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57104656 No.57104656 [Reply] [Original]

You can feel it when you are out in public, no one gives a fuck about anything anymore. Even NPCs are blackpilled husks now.
I go to work and basically just do nothing. I don't give a shit if they fire me, it literally doesn't matter at this point. I'm poor if I'm NEETing and poor if I work full time. This society is pointless.
No community, no property, no families, no future. Where the fuck do we even go from here?

>> No.57104682

Nowhere. The world will become a Bantu Bolshevik Africanised Orwellian hellscape. Then fade away. The end.

>> No.57104695
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Kill yourself, I am.
Why stick around when there are no good times, only bad times in your future.

>> No.57104813
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There's lots to look forward to you retards just have a bad attitude. You have indoor plumbing, hot water, air conditioning, heat, soft pajamas, access to pretty much all the different foods our world has to offer, entertainment at the push of a button, instantaneous global communication. Stop being an apathetic ingrate and take advantage of all the resources you have available to you.

>> No.57104850
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Embrace the clown world. Its the only way to play it.
>kill yourself
Loser tier thinking
All of us understood the rules before we chose to incarnate on this earth at this time. You’re playing the video game on expert mode but you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have the skills necessary to beat this level.

There’s literally a waiting list to incarnate on this planet right now.

>> No.57104930

COVID blackpilled me so hard. I couldn't believe how willing everyone was to blatantly lie like how about the ""peaceful"" St. Floyd protests [riots] did not spread COVID. How everyone was so eager to get a shot for a medical substance that was tested less than a year. How companies enforced vaccine mandates on individuals that were working from home or not interacting with other individuals in the highest risk groups for COVID. How the government arrested us for going outside during lockdown. The mask bullshit where you know people were just reusing them, which is arguably more dangerous.

Then how the government changed the definition of a recession, inflation, and a vaccine. And don't forget the media and other individuals of society have gaslighted me into thinking COVID wasn't that bad. It was. My neighbors were arrested, I was in lockdown, I couldn't travel for years, my dad died from poverty because he lost his job, I lost my job over COVID shit too... The gaslighting... I think that was the final nail in the coffin. I don't associate with NPCs or most of society anymore. These NPCs lack the qualifications to exercise free will. The only option is to stop playing the game completely, that is the only winning move. Find something that makes you happy and go in the woods, unironically. Society will always let you down.

>> No.57105029
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>> No.57105062
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blacks define western civilization, cuck

the germncis appropriations is bastardization meant to exploit, deceive and eradicate pleroma

gemrnics are npcs of the demiurge

>> No.57105117

None of those portraits look black they’re all just tan brunettes
Look at their noses. No African noses in the whole fucking group
The Greeks do have moorish blood but it’s not to a high degree

>> No.57105143

There is nothing to look forward to for me.
Gratitude is the absolute worst form of cope.
>Someone else has it worse than me that means my problems are belittled and don't matter
Yeah, fucking LOL

There is no god, reincarnation, or any of that bullshit.

>> No.57105207
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black is a multifaceted term jackass, anything else is a derivative of source the world was naturally diverse through epigenetic means rather than through the modern bastardized forms of "diversity" created by miscegenation, creating a dysgenic society of golem s

>> No.57105229

Cope, euroshit. Just because you worship satan doesn’t mean you get favors. I’m fact worshiping satan means you get nothing

>> No.57105267

Same here, fren. Just keep stacking and we'll buy our freedom while the NPC hordes are enslaved by the technocrats.

>> No.57105280
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>> No.57105297

Niggers are genetic subhumans who deserve to be enslaved. I can't wait to witness Africa die of famine while the rest of the world is too busy with WW3 to give a shit about some primitive apes, financially speaking.

>> No.57105329

kys please

>> No.57105347
File: 3.00 MB, 1502x1172, Screen Shot 2023-12-19 at 2.25.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bitch please, blacks were the ones that had to clean your shit after the rancid germnaics ushered the dark age after romes fall, your entire identity is a phantom image of other me, cuck.

From wigger alpha to wigger omega, you are dickriding pantomiming parasite

>> No.57105361

those are actually egyptians during the roman empire days, the portraits are fairly well known

>> No.57105383

You first.
>schizo nigger chimping out about muh ebul germanics, muh we wuz kangz, muh we wuz western civilization
Fucking kek. All that niggers have "accomplished"", real and imagined, is because of jews in high positions. Jews are dying out and when they're gone, it's over.

>> No.57105390
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greeks living in rome under greek authority, despite that phenotypes were convergent in the old world, the distinction would be largely meaningless

>> No.57105419
File: 1.79 MB, 1270x889, Screen Shot 2023-11-20 at 2.03.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the jew held country positions in rome

the germanic was rancid and banished from civilization

the jew didn't cause the dark age, the germanic did.
You are a retrograde Kali Yuga npc guided by worms

>> No.57105432
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*living in Egypt

>> No.57105463

>All of us understood the rules before we chose to incarnate on this earth at this time. You’re playing the video game on expert mode but you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have the skills necessary to beat this level.
>There’s literally a waiting list to incarnate on this planet right now.
I think about this a lot. And even if you are christian and dont believe in reincarnation the concept is basically the same just without a do-over afterwards. You chose to come to an evil place and time to fight that evil. Pretty based

>> No.57105482

>>Someone else has it worse than me that means my problems are belittled and don't matter
Always hated shit like this. Toxic positivity is a real thing. People just want to dismiss others problems.

>> No.57105521

You should try it before you knock it. Its pretty much impossible to be sad if you spend all day helping someone else

>> No.57105582

It never mattered. If you chose a random time to be born anywhere before current date you'd have most likely died as an infant or spent your whole life slaving away as a peasant.
Life is shit unless you get lucky. All you can do is accept that you have a chance to at least marginally improve your situation and do your best to achieve it. Or kill yourself, but if you really wanted that you'd have done it by now.

>> No.57106308

Life is overflowing with meaning in literally everything

Stop fucking thinking and just experience, the world is wonderful and you've created a fucking nightmare out of it by creating your own world out of false thoughts