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File: 65 KB, 1200x728, What-is-Avalanche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57088182 No.57088182 [Reply] [Original]

Riding the $SOL pamp. What's a make it stack of this? Wanna buy some during this sideways consolidation.

>> No.57088196 [DELETED] 


>> No.57088209

also looking into $dot had a stack last bull run. What's the bull case? Is sharding a narrative to ride this year?

>> No.57088238
File: 854 KB, 896x1344, 390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2000 AVAX is the make it stack.
Polkadot is useless and not as good as Avalanche, not even close.

>> No.57088279

conservative price targets and mumu price targets?

>> No.57088307
File: 867 KB, 896x1384, 381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$245 - $360.
long term $3400+

>> No.57088654

0. Always just buy Solana instead, avax underperforms tech wise, community wise, popularity wise, and price wise.

>> No.57088780

I don't see the point in avalanche, the gimmick of subnets is just as user unfriendly as L2s with the whole separate chain ecosystem. Being able to do everything on L1, seamlessly, is so much better

>> No.57088899

AWM will allow interaction with the protocol to feel like monolithic L1. Learn more faggot, People still treating Avalanche like it's only the C-Chain (Basically EVM on top of snowman) is extremely bullish.

>> No.57090495

Subnet is literally for enterprise and business.

>> No.57090556

Are you guys buying kimbo on traderjoe yet? its at 9m marketcap and picking up mad volume atm

>> No.57090598

I imagine 72 would be a suicide stack and 720 is a make it stack

>> No.57090601

0 because it's a scam.

>> No.57090746

Nigger we are literally paid to shill you that shit, don't take it seriously

>> No.57091073

it's never gonna feel like "monolithic L1" if I have to trade some random app shitcoin for avax. Vs solana where you can just use sol directly.

>> No.57091104

I dca'd during the bear and I gots like 25 of them. is-is that good?

>> No.57091342

Everything will happen in single transaction without the user noticing (It'll be integrated into the interface), Only possible due to snow consensus family. That's the goal.

Solana is inherently bottlenecked and has insanely unflexible design, It doesn't suit gaming, RWA, Majority of DeFi, Permissioned environment etc, Plus it's not economically sound and will hit a scaling bottleneck somewhere in the near future (Solana devs claim they expect it to happen somewhere in the future, And when it happen once it'll happen again and again until a new solution to delay the problem arrive). There's really nothing special about Solana, It's getting hard carried by running on SVM on top of very demanding hardware scaling.

Avalanche is the only protocol that soon will solve scaling on-chain without sacrificing economic sustainability, developers flexibility and long term decentralization risk.

>> No.57091559

If you are Indian then congratulations, you will make it. If not, how does $25000 USD in 1-3 years sound?

>> No.57092105

I'm happy to be wrong (I own no solana) but I'm struggling to wrap my head around what this looks like. Are you saying if you have some random app coin, let's say a game's currency, you can see its worth in Avax in the interface or whatever and essentially use it as if it were Avax?
I'm working on a small application, currently trying out solana for the backend. it's not a game, it's a donation/bounty service. If I were to do this in Avax, would I need my own subnet/chain? and if I had to do this, you're saying when this new feature becomes standardized it's gonna be seamless? for example, if a user wants to donate, he doesn't have to buy twice (first Avax, then application coin)? This is the main reason I went with sol over Eth, I want it to be as simple as sending to an address, and L2s are super non-ergonomic for normies

>> No.57092247

also thoughts on ICP?

>> No.57092266
File: 179 KB, 1080x1080, 230499450732628492912448557837129470312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing to see here goy just keep buying avax and sol

>> No.57092285

I’ve sent USDC on both Solana and AVAX. AVAX goes through no problem every time. Solana always has issues. Why?

>> No.57093396
File: 690 KB, 666x706, bizandboobies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Solana was also down like 10x during the last year, why? Because it's centralized garbage which prints infinite supply to subsidize transaction costs. It will end just like LUNA.

Make it stack depends on your goal. Just divide your goal by 1000 then you know how much AVAX you will need. In India, Pakistan and Europe, 50 Avax will be enough while in America you might need at least 1000.

>> No.57094674

Anything that gets me slightly out of poverty, I have like 3k AVAX, 8k LINK and like 500 SOL, don't know if I'll get into anything else, don't wanna get mocked by my beoble frens

>> No.57094686

3k should make you a millionaire at the very least

>> No.57094717

Those are all nice stacks. Don't hold SOL too long. The party always ends on PNDs. I don't think it's ending yet, but it will eventually.

>> No.57094784

I would love to obliterate this bitch's pussy so fucking hard

>> No.57094788

Kek, those are my thoughts

>> No.57094793

Lmao that's unironically not bad, wouldn't marry to any of em tho

>> No.57094869

solana can't scale to onboard real life usage, it will hit a limit and the chain will just stop for several hours like it has multiple times in the past. those who build on solana wil understand what it means having all transactions stopped due to spam.

>> No.57096012

>when this new feature becomes standardized it's gonna be seamless
He's saying that you can send any asset or coin to any other subnet without bridges in the space of one transaction, essentially
as simple as this
>I want it to be as simple as sending to an address
Seamless from a user perspective. There's no L3 bullshit or having to wait to post data back to the L1.
>If I were to do this in Avax, would I need my own subnet/chain
It depends, do you need custom hardware/a custom VM/the throughput isolation? I'm guessing that initially the answer is no, in which case you could build on C-chain (EVM), M1 (a move based subnet), or hold out for the HyperSDK based subnet if you need truly high throughput right off the bat. Then if your dapp really takes off you can migrate to a dedicated subnet at a later time.

>> No.57097768


>> No.57098063

10 Avax is unironically the make it stack. Avax will be worth 100k each. It’s literally the end game of crypto, makes all other crypto irrelevant thus we can expect Avax to absorb the entire cryptocurrency market cap

>> No.57098154

Come on don't ruin anons with delusions of grandeur. I only have 70 AVAX.