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File: 156 KB, 512x512, 1703472733413439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57090520 No.57090520 [Reply] [Original]






>> No.57090526


>> No.57090528
File: 55 KB, 400x560, blue eyes white pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn,I wish I invested on on this coin when it went super ultra up though, I am basically a ghost of biz, I didn't even ever invest a penny yet I look at this board frequently and keep up with the storyline.
I wish that I can invest soon, I am in the process of creating a bank account.

>> No.57090534

The chart looks like any other SOL shitter just before a breakout

>> No.57090536

They’re spamming it on an uptrend cycle in case whales browse this board like a bunch of black jeet gorilla niggers

>> No.57090547

Seethe harder

>> No.57090577

>like a bunch of black jeet gorilla niggers
Kek. They are begging crypto twitter too. It's like watching an accelerated baggie train wreck.
>Werk for your bags sirs.
Crypto twitter and whales aren't going to touch this shitcoin with its dogshit token distribution and dev whales that showed they can't help but jeet their bags at the first sign of a couple grand.
This will be dead within a week and brown handed jeets will stay poor. As always.

>> No.57090589
File: 32 KB, 500x500, joever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This will be dead within a week and brown handed jeets will stay poor.

oof checked its joever

>> No.57090661
File: 215 KB, 1013x1694, >he bought a cOmMuNiTy ToKeN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find web site
>"The community token of basedlana"
>Muh cOmMuNiTy ToKeN
>Code word for developer abandoned
>Now you are a baggie
Not even once

>> No.57090698

Any other decent sol casinos to put in right now?

>> No.57090705


>> No.57090791

>>Code word for developer abandoned
usually is. but then why are they launching a game? and nfts with royalties for the community? and memeing twitter into submission?
>yet devving
I can't tell which is real

>> No.57090799
File: 15 KB, 641x587, 2341523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get to avax casino its got something good cooking up

>> No.57090815

my boi bussy is here for this. This is the biz memecoin of the next bull. Accept the next great Solana community token into your heart. It'll go easier that way.

>> No.57090840

I'll be honest here, I called it a scam after the first dump to 15k mc. then again after it fell from 500k to 100k. then again from 2mil to 300k.
now it's at 600k again and I'm beginning to question myself.
what if this retarded shit actually moons and I'm left on the sidelines.
I still think you're a filthy jeet tho

>> No.57090880

>he thinks a pinned tg message = product

they can promise whatever they want, so far all they have delivered is big smelly sharts on the chart

>> No.57090918

Becoming painfully clear devs are jeets from /biz/, don't know what they are doing, and have zero connections, unlike WIF and BONK.

>> No.57090941

I still think this is true.
but the market is becoming more and more retarded.
I'm stuck in limbo.

>> No.57090942
File: 61 KB, 556x556, 1692886329882853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^this kek

the team is already asking the tg what tf to do kek the cope

>> No.57090953

I'm down 90% on this shitcoin. Oh you got me good. Enjoy my $150, you fucking scammers.

>> No.57090970

I refuse to buy this shit just out of principal.
but if it ever moons I may be needing rope.
why the fuck can't I escape this board?

>> No.57090993

>implying it could even posssibly go any other way
Stop being retarded please. Stop trying to take shortcuts. Buy BTC and hold. I don't care if you don't have much starting capital.That is not important. Do not try to be smart. Only listen to me. Buy Bitcoin. Hold. That's literally it.

>> No.57091001

>he bought the top
fucking retarded fomo monkey hahahaha

>> No.57091029

ygmi bro, just trade your blue eyes to me and i'll give you 1337m Sb0nk OTC

>> No.57091040

I unironically did lol. I think it was at like 1.5 or 1.6mil mcap. I'm too embarrassed to check my wallet.

>> No.57091052


>> No.57091054
File: 691 KB, 1351x1080, safeb0nk_jeet_scammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57091091

lol get dabbed on lmao

>> No.57091102
File: 1.28 MB, 864x864, nft.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nft look like garbage

It's ogre

>> No.57091147

>Scam shit coin obsessed with helmets makes art which appears to be drawn by short bus rider who wears walking helmet

>> No.57091194
File: 181 KB, 1080x1201, 1701498345369428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks fine

>> No.57091202

Don't listen fudders guys. It's long term pick. You will the one who gainer in end of the road.

>> No.57091209

Scam coin.

>> No.57091241
File: 64 KB, 500x501, Retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Found the retard who drew it
No it looks like shit

>> No.57091253

Based biden, pls unleash gensler and warren to lock up all crypto chuds. Tired of pajeet coins like this I mean who tf would buy this, buy stocks instead lmao

>> No.57091330

shut the fuck up you fucking nigger

>> No.57091338

Man I don't believe how much cheap is this right now! You never see this prices after 1 or 2 months later

>> No.57091356

Getting nervous that your scam is being exposed? I would be too, if the FBI was behind me.

>> No.57091357
File: 210 KB, 672x566, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scammers so mad ITT lol, typical low IQ street shitter to rage when he's caught, here's your (You).

>> No.57091440

It will hit 500mil, despite itself.

>> No.57091447

based, I got PLA on the line to personally arrest that faggot anon

>> No.57091701

>500 mil
we got a retard over here

>> No.57091931

It's literally stalling out as we speak. Devs will abandon ship soon.

>> No.57092116


>> No.57092321

saying it won’t make it happen anon

>> No.57092372

True, it's going to 1B

>> No.57092388

the most hilarious part is some of these jeet scammers ITT are shitting on their own group showing their true colours and thinking it's not obvious who they are, fucking trainwreck.

>> No.57092389

What am I missing here. Someone spill the beans wtf is this coin

>> No.57092445
File: 1.29 MB, 1200x800, 1639953978787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57092494

top holders will try to pump it again to gain traction, sell after that before they unload their massive bags on you

>> No.57092605
File: 64 KB, 634x650, pepes_laughing_by_chano_san_ddv5isg-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that looks great. This shit might pump to 30 SOL floor
You must not trade nfts if you think that looks bad

>> No.57092695

>trade nfts
>brown id
nobody trades nfts ranjeesh. im not buying your token not buying your cash grab nfts either.
shouldnt hire from fiverr to make your cheap nfts btw

>> No.57092829

when a coin makes /biz/ seethe this hard, it's an instabuy

>> No.57092851
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>> No.57092859

I loose money with this

>> No.57092955 [DELETED] 

>he posted hands
>he's brown

>> No.57093003 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 700x665, 1140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pajeet can't into replies
Learn 2 wipe

>> No.57093006 [DELETED] 

post hands

>> No.57093894

fuck it I caved and bought
fuck you biz for giving me fomo every fucking time

>> No.57094094

wrong nice thread nigger

>> No.57095333

its s-bonk.
Telegram and biz jeets are having an autism war.
I don't know who to believe so I just put some cash and we'll see where it goes

>> No.57095631
File: 157 KB, 1102x1280, BEE36C42-F5B1-4AEA-B2C9-9ECC876FCAFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the process fren

>> No.57095737

Curry thread..
Amazing how much stink these subhuman scammer has that i can even smell it by just browsing this thread

>> No.57095756

I was in the TG earlier and they think biz jannies got their Twitter pulled. They had to make a new one. It might be true, idk. It does seem a bit personal with the fud and thread nuking here. If anything, it's getting interesting kek.

>> No.57096053

Holy fuck the amount of seethe if this does moon

>> No.57096105
File: 713 KB, 480x266, g.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy bot going off less an less
>TG in full what went wrong super copium mode
beginning to dawn on every one that they have been scammed kekekekek

>> No.57096132

Ya lol. The fact that it's still going after 7 days makes me honestly think these devs might just "fail upwards".

>> No.57096348

Your description is like horoscopes, fits every shitcoin

>> No.57096404

For new fags: This shit-show is why you only buy if team mark their wallets and vest their coins. Insiders dumped loads on sucker moonbois.

>> No.57096773

Yeah still got my baggie kek

>> No.57097042

Jesus fuck, it dumped hard. Is it actually over? Give me one reason why I should keep holding this instead of selling while I'm still in profit.

>> No.57097200

>thread shitting on it has this many replies.

Yup I think this one is a banger. People hating on a shitcoin are just as valuable as people shilling it. I expect this turd to be a 1B shitcoin in meme season.

>> No.57097309

I've never felt this unsafe in my life. And I've driven through Gary, Indiana.

>> No.57097440


>> No.57097449
File: 537 KB, 807x807, 69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When jannies finish packing their bags we will rocket.

>> No.57097852

You will see soon

>> No.57097916

I'm not gonna sell for two reasons:
1. I only have like 100 bucks in it
2. The moment I sell, it'll pull a 100x overnight

>> No.57097947
File: 124 KB, 1024x1024, 8883194419094809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NFTs coming soon and the TG is full of /biz/raelis who will not allow the coin to die, this one will make it and jannies will seethe

>> No.57097948
File: 201 KB, 918x1104, 118515b00b2da1996900af03f2791680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The moment I sell, it'll pull a 100x overnight

>> No.57098165

I think I spent $165 total. I thought about selling yesterday at 600k and taking some profit, but I think I'm just holding now because it makes jannies seethe.