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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 257x387, The_Battle_of_Bretton_Woods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57113140 No.57113140 [Reply] [Original]

Bretton Woods Edition


>Risk management:

>Educational sites:

>Options (do not trade these just because you read all these links)

>Free charts:


>Pre-Market Data and Live data:

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:

>Boomer Investing 101:

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:

>Links for Christmas Grinches



Previous: https://boards.4chan.org/biz/thread/57108740#bottom

>> No.57113144

>She baked

>> No.57113157
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>> No.57113158

someone baked

>> No.57113160
File: 12 KB, 937x373, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my goodness look at this piece of shit. how have i been rused so badly? damn, i don't know what to do now.

>> No.57113165




>> No.57113167

BABA bros, its happening

>> No.57113168

new thread new me

>> No.57113173

Why is this retarded market constantly trying to push back up

>> No.57113172
File: 59 KB, 400x382, 1690684444304005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant buy. I have to rent.

>> No.57113174

Why are you shilling a Tickr?
How underwater is you?

>> No.57113183

What are we buying with the new 2024 $7,000 roth ira contributions?

>> No.57113184

anyone know why upro/tqqq are severely underperforming their indexes today? This is the end for LETFs?

>> No.57113195


>> No.57113202

I'm in IT (ML on edge) anon and I fully understand what the future prospects of ARM are. I've been trying to convince anons here to buy for the past two fucking months, yet largely ignored. Well, their fucking loss, gonna be hilarious when they FOMO next year @ 100 bucks.

>> No.57113208

We reaching SPY ATH today lads?

>> No.57113209

My Rocket Lab USA is looking good.

>> No.57113210

>he makes less than $150k and can therefore contribute to a roth ira
kek brokies

>> No.57113214

based destroyer of german autism

>> No.57113220
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>everything rallies for 2 months

>> No.57113241

2 Corinthians 9:10
Buy tup

>> No.57113246

the stock doesn't know you own it

>> No.57113247
File: 44 KB, 961x837, _1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up, I trusted you guys!

>> No.57113249

if you make $172K you can contribute to an Roth IRA because if you max out your 401k at $22K it reduces your taxable income. and the limit is $230K filing jointly

>> No.57113250

>Everything rallies for 2 months for like ten percent
>ARM, a 50 billion dollar cap company rallies for 50 percent

>Nothing to see here, keep moving and invest in magtard7

>> No.57113266

do you do stupid shit like this just to get (You)s

>> No.57113275

Deuteronomy 23:1

>> No.57113276 [DELETED] 
File: 1003 KB, 2316x3088, 1699398756421279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just buy QQQ
It is that simple

>> No.57113282

i'll probably ring up my female broker and ask her ot shill me something

>> No.57113285

i want to make a few extra shekels, but since that isn't in the cards, i'll take the (you)'s instead.

>> No.57113291

>the stock doesn't know you own it
So? What point are you even trying to make kek

>> No.57113299

I stopped shorting the US market. You are mentally ill. Get help. I mean the buyers.

>> No.57113312
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This piece of shit. Your kids are ashamed of you. We are too.

>> No.57113321

I would pay $10,000 for a zoomette GF.

>> No.57113344
File: 312 KB, 1633x920, Lisa-cr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMD bros, we just keep on pumpin

>> No.57113351

they're all mentally ill

>> No.57113354

Why would you pay ? They're unironical retards, go find one,influence her worldview and make a relationship. You are not approaching them right unless you are just hideously revolting to look at.

>> No.57113365

I have enough mental stability for the two of us.

>> No.57113369

Should I just dump my life savings into SAVE calls and hope for the best? It’s only like 40k and I’m already 28 so it’s basically over for me anyway.

>> No.57113383

That requires work and putting myself out there. I would rather pay to skip all that and get to the GF stage. Whomever develops GFs as a service will become a billionaire.

>> No.57113387

Buy ARM instead
Thank me later

>> No.57113393

Bro I didn't even meet my Gookfu until I was 29.

>> No.57113413


>> No.57113419

>GFs as a service
They're called hookers anon

>> No.57113428

anon if you are 28 and your life savings is 40k you better start making more money, you need at least 300K at 30, and a house to make it these days.
$10k is cheap, mine cost about $40k (her student loans) and a lot of de-programming from her liberal brainwashing.

>> No.57113440
File: 82 KB, 600x584, heytone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You skip all that and get fucking heemed in 3 years. Build your house upon the sand then and give to some future roastie. Treat this prospect as a potential partner. This is an investment. You should treat it like that. What are the chances you open a 0dte that goes 10,000%+ without ever looking at data, evaluating said data and making a decision. Why would this work? How could it work. What is her incentive in this? You can have anything you want if you are capable of pursuing it.

You can never understand women but you can understand one woman in the context of whatever relationship you build with her. I think you should apply yourself and snag the zussy.

>> No.57113442

>Anon paid the student loans for his gf
Oh no no no

>> No.57113445

You can't lose with AMD
We just keep winning

>> No.57113450

You pay an on-demand premium with hookers. I’d be willing to spend a $10k upfront acquisition fee and $1k in monthly recurring subscription fees. What kind of GF can I get for that?

>> No.57113453


Open interest for $5 strike expiring on Jan 19 24 (22 days) rose +1025 to 36302

It's trading in a channel +/- .10



>> No.57113455

>LLAP chads

>> No.57113461

A sugar baby you fucking retard

>> No.57113470

not yet, but it will be an eventuality. But that is the cost of having a tall, white, western European wife in America these days.

>> No.57113479

Thank you guys for shilling LLAP, i know it's a scam but it has still made me some money

>> No.57113480

You’re right. But I am still lazy. I’ve figured out how to make money, but haven’t figured out how to get a GF. I can always make more money.

>> No.57113482


You you want the shittiest person imaginable or you being facetious ?

>> No.57113483

>European wife
Where is she from anon?
>Inb4 her grandma has been to Italy once

>> No.57113484

Guess the market is just going to continue this retard push up

>> No.57113493

>mine cost about $40k (her student loans)
>mine cost about $40k (her student loans)
>mine cost about $40k (her student loans)
opinion discarded

>> No.57113510

>student loans
I got a bitch 80k in debt crawling up my ass and it has me fucked up

>> No.57113514
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>dating a girl that went to college in america

>> No.57113515
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So much for "the Grinch."

>> No.57113521

What is even the bull thesis for LLAP? Just some penny stock trying to stay listed.

>> No.57113523

her 23 and me looks like hitlers wetdream. mostly German and a little bit of English and Slovenian. All of her family are like 6'3-5 so my sons will be chads i hope.

>> No.57113526
File: 93 KB, 1376x964, 1649247965120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk I am just low trusting of the other sex. They just don't act right, don't think right, don't problem solve and outsource everything to someone else more capable. Just be cautious. Many of them are just psychopathy manifest.

I just imagine there's a great one out there somewhere that you could intercept before she gets "wordly".

>> No.57113529

thesis? What are you? A fuckin doctor? This is about gambling.

>> No.57113535

I’m being facetious but also dead serious at the same time. While I haven’t “made it” I have more money than I know what to do with and am perfectly willing and able to lose some of it to end the agonizing loneliness and sexlessness.

I am an easy going guy that can get along with anyone. My only requirement is she be college educated or in college, if I wanted to fuck a lower class brainlet is just get a cheap hooker.

>> No.57113538

large portion owned by LMT and they actually deliver quality products

>> No.57113540
File: 257 KB, 657x527, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's utilities

>> No.57113548

>tall, white, western European wife
Take the Eastern European pill fren. You won’t regret it.

>> No.57113549

>mostly German and a little bit of English and Slovenian
What the fuck does that even mean
Burgers i swear

>> No.57113558

Tup is retard strongk

>> No.57113562

post your gf let smg be the judge
yea that is too much anon, unless she is a doctor or some shit.
it is what it is, i know 100% she will be loyal to me till the day she dies though. she doesn't post bikini pics on instagram and slut shames other girls.

>> No.57113563

yes actually

>> No.57113565

Colleges these days are liberal indoctrination centers. Your requirements are pretty fucking retarded if you ask me.

>> No.57113573

poor bobo, not even allowed to lose money

>> No.57113574

Daily reminder: you can’t be racist against cumskins

>> No.57113578

Yes they are. I totally agree. But it’s a class thing. A girl not in college or already with a bachelors degree will not be accepted by my family or my social circle.

>> No.57113581

Currently no gf, but if I posted me with my ex, you'd get mad. So better not.

>> No.57113584

it is too late for me anon, unless I strike it rich and I'm able to afford a 2nd family. I cannot look a gift horse in the mouth and need to start having kids now if I want to be alive to see my grandchildren (i am 30 rn).
It means she isn't brown, and that is becoming a rarity in the USA euroanon.

>> No.57113592
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>> No.57113593

IMO women are worth less if they've been to college not more.
Women don't get better at sex or housekeeping just because they can do a surface integral.

>> No.57113600

Just degenerate investing desu. I wouldn't put too much in it, just a little in case they do get the deal the CEO has been talking about

>> No.57113603
File: 300 KB, 1200x900, animalselfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stocks are for boomers I will be stacking more btc next year after this holiday pump dies off and make more percentage gains in 2025. I can't wait to come back here early 2026 to shitpost about btc hitting 200k while all your stupidass stonks go down the toilet cause whales dumped their nshidia sending all of tech down along with the rest of the scam market. None of the shitass companies on shitpee 500 need your fiat and none care about providing good dividend growth. But go ahead and try to gamble the stonk market or be an IRA loser.

>> No.57113604

So where the fuck is she from? You didn't answer my original question

>> No.57113611

>it’s a class thing.
If she were in the class where women should be going to college she wouldn't have student loans to pay off.

>> No.57113614

okay sure bro.

>> No.57113616
File: 81 KB, 254x198, IMG_1926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MARA bros I dont feel so good

>> No.57113618

Stocks are for boomers yet MARA outperforms literally every large cap coin. Really makes u think

>> No.57113628

She is born and raised in PNW before the brown invasion.
Truth, upperclass women have no debt.

>> No.57113629

Well I feel bad for you, if you're going to let others dictate the actions you take in your own life, good luck finding any happiness.

>> No.57113631

>-They have a LockMart contract till 2035
>-They've a current 2.3 Billion dollar backlog
>-Multiple gov contracts (US and EU)
>-Just posted like 50 new job openings for Engineers
>-Have several facilities for satellite construction already, and a proven track record.

>-Big Client (Rivada) is late with payment
>-Retard dick waving between some of the founders.
>-Industry sector has notoriously thin margins.

>> No.57113632

We're making good honest money here pajeet.

>> No.57113636


>> No.57113639

>American basic girl
>Anon tries to LARP her off as Western European

Why are ameriburgers like this? Can another burger explain?

>> No.57113642

I don’t disagree. Just telling you I would perceived as “slumming it” if I dated a non-college girl. It’s stupid but that’s how it is.

>> No.57113646
File: 428 KB, 860x310, Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 17-05-12 TRADING ECONOMICS 20 million INDICATORS FROM 196 COUNTRIES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard news of the day lol
>218k initial claims
>omg everybody is losing their jobs

>> No.57113647 [DELETED] 
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You asked for It. True german stock. Nordic as fuck, bro.

>> No.57113654
File: 81 KB, 973x812, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post is filled with godawful unfunny redditisms. You're not smart. The grown ups are talking. Kill yourself.

>> No.57113658

>stock market open for 90 mins during christmas break and already screams of racial slurs can be heard

>> No.57113659
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i keep telling you to buy puts

>> No.57113671
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>Bretton Woods
Take me back

>> No.57113679
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>TFW no pure Negroid stock gf.

>> No.57113681
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Another crab day I guess

>> No.57113682

I'm losing so much money today.

>> No.57113685
File: 950 KB, 496x496, 1678326797634043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grabbed 2 shorts of VWAP on the NQ. We briefly overshot it and I got stopped out on my first trade for like 4 points. Hopped back in on another short as we seemed to be heading back down below it and caught 20 points of profit. Closed just as the 11:08 bar closed. Finished with 26.5 points profit on the day before fees.

>> No.57113686

>That skin color
>Died red hair
Anon, i....

>> No.57113689 [DELETED] 
File: 1.11 MB, 892x718, Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 8.09.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look brown, and ex's do not count.
not really a larp, europoors cannot comprehend that there are white people still left in America.

>> No.57113692

The big market movers are likely still on vacation until next year. I haven't been expecting any big time moves on the indices

>> No.57113699

I'm gonna come over and cuck you by seducing her

It's over Non

>> No.57113700
File: 127 KB, 750x750, smugcatselfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holding a worthless derivative
enjoy being a bitch to the rest of the stock market and marathon exit rugging their business whenever they feel.
my peepee gets hard thinking of these mara baggies that could've just bought btc and learn to self custody. Lesson learned maybe you could join the winning side after losing.

Am I shilling shitcoins as better then stonks? No. Come up with better argument.

>uh uh redditor im an adult
>posts chart png with useless information

no argument nerd

>> No.57113701 [DELETED] 
File: 2.93 MB, 2900x2700, 1645148121324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why im sticking with 2d from now on

i can draw my reality into life, can you say the same?

>> No.57113703

>dyed red hair
Kek, clueless burger. That is a true redhead. Orangered is redhair, not redred or that brownish red.

And my skin? I called it. You are mad.
That's a tan btw.

>> No.57113711

She thinks non white are gross lmao good luck. I am putting a baby in her soon.

>> No.57113714

not everyone can be insane dude

>> No.57113719
File: 44 KB, 229x114, all so tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ex do not count
We can't tell if that is your current gf. So what is your fuckin point?

Your gf would suit me well :) Our jaws would match.

>> No.57113721

Dont know how

>> No.57113730

>lmao good luck
I'm 6'6 white blue-grey eyes and blond hair and have a European accent, shits gonna be easy with an impressionable burger her like her
Yeah, you're gonna be raising MY baby kek good luck

>> No.57113732
File: 367 KB, 593x1023, 1703602353526727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some chuds derailing the thread about who is whiter and has a whiter gf.
Take that shit to pol. We talk about stocks here.

>> No.57113736
File: 3.01 MB, 4160x3120, 1701316214488217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, am I whiter than you?

>> No.57113737

We risin'

>> No.57113742

weird photo you posted, you must have fucked up teeth and be under 6 foot if you cannot get a girl.
stay mad.

>> No.57113746

Real Adderall hours

>> No.57113751

>brown leg hair
kek. come back when you have blonde leg hair and white skin

>> No.57113752

You people are subhuman. I'm so glad I'm not a European.

>> No.57113755

Lol, I'm hiding my teeth to not be recognized as easily. You projecting gigafaggot. You're lucky you are american otherwise I'd be mocking your teeth.

>> No.57113759
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>> No.57113763

Why does my call option go down despite the stock going up?

Short term I mean, like 30min window

Can somebody explain? T. Noob

>> No.57113764

>he fell for the MARA meme

>> No.57113767

you were supposed to sell yesterday, anon
GOD, we discussed this over several meetings

>> No.57113769
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/smg/ - Women and Girlfriends General

>> No.57113773

Besides, I'm 6'1. You can stop projecting now.

I'm not claiming white. Just mocking you burgers for your retarded whiteness debates.

As you can tell, you don't need white skin to get white girls. Sorry.

>> No.57113774


>> No.57113781

Jesus Christ.
Mstr went to low as to trigger my stop loss ;_;

>> No.57113784
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>> No.57113789

You see non whites have terrible reading comprehension. I said come back when you're white. You are not, off to reddit with your nerve cluster you call a brain. See ya!

>> No.57113795

She’s hiding her phone from you subconsciously. No good anon

>> No.57113796
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>> No.57113802

Is 30% too much VEU?

>> No.57113801

Time decay is maybe what's happening. When's the expiration?

>> No.57113804

LLAP is representative of the typical blatant shitco shilling that happens in these threads during bull markets.
Guaranteed long term capital incinerator.

>> No.57113806
File: 1.54 MB, 6064x6072, 1476917147506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We talk about stocks here.

>> No.57113807

You see, I called you guys getting mad for having white women as gfs. I said I don't care about being white or not. I am not, and that is pretty good like that. Stay mad, see ya!

>> No.57113808

>When's the expiration?
Jan 20

>> No.57113809

that is a swarthy ass foot bro.
and >>57113773 this anon is right >>57113789
You do not belong here.

>> No.57113812
File: 624 KB, 2048x1252, merlin mining rig repairman aesthetic bitcoin btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright it has been a good run but now its over
how much you made MARAuders?

>> No.57113813

MARA bros i don't feel so good

>> No.57113820

Not all of us shill the weekly /smg/ pump and dumps.

>> No.57113822

I’ve decided this board is generally not correct so I am officially shorting SAVE.

>> No.57113823

The price of your derivative is determined by supply and demand. So there's probably less demand even though the underlying is rising.

>> No.57113827

Mad as hell.>>57113581

>> No.57113829
File: 1.46 MB, 1268x1268, Christmas movies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bought more AMD, didn't you

>> No.57113833

Negative 809

>> No.57113839

Thats awesome. I haven't "made it" but I'm super comfy where I am. idk where you live nor your age or demographic. If you were serious I would consider a few things that might give you traction.

>HS Football/Basketball Games; Depending on the culture where you are, many recent HS graduates still gravitate to former peers. No methodology on hooking one but looking nice, approachable and maybe some subterfuge will nib you something to initiate a conversation.

>Community College Nursing; Again I have no intent on being a nurse nor do you but many young women are somewhat "shoehorned" into medical or retail occupations just because of "Job Islands" like if you lived in a energy-centric area (coal, oil, natgas,etc.) then most positions will be filled by men. Women starved of oppurtunity will pursue these interests as they feel compelled to find a career. We don't want to be nurses but the zoomettes do/may

>Volunteer Work; Many people have been dupped into becoming would-be eco terrorists. The pathway to that kind of position starts at some liberal college. These colleges are usually repugnant and no where we want to be but young and impressionable zoomettes will be ushered into the funnel. Pick them up before they become gretas. I cite berea college in ky. Its not so small that its devoid of people but its no so large that they're having a blm protest every night.

>Targeting method ; Brute force method. Old school, see the one, talk to the one. It takes the most confidence and is usually not something most people are comfortable doing. Nothing ventured will always be nothing gained. This is the best method. All the other shit is just relations with usury, but to each their own.

Sorry theres probably 4000 typos in here but I bout whacked a finger off the other day.

>> No.57113841

I'm down ~$500

>> No.57113844
File: 134 KB, 600x600, 1634303588188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mara down 10%

>> No.57113847

If it's way outta the money then it just might be that people don't expect it to rise to that point. If that's not the case then there might just not be lots of volume for the options in general, meaning that it will take a little more price movement of the stock for people to start paying more. But generally your contracts will move up with more price movement so if you think that's the direction stick with it anon

>> No.57113849


>> No.57113851

can't imagine why >>57113160

>> No.57113854

it never occurred to me what the J.D. stood for, but now I know

>> No.57113856

diehard, eyes wide shut, and american psycho

>> No.57113866
File: 75 KB, 560x418, Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 8.32.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy QQQ || VUG || MGK in your brokerages and IRA's and VFIAX in your 401k's
there I just outperformed 95% of this board.

>> No.57113867

you think hiring a shitload of new employees is going to translate to stockholder returns? a ton of capex on facilities that aren't done yet? when there's already a "billion dollar backlog?"
this must be your first growth stock, right?

>> No.57113871

I'm down 40% tho and it kind makes me seethe kek

Fucking crabbing ass stock, all i need is like a 2% bump

>> No.57113873
File: 1.59 MB, 1083x718, 456u8765434567897654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah It's the name of the founder and his wife I think.

>> No.57113884


you're gonna get leak'd in about five seconds

>> No.57113888

I prefer stock picking. There's stocks in those indexes I wouldn't touch. Also it's no fun being average, I enjoy beating the benchmark.

>> No.57113896
File: 358 KB, 2448x1376, yahfink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That boatload is super diverse so yeah. ESGerinos will rain from the sky like mana.

>> No.57113898

How did you know? I leaked some poo into my underwear...

>> No.57113902

Very improbable over the long run.

>> No.57113919
File: 61 KB, 740x753, softtranding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ummm, mumutroonsisters?

>> No.57113925

Shut the FUCK UP.

>> No.57113932

This MARA dump is a direct result of Hamas liquidating their BTC to pay for mercenaries to fight the IDF. I hate it bros.

>> No.57113940

Stick to it if you think you'll see that 2%. I was in a similar situation when amd was at 40, had calls for 50 and it was down a good 60% so cut my losses. The next week it launched to 70 kek

>> No.57113950

Mara Is gonna get slurped hard

>> No.57113955

magnitude 11 earthquake in oklahoma city

>> No.57113957

dubs confirms

>> No.57113964
File: 370 KB, 589x710, Gefling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and yeah nobody wants to own some of that shit but its also weighted, market is rigged, etc. Its an ROI thing. Due dilligence & stock picking are great but I can't do it every day. Sometimes 2-3 times a month but I have to scour through tickers, plot some shit on there, attempting to stay on track despite wanting to do something else.

Idk it depends on how you have your free time set up. I just feel excessively needed by everyone in my life and the only person I keep putting off is me.

>> No.57113965

I would have felt that in Texas.

>> No.57113967
File: 124 KB, 1200x629, 2023122810151692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xiaomi has presented their new car and are going to 10x. Why aren't you holding Xiaomi RIGHT NOW, /smg/?

>> No.57113972

>slurped hard
the only thing that's gonna get slurped while it's hard is my dick by my gookfu. anybody using that kind of language to discuss stocks should go fuck off back to the reddit.

>> No.57113975

sorry my honda civic has 15 more years in it (at least)

>> No.57113976

Swet! Everyone it figured out. Based. Will have to buy calls now.

>> No.57113983

I don't care about beating the index or some shit. I just wanna hold companies I like and I hate when people tell me I shouldn't do something.

>> No.57113984

Chill out bro

>> No.57113990

The /smg/ council already decided soft landing was a likely outcome 4 months ago.

>> No.57113993

If IV was high but the realized volatility is lower you lose money.
You see this often with meme stocks especially near earnings where the options market will price in 300% moves or whatever and the prices collapse even for the ITM options just after earnings because of course that doesn't happen.

>> No.57113994

looks like an asian tesla

>> No.57113997

>2 troons dont' get how things work

>> No.57114003
File: 871 KB, 464x480, 1702596365800118.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soft landing

>> No.57114016

all you MARA pussies crying about the price when it went up 15% up yesterday and today had a small pullback

>> No.57114017

Someone posted STM to VIC a couple months after I bought apparently.
I should submit some of my ideas so I can see the real time posts.

>> No.57114018

concensus trades and crowded trades are two different concepts, you are not smart for posting a twitter screencap that agrees with your shitty schizo doomer thesis

>> No.57114020
File: 274 KB, 614x735, biztwit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57114026

>yes gwailo please buy our cheap chinese exploding deathtrap that doesn't have western concepts like "safety standards" applied to it to a point where it won't instantly murder you with a battery explosion from a light bump

oh and they don't charge properly on western "pumps" so good luck gwailo

>> No.57114027

Yes, if you haven't the time to do due diligence, I don't see any issues with going for benchmark returns.
You can hold whatever you want anon.

>> No.57114031
File: 250 KB, 429x577, Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 8.53.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57114033

>MARA chuds getting rekt
the pain is just beginning for you mongrels

>> No.57114036

My income is too high for IRAs or roth IRAs.

>> No.57114037 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 1080x1002, Screenshot_20231227-152547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is financial advice

>> No.57114039
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>> No.57114043

Anyone here looking in on Paladin Energy? theyre starting first production of uranium in 1st Q 2024. Its a buy for me

>> No.57114045 [DELETED] 

Is the asshole also usable for this? Hole looks very small.

>> No.57114059

Mstr or coin? Who will perform better in the long run?

>> No.57114061 [DELETED] 

For 35 bucks worth of tpe that thing is probably illegally small. Anon you weirdo

>> No.57114067 [DELETED] 

>sold by chinese dong
what did they mean by this

>> No.57114068
File: 121 KB, 1125x1093, 1703726809131566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you can fuck the ass or the pussy. It weighs like 6 pounds but there was another version that was like 15 pounds. Reviews all said it was solid.

>> No.57114071

Enlighten us pooh.

>> No.57114088 [DELETED] 

Go be faggots somewhere else.

>> No.57114095

They should have kept the markets closed until next year. This is terrible.

>> No.57114106

Anyone can do a back door Roth

>> No.57114118


>> No.57114130
File: 2.50 MB, 1274x1272, Black Kramer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even hold NEGG, that's what's so insane about this.

>> No.57114133

just because everybody has a back door doesn't mean you should be sticking your dick in any of them.

>> No.57114147 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 168x300, amazon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this is what my life has become

>> No.57114156 [DELETED] 


>> No.57114158

You funding a 401k or sep ira?

>> No.57114161 [DELETED] 


>> No.57114163 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1024x749, 1703461646468755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want that silicon ass delivered asap wagie. I am a PRIME MEMBER (free trial cancel after delivery)

>> No.57114178

Can you explain to me what ARM sells? I understand everyone designs their own custom chips using ARM architecture. What does that mean? If everyone is already doing their own designs why not do their own architecture, too?

>> No.57114180 [DELETED] 

You're going to be so disgusted with yourself at 10:15pm during your post nut clarity.

>> No.57114186
File: 49 KB, 953x844, _1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57114192

Kind of embarrassing that it's already noon and MARA has not achieved its daily 10% gain yet.

>> No.57114195

They sell license for instruct sets to Apple but Apple actually designs their own silica, so ARM isn't really that great or essential.

>> No.57114199 [DELETED] 
File: 1015 KB, 1280x550, 1703521700465916.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so. Basically I decided if women are allowed to have dildos and vibrators and shit all over their bedrooms with no shame then I am going to fuck this silicon ass and see how it feels. I'll keep /smg/ updated but I think it was a solid investment. Comes with free lube too from what I read in the comments. Very thoughtful of me dong xiao

>> No.57114202

My negative $800 is already negative $166, my friend…

>> No.57114207

>I understand everyone designs their own custom chips using ARM architecture. What does that mean? If everyone is already doing their own designs why not do their own architecture, too?
Because architectures are also complicated as shit. And it's a) expensive as fuck designing one because they're e very complex and constantly being improved on.

The best part is, ARM provides the tools to design chips based on their architecture, and they rake in shitloads of money because they get bucks for literally every chip sold.

>> No.57114211 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 240x240, 1675117610709665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Other anon returns the pocket pussy
>It's already been used

>> No.57114222

very likely that we're going to see yet another leg higher in the S&P 500 starting monday when everybody returns to the office...

>> No.57114223

He’s upset and thinks he’s internet famous.

>> No.57114224
File: 167 KB, 640x480, gnhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with these bitch ass flat weeks? They only move up when 0dte expire in a few minutes.

>> No.57114226

when should i get out of swvxx?

>> No.57114227

Arms useless and they aren’t making the switch

>> No.57114229

Bought today but ended up chasing

>> No.57114230

>today is the mara dip
>tomorrow it goes up 15%
>smg says they will wait for a dip to buy mara

>> No.57114237
File: 2.69 MB, 544x960, pushup.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The human traders are on vacation anon.

>> No.57114239
File: 198 KB, 768x1024, IMG_1875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already rising back…

>> No.57114240 [DELETED] 

Putting your dick in that thing is one thing (because of the plastic), but also using a chinese lube on your dick, that's one whole another layer of danger.

>> No.57114246

>and they aren’t making the switch
Who isn't making the switch? Literally everybody is switching to arm right now for portables, even winshit is trying to become arm compatible

>> No.57114248


>> No.57114249

Apple actually doesn't have to pay for it because they were one of the original (members?) in ARM.

>> No.57114253


>> No.57114261

that's unironically how religions started.

>> No.57114263
File: 62 KB, 473x389, 1678134701793520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a waste of a burger

>> No.57114265

what should i get next to hold for half/full year?

Uh, all my exes live in Texas like I'm George Strait, Or they go to Georgia State where, tuition is handled
By some random nigga that live in Atlanta
That she only see when she feels obligated
Admitted it to me the first time we dated
But she was no angel, and we never waited
I took her for sushi, she wanted to fuck
So we took it to go, told them don't even plate it
And we never talk too much after I blew up
Just only "hello" or a "happy belated"
And I think I text her and told her I made it
And that's when she text me and told me she prayed it
And that's when I text her and told her I love her
Then right after texted and told her I'm faded
She asked what have I learned since getting richer
I learned working with the negatives
Could make for better pictures
I learned Hennessy and enemies is one hell of a mixture
Even though it's fucked up, girl I'm still fucking with ya
Damn, is it the fall, time for me to revisit the past
It's women to call, there's albums to drop
There's liquor involved
There's stories to tell, we been through it all, damn
Interviews are like confessions
Get the fuck up out my dressing room, confusing me with questions like

>> No.57114270 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1703344902887282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is all about taking risks man. Calculated risks. Its the most popular silicon ass on Amazon I don't think it's giving people dick rot. Like I said I'll keep you informed on my investment returns but for $36 I think this one was a slamdunk

>> No.57114272

pay that as a tithe to your church and they'll provide a woman for free. or they used to. maybe scientology still would. Mormons require 40hrs/week on top of that

>> No.57114274
File: 33 KB, 1230x378, chin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic :(

>> No.57114278

She has no ass lol

>> No.57114279
File: 425 KB, 823x636, 122524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The window to lock in you MARA gains is closing soon smg. Stop being emotional and take profits.

>> No.57114280 [DELETED] 

>the most popular silicon ass on Amazon

>> No.57114281

I would consider getting a job.

>> No.57114285

$50 eoy?

>> No.57114292

What a retarded portfolio.

>> No.57114296

I had to fucking increase my position 200% just to fucking break even. I am NOT fucking apologizing.

>> No.57114301

Overall a fake ass is a great investment. In my experience they also last longer than regular masturbators because with all the silicon it's more robust and doesn't blow apart as easily. My one piece of advice would be to get a nice and heavy one.

>> No.57114302

Yeah, I became a Mara holder this morning and did the same. Wanted an easy grand pump n dump.

>> No.57114304

this is fucked

>> No.57114307 [DELETED] 
File: 1.36 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231228-122933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tantalizing authenticity

>> No.57114316

>crypto on eToro
>that amount (probably a lot in SA where you might be from)

>> No.57114322

>$50 eoy?
I would say more like $12-15, because that is what the company is worth.

>> No.57114326

In the last 5 minutes we dump to 4750

>> No.57114335

but we cant hit a new ath doing that, silly anon

>> No.57114338

$90k in Bitfarms, up 170%. Do I hold on or sell?

>> No.57114340

I didn't say we wouldn't reach 4800 before that happens

>> No.57114350

I’ve lost almost all my covid gains buying SQQQ last year
What a stupid move

>> No.57114356
File: 3.68 MB, 482x640, noice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell hop in mstr.

>> No.57114360

If you're going to short, don't short whole indices.

>> No.57114367

I’ve since learned my lesson

>> No.57114370

So I just have to tithe 10% to the church and they will give me a church-issued GF? If so I am unironically in.

>> No.57114371

Make a photo shop picture of your ideal life (for me I'm a Chad, with 2 anime gfs, lots of money etc) and frame it and hang it behind your desk above your computer monitors. Or keep it at your desk at work. This will help motivate you to reach your goals and realize why you are doing it.

Then once you make it, hang up a picture of where you were (fat, broke, loser) and hang it up to keep you on track and grateful for how far you have come.

>> No.57114384
File: 443 KB, 1280x895, Germanicus in Front of the Remains of Varus' Legions - Lionel Royer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just have this above my desk.

>> No.57114388
File: 88 KB, 703x960, 1703389851979184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My autistic cousin was arrange marriaged to a naval officer via church. I think that's pretty much how it works (if you are able to provide for the woman to be a NEET)

>> No.57114395

The real issue is that it is an leveraged etf.

>> No.57114401

to be fair i bought ethereum on etoro like 2 years ago it had been in the red for a long ass time

>> No.57114412

Yeah you get fucked both ways with the short etfs.

>> No.57114413

do you actually realize how hard it is to draw a fucking swastika

i had to draw one on marina's leg because the german girls league flag has one in the middle. I drew it on her leg! It's a cute fur tattoo.

>> No.57114417

>while the brainlets in here fail to comprehend what arm does arm keeps rising and rising
It's poetic, really

>> No.57114421 [DELETED] 

The chemicals in the plastic and lube will reduce test production and fuck up your endocrine system. You need a level head to make financial decisions. You cannot do that with cum plastic brain.

>> No.57114424

Take your money anon.

>> No.57114425
File: 205 KB, 1663x421, Screenshot 2023-12-06 015939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 24 of this incredible buying opportunity.

>> No.57114426
File: 338 KB, 1080x1438, Screenshot_20231227_195543_Bumble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made 12.5 percent this year after leverage taxes and fees. Not too bad I guess. I missed the January rally. Only started buying hard in March with the bank crisis.

Who else reshuffling their TFSA money these last few days? I'm getting some out and another bunch in moving it from questrade to wealthsimple

>> No.57114433
File: 24 KB, 503x512, 1701781187189194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every week new pump and dump shilled on /smg/

>> No.57114437

US tech is really especially retarded. Just look at AAPL or AMD. This risk of getting fucked as a bear is so much higher than as a bull.
Wait, I forgot Micron...

>> No.57114440 [DELETED] 

This is why I only bang my robo-waifu with titanium alloy pussy.

>> No.57114443

If you practice you'll notice it's more like two 'S's.

>> No.57114449 [DELETED] 

It's a water based lube dumby. Ngmi

>> No.57114451 [DELETED] 
File: 853 KB, 2047x1166, BBW sex doll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57114453

WTF is just wrote without having looked at AMD's price. 150!? LOL

>> No.57114454

Appl has been stagnant for nearly half a year now.

>> No.57114460

S&P is up 26%

>> No.57114470 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 1500x500, 1703294783951350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only 9 reviews

Proof that the BBW psyop is fake and gay

>> No.57114472


yes, I know they're like two S's

that's what makes it hard, the slants have to be done right on a thigh. and it's fucking tiny. I'm still practicing shapes and lines and shit as well as doing sketches. I feel a combined study helps. color is where the real shading takes place...

>> No.57114479 [DELETED] 

Mimetic Polyalloy will be the future.

>> No.57114486

It's up 20 percent from where I bought. And most of my portfolio is bonds bought with cheap leverage. I make 5 percent return on assets but due to leverage my return on equity is 10 to 15.

>> No.57114528

>I make 5 percent return on assets but due to leverage my return on equity is 10 to 15.
You could have gotten a 20% return on equity with no leverage.

>> No.57114544 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 500x509, 1695054485236581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he was still with us, amazon would never dare to sell such a thing.

>> No.57114566

AMD’s P/E is over 1k???

>> No.57114575


>> No.57114607
File: 269 KB, 1080x1447, Screenshot_20231227_195535_Bumble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did. I put my networth in equities and borrowed money in fixed maturity bonds ETFs. The weighted average return obviously goes down because 60+ percent is bonds bought with debt. If equities had gone down 20 percent instead of up 20 percent I'd probably be about break even. Capisce?

>> No.57114614
File: 1.84 MB, 640x360, too soon faf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57114630

-187 as well

>> No.57114637
File: 867 KB, 200x180, lolvern.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>considering the opinion of anything stocktwits related.

>> No.57114640


>> No.57114651 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 550x440, 1703694807532081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine seeking sexual gratification by jacking a man off with a woman-shaped effigy of silicone.

>> No.57114685 [DELETED] 

I recommend checking out the onahole general on /jp/, they are true experts and will give you the rundown on cleaning/maintenance/recommendations. This is financial advice

>> No.57114688

>I've made 12.5 percent this year after leverage taxes and fees.
If you had 100% gross exposure to SPY you'd be up 26%. If your leveraged bond bets were then also profitable, you'd be up more than 26% due to the returns stacking. What you're saying contradicts the fact that you're only up 12.5%.

>> No.57114692

Lolling inside

>> No.57114986


>> No.57115185
File: 26 KB, 723x356, gran-torino-clint-eastwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon posts pocket pussy
>mods delete replies
>leave pocket pussy post up

>> No.57115286

long tlry
still cheap

>> No.57115346

Why'd a bunch of posts get deleted? I guess I'll ask in this thread: ToS lets you place orders in dollars, but Schwab's website is shares only. Do Schwab through ToS allow buying companies in dollar amounts?

>> No.57115602
File: 615 KB, 640x640, 1659884574248.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes I consider myself a shrimp because of my back, years of gaming did me no good, and I even had to go to the hospital (I had to sacrifice my XOR bag for that), and that's why I tattooed a shrimp on my back as if it were a yakuza tattoo

>> No.57115646
File: 35 KB, 512x384, 1703530044338479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you assholes split threads?

>> No.57115693

silence kek

>> No.57115807

this one was nearly dead but a bunch of posts got deleted
SPY to 250

>> No.57116116
File: 28 KB, 445x290, Clerks-2-movie-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57116131

EUcuck here.

What application can i use for buying stocks?

>> No.57116162

Looks like VEEV recovering just made £1000