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5709833 No.5709833 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ i recently broke up with my girlfriend, and I feel like ending it all.. I guess that is a story a lot of people writes here, but I am not larping here. I am in tears now writing this not that anyone should care, but I wanted to take it out of me.. again.
now that I did.. i need shills on something, anything that will make me rich in a year or sooner. Not that it would change shit, she knows im into crypto, but maybe I can leave this shithole where I am now and travel atleast before ending it if I am still like this. I did swap from btc to Neo recently, made me some bucks but I am sitting only at few thousand which, unfortunately, is not enough for much.. I am still a (nearly finishing) uni student but I do not even want to continue anymore so cba with that..
Cheers to anyone who actually reads this and tries to help

>> No.5709860

Ditch NEO. Go all in on XRB.

>> No.5709887
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lol 3D

>> No.5709922

>letting a female in any way impact your emotions or lifestyle

Kek. Kys.

>> No.5709927

Isn't that already mooning? What is the reason to do this, I did next to no research recently, so I am seriously asking if and why is this a moon mission even now?

>> No.5709929

Ntwrk token, I put about 8 eth in it, on ethershit, personally I think it will be amazing considering they'll be shilling it directly to normies.
Godspeed Anon don't end it, you live your entire life, an immaculate yet chaotic path forged from your own choices, no girl will be worth the value of yourself, faggot.

>> No.5709956

U know dogshit, I was exactly like you describe until I realized I loved her like nothing else but I suppose it was too late.. enjoy your mentality and "happy" life..

>> No.5710001

OP i was in the same shoes, Dated my highschool sweetheart for years, took her on trips, were gonna get our own place, and boom she left me. you know what i did ? got the fuck over it, its life move the fuck on

>> No.5710007

Because XRB will overtake Bitcoin. It's coming to Kucoin and it will win the Binance vote and get listed. From there it will blow to top 10, top 5, top 3, #1. You can hold it short term if you find it too big of an mcap, but it will easily 10x (at least) in 2018. Now if you're actually very active in crypto, I'd suggest you use XRB as your bank account and from there trade into worthy potential 10x alts that hit the market.

>> No.5710014

im gonna help you two ways.

first im gonna tell you to deal with the girl. it sucks but it will get better. find something to distract yourself.

if you want to get rich as all fuck, then you need to buy electra.

that is all. do NOT kill yourself. that is weak and really kind of stupid. no pain can not be overcome.

buy this shit

>> No.5710032

Working product, far superior tech than bitcoin and any other currency coin. Strong community.

>> No.5710034

you ready?
that fire inside that made you come alive..
its out. this is the embers burning off.
it will cool and it will freeze.
you will become a cold hearted emotionless motherfucker.
the first few months will be tough..
scents... memories... items...
throw most of it or all of it away. they're gone.
it's all trash.

start eating alot of food. and use your anger to chisel your body into a monument gods would be proud of.

use your emotionless state that you develop to trade and invest.

that feeling of ending it all is the boy in you dying as you become a man.

>> No.5710037

It's okay, anon. Just remember that everyone on the planet goes through some form of this. If they can handle it, then so can you! Keep your chin up and seek out happier days bro.

>> No.5710043

1st thing, get a good 8 hours sleep in, so you don't make any rash, impulsive decisions.
2nd, if you have any btc still, swap it for either neo, eth or monero, all 3 should be good buys.
3rd, realize that there are more than 3 billion women out there, and hundreds of millions in the dateable age-range who will be begging to be your girlfriend when you're a crytocurrency billionaire.

>> No.5710063

I broke up with my gf in college too... Just keep going on about life I can guarantee you'll be fine after a while, i felt the same way.

>> No.5710088

Do you know how many people there are in this world? Don't believe the 1 soulmate meme.

>> No.5710124

That was beautiful.

>> No.5710141

get over it you pussy

>> No.5710147

Lol fgt

>> No.5710157

Cheer up mate.

Okay I know you cant, but really, listen up.

In one year you'll be fine. Maybe not great. But fine. The mind takes time to process the chemistry of the emotional change. But in the end it will get there - its worse if you havent tried it much either.

Soon done with uni? You'll get a degree - a relevant job (hopefully) and a new life unfolds. I dunno which part of the world youre in or whether youre fucked in the job-sector but there should be some pretty dope hope for good times.

I cant give you too much advice on the crypto. I had a 6 month hiatus and dont know much of the sleepers. But I can safely say stay the fuck away from ripple.

Also Eth is king. Make sure at lest most of your shitcoins are eth based.

>> No.5710167

Go read red pill now is the time. You need to wake up to what women are. The fact you even discuss crypto w women is stupid as shit.

>> No.5710214

You see that is some thing people seem to not understand.. I feel this was it, the true love and I kept fucking it up until it came to point of nl return.. she rípped my heart apart now and I still cannot hate her and want to be friends with her.. anon a few posts earlier is the closest to what I feel, I will probably become an emotionless motherfucker because my only emotions can stay with her.. words can not describe this.
Also money for me is not about getting gf because I am billionaire lol, I want to be billionaire with her or even poor.. love me for me not for my money.. and she did.. for a long time.. I don't even know if I make sense anymore but I should probably seek some help because I am not taking this well..

>> No.5710237

Bitch I just have you all the therapy you need. Go read red pill. Understand what women are. Never again speak finances or crypto w another woman again

>> No.5710247
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it's going to be okay anon. channel your sadness into learning technical analysis and deadlifts.

Buy iota before the end of january.

>> No.5710273

She wasn’t the “one”, there’s no such thing - there are millions of women that you can feel the same exact way about as long as they are somewhat attractive.

Deep down you think you will never do any better and that she’s only one that would ever love you, it’s bullshit delusional thinking, that’s normal after a break up. It’s just your dopamine levels getting fucked up until you re-adjust.

You feel this way because you fear that you will never do any better, most guys go through the exact same thought process after getting dumped.

2 years from now she will be fatter and less attractive, and you will wonder how you were ever attracted to her. Women are like flowers beautiful for a short time then they wilt and die.

Hit the gym and learn how to seduce women.




>> No.5710284

This is actually a really good post, anon... but I felt emotionless before, and being a selfish manipulative cunt I am I made my GF i mean ex believe that.. I can see reasons for moving on but as you said.. emotionless, only trying to be selfish for real now and leaving my emotions with her.. it feels like ripping myself in two, poking out my eyes and then taking a new mask to move on.. i can only see darkness without her, even if I am happy for a bit with friends.. i can not take my mind of her then and my heart when I am alone

>> No.5710301


ok ignore this faggot redpiller, this is literally a neckbeard who has never touched a pussy in his life

back to your situation anon, you cannot be a bitch. You can be sad, and yeah that sucks i feel you, but the emo shit like "i will probably become an emotionless motherfucker" etc has to go

it's not the end of the world, sucks you got dumped but there's more fish in the sea.

be sad but dont humilliate yourself

>> No.5710307

Anon it's okay, we're always here and we believe in you.

>> No.5710348

mate you need to realise you are the prize, not her. her loss

>> No.5710401
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I just broke up with my girlfriend too OP. Instead of being a baby I'm using my spare time to get rich and bang the girl down the block. Moral of the story, don't be a baby.

>> No.5710475

I am actually replying to all this on my phone, helps a bit to read your opinions as anyone elses in my life.. problem is during time with her I stopped making new friends and kind of shook of the old ones, now I meet them again, and it feels.. numb.. some have relationships themselves, those people can hardly help, some don't but had and keep goong parties and shit.. I tell you what I used to go party and shit and I do not want to again.. i know this sounds bad but my party was seeing her next to me.. there is a lot i would have to talk about, it is not easy to describe such situation.
I will get ripped again, I have no fear of that, but I need the money to actually make a difference in my life.. all my life I only wanted a good girl/woman + a lot of money.. not any kind of status, not even billionaire or some shit, I wanted to have enough for me and her to never work again and travel, relax, find the real reasons of life.. you can not see the real life without money, and without other person to be with you, you are actually fucked.. all my investments worked out with her, I mean i found them, but she was the one to say "go on anon, I trust you can do it, you are always right" and boy I was.. I never had this kind of positive energy influence from anyone in my life..

>> No.5710810

literally everyone goes through this at least once it's called being young. you'll be fine.

>> No.5711095
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Your experience is actually very typical, a man dates a girl for a while and gets comfortable in the relationship and slowly stops going out as much and making new friends.

He stops hanging out with old friends, and those old friendships decline over time. Then the girl becomes bored, she starts arguments more often for no reason, sex becomes less and less occurring and then out of the blue, she dumps him.

The man now finds himself alone and feeling vulnerable with no one to really turn to for support, because he let the other relationships and friendships in his life decline for the sake of the girl he was dating.

You need to focus on becoming a man of high value, continuously working on your body, mind, charisma, and building a lifestyle that is attractive to women.

To get what you want, a loving partner..etc. You have to become a man of high value, there is no way around this.

Study; The Red Pill and Pick Up Artistry, there are entire communities of men going through the exact same issues as you.

Men are the driving force of every innovation and achievement in the history of mankind, it wasn’t a woman that helped you discover cryptocurrency investing it was yourself, never attribute a female’s influence to your own personal achievements.

>> No.5711169

All women are the same.

A good damn pain in the ass.

>> No.5711332

Bitgrail seems to be the only exchange that has xrb atm, is it legit, read some bad stuff about it.

>> No.5711502

sexbots cant come soon enough.

>> No.5711566

she doesnt love you and never will

>> No.5711569

man this is like the third post where you keep coming back to the importance of money in your life. If money is such a big deal then your new found free time should be spent researching coins, looking for new exchanges and offers, and studying new trading methods. We cannot give you the information. One person will say buy link the nex person will call that guy a pajeet.

As far as the girl is concerned, dont kill yourself dummy. All this is temporary anyway, you know that, so why cut it short. Instead of thinking how youll never find love like that again spend some time realizing that you dont have to 'find' shit. That love comes from within you. Even if you fucked it all up, at some point you chose to be kind, caring, and compassionate. Dont be heartless. That's fucking dumb. Instead try loving every woman you see so selflessly that the begin to see you as some kind of fucking romance machine. Sweet talk them all. Find something worth complimenting and make them all feel great. Eventually you will meet one youre interested in and your positive attitude will be more pleasant to be around than a brooding sack of shit. and every other girl will be so fuckin jealous that the one you like will be scrambling to hold onto you.
Im bored of typing now

>> No.5711594

Bro, I just Got out of a relationship myself, she had borderline personality disorder, I thought I was gonna have kids with her ,we told each other we loved each other and laid in bed all day together, we talked about how fire our kids would look, Nigga you will move the fuck on.

You will rediscover the shit that makes you happy. You forgot how much of a beast you could feel. I bet before yo I met her you loved yourself and felt like a beast, you'll get back there bro. Focus on crypto gains and gym gains and like music or something

And make ur next bitch one with a fatter ass and a cuter smile. That'll help you feel good about it

>> No.5711673

You‘re emotional like a woman, your paper hands are unable to hold any worthwhile crypto so you better don‘t get into the game or you are gonna lose it all.
Try to get a Mcjob or whatever normalfags are used for nowadays and slave away the next 40 years there.
Forget about the cunts, they‘re a waste of time and she would have cucked you anyway (if she didn‘t already).

>> No.5712747


Good advice. To add to this, women can love far more intensely than we ever will. But they'll ever only love their Chad like that. And money doesn't matter so all you beta bux mother fuckers get used to hookers and gold diggers or hit the gym and learn attractive behavior.

>> No.5712975

Damn, anon, that's some pretty good shit right there. Send me your ICX address so I can unload my bags on a respectable man rather than some pajeet. Just kidding, but that was good

>> No.5713281
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You are a weak faggot, no wonder she left you, you want to kill yourself because some roastie left thinking she could do better? You should be angry, not suicidal you fucking wimp.

This exactly why you will never make it and why she left you, women need to be kept in the perpetual worry that they could lose you to another one, you should NEVER reassure them about your avaibality, instead she had you in her pocket and jumped to the next branch on the big tree of hypergamy at the first occasion.

>> No.5713950
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>> No.5713970

please die

>> No.5713973

Women are sex objects and mostly headaches otherwise.

Get some testosterone in your body and you will see this.

>> No.5714111
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>> No.5714134

Sniff one or two lines of coke and sits daytrading. It works for me.

>> No.5714530

That 50% is scaring me

>> No.5714730


>> No.5714742

Give it time dude.

>> No.5715328

What the fuck does this even have anything to do with crypto?
No shit your gf dumped you, you're a manbaby craving for attention

>> No.5715628

She's probably fucking chad right now and having the time of her life.

>> No.5715815

Ok well here's the deal, she is gone forever. If she loved you she'd still hang around or come back, so it's time to move on. You don't want to waste your time on someone who doesn't love you back, it's just a mockery of what once was. Build yourself as a new person that's fuggin rich

Invest in DBC and use my referral link for kucoin 1tsH2

>> No.5715932


desu it just gets worse

We broke up 7 months ago and I at first I was okay but that was just coping. It is just hitting me hard right now.

>> No.5716238


>Implying logic has any control over your emotions

Found the loser who's never been in a meaningful relationship. Keep saving those images of statistics friend, I'm sure that will keep you warm at night

>> No.5716268

The cycle of normie emotions

>> No.5716308

>Meaningful relationship
You mean delusion. Kys normie

>> No.5716358

lmao I can never tell if this shit is bait or if people like you are serious fucking losers

in any case, I've made more from crypto than you so enjoy your sad existence

>> No.5716646

They're weak handed faggots.
Can't have a strong grip on their emotions and will let them take control over them
If she dumped you it was not "a meaningful relationship"
Now kys for real.

>> No.5716712

There is objectively only one loser here, let's see if you're smart enough to figure out who ;-)
Enjoy your "muh +10% gains"

>> No.5716801
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Why would you willingly allow yourself to be discarded by a roastie?

>> No.5717324
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OP are you me? I broke up with my girlfriend a couple months ago, we were about to move in together. My friend introduced me to crypto, i knew about it but only btc.

Put money i had saved up which would have been one months rent. Made more money than i've ever had before. I would have had to have worked a part time just whilst at uni just to afford rent and would have been broke afterwards.

I'm a second year law student at a top 5 uni, but i too cba to continue anymore.

Idk what your relationship was like, but if it was anything like mine, breaking up was the best decision i've made in a long time. Ofc it was fun, but in the long run i would have been in a worse place and probably would have been a wage cuck for the rest of my life.

It gets better, OP

>> No.5717404

> good trader
> suffers a breakup
pick one

>> No.5717433
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I am sorry for you OP

Pic related is your ticket to freedom

>> No.5717518
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>I am in tears

>> No.5717679
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>Babby's first irl dump

Look man, I know it hurts deep. It makes you question things about life but you will get over it. Focus on finishing your school with good grades or you will hate yourself even more in the future for not keeping your emotions in check and letting that shit eat at your chances of furthering your education or a career.

You need to devote a weekend to yourself to gather your thoughts, meditate, have a good cry, then watch an inspiring movie. If you're into music, listen to something motivational/inspiring as well. Anything to lift the spirits.

But for fuckl's sake you need to realize how valuable and unique life is and how many opportunities for happiness are out there. You didn't blow your only chance at a life with someone else, you blew only one. Go find another.

>> No.5717783
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why not both?
also, at no point did i say i was a good trader, i could have made a lot more had i not have made some decisions that i did, but it's not hard to not be fucking retarded and loss money.

>> No.5717828

>investing in a depreciating value.