>> No.5712544

the cryto bro from this board has a pretty good discord https://discord.gg/dH9xwv3

>> No.5712560
File: 66 KB, 613x553, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only trust cash-out threads

>> No.5712593 [DELETED] 
File: 367 KB, 1366x768, filtered_threads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hint to have a better /biz/ experience according to your interest

>> No.5712616

Unironically discord groups

>> No.5712644

I've never filtered before, does it only filter if it detects words in OP post or the entire thread?

>> No.5712660

The worse is the countless shill threads for coins in the fucking top 20.
Like we could have any influence on this market when a crypto has a 100 millions+ daily volume.

And the "I told you to buy when it was x", "you've been warned".

>> No.5712688

Then start a discussion pajeet

>> No.5712689

Only op post