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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57099579 No.57099579 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>57080421

Buy XRP on Uphold/Bitrue/Kucoin[NY]
[for Bitrue send USDT or XLM and use XLM/XRP]
or on the XRP Ledger https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM app (with USD IOUs from Bitstamp)

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial
>Powerful Inclusive Anthem for Remoralization
>SEC Lawsuit Latest:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>Schizo Rambling
>Updated Schizo Rambling
>Updated Schizo Rambling (Powerful)

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd

>> No.57099605

Curb your Enthusiasm
Season 2 Episode 5
they are discussing a list
that you cannot bother your friends with
that is nonsense
that there is a major breakthrough
that hollywood terminate people that have this breakthrough


>> No.57099617

from 1:00 to 2:00

>> No.57099654
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>> No.57099656
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blessings upon all those who enter this thread.
i'd like to offer a gift to the /xsg/ community: this is the prayer or meditation exercise I do every day. It can be adapted to any belief system.

To the West, the direction of the setting sun: I offer the things I am ready to release and no longer hold.
To the North, the direction of the North star: I ask that my footsteps be guided and that I always know what steps to take, and to have the strength to take them.
To the east, the direction of the sunrise: I look forward to a new dawn, and visualize what I would like to see happen in the coming cycle.
To the south, the direction of the tropics: I visualize balanced and harmonious growth, to see my goals come to fruition.

Looking above, I give thanks to the father, the male or active principle, whose action catalyzes growth and the beginning of new life.
Looking below, I give thanks to the mother, the female or receptive principle, whose nurturing embrace provides the vessel for the seed to take root and grow.

And finally, the 7th direction, within, Spirit, I give thanks and stand in company with all Life, holy and sacred life, past present and future, all our ancestors and friends and neighbors and family members and future descendants, all living beings, all Life on this world and all the others, all with the sacred spark of spirit glowing within them.
>note: I'll usually burn some sage or palo santo or a prayer candle when i say this prayer, and either precede or follow it with the Lord's prayer but you can do whatever you like. Some people pray to the cardinal directions, or guardian angels, please feel free to customize it however you'd like.

>> No.57099691

What happened with the XRPL today? It’s activity was higher than ever.

>> No.57099762

I agree with you. Faith in action!

>> No.57099767
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an "inscription mint" service was used to spam the XRPL with specious transactions
looks like the ledger continued performing as intended but fees increased slightly on some blocks

so tldrbirag, XRPL got ddos'd either by competitors (solana, consensys) or by itself as a stress test similar to the time something similar happened during the xrpl shitcoin casino and it performed extremely well, lending further credence to the thesis that the XRPL is indeed the best blockchain for payments

>> No.57099803

Christ, finally someone with a functioning brain. Last thread was like pulling teeth trying to get anyone to understand what happened.
Though you are putting quite the positive spin on it. It didn’t perform quite as well as you’re spinning it. But I understand your reason for doing so.
I’ll now wait for the fags from last bake to apologize for calling me a bot

>> No.57099806
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wietse notes that XRPL validators start pooping out at 50 tps and that this debacle functioned as a "free test for the XRPL"

captcha: GASSH

>> No.57099819

>It didn’t perform quite as well as you’re spinning it.
What I don't yet understand is whether this is something that can be addressed with improved hardware, or is an unfixable with the ledger itself?

>> No.57099828

*unfixable limitation

>> No.57099860
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remember how these people think. problem->reaction->solution. you really believe ripple would be working with the biggest banks and central banks in the world and not have a solution for scaling transactions per second?
remember, Schwartz's first patent waaay back in like the 1800s or whatever was about distributed systems splitting up workloads.

the question is whether the solution will be
a) optimizing the XRPL somehow (iirc both Schwartz and Aanchal Malhotra have referred to work being done on this at RippleX)
b) scaling vertically- if i understand correctly this is the solution being done at Solana
c) scaling horizontally with many different sidechains, using the XRPL as a comparatively expensive "central clearinghouse" while most of the action occurs on sidechains

IMO (c) is most likely, this would make XRPL into something more akin to DOT or Cosmos "layer zero" but with an approved central L1. just judging by the current sidechain architecture and proposals, combined with the schizo lore about CBDC walled gardens eventually plugging into the central XRPL driving up XRP demand/price

Wietse alludes to this in his tweet, saying that xahau could be a testing ground for addressing the issue that was made apparent today

horizontal scaling could also be combined with vertical scaling (bringing a shit ton more validators online) and optimization (involving techy stuff i don't understand) so probably in some sense (a) (b) and (c) will be true

>> No.57099905
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note that Ripple could theoretically just bring 10000x validators online tomorrow, just an entire huge megawarehouse full of validator nodes but
a) that would kill their thesis in court that Ripple =/= the XRP Ledger
b) it would be centralized and therefore vulnerable (see: Solana)

conveniently this snafu we witnessed today proves for Ripple that Ripple =/= the XRP Ledger (because if it wasn't, wouldn't they have prevented this from happening?) and also provides a neat opportunity for the community to step in and engineer a solution, collaboratively.

>> No.57099946
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at the height of the attack, the txn fee was 1% of 1 penny

>> No.57100006

So portalbot, when minimoon?
Have the bigtiddygoffgirlfriends returned your lunch money?

>> No.57100014

Not me dipshit
Failed attempt at you utter embarrassment from last thread
idiots don’t even know what’s happening with your investment. Complete smooth brain

>> No.57100021

>failed attempt at *distracting from*

>> No.57100047
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>> No.57100071


>> No.57100078

lmao, it is you
what happened to the portal?

>> No.57100093
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>0 xrp, ow!

>> No.57100095

I said it last thread, after your tantrum about me being a liar and making it up (because you’re too retarded to know how to use twitter) I said “what are you going to do when others start talking about what happened”
And here we have our answer, continue to sperg out

>> No.57100107

oh look the faggot who says nothing in all his post
look he's trying to elude it didn't do well but didn't say why or offer any real information, just vague negativity, wow!
show your captcha, bot

>> No.57100112

nothing happened you stupid faggot lmao
if anything it was comms cause the fees barely jumped but the price avg was .00107
dumb darpa retard you know exactly what this means right

>> No.57100122

I wasn’t hinting or eluding to anything, faggot. Nothing vague.
>look at xrpl activity! Banks buying our bags
>not what happened
>then what happened
>go look at xrp twitter, it’s all over it
>liar! Fud! Jew! Portal!
See >>57100095
every one of you tantrum throwing fags from last thread are the biggest retards I’ve ever seen. You should have let last thread fade away.

>> No.57100127

how are you all doing?

>> No.57100135

We just found out the xrpl is vulnerable and xsg is full of morons
How about you?

>> No.57100139

actually everyone said that they didn't care and you were a faggot
same as right now
no one cares and you're a faggot

xrpl withstood these faggots attacking the network better than any other crypto so far and you're still trying to spin it as a bad thing because you're broken inside and this is your only outlet for attention anymore in life, you got ntohing else but the (you)s you get from acting like a negative faggot, you even hold xrp and still say and act in such a faggot childish way, mentally ill retard
everyone sees through you

>> No.57100143

how is xrp vulnraeblale

>> No.57100150
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>> No.57100159

he's a paid faggot who will never answer with any substance and just say vague nothings
crypto networks are being attacked by a group abusing inscription mints to spam networks, xrp held up entirely fine with no loss of network and fees remained under .001xrp where other networks failed tremendously and have had downtime or insane fees

it's so gay that there's people who run these negatively probed chat-gpt bot constructs but what can you do
competitors or something

>> No.57100163

Read tumy2hfx’s posts
He summarizes, but with a positive spin. It’s vulnerable to spam attacks (sounds familiar)

>> No.57100168

in fact it proved extremely resistant to spam attacks. darpa

>> No.57100169

Ah I see. But XRP did hold up right? It's not going down.

Yes I just scrolled up lol sorry i'm still early and christmas hangover. Spam attacks do not sound familiar, i thought xrp would be immune to this.

>> No.57100170

I said go read xrp twitter, retard. Oooooooh so vaaaague
I’m not spoonfeeding you. Keep sperging out though, by all means.

>> No.57100175

it's good to be back bros

>> No.57100176

xrp didn't even have a hiccup lmao

no one cares nigger
it's a nothingburger like it always is with your faggot threads of negativity you unravel here

>> No.57100184

>Validators literally crashed
>nothing burger
I’m sure global banking institutions are dying to use something that can be spam attacked and crash validators
low IQ baggies are writhing right now.

>> No.57100186
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I see not much has changed, any thing happened on the 25th that we pumped to $0.65 almost or?

>> No.57100190

>>Validators literally crashed

source on this?

>> No.57100196

>sits on twitter
>waits for information
>goes to 4chan to gloat about new found twitter information in a vague and negative way
>receive attention craved
>love it
>need more
>need to sit on twitter all day so I can respond to people for (you)s on 4chan
>yes I'm finally popular and famous, everyone knows me, everyone talks about me, I'm the talk of the town
me if I was mentally ill

>> No.57100208

i missed you guys so much. I was over at family for christmas and I took my girlfriend with me and my aunt even said: "How nice of you to finally bring a girl"

>> No.57100213

What's with the shillbots who showed up right around the time of the attack to spread negative vibes about it right at it happened
Like they're trying to set the narrative or something

Seems extremely obviously part of the attack at least

>> No.57100225

>event happens
>people talk about event
>omg guys, they’re part of it!
unreal. Simply….un…fucking…..real
The cope, the low iq, the pocket spaghetti, off the charts

>> No.57100227

They may have turned off the bots on Christmas.

>> No.57100235

but it was only a little pump, still I like how accurate my chart is

>> No.57100236

This little event has shown that xsg has some of the most genuinely retarded people on biz, and that’s really saying something
Some of you are cool, but holy shit, some true retards have been revealed

>> No.57100276

>want to sit on twitter and find useless information to deliver in a negative manner for (you)s
>people just call me a retarded nigger instead
such a sad life

>> No.57100287

Why not fucking go elsewhere if you hate this thread so much?
Last thread all you did was say this was a scamcoin and refer to some vague event while calling everyone faggots licking dirty assholes.
You're such a fucking asset, wow how could we have gotten anything done without you?!

>> No.57100292

>it’s on xrp twitter, go there, I’m not spoonfeeding
>nnnooooooo that’s so negative!
Whiny little baby

>> No.57100293

brother, give it a rest

>> No.57100304

>some vague event
Why are low IQs always like this?
Non-stop whining, defensiveness, deflection….just an absolute baby tantrum

>> No.57100313

13 is literally nothing for xsg

>> No.57100315

>Validators literally crashed
things that didn't happen for 500, jack

>> No.57100323

That's a fairly small amount of posts for the average /xsg/ i'd say?

>> No.57100328

>16pbtid now
>nearly a third of the entire thread
thanks for the you and 13-checked

please for your sake take the penis out of your mouth and rinse your mouth out:))

>> No.57100334

yes, that's certainly not unhinged

>> No.57100361

who the fuck is tumy2hfx i have searched twitter and google gives me nothing. is that Wietse's tummy fetish forum account or something

>> No.57100362

literally talking about yourself and it's hilarious how little self awareness bots have

>> No.57100388

Anonymous (ID: TuMy2hFX)

>> No.57100682
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I invested because some Qboomer milf on bitchute told me to do so in 2020 lol. She sadly died in the hospital after getting covid, but most likely got killed by hospital protocol if anything, especially when she was fiercely against going to the hospital during that period herself. She may be a glowie agent or just a random person idk. If you aren't here because numbah go up then you're just lying to yourself. No one cares about all these partnerships and crap. The idea that this is organic is not a believable one. It's orchestrated and anticipated, so why would anyone bother to read the news about this shit?

>> No.57100705

Whilst it survived the incident, it also uncovered a dirty little secret about XRPL... The XRPL was put under immense stress, causing heightened fees and validator chaos, with a load of ONLY 50 transactions per second.
That's right, 50 TPS.
Nowhere near the advertised 1500 TPS that Ripple used to promote.
The blockchain network that's apparently running the new world order quantum reserve currency, XRP, can barely handle 50 TPS...
How the fuck is it going to scale to the 60,000+ TPS required to replace SWIFT?

>> No.57100724

thanks for revealing yourself early
now I know who to ignore

>> No.57100777

A lot of negativity lately. Please be nice to each other guys. It's the holiday season.

>> No.57100785
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Ledger was down? I didnt even notice. People paid a fraction of a penny at inscription spam peak. Anyway, how are AVAX and Arbitrum paypigs going with their $70-$250 per transaction?

>> No.57100792

I dont think it really matters since most people use trezor now a days

>> No.57100820

I think it means to at least have a suicide stack

>> No.57100882

sidechains don't exist?
that's the main point of the xrpl right
you can have your own private side chain as a bank?

>> No.57100894
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Just recovered from a drinking marathon, scrolled through past threads. What the hell happened there, lmao? Instead of decoding BG123 or saying "Merry Christmas," the thread was filled with some hardcore and aggressive FUD.

>> No.57100908

Sure you can have side chains
Or you can do what Ripple does for CDBC projects, where they make a copy of XRPL (with XRP disabled).
These options may result in TPS limits being less of an issue, but it also means that XRP may not (or in the case of CBDC definitely won't) be used.

>> No.57100978

I was away for almost 3 days and it was literally people fighting each other all the time.

>> No.57101013


>> No.57101047

BTC and ETH are pumping nicely, XRP a little tiny bit.

Would be nice if we still get a nice EOY surprise. But I don't count so much on it. I'm still waiting for April 2024.

>> No.57101049

>No one cares about all these partnerships and crap. The idea that this is organic is not a believable one. It's orchestrated and anticipated, so why would anyone bother to read the news about this shit?
I can't think of a piece of news or announcement that was linked to a pump in the last couple of years other than July (and that lost value quickly). The major pump before this it followed BTC. It broke $1.80 when BTC was about 60k and the SEC was fumbling around (and spent years doing it after that).
I don't know what will actually drag this up in value.
Meh. Haven't amounted to anything. Riddles aren't fun when nothing happens and they get explained away over and over again. There's no point in bothering with them.
There was some Merry Christmas'ing but there were some people definitely out to shit all over the threads (and he's still around). There's always a few faggots who love to come in and shit all over the thread and us to make themselves feel better, they're petty and worthless and always will be.
Not counting them, there is a downwards trend to these threads over the last few months and it's easy to see why. Not much reason to post in one. Good news doesn't correlate with any gains. There was some announcement recently with bank of Ireland. Don't know the details, don't really care. Why?
We'll dump with BTC. Maybe go up 1% but down and down.

>> No.57101065

I posted a couple of little boats, dinghies and fishing boats since you keep talking about a boat a few threads ago.

I'm just tired. Maybe we see something in April but that's a long ways to go on top of the years already passed just for the potential for something.
You at least might be able to afford one of those little boats soon, if not now.

>> No.57101076

I didn't notice or missed that, but nice of you to think about that.

The problem with boat is not much the purchase of one, but also where do you put it? I just want a little comfy house with water access that would be so nice during summer. Just go in your backyard onto your boat and tour a little. But I live in a concrete jungle so I always have to take the car and then where do you keep a boat so far away and docking space is also so expensive.

>> No.57101088
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I've also been thinking about one of those inflatable dingy's you can put a small electric motor on and then just roll it up and put it in your car, but I think that gets stale quickly and is uncomfortable after a few hours.

>> No.57101177
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These threads have deteriorated and are essentially worthless now, and I've been around since before XSG, posting in UNHWI threads. Perhaps that's for the best. I filled my bag and began working on a business, rather than waiting for XRP to reach at least $5, so I could escape the wage cage. Overall, it's for the better. I'm considering removing all crypto widgets from my devices and just leaving everything as it is.

>> No.57101222

>I've been around since before XSG, posting in UNHWI threads
>I filled my bag and began working on a business

There's nothing to do except wait and enjoy life

>> No.57101300

Happy New Year blessed trips

>> No.57101309

happy new year my friend

>> No.57101314

I agree
I think we'll be above $1 as people come off their vacations and head back into the office. Probably by the end of January at the latest.

>> No.57101321

>I think we'll be above $1

I dont think so, I think we will stay at maximum demoralization levels until switch is flipped in April 2024

>> No.57101387

Either way I'm sitting tight
I think it'll be so roll until $1, $3, hover for awhile, then switch flip. You can't have complete institutional adoption without some internal leak or mild price appreciation from individuals in the know

>> No.57101413

why would they pump price 2x before switch flip

>> No.57101441

Agreed. In fact, partnerships can be purchased. It's good marketing. In crypto world a partnership can be nothing more than a memorandum of intent.

>> No.57101467

in crypto a partnership means absolutely nothing and never has

>> No.57101523

>until switch is flipped in April 2024
Why do you think 2024 is the year? Not just wishful thinking?

>> No.57101530


>> No.57101550

April 2024

>> No.57101594

Unintentional appreciation as Bob, Omar, and Matilda buy when they realize what's happening right before its happening. It would just rise in conjunction with the whole of crypto and then insider trading and then flip switch

>> No.57101647

Source: I made it up

This is a fucking scam. But that doesn't mean it won't go higher, so I'm not selling.

>> No.57101652

Forget past meme date
Consume new meme date
Get excited for next meme date

>> No.57101732

You have a US presidential election, a halving, and institutional adoption all happening in the same year
Tokenized assets will make the tokens on whichever chain those assets exist on rocket
XRP and many other utility tokens can all handle tokenized assets
This space is about to become the most exciting space in finance with massive gains to be made
Meme dates be damned

>> No.57101779

It's not made up, April 2024 is the date the lawsuit ends, bitcoin halving takes place and so on

>> No.57101795
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>> No.57101962

I'm still hoping for $589 EOY

that would make my week

>> No.57101986
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Columbia/Ishtar can lick my sack.

>> No.57101999
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My solution is to burn the escrow, burn the circulating supply, smack Schwartz and Garlinghouse in the balls and force the exchanges and banks to buy my XRP from me at $37,500 each. Other than price action, IDGAF about this kiked scam coin.

>> No.57102004
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Verification not required.

>> No.57102013
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>> No.57102039
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Well, some of us have plenty of HBAR too, so STFU and Burn the Escrow.

>> No.57102041

>My solution is to burn the escrow

Why the fuck does everyone keep saying this lately?

It literally serves no purpose and would definately be the end for XRP.

IF they burn it, then it has to happen after they have 100% clarity and the lawsuit is 100% over. But until then, Ripple needs the revenue for both innovation and legal defense.

>> No.57102054

Das a Grip! Sheeeet

>> No.57102060

ETH is strong as shit

>> No.57102065

Yup, just ignore them

>> No.57102080
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Ripple can get fucked. They are following a script and dragging their ducking feet and dragging out the case WITH the SEC and Government Stooges. We got conned. The Elite would never let NOBODIES like me/us buy their future high value asset for pennies. How fucking deluded are you. We’re proper fucked; I am just trying to salvage so fucking profit from this Contrarian Wealth Harvesting Scam.

Verification not required, again…

>> No.57102081

I think people say it because they are mad Ripple makes money of of XRP and us holders don't. And I agree I kinda see their point, but it's a necessary 'evil' like I said. If Ripple does not have the escrow, then they have no money. Then how do they pay 100s of millions for lawyers to fight the SEC in court? They need money for that, because if they don't, then they have no legal defense. No legal defense means they lose the lawsuit and XRP will be an unregistered illegal security. And we all know what that would do to the price.

>> No.57102090

Maybe this coin isn't for you then. It is not a straight line up. These court cases and lawsuits are mostly for show. Behind the scenes alot is happening and systems are being put in place. In the end, everything falls into place.

>> No.57102109

Checked and fully based
that doesn't necesarily mean the end of the case. But you already knew that.
'This space', I'm talking about XRP and telling people April 2024.
Fucking shills

>> No.57102110
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You dumb bastard, they already won the case regarding security status! They won the case years again when Torres said SEC hadn’t given Proper Notice! The rest has been theatre. A fucking long con. You better be praying for a glitch pump and have your sell limit set, like I do, or you will get roped into another multi-year can-kicking stage-play while you money could be earn 10% plus growth in some JP-Kiked Morgan Wealth Equity Fund. For fucks sake people!

>> No.57102120

The case isn't over yet.

>> No.57102129

>A fucking long con.
That's what I think. And the more shills try to convince me otherwise, the more I think it.
They just spit baseless hopium out hoping nobody questions them on it. If they get cornered they post 'selll then, this isn't for you'.

>> No.57102142

We understand your concerns. Unfortunately there isn't any irrefutable proof yet.

>> No.57102158

No one is as lucky as us
We're not at the end, but, oh, we already won
No, no, no one
Is as lucky as us, is as lucky as us

>> No.57102180

The fact that we haven't pumped yet while BTC and ETH are mooning is very bullish if you ask me. XRP will always pump last, but when it does, it is gonna fucking skyrocket.

>> No.57102201

>We understand your concerns.
Tell your employer we are gonna destroy their escrow

>> No.57102207

As previously stated burning the escrow would do more harm than good. Are you oblivious to this information?

>> No.57102209

Fuck ripple and fuck you

>> No.57102225

Yeah i'm gonna have to give you a warning for this. Please watch your language next time. We try to keep this a safe, friendly and inclusive space for everyone and your behaviour could be seen as toxic or insulting to some.

>> No.57102226
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Fuck that, they make millions selling pre-IPO stock to accredited investors and investment banks/hedge funds. Making us token holder carry to fuckin water is some brutal Jewish laugh at the Goys shit.

>> No.57102243

If You Can't Handle Me At My Worst You Dont Deserve Me At My Best

>> No.57102244

Die in a fire you piece of shit

>> No.57102254

Don't make me give you a time out.

Like I said: We here at Ripple® understand your concerns about the escrow. But it just looks like you are gonna have to hold on a little bit longer.

>> No.57102269

How does it feel to see your scam fall apart? You won't be needed soon, bitch

Reminder that this general is paid for by ripple and is entirely inorganic

>> No.57102273
File: 81 KB, 750x533, IMG_1927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s lucifer, brother.

>> No.57102275

>How does it feel to see your scam fall apart?

At this point we cannot comment on this.

>Reminder that this general is paid for by ripple

We can neither confirm or deny this as of this moment.

>> No.57102284

Burn the escrow, streetshitter

You're not getting the last word, streetshitter. I never allow you that.

>> No.57102288

>Burn the escrow

Burning the escrow at this time would mean the end for XRP.

>> No.57102303
File: 58 KB, 559x1024, IMG_4136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Columbia was part of that whole Ishtar/Isis Old World Illuminati shit. Guess it all does come down to Lucifer the Loosh Harvester versus Divine Living Man. Too bad 95% of us are born into financial slavery and are fucked from birth. Remember to “work harder” for a better future (for we Elite) Goy.


>> No.57102383

Burn the escrow, streetshitter

>> No.57102423

>You work for Ripple
>Uh no actually you are a street shitter

make up your mind friend

>> No.57102456

>Why the fuck does everyone keep saying this lately?
Most people are retarded. They have no understanding of their investment, how it works, its future, its current happenings.
They have low iq takes and get mad when you point out why they’re wrong. They then sperg out and shit their pants.
Don’t try to help these people, ridicule them, or ignore them

>> No.57102481

Yeah I explained why burning the escrow would mean the end for XRP yet they still keep spamming it.

Makes no sense, they probably dont hold any XRP and are just trying to derail the thread. Or they do hold XRP and are legit stupid and think burning the escrow would help them in any way.

>> No.57102494

>Burn the escrow, streetshitter

>> No.57102506

samefagging streetshitter

>> No.57102524
File: 306 KB, 1366x768, hmYQH8HhGsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AFAIK, they're using an image of Lucifer, similar to the Statue of Liberty. Anyway, regarding your previous post
>They won the case years again when Torres said SEC hadn’t given Proper Notice! The rest has been theatre.
I agree with you. However, my logic is that they need time, not to implement the code, but to promote XRP to the public. They're doing tv segments, they have ads plastered all over train stations and football matches. However, they don't let the price pump, pumping everything else, so they will be like
>you had 33 years to research and chance to invest, but you didn't, you bought SOL and made 100K
That's my logic. If XRP is as big as we think, they just can't show up with bottles of champagne and say, "Here's the company that will provide rails for the new digital economy." I don't know, I'm just coping, but it's my fourth year, and I'm literally never selling because there is no way back for me anymore.

>> No.57102533


>> No.57102537

I had the same back and forth a couple days ago. At first I tried to explain why he’s wrong, but then I realized the guy is just plain retarded and stopped effort posting.
Burning supply gives temporary pumps to shitcoins, it’s a common desperate tactics for shitcoins to give themselves a little pump. These morons view xrp as functioning under the same dynamics as random shitcoins.
You’re spot on with what you’ve said. But they’ll continue to repeat themselves. They don’t have the ability to form complex thoughts

>> No.57102550

>Why the fuck does everyone keep saying this lately
try one
xlm did this, made a world of difference, kek

>> No.57102553

Here is a simple video explaining it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S_cjC8GXtQ

(I know even this might be too difficult for you to understand, but maybe a video is easier than letters)

it literally did not lol

>> No.57102569

Yeah it's a lost cause, i posted a simple video which I saw last week about this 'burn the escrow' shit so maybe he can finally understand it that way, if not i'll stop trying to explain because he does not have the intellect to understand

>> No.57102573

maybe the "kek" was a little to sublte for you

>> No.57102575

Burn the escrow, streetshitter

>> No.57102577

At one point when others started voicing their thoughts that burning escrow was dumb, he actually tried to play it off as a joke, saying “haha, guys, burn the circulating supply too, haha, right?” Le joker face
but eventually a few other retards started supporting him and he got confident to be serious again
It’s really pathetic

>> No.57102592

oh kek

stop being so stupid, its cringe. Did you watch the video explaining why burning the escrow wont do shit?

No of course you didnt, because you are a short-sighted retard.

Please sell your XRP. Because it is a scam if they dont burn the escrow! Dont hold it! Ripple dumps on you!!!!

>> No.57102612

Burn the escrow

>> No.57102621

In other words

>Please destroy XRP, make Ripple not being able to defend itself so XRP will be illegal and worth less than a cent

Yeah, luckely they wont listen to retards like you.

>> No.57102626

Burn the escrow, streetshitter

>> No.57102627

pls do the needful sers, do not redeem the escrow sers benchod mudda bitch
find the portal, sers, my minimoon will shows the bobs n vegana

>> No.57102632

They probably legit think that spamming 4chan would do anything

dumb monkey

>> No.57102694

Ok look, I just got off the phone. Was in a conference call with Brad and David. I voiced you guys' concern and told them: "Alot of people on 4chan think burning the escrow might be a good idea, what do you guys think about it?" Brad immediately said no and David was just laughing like an idiot. When I asked them why Brad told me that it would push the XRP price up to like 5 dollars. I said well isn't that good and he said yeah but 'we want people out'. And then David said to me: "How are we gonna pay for all our lawyers?" I asked him how much legal defense against the SEC would cost on a monthly base because maybe the people from the XRP community would chip in voluntary and he just kept on laughing and said that the lawyers they hire are more expensive than two ham sandwiches. So sorry guys I did my best.

>> No.57102696

I don't know what you're angry about? XRP is in this space. It has the capacity to tokenize real-world assets. That's incredibly bullish for XRP and all utility tokens. Shills, on xsg? Where the hell else am I supposed to shill? They let you out in public without wearing your helmet? April 2024 is the BTC halving which is one of 3 bullish indicators for XRP 2024, the others being a US Presidential (Biden's Fed special treatment to coax votes), and the potential go-live institutional adoption

>> No.57102716

Burn the escrow, streetshitter

>> No.57102725

Fuck off shill

>> No.57102726

I tried.

see: >>57102694

>> No.57102733

Burn the escrow, streetshitter

>> No.57102741

You could try sending 99% of your XRP to a null address that way you can experience what burning the escrow might do.

>> No.57102778

The fuck ETH is almost at $2400

>> No.57102784

Burn the escrow, streetshitter

>> No.57102787

OP also casually increased by $1. This is going to be another 2017/2018 New Years, innit?

>> No.57102800

what? I dont see what increased by $1?

>> No.57102832


>Be me
>Indian living in New Delhi
>Part time job as Ripple community outreach social media manager
>Post daily in /xsg/ with joy
>Suddenly get called out and they keep spamming we need to burn the escrow eventhough we are mere pawns and have no control over what Ripple does

pajeetbrothers our response?

>> No.57102833

OP is a coin called optimism

>> No.57102842

I thought you meant the OP as in the first post of this thread

I dont know your coin, what does it have to do with XRP?

>> No.57102856

>pajeetbrothers our response?
poo in it

>> No.57102867

>Take job to scam people working for scam company
>ask why people pissed at me?

>> No.57102869

Look at ID
Wasn’t me
Just adding because I’m very helpful

>> No.57102887

Oh my bad kek I rarely look at id's I prefer to treat everyone equal and anonymous

>> No.57102974


>> No.57103010

$1 EOY remains the target

>> No.57103069

I saw a youtube video and someone said XRP might go to $2500 around 2027

>> No.57103100

I saw the number $6,094.09 on a YouTube thumbnail image
its simply too exact not to be real.

>> No.57103178
File: 485 KB, 736x612, xrp54mil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does 5.4million per XRP sound?

>> No.57103201

>ETH at fucking $2.4k

what the fuck

>> No.57103447

maybe they.......burned their escrow
>le troll face

>> No.57103664


>> No.57103669 [DELETED] 

in about 10 minutes i'm putting my xsgcoin up for sale @ 50xrp
this is a steal and your only chance to be a part of this whole saga

>> No.57103676

How much is circulation and how much do you still have in escrow?

>> No.57103764

how do i find old threads again? I want to see when portal fag first posted

>> No.57103788

talk about wasting your time

>> No.57103797

do you know how to?

>> No.57103809


>> No.57103823

thanks found it

>> No.57103829

you're welcome

>> No.57103847
File: 250 KB, 900x893, 1623505981426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57103878 [DELETED] 

it's up
good luck!

>> No.57103911 [DELETED] 


>> No.57104044

I have decided to do it the other way around (to protect myself from someone buying just a fraction of a coin), you make a buy order for 1 coin @ 50 xrp and I will fill it as soon as it's up

>> No.57104050

go run your scams somewhere else

this is /xsg/ XRP Schizo General

>> No.57104115

said the nufag without an oOG xsgcoin

>> No.57104116

I reported him to the jannies because I'm a good hall monitor

>> No.57104119

i never done this where do I make the buy order?

>> No.57104132
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, liminal space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also i had wanted to telegram channel's name for more info on that portal fag WAGMI

>> No.57104131


Do not exchange your valuable XRP for any other shit. And if you for some reason decide to do this, then do it outside of this thread. Thank you

>> No.57104141

Stop being a newfag. Everybody gets the chance

>> No.57104143

make trustline then open dex app in xumm

>> No.57104151

next closest offer on dex is at 400xrp
this is a one time christmas gift at 50xrp

>> No.57104156

this is it guys omg

>> No.57104171
File: 79 KB, 500x421, pepe in bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's selling a product my dumb brain wants

>> No.57104346

XRP and XLM bros is it our time?

>> No.57104363
File: 220 KB, 568x479, greenwojk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57104443

thanks to whoever it was was who bought my xsgcoin
times is rough and I need every dollar I can get
it was tough parting with it but I have no choice
enjoy and Merry Christmas
check xdex.com, thats where the next news about it will be announced

>> No.57104574

what's xdex

>> No.57104644


>> No.57104736

already got what i was looking for. I wanted to see what he was scamming. he contradicted himself too many times for me to have ever trusted him even on day one. He was shilling QSI (quantum stellar initiative)

>> No.57104747

thank you though

>> No.57104999

You can tell spammy didnt make this thread because the title and the picture actually kick ass and this thread is a-poppin. Self hating degenerate couldnt derail this thread (fortunately for the rest of us.) Bless the baker and all others who enter this thread.

>> No.57105034

He's going to be so upset when he reads this.

>> No.57105065
File: 156 KB, 1024x1024, xrp tanukigirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is going on .. why are we pumping?

>> No.57105092

im not upset at all I was gone for the holidays and had great time with family

the last few threads were an absolute clusterfuck tho

>> No.57105113

>he put on a brave face
hang in there, buddy. many people appreciate you (im assuming)

>> No.57105124
File: 13 KB, 662x478, sadangry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually don't mind at all

>> No.57105128

I don't even know what's going on anymore.

I'm so tired bros. I just want to lie down. Sitting on a 25K bag.

>> No.57105136

also I wanna remind you i'm playing nice for like how long has it been over 3 weeks already?

>> No.57105141

hang in there buddy, we are all gonna make it. The next meme date is April 2024. It's gonna be a good spring, nice weather outside, the sun is shining. Comfy.

>> No.57105149

im browsing aliexpres looking for some fun shit to buy

i need to consoome

what should I buy guys

hate it though that i always have to wait a few weeks before getting it

>> No.57105159

get an inflatable gameconsole

>> No.57105176

Lol well whatever he says Im not gonna see it, U.S.S Grandpa

>> No.57105178

>buys chinese junk
>doesn't invest every penny into XRP
>doesn't eat rice and beans to allow for more funding of David Schwartz's luxurious lifestyle

>> No.57105179

oh maybe a companion cube sofa pillow

>> No.57105186

>he thought I was being serious
>he doesn't understand le irony posting
>he called someone else "grandpa"

>> No.57105187

XRP is too high for me to buy more, I do have 14600XRP already

if we dip to low 0.50s im gonna make accoooooooomulate an even 15k but right now I dont wanna increase my average buy in because thats in the low 0.30s

>> No.57105201

im only saying this to help you, even though I know its pearls before swine
you've called me a jeet shill before when I tried to help you with this. If you do that again, I'll not ever try to help you again

>> No.57105227
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>> No.57105236

I think I had some of that on gate but they shut down or something cant remember

it never went anywhere though, same for hbar

i do want me some more xlm maybe but i also got alot of that already

>> No.57105268

everything is too expensive to buy more of right now and nothing is cheap enough to buy some of

time for aliexpres then

>> No.57105298
File: 188 KB, 409x604, !ripplecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57105320
File: 1.28 MB, 1861x1036, !ripplecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything better than crypto attire tho that shit is maximum cringe

>> No.57105382
File: 1014 KB, 832x932, !pepeblanky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way im getting one of these

alright im gonna sleep on it and decide tomorrow

meanwhile XRP is at $0.64 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.57105391

I'm going insane, why everybody has 14k XRPs

Jeeezzzz I'm witnesing a revelation.

I have 14k too, should I buy more?

>> No.57105403
File: 184 KB, 807x798, pepeblanket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57105406

Because we all had $10k for the meme date but then the meme date got postponed and we all kept accumulating about the same rate with our wagie salaries

>> No.57105469

That makes sense, I guess I'll see you guys at 15k XRP

>> No.57106036

>selll then, this isn't for you

>> No.57106051
File: 1.73 MB, 400x225, 8N9QWc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News should be dropping in the next 2 days. See you faggots at 75 cents. Then 85 cents. Then 1.07. Then 1.31. Then .90 cents again.

>> No.57106065

What (((n)))ews?

>> No.57106139

19k here, shooting for 25

>> No.57106163

Maybe get to a $1 first I say

>> No.57106327

Optimism's superchain idea is good in theory but hamstrung by unwieldy constraints related to facilitating transactions on a L2/network of L2s (specifically the 7 day lockup/fund freeze period)

i think they are counting on people more or less transferring their whole net worth onto the superchain and staying there, and that might be true for a small number of super-users but for the majority that will be too big of an ask, and furthermore as soon as efficient on/offramps are created the value proposition collapses and TVL will get drained

ETH L2 maxis are delusional chauvinists who really think their monopoly (complete with extravagant gas fees) will continue in perpetuity. most of them will laugh in your face if you bring up XRPL or Stellar and haven't even heard of XDC or Flare.

>> No.57106364

(((good news)))

>> No.57106372

fuckery is afoot
considering the ETH pump happened right when SOL dumped i assume it's exchanges/whales/VCs manipulating markets with leverage and switching funds from one chain to another but i don't know or care enough to find out more than that

i also see that USDT's market cap spiked to 91.5 billion briefly right around the time ETH started to pump this morning

>> No.57106424

Need to step up my game.

Thanks for the motivation

>> No.57106436

the chinese retro emulation handheld market is wild right now, for $40 or $60 you can get a game boy thing that has every video game from NES to PS1 on it
the main brands are Anbernic, Miyoo, Retroid Pocket, Powkiddy, Datafrog and maybe a few others. if you want to spend $100+ you can get ones that play up to PS2 and Gamecube but I haven't gotten that deep into it yet. I have a Miyoo Mini+ ($50) and a DataFrog SF2000 ($25) and they are both pretty sweet.

>> No.57106533

>1%-3% pump
I can’t feel happy about it.
Yes it is green but here we are retreading the same ground again and again.
It’ll be back down again today or another day. Any bleating about more time to accumulate is just cope. We’ve sat through years of this shit.

>> No.57106561

How long has this been coiling up for, it's taking an eternity something has to happen so whether that's a dump or pump

>> No.57106620

Caroline Elisson's tripfag posts for your browsing pleasure

>> No.57106630

There are “mini-computers” that are excellent for hooking up to a big screen and emulating a ton of different generations.
That same retro-gaming channel that talks about those chinky handhelds posts some.
I just get real depressed and it might be fun for a bit and then it’s hollow.
I’m getting out a bit today at least but though I have a bit of free time it feels so short before I have to wageslave again and I hate going back to be under someone’s thumb and I go nuts through the week.
I pictured myself free from this long ago with the help of xrp gains to have more time to do shit actually productive instead of wasting half the day for most of my days in the wagecage just to afford to do it again and maybe have a knickknack or two. Buying more xrp too seems like a waste with it not keeping up with inflation, and buying into things that already pumped is retarded.

>> No.57107143

Is no one else worried about the fact that XRPL can only handle 50 TPS, and is held together by sticky tape and Wietse? What the fuck has Ripple been doing with our billions?

>> No.57107173

The entire first half of the thread is me saying that and several morons shitting their pants and throwing it at me
Most people here don’t understand what they hold.
They refused to believe anything even happened yesterday until others started talking about it, then they moved their goalposts to cope with it.

>> No.57107675

Chainlink already won with swift partnership. Cripple just dumps on your heads and you will keep buying because you think its a conspiracy to get you out of a bag

>> No.57107678

This, ~ 50TPS is a lot less than the 1500 TPS that has been shilled non stop. Is there any way to improve this?

Everyone shits on you because you are a faggot.

>> No.57107697

not an argument

>> No.57107831
File: 111 KB, 693x1024, IMG_3452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck you idiots are taking? Picrel is from September update.
This page states 3400

>> No.57107849 [DELETED] 

Even if those speeds are available only to business clients, 50 seems like a joke.

>> No.57107899


>> No.57107953

The fuck I should see here? There is not enough TXN now, average is like 15 to 27 per sec, but I doubt it’s because it can’t handle more, the volume is just shit.

>> No.57108006
File: 179 KB, 2080x757, sorry goys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 TPS is just fud by Xahau people as usual, what did you expect, they got their worthless network and tokens to sell you
>if you dont support xahau its suicide for xrpl

>> No.57108135
File: 651 KB, 1303x1859, IMG_3453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just checked Twitter and even the guy from Xaxau says that, technically, there weren't even any XRPL transactions. I'm not a technical person, but this seems like baseless FUD. I don't understand why that old bitch, Eri, started spreading FUD about Ripple aggressively after she added a hook emoji to her name. I don’t follow her, but sometimes see her tweets under the tags. I mean, I’m critical about them too, but she changed her tone way too fast and especially when she was involved in xrparmy bullshit more than anyone on XSG.

>> No.57108155

Lol I was for a moment and then I discovered XLM. XLM for the plebs, (and for regular spending) XRP for the kings.

>> No.57108980

>New Year dump soon

>> No.57109037

New year *pump soon

>> No.57109181

The ledger breaks at around 150 TPS currently. This is due to the trustline frenzy last year. The tests that Ripple ran only simulated payments.
The RippleState objects come with heavier computational requirements.

>> No.57109190

New year *lump soon

>> No.57109314

New year New Me

>> No.57109557

That's just because everyday joe is currently running part of the infrastructure

>> No.57109667

Nice captcha.

>> No.57109672

We are pumping, my dudes

>> No.57109698

It’s over
Go home, everyone. It’s over

>> No.57109714

We’re so fucking back

>> No.57109724

>this is the highest we have been in over 2 weeks

>> No.57109806

We're so fucking back!!!!!

>> No.57109816

every random scamshitcoin is, because the market is flooded with morons like the q boomer normies who have populated /xsg/ threads for years

>> No.57109834

oh no, sweaty, this is an XRP-only event
You’ll have to leave :)

>> No.57109861

well prolly get pozzed real soon

>> No.57109862

It's the usual market manipulation pump so Brad and his goons can dump freshly released escrow EXP on the market at the best price

>> No.57109908

The weird thing is that I've been seeing tweets from a senior Ripple engineer saying that they were satisfied with how well the network was surviving under the 50 TPS load, and that Ripple's own validator was failing to record ledgers because it was on a different version of the Rippled software (an unofficial release candidate).
WTF Ripple! Running non final versions of the XRPL software and being the worst performing validator (apart from university validators whom haven't updated their Rippled version for years).
Has Ripple completely given up on the public ledger, and are they just using it to test their private ledger software?

>> No.57109927

That's not true. Wietse is stacked with the most insane hardware. Industry standard 32 core CPUs, 512G memory with 40 TB NVMes and what not.

>> No.57109942

Nice scam coin, rug pull coming soon.

>> No.57110173
File: 149 KB, 2762x1057, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57110210

number go up me feel happy

>> No.57110213

You’re wrong, compare xrp to btc minute to minute. I fucking wish Brad and his goons would dump at the BEST price, not at this joke bullshit below 1 dollar. Every time XRP tries to break out, ORANGE NIGGER dumps, ripple selling old almost doesn’t do any impact on prce.

>> No.57110228

orange who?

>> No.57110231


>> No.57110239

I don't think the problem is Wietse's hardware, is the hardware others are running

>> No.57110268
File: 358 KB, 1474x1834, Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 08.17.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's is a chart, judge it yourself. I follow Whale Alert too and Ripple dumping NEVER affects the price because they're never dumping on retail.

>> No.57110282



>> No.57110313

Chainlink Stinkies say the same exact fucking thing about their scam token, that it is "suppressed" by BTC. I'm happy to point out all the similarities different shitcoin groups have with each other when I see them, all the while they act like they are super duper special.

>> No.57110381
File: 70 KB, 519x151, !xrp2weeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57110387

>they're never dumping on retail.
They are selling to exchanges. Liar.

>> No.57110397

Mickle is unironically autistic, and I’m 589% sure he lurks here

>> No.57110410


>> No.57110412

I hate BTC so much it's unreal bros ...

>> No.57111554

Op (Optimism), some shitcoin I was airdropped a few months ago and it's now worth $1k