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57110085 No.57110085 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that you can make sacrifices your whole life to build generational wealth and all it takes is one (1) retarded roastie granddaughter to throw it all away.

>> No.57110097

Imagine being that rich and not mating like a rabbit. Her father's fault for being a retard.

>> No.57110099

she's an ugly dyke too. absolute pottery

>> No.57110101

The cursed third generation. I’ve seen it personally a few times.
Why are you people working so hard to make it rich for?
>financial freedom!
To do what?

>> No.57110103

genetic dead end.

>> No.57110112


>> No.57110129

Gonna be honest, I'd probably charitably invest most of 4.2 BILLION as well that amount of money is insane and you can't possibly have a personal use for it, just the 0.2 on the end of it is a lifetime of extreme luxury and extravagnace beyond what anyone else will have, 4 billion on top of that is fucked.

>> No.57110140

>she's happy with her current life and doesn't want it to radically change
>she's a libtard who fell for the rich = bad meme
Which one applies here?

>> No.57110153

Having that much money would make me worried that people would pay too much attention to me. When you're one of the richest people in the world, your name will show up in rich lists and people will learn about you. Having $200m wouldn't garner that kind of attention

>> No.57110162

I'd probably have sex with her you know what I mean.

>> No.57110170

Look at her haircut, pretty fuckin simple to figure out which it is

>> No.57110192


>> No.57110291

This is what happens when you reproduce with spiteful mutants and fail to disinherit the offspring.

>> No.57110312

Darwin always wins in the end.

>> No.57110314

No doubt she’s been taken care of in relative luxury by her family her whole life. She’s already got all the perks of being rich without any of the notoriety or drawbacks. The money beyond what she needs to maintain her current lifestyle just means problems for her.

>> No.57110363

My mother’s generation squandered our family legacy. All we have left is a ton of unused land.

>> No.57110640

it's a normal haircut moron

>> No.57110671

It's a man's haircut.

>> No.57110710

Giving that kind of money away would make them pay more attention to you.

>> No.57110736

dont tell me you also scoff at women wearing pants kek

>> No.57110768


>> No.57110787

I dont women to vote so yes

>> No.57110794

Her saying something for virtue signalling and actually doing it are two very different things. Even if true, it gives me hope that nothing lasts forever, any dystopian system the elite are currently dreaming up will fail after a while, the 3rd generation will always come along and fuck things up.

There's a odd paradox that the rich generally refuse to have children even though they can easily afford it, yet they have the cheek to mock the poor having children even though children are the only true legacy and purpose for most people.

>> No.57110806

i would drown an entire orphanage of children in a bath tub for 4 billion

>> No.57110813

i'd help you do half of the work for a few million

>> No.57110827
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This is just something rich people say as a way to humble brag, if this bitch wanted to she could donate it all to charity but she won't.

>> No.57110868

It's pretty fucking apparent she's one of those non binary people. Short hair, pale face, eye bags. Sure sign of a mental illness. Now you have this same person saying "i want it all to be taxed away!". It's almost like her family had already given up on her as they definitely haven't teached her about financials at all. Probably has daddy issues or whatever.

>> No.57110897

She looks like a fucking tranny, or one of those lesbians living near me (usually white trash kind of scums) and doesn't surprise me if she ends the legacy of his family.

And sincerely i don't care what kind of bullshit people pull to justify her:
>but she didn't feel she deserve it
>but muh richfag guilt
>but muh helping the pocs
>but muh african kids
>but muh virtues and ethics and morals
Fuck this shit, it's always a white cuck doing this, because the only ones believe muh virtues are white, i never seen a dark one going pubicly and say "NO DON'T GIVE ME THE MILLIONS GIVE THEM AWAY". If you really care you could donate to mister charityberg FOREVER by running your company. But no, everyone is now le wholesome humble faggot in front of a glowing screen.

>> No.57110924

God, it's just so funny. The name of this attention whore is Marlene Engelhorn. Every few months german media outlets would shit out some article about her and her plans to donate all her inheritance to charities. Now that she actully inherited some double digit million euro amount she whines about how annoying it is, demands a wealth tax and genuinely said that she tried very very hard not to abuse loopholes in Germany's inheritance tax law without any indication that she will actually give her fortune away. Also her families company produced Zyklon-B and used concentration camp inmates as slave labor

>> No.57110972

Point at this trannylover and laugh

>> No.57110987

This its lip service, like when Elon goes on rogan or buffet rides his shitbox. It balances out the Epstein shit

>> No.57111044
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>Also her families company produced Zyklon-B and used concentration camp inmates as slave labor
Women are literally retarded children.
She is shitting away the BASF inheritance. If the world is being consumed by le scary armageddons this retarded empty-headed bitch child could've invested the money into research to replace the methane feedstock at his family's chem company with hydrogen or simply sent the money to build renewable production and just turn fucking water into hydrogen and run the business at a loss until the industry progressed further and turned profitable.
but nooooooooooooooo, this retarded child just throws a tantrum, because the TV said le scary things are happening.
I hate these retarded faggot children so much it's unreal.

>> No.57111051

>dude just convert to the renewable memes and HOPE it gets profitable at some point

>> No.57111080

Based, this is true meritocracy. Lazy goalless people will never understand

>> No.57111081

this retarded faggot child hates le evil money, why isn't she fighting against le scary apocalypse shilled by the TV?
Because she is a retarded child, that's why.

>> No.57111084

someone give me a good argument for why an individual should have more than 10 million dollars.

>> No.57111089

i deserve to have more than 10 million dollars

>> No.57111102

Women should not be wearing pants.

>> No.57111231

What do you mean??

>> No.57111238

Then fucking farm you useless retard? You don’t have anything else going for you right?

>> No.57111239

>children are the only true legacy and purpose for most people
that's what makes it so pathetic

>> No.57111283

I’m for a return to higher taxes on inheritances but it’s funny to me when rich people demand higher tax rates but don’t themselves voluntarily pay the higher rate unless it’s mandated - no government is will refuse money when someone chooses to contribute more than they owe.

>> No.57111292

a reasonable take
i could find many nonhedonistic uses for 4.2 billions, there's endless great ideas in need of funding
but it is a shitton of money, and $200m certainly covers anything you could possibly want

>> No.57111306

because only europeans have souls and some of those wrongly believe the inferior races do also.
if they realized they were unique they'd realize these gestures do nothing.

>> No.57111517

>There's a odd paradox that the rich generally refuse to have children
completely and utterly wrong, rich people in the us have almost as many children as poor people, it's the middle class that produces none

>> No.57111520

>fulfilling a bodily function is purpose

>> No.57111524

You won't do shit LMFAO

>> No.57111544

She should get into politics

>> No.57111560
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Libtard detected

>> No.57111562

What's the alternative, corrupt bureaucracies being the only entities with any real power?

>> No.57111649
File: 91 KB, 432x221, 169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should Die With Zero.
Inheritance at 50 won't do your children any good, but paying for college, a house deposit etc. would make much more difference to their lives than the same money even compounded 25-30 years later.

>> No.57111756

Give anonymously and in public pretend to be a gambler.
>I lost it all
>What do you want

>> No.57111763

Probably option 2 judging by her gender neutral look. Got to admire sticking to her principles though, libtards are normally anti rich because they're 200k in student loan debt with a useless degree and a job at Starbucks.

>> No.57111769

Yes. Why are you?

>> No.57112090

fuck letting it get taxed and the gov crows wasting it on hookers and drugs, give it to us so we can waste it on hookers an drugs

>> No.57112241

She cute

>> No.57112368

>To do what?
I want to buy a giant yacht and build a really expensive telescope on the top deck then spend weeks at a time just looking at stars in the middle of the Atlantic ocean all night.

>> No.57112427

You reap what you sow and nothing more.

>> No.57112449
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>> No.57112673

Or you can maintain control of the money, and set up your own foundation or a company funded by your wealth to allow you to do whatever your heart desire. Want to fund research on some medical issue or niche subject? Go do that. Want to build a kickass game that no one is making otherwise? You can do that. You can give your money away when you're dead. Keep the door open otherwise having a say on how the money is spent.

>> No.57112775

You're supposed to pass down family wealth to the male heirs. Westerners are such pathetic little cuckolds totally devoid of instinct.

>> No.57112828

If you leave money for female heirs you are legitimately brain damaged.

>> No.57112900

>t. Never been on a farm

There are a million ways to make money that are easier than farming. It's requires hard physical labor, a ton of equipment, and experience and knowledge. Would not recommend.

He could make money off the land by allowing hunters to use it or making a shooting range, but fuck farming.

>> No.57112937

>maybe one out of a million people will actually accomplish or build something that will live on for decades beyond their death
>if you're not one of those one-in-a-million people, you're pathetic
So what are you if you fail to reproduce AND you never accomplish anything that will live longer than you will? Because that's you.

>> No.57112976

>juat farm bro
I'm sure he never thought of that, retard.

>> No.57113509

Someone with a $4.2 billion dollar company didn't think to double check what the beneficiary would want to do with it?
Not buying it.

>> No.57113625

Just because you have land doesn't mean you have arable land you can just plop a field on like it's Age of Empires.
Besides starting a farm these days is basically taking up a loan for $1mil or more and spending your entire life not paying it off because your margins are razor thin.

>> No.57113775

Well said.
"I want it all to be taxed away" is idiotic.
If you want to use it for public benefit, that's a noble and respectable way to use wealth.
But don't rely on "the government" to decide what to use it for.

I think the person in this story (which I don't believe to be true anyway) is afraid and unprepared for the responsibility of managing the wealth, and is just looking for an easy solution.
But it's stupid.

>> No.57113777

it unironically is the point of being human, everything else is just song and dance. you'll come to this realization too late, probably bitch about how men won't "settle down" or why your lesbian lovers only want non-monogamy in your 30's. then cry yourself to sleep when you're 70, have a bunch of dead friends, and have no grandchildren.

>> No.57113797

What you call a soul is really just cowardice. They refuse to assume the burden of responsibility foisted on them by success and instead try to give it to some abstract entity like the state, not realizing it's also made of cowards like them.

This is just the result of a diseased spirit.

>> No.57113814

Low and womanly. The purpose of life is to order the world correctly. Mere descendance is just a bestial need, the righteous man makes the right children.

>> No.57113960


That sounds like misery; just getting deep space objects into focus can take a lot of effort. I would lose my mind trying to do that shit in the middle if the ocean. It's borderline impossible to turn into an enjoyable experience.

>space-fag with a dobsonian

>> No.57113971

Imagine thinking there is a point to being a human. It’s all chaos

>> No.57114019

>her principles
she doesn't have "her own" principles
shes some kind of SJW LGBTWBLM+s2 muttant dyke with commie brainwashing propoganda for ideas and opioins

>> No.57114023

rich people are just like middle class people only often much needier. if they aren't raised to be absolute patricians in seclusion they often larp as middle class joes only they have dozens or hundreds of friends so they stay "busy" like their peers. she values her friendships more than extreme wealth. quaint really. she's incredibly stupid but there's a needy innocence behind her stupidity.

>> No.57114057

There's no way that's 4.2 billion liquid. If it was all taxed away the company would either end up state owned or it would go bankrupt. Some good that would do, totally.

>> No.57114064

>Why the heck would you want freedom!
>Dont you know how cheap “free” is!

>> No.57114154

can she not just give it to charity then? why would she rather have the government (lol lmao) have it than charity? boggles the mind

>> No.57114181
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Damn right. Blacks and government employees deserve that money

>> No.57114189

Because it’s about signaling your support for communism not actually giving to the poor

>> No.57114219

nepobabies get the chair

>> No.57114379

>the absolute calmest waters you could hope for
>swaying by 1 degree moves your telescope off by light years
You haven’t thought this through, have you?

>> No.57114655

>stupid bitch thinks all that tax money is going to benefit poor people and not high politicians, israel and the army
this is why you have should have at least 2 sons and keep them away from commie schools

>> No.57114681
