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57097891 No.57097891 [Reply] [Original]

Doomers still think the debt matters.

>> No.57097907

The higher debt goes, the richer the ""asset owners"" get

>> No.57097944
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>he doesn't know
>higher debt means higher interest payments
>higher interest payments mean higher deficit
>higher deficit means either higher taxes or more money printing/QE
>higher taxes are unpopular, so that means more QE
>more QE means higher inflation and higher debt
>tfw it's a vicious cycle which ends in hyperinflation and all the normies hopelessly destitute, living in the pods and eating the bugs unironically
>tfw my schizo bags will unironically moon

>> No.57097960

you don't need to qe government debt

>> No.57097968

oh noooo le heckin debterino went up by .point something of a percent or something aaaaaahh

>> No.57097983

Keep the ponzi running yeeeaahhhhh

>> No.57097988

1) Who does the US owe this debt to?
2) Why don’t we just not pay lol?
3) Is it possible to pay it back?

>> No.57097994

who's that owed to?

>> No.57097996

This. I don't get it.

The US is the richest and strongest country in the world. Who the fuck they owe money to?

>> No.57097999

Brainlet detected. You need to QE to cover the deficit inclusive of the interest payments on government bonds (the debt). If the USG stops paying bond holders interest, the global economy collapses on the spot because US bonds are the de facto riskless asset used everywhere. It would be a rugpull of epic proportions.

>> No.57098007

1) Mostly US citizens, US states, US institutions.
2) No country ever pays off the debt, once bonds expire, new bonds are created to pay the principal. Taxes pay interest on debt, not the debt itself.
3) No, but if the debt stops increasing at this pace and the GDP grows a lot, then the debt to gdp ratio will be smaller and the debt would be much smaller

>> No.57098009


>> No.57098019

>1) Who does the US owe this debt to?
Holders of US government bonds.
>2) Why don’t we just not pay lol?
See >>57097999
>3) Is it possible to pay it back?
Not without massive austerity measures which would cause a decade+ long depression, or complete devaluation of the USD a la hyperinflation.

>> No.57098030

> Taxes pay interest on debt, not the debt itself.
So eventually, all American wealth will be sucked up by interest payments?

>> No.57098041


>> No.57098042

>Higher debt = higher interest payments to central bank = more money for parasite Jews

Debt is a mental construct and we need to stop allowing Jews to take our money away because of a stupid fkn number. We just need to not acknowledge its existence and move on. So retarded how kikes expect us to be enslaved because a stupid fkn number that is impossible to pay off because all currency is issued as debt by the central bank

>> No.57098043

>So eventually, all American wealth will be sucked up by interest payments?
Potentially, but devaluing the dollar is the path of least resistance so IMO that's more likely to happen. Massive tax hikes could wake up the goyim, so why risk that instead of inflating away the debt? Either way normies are fucked however.

>> No.57098047

Yeah lol dont pay them.
This leads to instant hyperinflation since now people dont want to lend you money and even lose faith in the currency.

>> No.57098050

>Be china
>Print infinite yen
>Use yen to buy dollars from us gov
>Be us gov
>Print infinite dollars
Catchin this vibe?

>> No.57098052

This but why do you hold a stupid hold like xrp

>> No.57098062

Not all is issued as debt tho
In theory you can pay it off clinton got pretty close

>> No.57098069

It's meaningless because the US is the only non resource scarce state in the world, we could create 30 trillion in assets if we wanted to, it's just the fags in government would rather trickle down economics than do anything fucking useful which will lead to revolution

>> No.57098081

>This but why do you hold a stupid hold like xrp
It's one of the few cryptos that has a solid usecase and is actually being used. But it's also one of my smaller bags, I'm not a retard kek. More like a hedge in case the schizos are right (they probably unironically are).

>> No.57098083

By normies, you mean cash holders? Or I guess bond holders are fucked too if they get paid in worth less dollars?

>> No.57098109

>By normies, you mean cash holders? Or I guess bond holders are fucked too if they get paid in worth less dollars?
Yes specifically bond holders and cash holders are fucked rather directly. Stockfags would also be fucked considering the broader economy runs on dollars. Most cryptos would die however BTC/ETH/XRP and some others along with PMs and (maybe) land would weather the storm. Normies == non-autists, autists generally hold crypto/PMs ergo normies don't and are ngmi.

>> No.57098201
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We live in a world of debt faggot, everything around us is in debt, you are in debt, i am im debt. The best you can do, is get the fuck out of the system as fast as you can, make money. I made 2k the other day winning the price pool of viralx, while i made 300 on free airdrops and 1k investing. At the speed im going i'll make it by april of next year. That's your end goal, go for it

>> No.57098348

tomorrow you will lose 2k

>> No.57098388

>Why don’t we just not pay lol?

>> No.57098956

Doomers still haven't ascended to the final state: realizing everything is fake and gay. They still childishly believe things are going to "cascade out of control brooo buy precious metals or just do nothing because it's all gonna collapse lmao." If they don't want it to crash it's not gonna crash.

>> No.57098987

The debt will be used to renegotiate the social contract once AI and crypto sufficiently pull away enough from the reach of politicians

>> No.57099081
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>tfw have $2.1 million in assets and $400k in low-interest debt
Life is good, bros

>> No.57099095

I'm not worried about it necessarily, but what is the endgame of debt + interest on debt outpacing GDP forever. Hyperinflation? Debt jubilee? Weaker currencies just give up and force the stronger ones to realign via absorption? It's weird to think about.

>> No.57099115

What is money?

>> No.57099140
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>you are in debt

>> No.57099167

It's all bullshit. It just means how much money (((debt))) is in "circulation" The higher the debt the less your debt note (dollar bills) can buy at a store. It's fucked and will forever been (((in debt)))

Let's say i start a country and you move in as my first citizen. You want some food. I say hey How about I lend you $100 dollars, just pay me back $110. Soo i print 100 dollars for him from nothing. The national debt is now $100. You come back and say hey all I had was 100 how can I give you more back than waht you gave? I say no problem I lend you the $10, let me go print it. Just pay me back 10% interest on that. So now the debt is $110, and you owe $111. But wait this is completely fucked......

>> No.57099201

The debt was 20 trillion years ago and the currency has inflated like 100% since then. Anything less that 40 trillion is still lower. The debt doesn't matter because the world is full of retards that can't run a successful currency.
Cleanest dirty shirt.

>> No.57099205

So what your saying is that the debt doesn't matter and its stupid to be worried about it.

>> No.57099387

An arbitrary thing given value through violence and social programming that we use because it's easier than a barter system

I made that up

>> No.57099421

Correct. As long as the USD is the best currency in the world, and it is despite what coping retarded thirdies and goldbugs wants you to think, then it won't matter. We can just print more and inflate the debt away. And I'm fact countries that use USD are desperate for us to have higher inflation because the cost to service their own debts in USD was getting too high.

>> No.57099842

>If I keep winning without making a mistake for the next 4 months I'll be rich
Good luck retard

>> No.57099892
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Retards think 34 trillion is a lot of money

>> No.57099944

fiat money isnt real and theres no such thing as a debt bubble. Thats like saying there arent enough grains of sand to pay back the ocean.

>> No.57100054
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Its more about the debt to GDP ratio, the US can take on more debt as long as the GDP remains high and the ratio is better than all other large economies on earth so there's no reason to assume the current ratio is in a bad state.
Is there a breaking point? Maybe idk lol

>> No.57100110

Your schizo bags better be ammo, canned food, gold and silver not some pajeet crypto scam

>> No.57100164

>Who does the US owe this debt to?
Jews I believe.

>> No.57100395

you're the biggest child here
you think government can even grasp or control the eurodollar system
it can't and the dollar can literally grow stronger and obliterate the treasury at the same time
there are multiple outcomes to fiatshit spiraling out of control, be it as a deflationary recession where cash equivalents vanish and there's a dollar shortage, bankrupting most US businesses, or a liquidity bomb that forces most of the world to seek a different liquidity pool for inter trade

one thing is for certain, it won't end well regardless
it's not the "LE COLLAPSE OF CIVILIZATION" it's more like a geopolitcal blunder that everyone forgets about it after a month
it will however, have lasting consequences for retards caught in the middle

>> No.57100454

You’re stupid.

>> No.57100472

>1) Who does the US owe this debt to?
The rich buy bonds which is the debt.
Then they get nearly risk-free interest, along with their principle.

In other words, the national debt is a mechanism for transferring the wealth of the middle class and modestly-rich to the ultra-rich.

>> No.57101115

How can I buy bonds? is $10000 enough to even get started?

>> No.57101130

What if we start our own jews?

>> No.57101218

>Who does the US owe this debt to?

>> No.57101236 [DELETED] 
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Reported for being underage.

>> No.57101290

Wait until you see the interest on the debt as it renews at 4%+

Our entire tax revenue will be going towards servicing the debt in a couple years.
It's already about 25% of our tax revenue at 1+ trillion a year

>> No.57101626

>announcing reports
Sounds like a cope from a 2022 doomer who cant explain why everything pumped again

>> No.57101695

It's basically a proxy for the money supply. The only rule is number go up.

>> No.57101707

treasury direct