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57102738 No.57102738 [Reply] [Original]

I'd rather stay alone than date a woman in her 30's, they're all literally mentally insane and insufferable, you'd think that with their Sexual Market Value plummeting fast they'd start growing self-awareness and learn to become more modest and tolerable in terms of behavior and expectations, but it's the opposite, not only do they come with undesirable baggage, they only grow more delusional and entitled, expecting more and more despite providing less and less. Most guys will *suffer* in their 20's and learn to adapt and overcome, learning true growth after realizing how fucked they are, and then prosper in their 30's, whereas girls in their 20's are spoiled from their SMV peaking early in adult life and therefore keep this warped sense of ego and princess syndrome in their 30's, unable/unwilling to realize the world doesn't revolve around them anymore.

How do I profit from this?

>> No.57102752

You already are by opting out you’re finances will be 100x better

>> No.57102755

It's over for 9-5cels

>> No.57102756


incel thread

>> No.57102809

Biz thread
Incel thread is redundant

>> No.57102873

as always I agree but only because I got the shit end of a stick trying to play the normie game. The solution is quite simple, one of 3 options:
1) volcel
2) fuck but NEVER take women seriously
3) go on a quest for the holy grail tradwife which certainly exists but is hard to find

>> No.57102876

It’s hard to care about women anymore once you’ve been with enough of them. I have slept with over 50 women and probably fried my ability to pair bond but once you hit 7 fig net worth they only want to parasite off of you anyway. I’m just not gonna marry a tattoo having diseased ridden 30 year old roastie. I’ll probably just use a surrogate if I want children.

>> No.57102879

You profit by starting a dropshipping company that targets 29-43 year old women for anti aging products and youthful looking clothes for them to go to the club and get glazed by Tyrone AND Jamal at night

>> No.57102902

For me it's 2)

>> No.57102918

Im doing 1 with a bit of 3. My plan is if im still single by 40 ill sell the house and move to SEA and find the prettiest 18yo gook and start my hapa empire.

>> No.57102925

right and I was about to say this. The moment you decide you don't give a shit about the outcome, you win. Most guys won't realize this until they've "had their heart broken" a few times. For the naive few who never have to go through that, the illusion of "love" never fades and good for them. But the vast majority are not so lucky.

>> No.57102939

wait till you get to ur 40's honey and ur still dating

>> No.57102951

Is there a solving if a girls like to "travel" and you don't? Except from breaking up.

>> No.57102959

I’m 31 now and coming to the realization that I am no longer young, the clock is ticking, and life is no longer a blank canvas on which I can paint whatever picture I like. The first several chapters of the book of my life have been written.

I do unironically want to meet a girl and get engaged in 12 months, and hopefully a kid within 24 months.

Just want a passably attractive girl that I’m not embarrassed to introduce to family and friends.

How realistic is this? I have my own apartment in yuppie millennial neighborhood (no car though, live in major city), make 100k, and have low 6 fig net worth. I’m a manlet.

>> No.57102961

Women over 25 are a lost cause, if they were any good they would have been snapped up and tied down by then.

>> No.57102965

Just let her travel and find herself bro, im sure she isnt getting pounded by literally dozens of men in every orifice in each country she visits :^)

>> No.57102998

>How realistic is this?
>I’m a manlet.
Who's gonna tell him...

>> No.57103006

i wonder what black dick in her asshole would look like

>> No.57103015

Unironically you should go to Turkey with your savings and get leg extensions.
Height below 5’10 makes you invisible to women

>> No.57103018

Who doesn’t like to travel? It’s an excuse to indulge and spend money while not working. It’s like “I’m a car guy and I like to wear nice clothes” there is no one who doesn’t like cars and wearing nice clothes.

>> No.57103025

Women hype each other into these delusions. Look at women’s magazines.
Basically, women feed women the delusion that the ‚right‘ partner treats them like a princess, financially as well as otherwise, and they DESERVE a pampered life in luxury without having to do anything at all other than look pretty and make it clear they are the boss in a relationship. This has been going on for about two decades now, on more or less all women‘s media. And women being dumb herd animals believe what they are fed. Even more so if it sounds good to them.

>> No.57103026

That sounds excruciatingly painful. Imagine what the girl would think if she ever found out either. Lol.

>> No.57103032
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It's realistic but you'll likely need to compromise on the looks of the girl. But that is also realistic, right? Find someone with good wifely/motherly qualities and prioritize that, not looks, as that is what ultimately matters since you want children. Good luck.

>> No.57103052

Nigga it's over for you, just go to Thailand fucking SEAmonkeys

>> No.57103073

I would do this if I was 21 and wanted to whore around fucking different girls all throughout my 20s. But now that I’m a 31 year old boomer it’s not worth it. I really just need to find one girl dumb enough to marry me.

>> No.57103078

>Just cripple yourself bro

>> No.57103086

I will do this in my 40s/50s if/when I get divorced. Will move to Pattaya and fuck cheap hookers until I die of alcohol induced liver failure.

>> No.57103118

One thing I’ve noticed since I turned 30 is an increased number of cute 22-26 year olds striking up conversations with me.

I can’t tell if this is because:
A) The meme of 20 something girls liking 30 something guys is actually true.
B) Because I am a 31 year old boomer they view me as a totally asexual, non-threatening, father figure type that is entirely outside of their peer group.

>> No.57103139

How tall are you? I'm 5'7" and found a 5'4" qt3.14. You just need to be taller than her.

Also post hairline and we'll tell you if its over

>> No.57103162

prolly B if you are at all balding

>> No.57103163

5’6”. I’m a Norwood 2. Lost a bit of ground in the past year or so, but no one would say I’m balding. Been on finasteride since I was 22.

>> No.57103196

It’s not just women in their 30s. It’s practically all of them. Unfortunately I was born in an age where women in a respectable age for me (22-30) are all insufferable by one way or another. They’re either town bikes or hateful and political, they’re just fucking draining to be around. I think a lot of the younger crowd is sick of listening to their leftytard parents teachers etc yap about it so I think they will turn out all right but it’s fucking weird to be 30 and date an 18 year old. A woman with a good head on her shoulders in my age group is exceedingly rare starting to age. The wall at 30 thing is incredibly true unless you find a needle. And those needles usually don’t want kids either so it’s a needle of a needle.

>> No.57103204

Not balding in a way that any normie would say was balding. Fin kept me at a NW 1.5 throughout my 20s, and I’d say I’ve become a NW2 since about 30.

>> No.57103208

why does it look like she's having a seizure? are npc's really this useless?

>> No.57103228

So I'm a stage 5
Is suicide the only solution ?

>> No.57103249

Dating is for cucks, you will always get someone's sloppy seconds lmao, there's no virgins anymore and I ain't gonna fuck some whipped cream filled whore kek, I'd rather buy some retard's bags due to beoble exposure

>> No.57103270

Kinda doing all three. I've stopped banging so much, maybe once every two months and I'm not taking those girls on my roster seriously. But I'm looking for that holy grail and I'm gearing up for the quest. Im physically athletic and attractive but not rich so need to train in order to be ready when I find her on the long quest.
I see this ego in girls in their 20s too. Its exhausting. Become a dating coach for these girls. They will never get married so endless money.

>> No.57103300
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Love is real and can be biologically proven. Not all of us were misled by Hebrew have sex with people you don't know culture and still possess the ability to fall in love with people who aren't whores.
>omg I've had sex with so many women I could never see myself raising a family!!
You should know that's exactly what you sound like.

>> No.57103309

It's not over but you gotta lock a qt down fast. Travel and collect some good pics for your dating profile, hit the gym, and maybe look to be buying a house soon for the tradwife types. If you live in a shitty dating area, consider moving to a city where the dating pool is larger.

Good luck anon

>> No.57103332

>Been on finasteride since I was 22.
I was gonna tell you that you're getting dabbed on by insecure incels and whatever, but truthfully if I was a girl I wouldn't fuck you, let alone fall in love with you. You're not gonna make it.

>> No.57103334

Men liking younger women and women liking older men isn't a meme, it's been a thing all throughout human history.
Younger men are less experienced and more reserved and older women are less fertile.

There's a reason why so many divorce stories are about women cheating with her boss or with a dude cheating with the young babysitter

>> No.57103357

If you were hot you would know whether this was A or B intuitively.

>> No.57103371

There’s a reason we’re all posting on 4chan.org during Christmas week, and it’s not because we are all totally normal and confident in ourselves.

I simply made the calculation that because I am a manlet, going bald would be a literal death sentence, so therefore I am going to take a fin as a preventative measure. Girls might date either a bald or a manlet, but they are not going to date a bald manlet.

>> No.57103374

Damn how’d you know I have had my heart broken by my text anon

>> No.57103388
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I hate to break it to you but if you were a loser in your 20s, pulling zero pussy, you wont "prosper" in your 30s either. If you want to profit from the fucked up dating environment, buy MTCH.

>> No.57103391

I’m not disagreeing with you retard. But the ability to pair bond does degrade with time and more partners. Why do you think people that get married 5 times in their lifetimes exist?

>> No.57103403

Oh youre just a jaded faggot looking for (you)’s. Here you go man have your dopamine rush.

>> No.57103448

I’m 5’8” and while it’s not impossible it’s also not easy. Pussy isn’t going to fall from the sky. Prepare for rejection and put yourself out there.

>> No.57103489

women are so fucking cringe

>> No.57103501

I'm shorter than this and women flock to me. Seethe normalfag.

>> No.57103535

>and it’s not because we are all totally normal and confident in ourselves.
Not all of us are here because we're fag incels, some of us are just depressed and or antisemitic. I don't mind helping out the incels but desu I am tired of hearing their shit. Your problem is confidence and a lack of trying.
>girls will do this girls won't do that
Girls will do anything you tell them. I'm a magician. I have the x factor. I'm handsome and witty and athletic and antisemitic. You're just a dime a dozen loser making lame excuses for their loserdom on 4chan.

>> No.57103586

So you're basically giving up on fucking

>> No.57103612

Jesus y’all need to get laid lol

>> No.57103619

I’m not normal which is why women don’t flock to me you faggot. I’m literally ass burgers

>> No.57103631

That's not even a woman lmao

>> No.57103658

I remember when this board was mostly populated by finance/STEM bros who could mask normal behaviors to the point of fitting in mpst frats and social circles but deep down had morbid senses of humor so they couldn't browse normie sites. This site was so much better when the incel shit was contained to r9k, I hate that they've broken containment. Back in like 2015 if somebody made an incel thread they'd be called a pathetic faggot and everybody would move on, now you've got like 30 dudes replying "so true" to the corniest shit.

>> No.57103689

>some of us are just depressed and or antisemitic
Exactly. You’re not normal either. We’re all fucked up in our own way, but don’t pretend that anyone here is fully normal without at least some strain of mental illness (in your case, admitted depression). So fuck off with the holier than thou attitude because you are a mental defective like the rest of us.

>> No.57103694

Amongst the most important things I learned is the
stare. I just approach immediately now

>> No.57103709

I'm pretty sure you've had sloppy seconds before kek

>> No.57103716

Yeah, that's disgusting, I would never lmao

>> No.57103719

Well the world changed, for the worse

>> No.57103774

Eh, not really. The world feels like it's been on pause since 2015 with everybody having the same talking points and discussing the same cultural topics.

>> No.57103783

>I’m a manlet.
Might as well end it bro.
I'm a 6ft tall manlet and don't get any attention. Girls only want 6'2 and higher.

>> No.57103792

I like to travel but I only get 3 weeks off a year. Bitch wants to travel far more than that.

>> No.57103804

I know I’m not “hot”. But the question is, are they looking for a beta bux provider to leech off of? Which is a role I could clearly fill since I make more than most 25 year old dudes in my city and have my own place.

>> No.57103806

Are you white? 5'6" is a yikers. Even highly insecure as a 5'7" asian

>> No.57103840

Yes white with blond hair and blue eyes, so fortunately I have no racial problems to contend with.

>> No.57103881

Your suffering is a choice. Driven by your own greed.

Don't you see? you are expecting others to go through the pain that you don't want to deal with. So stop hurting yourself.

>> No.57103938

Not even remotely true. Just since 2020 things have completely gone off the rails. 2015 is a different universe from today.

But youll just continue being obtuse, because pretending to be dude bro normie with "le sick sense of humor" is your coping mechanism

>> No.57103978

I’m 6’1, decent looking and white but make a modest income with some savings, can I attract a 8+/10 Asian wife or should I be aiming lower?

>> No.57103979

Sorry bro but that's not true. Objectively speaking life is pretty much the same it's just that you're getting older and your social circle is dwindling

>> No.57103997

It’s a horrendous idea because you’re motivated by fear and can make costly mistakes.

>> No.57104025

You arent my 'bro' or anyones bro. You are the exact loser incel you complain about. Its sad that you have to construct an alternate reality to live in just to cope with this fact.

>> No.57104040

Why are you getting upset? I'm not attacking you personally I'm just stating that life and the American cultural zeitgeist operate on the same general rules as it did in 2015. What about that could possibly upset you to the point of projecting and desperately hurling out insults hoping something sticks?

>> No.57104047

It is true you’re just a 22 year old retard and don’t know what the world was like in 2015 because you were a little kid faggot.

>> No.57104059

The answer is B) but they also want to be molested by their father figures


>> No.57104066

I'm 28, but alright whatever you say man. Idk why you're getting so upset. I'm not attacking you, I'm just trying to have a cordial discussion.

>> No.57104099

>why are you upset at me gaslighting and condescending and arguing in a disingenuous fashion??? Just allow me to act like a 5 year old and then respond cordially!

>> No.57104106

>The answer is B) but they also want to be molested by their father figures
I don’t like it but I’ll take it.

>> No.57104142

I just want to reproduce with a socially acceptable white woman so I can fulfill my biological imperative and give my parents grandchildren before I become legitimately an old man.

If the marriage works out, great. If it doesn’t, I will drink myself to death fucking hookers in SEA. It’s a win/no lose situation.

>> No.57104168

You actually have to take some time once you make it and figure some shit out. If you’re earnest about it, you’ll make progress quickly enough, and what ever you do don’t come back and rot on here because this place will have served its purpose

>> No.57104191

Can you please stop making things up? I'm not doing any of that lol. You're just making up arguments in your head that aren't happening. What about anything I've said could possibly illicit such hostility from you? Do you also turn cordial conversations hostile in real life?

>> No.57104212

Women in their 30s are generally unnattractive physically. This is obviously due to the natural ageing process.
Women in their 30s are also completely undesirable due to their attitude, actions and behaviour. This has nothing to do with their age and is entirely due to the propaganda they've been subject to.

Buy foreign, go abroad. You wont regret it.

>> No.57104248

>Do you also turn cordial conversations hostile in real life?
You know that he does. It's best not to engage with the terminally online incels. Just leave them to their self imposed fate, they clearly have no interest in bettering themselves or in attempting to truly connect with anyone.

>> No.57104273

>Buy foreign, go abroad. You wont regret it.
I'm white, and American. I will marry a white, American woman and fix whatever problems she has myself, because I'm not some weak little bitch who can't influence people with their good will and charisma. Like many of the /r9k/ incels here.

>> No.57104280

That's what I was thinking. The only way he could have taken anything I said personally was if something I said made him do introspection and it took him to some dark places mentally looking at his life from an outsider objective perspective.

>> No.57104299
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Thank you for the earnest reply. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, anon.

>> No.57104344
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I would take her out, ask her a lot of questions about herself, keep her wineglass full, then mount her like the thoroughbred that I am and leave her feeling all warm and fuzzy and satisfied. I would leave her my number on her dresser and go home. I would not communicate with her at all until she caved in a called me to come over and mount her or take her out again for a repeat showing of date one. Rinse and repeat but never initiate communication. After a couple proper fuckings, I would call her to come over to my place or a hotel and service me. At that point, I own her and she would be begging to introduce me to her friends and parents and shit but I would continue to rinse and repeat steps one and two over and over. Eventually, I will bore off her particular physique and move on to another alpha female who outclasses and out earns most men, and start the cycle anew. Times are good for 6’4” Athletic Men.

>> No.57104345


>> No.57104381

I'm a 35 year old virgin.
I wasted my life staring into a computer screen.
I didn't realize how fast the time was flying by until it was over.

>> No.57104384

You're such a tryhard faggot lmao

>> No.57104539

>i work a 9-5 and dont like to travel

well im out of her good books.

>> No.57104600
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Holy shit this is honestly just sad, her entire account is literally nothing but her coping about being in her 30s and not having children. It's painfully obvious she's trying to convince herself that she's happy and not just us.

>> No.57104626

>incel incel incel

You need to work on your self esteem bro and not be obsessed with trolls on a basket weaving board. If you get out more, make some social connections and pick up some hobbies then youll find a good partner in no time. Best of luck bro

>> No.57104648

The female equivalent to being an incel is being a 30+ years old woman and posting thirst traps to social media wearing a thong bikini as if you were 20 years old. Like you are a 30 year old grown ass woman have some self respect. You can still look hot, but FFS you are not 20 anymore.

>> No.57104661

Imagine being so hyperfocused on one thing and having to live your whole life in denial. Painful

>> No.57104691

I’m doing 2 for the rest of my life
Ex wife left me, never need that again

>> No.57104743
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Divorce incoming

>> No.57104772

>The world feels like it's been on pause since 2015 with everybody having the same talking points and discussing the same cultural topics.
Not really. What we have now is like if you took all the cultural topics and political talking points in 2015, and then amplified them tenfold and took them to their absurd extremes

>> No.57104819

Mark Zuckerberg.

>> No.57104836

She's the female version of a mgtow/incel/redpill male, both being equally pathetic

>> No.57104854

traveling is for vapid retards who can't spend 5 minutes alone with their thoughts
it sucks

>> No.57104862

That's kind of what I was getting at. It's the same talking points and cultural issues, but the only thing that's changed is internet bandwidth increasing to the point that it's ever present. 2015 was imo the tipping point in which the internet became this ever pervasive entity that you couldn't escape from. Prior to that you needed either a computer or a wifi spot which made the internet a place you went to. Thanks to the increase in mobile data, people are constantly connected to it. But in the end I feel like I've spent the last 8 years watching people have the same discussions with the same ad hominem insults, the same talking points, etc. There's nothing really new that people are talking about in 2023 that they didn't really talk about in 2015 barring the vax.

>> No.57104889
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>Be me
>Work as a Retail Sales Rep
>Meet a cute girl at one of the stores
>Been dating for two years now & we live together
>Finally asks me when she'll meet my family
>Decide to visit them for Christmas this year
>Weeks before going, find out my brothers are dating a doctor, Engineer, and CPA
>Not that weird since they work in those fields
>Big day arrives
>They talk about scientific shit that I barely know about and my GF doesn't know anything about
>I try to pivot the conversation to sports
>They don't watch so they continue talking
>I just talk to my parents while she remain quiet
>After dinner we had some time alone
>She was upset and wanted to fly back ASAP
>We end up flying back on the 26th
>Now she's been quiet the past day and today

>> No.57104903

Working 9-5 nowadays is basically saying "I like to see my wife fucked in front of me by other, stronger men"

>> No.57104906
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Just living my life, doing my thing. Women are one of the few conquests left to the modern man. No exploration, no frontier, no space colonization, just the undiscovered country of genetically superior females is all that’s left to me.

>> No.57104921

>There's a reason why so many divorce stories are about women cheating with her boss or with a dude cheating with the young babysitter.

there is also a reason why there is so many stories about old women cheat on their husband with young yoga instructor or other dance fag. Young strong flexible body is always better than old fart. Oldfags cope is beyond...

>> No.57104934
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It’s over. She was brutally outclassed and she knows it.

>> No.57104965

she got mogged hard and its really hurt her pride that she was practically invisible on her big meet the family moment. Man I actually feel bad for her that must really cut deep to be all yay family meeting time and they basically dont care. oof.

>> No.57105016

Traveling is for people to escape the shitty lives they are too lazy to improve on their own.

>> No.57105027

>Traveling is for people to escape the shitty lives they are too lazy to improve on their own.

Chads and Stacey's love to travel while Chuds stays in his room

>> No.57105078

I'm thinking either
A) She had this Hallmark Christmas movie fantasy in her head of what it would be like to meet her bf's family and when it didn't go that way she got depressed.
B) She got mogged.
C) She realized she got the loser brother.
It's one of those I guess. Depressing situation for sure.

>> No.57105095
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>> No.57105108

>She realized she got the loser brother.
>Work as a Retail Sales Rep

I mean.....wasn't it obvious?

>> No.57105114

you both must be ugly af or this to even be true

>> No.57105127
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>try to pivot the conversation to sports

you sound like a tool lmfao

>> No.57105130

You also got mogged, better double down and find some alpha women to level the mogging

>> No.57105155

Idk I'm not trying to dunk on the guy. It could happen to anyone. I'm a loser myself.

>> No.57105165

Women don't travel, they go on vacation

>> No.57105169

People that flock to fortune were always different from the normie Zeitgeist
Especially in the early days when crypto was obscure
We were however higher iq, but the undertone in every thread was always a deep rejection by and off society, but perhaps that is the big difference back then we concluded to gtfo of society in return, now its pathetic shit like taking fin to fit in

As a clear example back in those days we were venerating eating catfood despite having solid Stemjobs just to buy more effers and that other token so we could break our cagies
Normal people cant even abstractly contemplate doing that

>> No.57105191

get thee to south east asia. when you’ve banged a dozen 20-year-olds in a month you will literally feel like a completely different person. I’m serious.

>> No.57105192

You're so dumb dude.
Something crazy like 30% of zoomer men are self-reported as completely sexless. In reality it's probably even higher. It has nothing to do with /r9k/, society is just breaking down.

>> No.57105196

Don't get me wrong, they make decent money, $60k-ish, but I'm sure he told his GF what his siblings did and didn't find out when she got there. Imagine being a high school grad who works retail and suddenly you're in a room full of not just college educated people but graduate level educated people who don't start conversations with "How's the team doing"

>> No.57105215

>but I'm sure he told his GF what his siblings did and didn't find out when she got there.
Yeah but being told something and then experiencing it first hand are two different things. She probably didn't understand the reality of it until then.

>> No.57105238

Our old world ended in late 2018 when the fed hiking campaign exposed a critical failure point in the western exonomy
Of course they covered it up with more printing, but everything, all the madness you have seen since is just cover for the managed decline yes even the coof was
And its only going to get much much worse
But as you can see itt there are still plenty of retards clinging to their illusions of yesterday, its gone not getting fixed

>> No.57105240

I worked in Taiwan for a year and didn't have sex.
One time a girl at work made an off-hand comment that I could "go home with her" after the holiday party but I think it was just her bad English and she was saying that she would help me get a taxi when we left. I mostly just stayed in my apartment and played steam.

>> No.57105286

Society isn't breaking down lol, you just got left behind in regards to forming relationships and making friends

>> No.57105306

kek @ wymyn never admitting more than 20 dicks

>> No.57105310

I’m talking about going to a place where it’s legal and then just paying for it. the social aspect of getting laid is often the hardest part for guys. it’s not like they don’t have sex drives. they just can’t manage to go from being around girls (at work, school, etc) to getting those girls in bed. skip that part and just pay for it.

>> No.57105321

Does it piss anyone else off how lazy and big of cowards women get to be while simultaneously pretending they want to be treated as equals? They just get to glance at a guy and then expect him to do literally EVERYTHING else in the jestermaxxing cesspool that is the modern mating/courting ritual.

Yes I view them as children and don’t take what they say seriously but it’s just annoying how they never put in any effort even if you’re a chad you still have to make all the moves unless you count her plausible deniable cowardly attempts at getting your attention as taking any risk/initiative.

>> No.57105327

Youre right of course, I always referred to it as 2019 but we are talking about the same event. That was when I started stacking PMs for real

>> No.57105394

> just trust Turks with your legs bro

>> No.57105437
File: 134 KB, 905x983, IMG_3747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I leave the house now I see a mentally ill faggot dressed like a woman. At least half of people are consumed by insane ideologies. People believe being a faggot is not only ok but makes you strong and brave or whatever. Our cities are unsafe because niggers are not held accountable for their crimes anymore. Our border is wide open to literally anyone from anywhere in the world can come in and be put on welfare. Our government is openly corrupt and treasonous. On top of that we are at risk of being dragged into a very serious war because Israel’s neighbors are getting mad over the blatant genocide they are committing and our government is basically completely controlled by kikes. I know you’re just a faggot troll but you would have to be on extreme amounts of psych meds to be able to ignore how fucked things are, and it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

>> No.57105443

it ended earlier than that. it just didn't become apparent until around 2016-2018

the big shift in the world is largely caused by the negative influence of social media algorithms, specifically Facebook and everything that came after. crazy people now easily find other people with the same type of crazy and spread their crazy ideas to one another with full support of the other crazies. boomers on facebook, incels, radical political ideologies, the normalization of weird unhealthy fetish shit, etc, etc.

>> No.57105466

everything is fine
you're just broke uggos

>> No.57105484
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3 is the truth path

>> No.57105492

You know what's crazy is that people said the exact same shit in the 60s. Your neurotic delusions just that, delusions. There's nothing new in the world, being terminally online is creating a feedback loop in which you're caught in doomer mentality and reinforcing a narrarative you've created for yourself.

>> No.57105494

The financial aspect of it is more important than the cultural aspect. None of this shit would exist without 0% interest rates and infinite money printing

>> No.57105496

Based neoliberal bluepill banality of evil normalizer.
Paying for sex in a country where I don't even speak the language sounds like a great way to end up robbed and/or murdered.

>> No.57105499

Girls in their 30s are based actually. Far more than girls 25-29. Any decent white girl gets better with age until around 40-45

>> No.57105507

why the fuck is she acting like she is hot enough to be that picky? massive red flag. she'll die single.

>> No.57105510

this, most girls only care if you are taller than them and if you have a good face your set

>> No.57105520

Bro, you clearly don't have normal irl relationships. You've lost touch with reality because you're terminally online

>> No.57105522
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>even if you make it you will still have to learn how to "fit in" before you can finally get a gf

>> No.57105536

You obviously don’t get out much.

>> No.57105553

Just accept having a step son and talking about her ex boyfriends

>> No.57105554

So the whole "this is what no pussy does to a mf" meme really is true lmao

>> No.57105579

The heavily tattooed moderately overweight art hoe promised to give him a crumb of pussy if he makes 10 more posts defending drag queens and MMT

>> No.57105589

Yeah we're not as isolated in our thinking as you are claiming though. In fact the opposite seems to be happening.

>> No.57105607

You argue like a woman.

>> No.57105611

Women are actually pretty cool, get offline and just interact with them.

>> No.57105627

Makes me think of the movie Nope. I wonder if that monkey will snap.

>> No.57105628

you know what's funny is I never see any awful ugly tranny shit anywhere but fucking HERE
you people create this hellscape for yourselves, I literally never see this shit IRL and I live in a major city

>> No.57105630

Just find a submissive 3-7/10 21-23 year old zoomette and have her worship you. Don't take women seriously, they're all NPCs.

>> No.57105631

Not really, think of me as if you were talking to somebody on the site in 2015. You're reveling in self pity and blaming society for the fact that you're incapable of fostering long term relationships. You can't fathom the idea that you're the problem so you've created this delusion that society is falling apart.

>> No.57105632

He's just an extremely clumsy gaslighter. The weird thing about his type is that they always have this conviction that no one else can tell what they are doing.

>> No.57105636

I'm not trying to gas light you lol. You made that up

>> No.57105640

you're all self fulfilling prophecies of the worst sort
there's literally thousands of cool, hot chicks who are totally normal all over the place
you're just too ugly and shut in doomers to get it

>> No.57105643

Better men than this Faggot have fallen for the moderately overweight tattooed art hoe. Would not be surprised if that was the case, but he lost seems like a bad troll.

>> No.57105650

>projects in 4K

>> No.57105664

chubby art hoes are literally gods gift to man you offputting pussyless spergs wtf

>> No.57105667

I literally see it constantly and I don’t even live in the biggest city in my state.

>> No.57105691

maybe you're just a mentally ill retard then who's too broke to live among your betters than
either way it's not my problem

>> No.57105705

And then you find out they’ve fucked a nigger, their head explodes if you make a holocaust joke, listen to rap music, and have an army of beta orbiters they use for free shit/validation. That’s not cool my man, I’ve met like 2 hot women in my life that were kind of cool. Not an incel loser either, got a decent body count so I’m working with a bigger sample size than the average guy. The hotter they are the less personality they have 80% of the time. Some very cool homely plain janes out there though I will give you that.

>> No.57105709

I would put money on him being the biggest virgin loser in this thread lmao

>> No.57105712
File: 1.34 MB, 1024x1024, Phat01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm intimidated by you"
Did any man said that to a woman ever?
Maybe I would be intimidated by a screaming landwhale feminist.

>> No.57105739

>"I'm not an incel".
>Proceeds to spout>>57105705
incel rhetoric.
Lol you're such a pathetic dweeb. It's like you enjoy reveling in self pity and making others partake in your pity party like a character from a Dostoevsky novel.

>> No.57105747
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I know that feel, anon

>> No.57105752

christ at least make an attempt to better yourself and be able to spot good character from bad
you bring this all on yourself and I'm not going to correct you, you awful faggot

>> No.57105754

Yeah i forgot about that one, everyone living in nato cucked countries is now at real risk of being drafted into a vietnam tier meatgrinder
But of course if you are alpha you can just game your way out of the draft like that delusional retard keeps insisting on works for every other modern problem lol

>> No.57105755

If you ever feel bad about yourself just remember theres demoralization shills out there making less than 1c per post, rotting in front of a screen all day, trying to convince you everything is normal and YOU are somehow the problem for noticing anything wrong with the world

>> No.57105762

imagine ever not from the start
you're all so pathetic it's actually impressive

>> No.57105763

That anon is right. Go to Thailand and just bang. It's super safe(way moreso than America), the food is amazing and it's cheap. Just bang, lift, eat, and do muay Thai.
I promise you this will 100% help your life. I'm sure you won't listen because this sounds extreme and strange in many ways when you have your mindset.
I'm also 35, life truly is over quickly. Go make some memories

>> No.57105769

And yet I have more money, am in better shape and have fucked more women than you and have a wider social circle. That word has lost all meaning at this point and is just something people say to someone they disagree with. I have edgy humor and don’t like race traitors so sue me?

>> No.57105774

>Go to Thailand and just bang

>> No.57105783

>And yet I have more money, am in better shape and have fucked more women than you and have a wider social circle.
you're too ugly for this to matter or honestly be true to the degree it is for top tier men like me

>> No.57105787

Now this is max projecting i thankfully escaped the cage and western governments so this mess doesnt hit me as bad
I do feel sorry for the people still left behind, but eternally grateful to biz for the possibility of leaving

>> No.57105801

We both know none of the things you said are true, otherwise you wouldn't be such a bitter and easily triggered person. What happy person with an active social life would have gotten angry over the things I said earlier? I hope one day you do get to live a life where you are in better shape than me, make more money than me, have a better wife than me, and have more friends than me. But that journey begins with you accepting your flaws and admitting that it isn't the world that's fundamentally broken, it's you.

>> No.57105814

>train Muay Thai while simultaneously being a Eugene sex tourist

That’s a good way to get the locals to break your rib or shatter your femur when “sparring” at a Muay Thai gym when they hear about the western dork that flew to another country to take advantage of cheap hookers lol.

>a top tier man using woman tier insults such as ugly

Gonna have to call bullshit on your LARP junior, that or you’re a woman/faggot lmao.

>> No.57105818

>work 9-5 and i don't want to travel
bitch wants some richfag, mens who have that much free time and can afford travel always do it with young womens lol

>> No.57105823

I’m not so worried about getting drafted cause I’ve already made the decision that I’m not going one way or another. What worries me more is what the country is going to be like when the dollar collapses which is a mathematical inevitability. It’s going to be absolutely biblical when the magic ebt cards stop making hot Cheetos and fried chicken manifest out of thin air.
What’s even worse is that a lot of these faggots aren’t even paid, they do it for free.

>> No.57105841

>all demoralizing projection
Careful on that high horse buddy. It'd be a shame to fall off

>> No.57105900

this is such sad cope. when she is 75 and being raped and beaten and starved by puerto rican nursing home staff there will be no one on the entire earth who notices or cares.

>> No.57105943

Not sure where you’re getting that I’m bitter from simple 4chan shitposting. I crown you the golden fedora as you are clearly superior to everyone and are simultaneously a chad with a trad woman, 7 figure networth and a body like cbum.

>But that journey begins with you accepting your flaws and admitting that it isn't the world that's fundamentally broken, it's you

Countless philosophers would have to disagree and I doubt shamans were taken away from
The tribe and isolated to expand spiritually because society has always been so heccin great lmao. Sure we all have flaws and ticks (me included) that’s part of being human, the difference is I can empathize with the incel/schizo shut in that’s constantly mocked and kicked while he’s down and try to offer some experience and hope as to how to crawl out of that dark hole instead of pretending I’m a perfect normie faggot who has it all and blames those Struggling on being broken instead of realizing “yea we tend to treat each other like shit and our system is extremely flawed/borderline insidious.” Just look at the archetypes/personality types of those in positions of power and think about power dynamics then get back to me you retarded normal nigger. Not arguing with you anymore though good luck.

>> No.57105964

A totally not butthurt person typed up all that. You should Aurelius' Meditations bro, also you need an internet detox if you are this angry over a silly 4chan thread.

>> No.57106004

Self reported lol, men will lie in the complete opposite way of women in regards to sex. MOST dudes are now sexless so ANY stat showing "ya bro I had sex with 2 women" is literally just a dude lying about not being part of the 80/20 rule qhich thanks to online has become more like 90/10...

It will keep getting worse and worse. Western societies have foregone shaming and religion and have replaced it with godlessness and "freedom" which only benefits women and jews.

I hope those on biz, make it enough to buy themselves some respite from this degeneracy.

>> No.57106056

Oh nice I never thought of dating as a quest. I like that.

>> No.57106067

are you also ugly? if you are a 31 year old man with your shit together in a major city dating is fucking easy. Im 30, dated for 3 months and had many options

>> No.57106441

>I try to pivot the conversation to sports
You deserved it.

>> No.57106501

>being terminally online is creating a feedback loop in which you're caught in doomer mentality and reinforcing a narrarative you've created for yourself
They won't realize this until it's too late.

>> No.57106556

Not dating doesn’t = not fucking. You can be a cuck and put effort in and date while the same girl will just invite me to her place or she’ll come to my place for a fuck.

>> No.57106621

Reddit IQ went change reality

>> No.57106782

I'm dating a woman in her 30s

>> No.57106801

I hope you are in your 40s/50s.

>> No.57106838

Nice blog post but I think you meant to put this on Reddit. we don’t care about silly relationships here

>> No.57106841

It’s funny when people complain about height. I know some women are impossible about it, but it isn’t a panacea. I’m 6’3” and have never been on a date, never gotten a second look. Just an ugly motherfucker.

>> No.57106886

I'm in my 30s

>> No.57106908

How is that even a thing? Women have lost their minds

>> No.57106949
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Yeah bro! be a true chad like picrel who go to thailand to fuck.

>> No.57107011
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>a manlet

>> No.57107051
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>finshed with "I'm a manlet"
woulda saved us all a buncha time if you'd led with that

>> No.57107065

The guy is a 35 year old virgin, probably rotting. You think he is going to be worse off going traveling, lifting, and banging whores?

>> No.57107094

>You think he is going to be worse off going traveling, lifting, and banging whores?

With his lack of life experience they'll see right through him and possibly kill him

>> No.57107113

>traveling, lifting
>banging whores

>> No.57107129

As someone whi is 6 foot 5.
Do not do this. My best mate is short, but he character and looks maxxed (you can easily get greek bod with just being tgin and some workouts when yr short) so do that.
And u WILL find girls who like u for some reason eventually, dont destroy your health for some longer legs. Youre not a girl, your limbs need to be even. For example do you know that your extended arms length is exactly the same as your height? Do you know you would look freakosh with legs longer and arms short? Plus youd be in pain and it would cost you the ability to sprint. Dont spit on what nature and god created.

>> No.57107184

Yes you can, u just need to move to asia or find some hangout place or event where you can meet more asian girls and students.
Be warned tho, i had 3 asian gfs in my uni days, its fun for a while but the feeling of regret seeps in eventually and you want a wife that talks the same language, had the same culture, and you feel confident not ashamed of her

Youll know what i mean, no matter how pretty she is she is still asian and your heritage is white, your kids would look nothing like you and that to me was just too sad

>> No.57107301

Very achievable if you're willing to race-mix, but assuming you're a white guy who wants white children, probably a low chance.

>> No.57107323

yeah but you'll have to take care of 2+ kids and deal with all the "based bitch" baggage once they get their rocks off on your cock for a few months

>> No.57107326

Why aren't you on tiktok producing and consooming retarded videos to spwan more brainlets? GET BACK TO WORK FAGGOT WE AIN'T PAYING YOUR LAZY HO ASS FOR NOTHING

>> No.57107331

I’d be willing to maybe do a castiza, persian, arab, or light pajeeta, but white is definitely the preference.

>> No.57107369

I’ve had Asian girls and felt the same way. I could never have a serious relationship with a woman outside of my race. Even though my last one was a really fun time to be around and was nearly perfect for me. I wince at the thought of having mixed race children.

>> No.57107406

Men idealize what they don’t have. Don’t have friendships growing up? You value friendship a lot. Don’t have good family life? You desire and value family. Didn’t have many women? You desire and value women. I feel better without a girl. I have had more than enough of them. Even if you’re in control, you have some degree of compromise required. My last 22 year old cutie satisfied all of my needs. She was a beautiful person too. I was happy while with her, but I was happy going in so I can’t say she added to it. But she wanted too much attention. I could not do it. Women don’t want to play their role. The money I spent on her didn’t make me feel anything. The money I spend on myself makes me feel good. Objectively the smarter choice is to invest in yourself , you’ll be there for you in the end. There is no guarantee she will be

>> No.57107419

marry a teenager

>> No.57107431

option 4: get a 16 year old gf

>> No.57107848

You could also try getting with a half-white woman or 75% white woman if you can find one, but they tend to have the same issues that full white women have.

>> No.57108339

>have you tried having a normal one? touching grass maybe? lol?
its funny how thats essentially all these millenilol faggots have to say but have no answer when you ask the following:
where exactly does someone in their 20s meet a woman or even just friends of the same age outside of school?
>inb4 barcade

its like when boomers mock and taunt younger generations for not having stumbled into incredible wealth with their eyes closed and lecture them about hard work

>> No.57108359

>Women hype each other into these delusions
This is why women and faggots are deeply immoral to according to every scripture and philosophical text that exists in any civilisation. Women and faggots (at least indepenently) are not truth-oriented, but pleasure/comfort-oriented. Women never end up where they are in life through force of will but by getting memed into their reality. They operate on pure memes on a consciousness level.

>> No.57108374
File: 1.43 MB, 1681x1625, 6665541818484836158104151518536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dating was more easy in school

>> No.57108401

90% of people are ugly man. it's all about how you carry yourself.

>> No.57108472

He said, on 4chan. Stop acting like you aren’t some deadbeat loser. Go make some money.

>> No.57108485

>Girls only want 6'2 and higher.

Time to leave the house anon.

>> No.57108536

You meet them at social venues where you partake in hobbies retard. Rock climbing, local sports leagues, etc. Did your parents not properly socialize you? This isn't rocket science. Asking "where do I meet people" is equally retarded a question as "how do I boil water?"

>> No.57108552

Women don't know the difference between 5'11 and 6'4 anon. The problem is your terrible personality.

>> No.57109040

Chads build up the homestead and company. Travel comes with business. Travel for fun is plain selfish and a sign of a low quality/value individual. Been to 30+ countries, most of them with a purpose, not just "pictures"

>> No.57109069

whats a local sports league? is that a European thing?
everything I said doesnt apply to europe btw, Im talking about America where nothing exists anywhere and there are no places that young people gather outside of cities

>> No.57109073

she's gross.

>> No.57109095

There are literally giant adult sports leagues in every city full of interesting people. Young adults and young parents join them in droves. It's a great chance to network and meet plenty of driven motivated people who aren't the vapid idiots you meet at bars. Jesus man have you been living under a rock?

>> No.57109901

I dont care about sports because Im not a normalfag
do you have any other suggestions?

>> No.57109966

I'm starting to see why you're socially ostracized and why people may not like being around you. The point still stands that there are NUMEROUS adult clubs and organizations that likely match some hobby you may have, you just have to look for them.

>> No.57110035

Me and my gf (both 30) have different tolerances when it comes to being around crime and shitty neighborhoods. I grew up upper middle class, I recognize I have privilege and was sheltered growing up, more than her, but my GF is way more tolerant and brave with crime and being around street bullshit than I am. We live in a major city and there are certain parts of town I will not step into no matter what, I don’t care if it’s gentrifying and one block has a Whole Foods but the other has people shooting up meth or shooting each other. my neighborhood it’s fine, minor things may happen like someone stealing an Amazon package but it’s rare, but whenever I go to her block (different part of town) there’s always cops or some bullshit going on that makes any sane person go “wtf”. 3 people have been shot on her (small) street right in front of her apartment in the past year, cars get broken into semi-regularly and there’s annoying homeless and alcoholics around. I hate going there to see her. But it’s “hip” and trendy transplant yuppies walk their dogs so it’s just “not that bad”. I hate driving over there and worrying about my car, I always get paranoid something is going to happen to her when she takes public transit to her place but she’s not bothered by this shit at all. It’s so bizarre and exhausting to be that vigilant. We’ve agreed that we’re not living anywhere near that shit when we move in together in the next 7 months, either in the suburbs or a nice part of the city if we can afford it, but right now it’s a problem. And honestly it’s disturbing hearing “aren’t we just part of the problem if we move to lower crime areas and run away” and I’m thinking bitch wtf is wrong with you.

We just got in a fight cause her friend lives in an even WORSE part of town and I’ve put my foot down saying I ain’t going and my gf is just bitchy and pouting about it and trying to guilt me into going.

What do

>> No.57110094

He wont look he'll just piss and complain there's nothing out there for him when what he wants is some exclusive club where he's the only male and there's like 10 females for him to pick from and date from with no other males around to get in the way. He doesnt want to go and have to compete with other males or talk to other males he's your typical waaah there's nothing for me cuz all he wants is a private harem of females to pick from with no males involved. you cant help this dork cuz his wants are unrealizable and unrealistic and fantasy based

>captcha: G0ykd

>> No.57110142


>> No.57110292

Pks respond

>> No.57110344

Maybe possible but dunno. Some couples can try for a baby for up to an entire year before it happens, it isn't just stick peepee inside and done. You have to monitor ovulation cycles and all this bullshit then sometimes they need IVF anyway.

>> No.57110403

She’s attracted to criminal nigger types and is fucking multiple behind your back. kys

>> No.57110609

Honestly possible
Wait till she gets raped or abused, she will be crying and shit never going outside.
Also imagine she gets “raped” and gets pregnant. How will you feel then?
Do you think you wont be disgusted touching her? I know i would.
But as the other anon said, i wouldnt trust this comfortable with crime shit. Well i dont trust women in general, if she aint a virgin or acts like one properly (not acting like a hoe who fucked a hundread dudes, doesnt have tattoos or that confidence to her).

Just. B careful anon, and be ready for disappointment. I hope you just find someone 10 years younger than her and someone you can actually trust and marry

>> No.57110993

you normalfag soillennial faggots dont get it
its not even about meeting women its about MEETING INTERESTING PEOPLE IN GENERAL, and for that there is literally nowhere except for the internet and maybe university
hell I care much more about meeting friends than a girlfriend, women are not interesting, theyre all more or less the same
so Ill ask again, because so far no one has answered, where do I meet people outside of bars (no one my age goes to bars) and ""sports clubs" (normietard shit that I imagine also nobody under the age of 30 goes to)

>> No.57111018

You need to pick places/activities that filter out the retards or stuff that pisses you off.


Running clubs filter out the fatties and druggies for the most part.

Boating or car racing filters out poor people.

Theatre filters out straight people, while strict churches keep out the homos, or at least force them to act low-key.

Just whatever you do don't commit to much to any of these groups unless you have control over them to some extent. Partly to keep out the psychos but also to prevent being ousted yourself. People are petty, there's no getting around it unfortunately.

>> No.57111042

>I'm intimidated by you
Said no-one ever

>> No.57111113

True. And they must go on vacation that all their friends have been to.

>> No.57111202

so true

>> No.57111293


Since many single women have maturity lesser than a five year old, you can put an animal farm with cute animals and ask them to come and take pictures. Or buy dog food production company shares.

>> No.57111320

I'm the same age. I have my own apartment and car, but I'm a poorfag that makes $60k. however I'm tall (6'2"), still have all my hair, and am decent looking enough to where I can match with hot 20 year olds on tinder if I lie about my age, but they usually don't talk to me. how much of a chance do I have?