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5708555 No.5708555 [Reply] [Original]

Are rich people smart?

Are poor people stupid?

>> No.5708579

Rich people feel rich and therefore become rich.
Poor people feel poor and therefore become poor.

>> No.5708603
File: 75 KB, 1024x962, sat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm poor. but have an IQ of 200

>> No.5708610

no. Kids of rich parents become retarded and lose it all. Kids of poor parents become smart, and hence wealthy.
>the ciiiircleeeeeeeeee
>of life

>> No.5708630

you dont need to be smart to get money, just keep it

>> No.5708762

Generally yes.

>> No.5708832


Yes, every NFL player has an IQ of 175 and every college professor on a 60k salary has an IQ of 70

>> No.5708875

are you this fucking cucked by capitalism? retarded rich kids just continuously live off of daddy's money and poor kids who are smart often don't have the resources to get ahead.

>> No.5708887

How do you explain families like the Rothschilds?

>> No.5708910

I don't know...

>> No.5708918

>Upward mobility is impossible under Capitalism.

>> No.5708920

Literally this. It's all mindset.
/biz/, I recommend psychedelics.

>> No.5708926
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>oor kids who are smart often don't have the resources to get ahead.

they beat their kids, while you normies aren't allowed to any more. simple as that.

>> No.5708938


It's not impossible, but it's highly unlikely. And there's plenty of data to back it up.

>> No.5709121

"Highly unlikely" is an exaggeration because why would so many people want to come to the US then? Regardless of the stats, social mobility is still better in capitalist countries. In communist/socialist countries, chances are zero.

>> No.5709161

>rich people stay rich by living poor
>poor people stay poor by living rich

>> No.5709317

>get money
>spend money

>Get money
>invest money (the market, a business, education, etc)

>> No.5709325

>when poor people call rich people cheap

>> No.5709326

Yep . 70% of rich families lose their wealth after 3 generations

>> No.5709557

On average, rich people are smarter than poor. Many studies show this. There are, of course, wealthy idiots and vice versa. The wealthy idiots are more likely to lose their wealth. The smart ones are likely to get higher paying jobs.

>> No.5709571

60/40 on both

>> No.5709583

I know that smart people are in pump and dump groups https://discord.gg/5dMfZPH

>> No.5709626
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Is trump smart? I don't think so.

>> No.5709654


Can you repeat the question?

>> No.5709658
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this 100%

>> No.5709707


It's not an exaggeration. Look at the data.

Quit trying to strawman this bringing in communism

>> No.5709809

Getting rich is easy.
Staying rich is the hard part.

If you look at literally every lottery winner, you'll see that the money actually brought great strife to their life cause they didn't know how to handle it and blew it on stuff like hookers and cars.

This is where the intelligence question comes in.
Any idiot can get rich, but the smart people are the ones who stay rich.

>> No.5710072

Rich people aren't always smart, but poor people are almost always stupid

>> No.5710075
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so fucking true.

warning, text wall inbound

My aunt is a teacher and my uncle is a real estate broker (part time, most of the time he volunteers for their local church and manages their shit, yeah I know it's weird) and they are middle class. They have a small house on the edge of a city and are living okay but aren't what you call wealthy. They like to spend their money, and they are always buying gifts for my cousin, a thousand dollar gaming computer, a new iphone x, an apple watch, an xbox one with a ton of games, etc.

My parents on the other hand, my dad as an orthodontist and my mom stays at home but used to work in marketing, never spend any money and are upper middle class, bordering the rich territory. We live in a big house in the suburbs

Both families grew up in extreme poverty in the city, but my dad and mom busted their asses to get into good colleges, and get good jobs, and then my dad busted his ass to start an orthodontics practice with his friend from dental school. My aunt and uncle just got through it until he became a real estate broker. My dad only works 3 days of the week, and they work 5.

Instant gratification vs long term satisfaction, which one will you choose?

>> No.5710189

almost fell for the bait

>> No.5710227

My IQ is really high but i am not Rich yet

>> No.5710303
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>it's highly unlikely

>> No.5710317

Not all of the time but for the most part, YES!!!


>> No.5710336
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>are you this fucking cucked by capitalism?
Are you an actual irl commie posting on our board?

Get the fuck out shitstain.

>> No.5710349


It's usually not that black and white.

>> No.5710350


>baby can't into basics statistics and probability.

>> No.5710365

they used the government to further their gains

not the free market

>> No.5710379

It's also a subjective truth of preference. Some people don't like having more than a few hundred thousand at a time, some people do, and some people like less.

>> No.5710386

Just talk to a lot of poor people and a lot of self made rich people, you will learn that poor people on average care more about making money than the rich people yet the poor people are staying poor, therefore the poor people must be dumb.

>> No.5710412
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This. Made 250% profit last month and I feel great. Ready to 10x it next month, all in on link.
And don't do drugs kids, it won't help you make money and with psychedelics you may lose your mind. It's not fun, I've been there, caught in an acid loop for 3 weeks went to rehab and a psychiatrist and nothing helps. I was lucky to get out the loop. This guy is a kike.

>> No.5710423

Being rich doesn't mean you're smart, there are plenty of ways to be rich without being smart. But poor people are usually stupid unless they were born in like a third world shithole with no chance at all. If you're poor in America it is your fault, you can't be smart and not figure out how to get a job in tech or finance from any start in america.

>> No.5710426

Another habit to take is to live slightly under what you can afford.

Want an Audi A6 and have the money for it? Buy the A4.
You can buy a 500k dollar house? Buy a 350k one.
Imo the only thing you shouldn't hesitate to spend on is your nutrition, health, fitness and education.

Of course sometimes you can fully enjoy your lifestyle doing a nice travel or buying yourself something you really really want but it should be the exception, not the rule.

>> No.5710438

You must be poor to post such a brainlet post, OPs post was clearly asking about averages

>> No.5710461

commies don't understand the most basic logistics of reality. it's honestly hilarious but also sad that these "people" are enabled to exist by the splendor of industrial capitalism. ironically a large part of me wishes capitalism were demolished just to ensure the eugenic washing away of all the pathetic and feebleminded

>> No.5710464

What resources does it take to get ahead in the first world you moron. If you don't have kids before you're 25 and do almost anything but get a meme degree, including not going to college, you won't be poor. You'd have to be a retard to be poor in america.

>> No.5710486

mayer amschel rothschild had 4 sons by 1750. This is back in the day when being a man was power and you did what you dad told you to do otherwise he would beat you within an inch of your life. surprise surprise they all became fractional reserve bankers.

>> No.5710487
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>reducing our complex system of exchange to one aspect, capital

Commie nigger get out. The day of the role is nigh.

>> No.5710493

There is a strong correlation. There are exceptions though.

>> No.5710506

they were very ardent about passing their wisdom and business practices on to their children. idiotic hedonist rich kids are a "new money" phenomena

>> No.5710507
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what is this picture from?

>> No.5710520

i know a poor man smarter than anyone on this board. he is to depressed about the world and caught up just trying to feed himself to make it in crypto. he actually mined a few hundred ltc and lost the password. he doesnt give a fuck about money and just wants to eat food and browse the internet.

>> No.5710577
File: 1.49 MB, 972x1308, posterop1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A defunct activist group that was present in Charlottesville but has since been driven off every platform and into obscurity. Most of the members joined different activist groups like IE, TWP, Vanguard America and Atomwaffen.

The website still sells their merch. Anticom.zone

And I'm totally not the big guy in the pic.

>> No.5710606

Get real, dumbshit.
No one actually believes your tinfoil conspiracy that there's no movement between classes in a capitalist society.
There just isn't enough to suit your pampered ass. Now shut the fuck up and go to bed.

>> No.5710624

You're a big guy.

Also good to know there are more people fighting commies out there.

>> No.5710652

>highly unlikely
compared to what? in what form of society in the history of mankind has upward mobility been more achievable than under capitalism?

>> No.5710717

definitely true. my parents lived in a shitty apartment for the first 5 years of their marriage without kids, and only bought a house when they were pregnant with me and my dad's practice was taking off, and because of this, my dad paid for our house, (1 mil) in full without a mortgage. My aunt and uncle on the other hand wanted to get the fuck out of the city immediately and just bought the nicest house they could afford.

>> No.5710785
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For you.

I appreciate the acknowledgement. We work tirelessly and it's a thankless job. Crypto is how I take a break from the blackpilling world of pro-white activism but it's good to know there's a lot of us in here becoming successful while getting our money out of the hands of the Jewish bankers. Crypto will destroy the kikes, it's the reason their always on tv telling the normies it's a scam.

>> No.5711402

I've looked at the data. Upward mobility isn't "highly unlikely".


>Similarly, 65 percent born in the bottom fifth stay in the bottom two-fifths.

35% of the people born at the lowest rung of society have a chance of upward mobility.

You still haven't address my question of why immigrants are coming to the US if there's an "highly unlikely" chance of upward mobility.

If capitalism is so bad? What's a better system that actually works?

>> No.5711459
File: 68 KB, 480x377, hawking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Anon, you are really smart.

>> No.5711612

Literally nobody ever wants to go to the US. US wants to go everywhere else. Hence why everybody hates the US. Sry for bad grammar am from US.

>> No.5711640

mfw the US is about to go into a second Civil War

top notch!

>> No.5711707

psychedelics are not for weak minded fags, i go to calculus 2 classes tripping balls and it's fun as fuck

>> No.5711736

Yeah keep telling that those postcolonially fucked SEA and African countries that has been fucked and kept like that by US and EU for centuries

>> No.5711738

Wow, you know one (subjective) counter example, really activated my almonds.

>> No.5712035

Poor retards will deny this, but rich people are generally the most competent and amongst the smartest segment of the population.

>> No.5712051

Oh wow, calculus 2, you sound very smart anon, im sure you will make a lot of money in crypto trading

>> No.5712084

>inb4 blogpost

You are actually correct. Few will believe you, bc honestly most people on here want to believe otherwise either because they are spoiled and want to relive their concience or they're the opposite and want to feel better.

In reality everybody does his best to keep his position and keep everybody in his (not literally ofc) that's why you're correct.

Facts are on our side, however let me tell you an anecdote
>be me, son of gardener and housewife
>dad has accident, both parents without a job
>5 siblings living normally, now poor
>4 become teachers 1 an engineer

You almost never will see sth like this, everybody in my enviroment (we grew up in a low income, high migrant background area) has either no job, quit school, is criminal or just a good-for-nothing. Capitalism creates poverty and areas with people with no perspective for a brighter future out of necessity bc it is an outdated model.

>mfw the sin's of the US on other countries cannot be cleansed in multiple generations

>> No.5712202

>literally talking about the opposite of what the other Posten
>ye, bro, totally
>only in America

>i didn't actually look at it

I hope so too. So I can buy it up.

>> No.5712244

>I won't present any facts, but let me tell you an anecdote:
>I knew a poor guy, he never became rich.
The end.

>> No.5712266

It's too late to make it the normie way. The newest trend is "Pump Groups". Hop in now or miss the boat.--

>> No.5712289

Why are you beating around the bush? Just be direct and say why what I've quoted is wrong. What constitutes "statistics" in your mind?

>> No.5712447

lmao you deluded faggot goyim.

>> No.5712556

but they did though

learn what central banks are you fucking idiot