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57098312 No.57098312 [Reply] [Original]

2 million market cap is a joke. The previous one mooned to half a billion. What the fuck are you waiting for?

>> No.57098352

fuck off jeetniggerkike

>> No.57098376

Whats the token waiting for? Why is it at 2 Million marketcap if its so good?

>> No.57098392
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You are just as stupid as the rest of this board. Keep fading actually good projects with CZ's friend as partner, a based dev who mooned the previous version to half a billion MC and a cross chain DEX about to be deployed. Its not even on CMC yet, fucking idiot. It will be launched on multiple exchanges next year. The dev has connection and the funds. Absolute braindead idiot.

>> No.57098407

Why are you retards talking like there's just a switch that can be flipped that will send it to the billies? Do you know how shitcoins work? It literally just launched a few days ago. This board is braindead, holy hell.

>> No.57098429
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It just dipped, was above 5M MC a few days ago. Its been launched a week ago. Anndy Lian (Friend of CZ) is invested and keeps tweeting about it. This is the easiest call to make in this shit market. The dev is extremely active (check the TG) and developing different features (wallet, dex, games). This isn't some jeet rugpull.

>> No.57098443

kill yourself
also CZ isn't at Binance anymore, he has no pull
your shitcoin is going to zero
suck start a shotgun brownoid subhuman

>> No.57098463

>implying CZ isn't pulling the strings behind the scenes
Moron. As if he would ever abandon his baby. Thats like when Putin stepped down as president a few years ago. Everyone knew he was still making all the decisions. Leave this thread and don't come back, you don't deserve it anyway. And don't kill yourself next year for fading this.

>> No.57098478

Cause this token has had not 1, but 2 fucking prior versions that went up super high then crashed into nothingness
Everywhere I look online, people tell me Dogezilla and 9zeroes (The Dev) is a fucking scammer

>> No.57098520
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He's such a scammer that everyone who had tokens from the previous project could swap them 1 to 1 to the current one? Keep fudding somewhere else. Exactly, he mooned his previous projects hard as fuck and knows what he's doing. Except this time he has partners from the get go and features like a cross chain exchange coming, which opens up the whole market. He's actually based and doesn't have brown hands unlike you (he's American)

>> No.57098527

>And don't kill yourself next year for fading this.
>fading this
I know you're the same jeet shilling this garbage in every thread because you use this phrase consistently. Enjoy having your bussy drilled by nigger dicks in prison before roping yourself.

>> No.57098535

>He's such a scammer that everyone who had tokens from the previous project could swap them 1 to 1 to the current one?
Bullshit, it even says on the TG that hasn't happened and its ''alledgedly coming on the 1st of Jan'' (Already delayed from 28th of Dec).

(he's American) Yeah, An American Jew, also fuck whoever did the AMA on Twitter. Dude sounds like a braindead White nigger junkie listening to negro music, talking like he just got done sucking on a dick.

>> No.57098569
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Kek. At worst, i lose a monthly wage. At best, i will chill in the Bahamas while you suck donkey cock.
So, what's the issue then? You can wait for 3 more days to see if he is a scammer. Better pray the dip hasn't been slurped up by then. It was delayed due to a vulnerability which needed to be addressed, so now they employed a different mechanism through token burning. It's all explained in the TG channel. It's impressive to what lengths biztards go to fud a memecoin with 2M MC instead of seeing the opportunity. Absolutely retarded.

>> No.57098589

>It's all explained in the TG channel. It's impressive to what lengths biztards go to fud a memecoin with 2M MC instead of seeing the opportunity. Absolutely retarded.
I don't give a shit about your meme token, the potential gains nor missing out. I went by a neutral bystander to an active agent seeking out the demise of your entire project. I find you disgusting, repugnant, I want to see you suffer and miserable, and I'll do all that is it in my hands to see it through.

Fuck you. Fuck 9zeroes, Fuck Dogezilla and Fuck your mom.

>> No.57098606

So he had three iterations of the same shitcoin increase in value and then go back down? What's the issue then? That's a pretty good track record for pumping peoples bags. The people you've heard from are likely salty retards who never took any profits and are now attempting to equate their own foolishness with the dev being a scammer, lmao.

>> No.57098622
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Thanks for admitting your defeat. I don't really give a fuck about your emotions though, you sound like a whiny bitch. Anyone else reading this will have the opportunity to make it. They can get it early now on Pancakeswap through BSC or wait until the cross chain DEX and then CEXs by which it will be too late.

>> No.57098625


>> No.57098863

Its not going to pump
Check twitter, everyones calling 9zeroes a scammer

>> No.57098942
File: 50 KB, 1076x379, 1703646321864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just zoom out for a second. Do you really think Anndy Lian would associate with a scammer and tarnish his reputation? He was there from the very beginning. Btw, it already made a 10x from the first time it was posted here at 750k MC and is still sitting at a 3x. It's not even listed on CMC yet, do you understand what that means? People can't find it organically and it already had some pretty good pumps.