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57111380 No.57111380 [Reply] [Original]

>girls hate losers
>girls also hate losers who are working hard every day trying to better their life
How do you even win this?

>> No.57111392

>girls fuck and get knocked up by some random loser
There's more than one type of loser

>> No.57111457

Fpbp, /thread
Just be a good looking loser with muscles.
>t. Above average partner count after living in parents basement for a decade

I'm sorting my shit out now, but people who think money matters with women are a joke. I racked up a couple dozen kill count clapping cheeks in parks or hiking trails. Be successful because success makes YOU happy. It has no bearing on getting some slut to open her legs

>> No.57111460

What if you are an ugly loser who is only 5'9" but has a good body?

>> No.57111470

Then you can only surgery max face>height,frame,muscle’s

>> No.57111471

5'9 isn't short enough to bitch about. You're the wrong kind of loser.

>> No.57111485

Work until you aren't a loser anymore? Why would girls want young dudes? You're supposed to work during your twenties and enjoy the sex starting at 30 year old when women find you more desirable.

>> No.57111492

Wear a smile on your face. Be relentlessly optimistic, which makes you incredibly magnetic in a world where 99% of people are mopey little snowflakes. Disregard every blackpill jeet on here and talk to ne people. If you have the balls to walk up to a woman and run some game, you're in the 1% of men with enough sack and you'll be rewarded.

Be that as it may, I still recommend avoiding it. Game made me waste a lot of my youth chasing ego highs for zero long term rewards. You never reach a number of new conquests which make you happy, and your concept of relationships will lose all value.

>> No.57111597

You are one of these snigo halfmutt shitskin retards.
Congratulations for having less than 90 iq

>> No.57111611

Just be Chad, ez pz

>> No.57111666

>girls hate losers
>27 y/o roasties single mums looking for beta providers everywhere

Shit doesn’t make sense. You know why? Because women don’t give a flying fuck whether you’re loser or not. Be attractive, have a car to fuck in and you’re golden. Also, shoot for 17-20 y/o, somebody else will marry the leftovers.

>t. 30 chad fucking a zoomette for the past year

>> No.57111813

You stop caring and do what you need to do.

>> No.57112046

Save up enough to become a passport bro, maybe you’ll find solace in some 3rd world shithole where you will be treated like a king and waited on hand and and foot by a 8-9/10 until she gets older and you just find another one.

>> No.57112106
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Women don't care about money if you're strictly talking about getting laid. All they care about is looks and popularity.

If you're looking for a girlfriend, then they care much more about your personality/confidence, your wealth and your professional status. They still care about looks, but it's not as high on the totem pole.

That fact that most women I know have literally gotten knocked up and/or ran through by dirty band boys, McDonald's workers and drug dealers, whether they were the hot high-school cheerleader, the shy nerdy girl, or the fat slampig town whore, they all got ran-through by losers.

>> No.57112161

>run some game
you just outed yourself as a larping wannabe pua nerd. run some game kek
this dweeb.

>> No.57112169

Try stringing a sentence together with language someone who's not chronically online can decipher.

>> No.57112194
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I specifically suggested people shouldn't engage in that behavior. You saw a part of the post that goes against your worldview and singled it out, because you're a seething little blackpilled bitch.

>> No.57112216
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5'9" isn't too bad, you'd still probably be taller than 90% of women. It's all about the face, ultimately.

>> No.57112245

that is correct. i should have read the whole post.
on the other hand, you assumed me to be blackpilled which i am not.

>> No.57112264
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>self-proclaimed chad

>> No.57112545

It'll be the same, girls will still hate your guts and nerd behaviour and you will notice it everytime she pull herself back a bit everytime you want to hug her or kiss her but at least will get a white baby out of you while they're banging Ramón or Chang on the side

>> No.57112575

>surfs 4chan
>call himself a Chad
pick one, fag. Also, holy checkiroli

>> No.57112959

>a car to fuck in

>> No.57112964

when you realize women are pets that want to be taken care of with no responsibilities of their own it's pretty simple desu

>> No.57113527
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not going near them, after all why would you want to be near an animal that bleeds for 6 days and doesn't die? for that I'd rather keep looking at the marie rose that holds my SPX for me

>> No.57113541


What's with all the incel threads lately?

>> No.57113571

they attract incel simps like you. It's the natural order anon

>> No.57113595

Chop the sexual organs off and go trans.

>> No.57113750

Stop giving a shit about women. How many times do I have to say this.

>> No.57113880

Live action roleplay

>> No.57113889

I’m 5’9” and I’m married. Go to the gym.

>> No.57114788
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you are getting the wrong idea, you have to look for women and not teenagers. consider also the kind of people you surround yourself with, look for people who have a positive influence on you, get out of /biz/, join beoble, find friends in your city and build your own life without looking for the love of a woman.

>> No.57114797

What cheap psychology book did you get that phrase from?

>> No.57114804

>>girls also hate losers who are working hard every day trying to better their life
brother get out of the big cities, you are in a loop you will never get out

>> No.57114827

You fucking coping retards. Being chad doesnt mean being athletic or popular or having alot of money it means having a good face and Hight/frame and nothing else. Winners and losers are born and when you people find that out you will finally stop chasing something you will never have. A woman's love

>> No.57114842

This is blackest of pills choose wisely anons

>> No.57114858

He said he wants to clap cheeks, not simp for some roastie who puts out once a year.

>> No.57114861

Just be tall and good looking

>> No.57114895

Work hard, but try to make it appear like you're not bothered. Simple really.

>> No.57114942

It's you're a lover working very hard everydsy to better your life and not be a loser, then you're not a laser. Simple as