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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57088131 No.57088131 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that finance is pseudoscientific make believe garbage and capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, worsening labor conditions, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it, NOT glitches. Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, competition, conflict, slavery and war and overall evilmaxxing are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under capitalism. It is LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.

Unless every single financier parasite, banker and trader is euthanized and every stock market and bank is burned to the ground, and the status quo completely abolished, the biosphere and all life will extinguished. The higher the "Line god" (GDP) is, the lower life is. Every single parasite like you needs to be euthanized

>> No.57088152
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Sure, but
>taps the sign

>> No.57088176

communism and socialism are based
individualist amerimutts can't understand this no wonder they can't afford homes lmao

>> No.57088859

>ugly deformed freak detected

>> No.57088874

Ah here's the bunkertranny again, already done stimulating your anus with the sickle?

>> No.57088887
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Your house looks like this

>> No.57088889

buy ICP retards

>> No.57088930

You're too optimistic, everyone knows the communist can't afford a fridge, let alone food.

>> No.57088949

looks better than your average amerimutt wooden shed kek

>> No.57088963
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They usually do have fridges. What they often don't have are washing machines and toilets

>> No.57088968
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Are you safe brok?

>> No.57089079
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The USa has been in full communism since August 15, 1971. The USA has not had a free market since at least 110 years. The only truly free markets are Black markets.

>> No.57089102

What a life

200k at least for that

>> No.57089740

Holy shit is this antisemitic
Ukraine or Russia?

>> No.57089747

We still live under capitalism, whether you like it or not. So I'm still buying shitcoins until I make it. Maybe I'll fund your revolution if I do, a life outside of this shit society does sound interesting.

>> No.57089810
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All these concepts existed before neither communism or capitalism existed. The fact you mention monopoly had me kek, under communism everything is a monopoly owned by the state. The word you might want to look into is corporatism. Every commie i ever spoke to is a sexless, braindead faggot who does not understand basic math and economy concepts. Trying to argue with them is the most soul crushing thing you can undertake.

>> No.57089815

Ok bro

>> No.57089816

I used to be a leftist, but then I got rich
I hope similar fate fonds you too anon

Paul Cockshott is still GOAT tho, austrian school IS pseudoscience

>> No.57089829

Also, just become antisemitic already. Heeding this advice can save you a few years from your ideological journey

>> No.57091074

Pleb Europoor hands typed this nonsense.
Let’s everyone be the same broke pedant shit eater living in a 900 square foot shitbox from the 70’s.

You fucking euro trash really crack me up. America should pull out of NATO and never trade or help Europe again. We should just focus our resources on Japan and fucking over the niggers in Africa for their resources.
Watch how quickly your shit stain of a continent descends back into the Middle Ages. Or Russia and China cucks you and your begging for America to help.
The Middle East is literally light years ahead of you. Let that chink in for a second, even Thailand is a better place then anywhere in Europe.

>> No.57091117


Ivan, please.

Now kindly fuckoff back to your fucking toxic ghetto in the snows to be fucked in the ass by your comrades. You don't belong here.

Also notice that literally everything around you and everything that make this shitpost of yours possible is a product of "failed capitalism", beginning from mathematics which underlay modern communication protocols and codecs, up to your iPhone you've bought on a credit from a bank which rely on US treasures.

Just fuck off and kys, you fucking low iq inbred scum. Thank you.

>> No.57091140

Europe literally proved that socialism is better than capitalism faggot

>> No.57091199

>exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, worsening labor conditions, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it,
You're talking about central banking and liberal democracy. The welfare state encourages parasitism and weak low iq infantilized populations. Communism and it's death star the federal reserve is just a method to gain power, profit, and control over the masses by the elites. The communist doesn't produce anything, which is why they must use public finance to centralize economic power within the state and create trillions in fake currency to fund their bullshit. When communists deride capitalism for the problems their ideas have created they are confessing through projection.

>> No.57091905

Right, it's so much better to get taxed 50% of your paycheck so niggers and shitskins can live on your dime and rape and murder your children.
Also, if you get mad about it on social media, you'll get arrested.
Also, if you try and vote for a mildly "right-wing" party ex AfD, the ruling establishment will start calling for it's banning, because nothing says "protecting democracy" like outlawing the will of the people.

>> No.57092022

You conveniently ignored the meat grinder sitting at the bottom of it all everyone isn't just OK with but is the only reason anyone is OK with it at all

>> No.57092074

I agree with you but I can’t think of a foolproof system to take its place tbqhwyf, humans are gonna human

>> No.57093186


>> No.57093257
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