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57086293 No.57086293 [Reply] [Original]

How did you kept your sanity? How was it like?

>> No.57086307

I was busy flipping bnb shitcoins, did not care a single bit about btc price or even bnb price. For the people only holding btc or other native coins I bet they were pissing their pants every day

>> No.57086318

I was riding it all the way up, and all the way down too. And not for the first time. If you know what you have bought it doesn't much matter to you in the long run.
> but but you could have taken some profits retard
Yes. I chose not to. No need really.

>> No.57086330

Nigger that was 2-3 years ago

>> No.57086353

> i am a newfag holding btc since october
> i shit my pants with these days volatility
> 2-3 years ago ride looks WWI ptsd inducing

>> No.57086359

Pull up the Luna chart

>> No.57086397

now consider this, many used high leverage during that period

>> No.57086402

I lost everything on December 4 2021, i was on 3 wrong leverage trades that destroyed my account, coulda gotten out with a bad hit but instead used my last 30k as margin to see if my longs survived by it blew my account, so after that I had nothing to do

>> No.57086406

That cycle wasnt even that hard. The 2017 bull was brutal though. Btc -30% nosedives at random three times a week. With alts going as deep as 60% even on the top 50 coins. And bouncing back sometimes on the same day

>> No.57086416
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Was kino

>> No.57086433

honestly the volatility being non-existent in this recent run-up is what made me doubt it being the beginning of a real bullrun; all the previous ones had frequent omegadumps, but now we've just had either slow upwards crab or pumps, not a single big dump

>> No.57086489


Thats the gamble. Is this desbelief or just suck em back in with as little as terror as possible. And perfectly drop the guillotine somewhere between now and halving?

>> No.57086490

I'm shorting now hopefully to buy in at a <43k for the coming pump.
the main thing is with this shit fucking crabbing, I don't know if it I'll actually get to <42k for a profitable sell.

how likely do you think it is that the dip continues until the 27th? I'm expecting most Western traders to be inactive until then at least, because of the holidays. Changs and Jeets are probably still trying to drive the price down so they can buy in at a lower price for the bull run.

i'm really new to trading crypto so I don't know what to expect. I'm not used to his kind of volatility.

>> No.57086501

It wasn't that bad, it was bad, but not that bad.

>> No.57086528

>le time in the market my real life starts in 2030
this amount of cope lmao

>> No.57086533

completely missed the entire run. and i'm in this shit since 2016. was priced out after covid. I thought we would go lower. but they just printed more money. LMAO

>> No.57086534

I said no need. It means I have enough to live comfortably without risking losing a single sat.

>> No.57086604

I literally sold the first top, bought the crash, sold the second top and only walked away with 5x after taxes because I bought the wrong coins. My execution was practically flawless but my coin selection was dogshit.

>> No.57086613

I sold all my spot bags, shorted at 56k and got stopped out just above 58k before it nuked to 42k (which was my target). Many such cases

>> No.57086620

Please don't fucking short, we are most certainly in a bull market. Not to say there won't be a correction, there will, but fighting the trend is a losing game. You might win the battle but you'll most certainly lose the war.

>> No.57086624

Too high leverage greedtard

>> No.57086629

Eh, The post LUNA 13 weekly red candles was extremely brutal tho, especially if you been in alts

>> No.57086632

My leverage was maybe 5x-6x and I risked 0.5-1% of my stack. It was a good bet, but in that case just poor execution.

>> No.57086691

This is what worries me too, like it is the calm before the storm

>> No.57086709

It was surreal. It was fun, should have cashed out but fuck it. Anyone who claims to have timed that perfectly is either insanely lucky or lying.

>> No.57086848

Just set stop losses. No need to time anything. Set a stop loss at 15-20% on the same day every week. Increase the stop loss if the price is higher than the previous week.

>> No.57086878

But what if it dumps and then blasts off?

>> No.57086880
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>Keeping your crypto on a cex.
Oh sweet summer child.

>> No.57086881

>how did you keep your sanity?

that's the secret, i never had any

>> No.57086912

>he needs to sell his crypto to have money to live his life
poorfag projection

>> No.57086954

Lmao all the people shorting BTC in this thread. Enjoy the pump this morning? More to come for your enjoyment!

>> No.57086969

I just coped that the cycle wasn't over yet and the Fed was still printing

>> No.57087863

where's the fucking volatility?!
At least when Scam Bankrun Fraud was running shit, anything could happen - and did, such as Luna...

>> No.57087900

Easy because I bought in 2016

>> No.57087938

The run up to the first top wasn't that stressful for me for whatever reason, but the mid cycle correction was very stressful. The only thing that kept me from panic selling was pure delusion that the top wasn't in. Luckily I was right and sold fairly close to the second top. Could have done better but I'm ok with it. One of the main lessons I learned was to not get fixated on specific price targets. The crowd is always expecting the price to go higher, 100k Bitcoin was FUD. It's better to simply look at the price action and the various top measures like pi cycle top, z scores etc and just sell and be happy with whatever gains you made.

>> No.57088045

It was fucking insane, green everywhere. We've seen nothing yet this year, prepare for the next two years, hold.

>> No.57088270

If youre shitting yourself then this might not be the right market for you, been doing this since 2016. the ups and downs are exciting as fuck especially when comparing to how shit slow traditional markets are.
Also whores. Buy em to clear your head if you cant attract em naturally I suppose. Last bull market was hitting financial critical mass for me. Its crazy what a bunch of 18 -20 year old sluts will let you do to them just for the opportunity of being near wealth.

>> No.57088445
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>> No.57088450

I joined at the bottom (29k) and the runup to 69k felt pretty meh because of all the >100k moonshot calls. Held all the way down (american btw; taxes) but fortunately bought the absolute bottom. This rally back to 44k from 16k feels similar. When you're in it, you're numb to any upward movement that isn't a daily 30% candle.

50k EOY

>> No.57088989
File: 32 KB, 1045x407, stop loss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that actually happened last bullrun. a stop loss still would've saved your ass though. look at picrel. when do you buy back in after the stop loss triggers? that's the harder part. for me, i usually wait like a month to see what happens. if it looks like the bullrun is over then i stay in stables for like a year or longer.

you don't need to keep your crypto on a cex to use stop loss. just set an alert on your blockfolio app. that's what i did and i was able to get out at a -20% loss. it's much better than some of these people who are still down 80-90%.

>> No.57089592

the less things make sense the better they are
dont try to go into this shit with a stable mind

>> No.57089647

You dont care.
You keep being positive

>> No.57089683

Was an experience, desu.
>nocoiner in 2019 and first half of 2020
>wanted to buy in but was not sure bitcorn could survive until I witnessed the COVID crash and the resurrection
>unironically buyed in in second half of 2020 before the bull
>enter 2021
>BTC and ETH gongo up
>two of my alts, GRT and PRQ go parabolic
>get entranced by the gainz
>learn how to use DEX's and bridges
>invest in some early food coin and DEX tokens on BSC
>make a ton of money
>lose most of that money again to rugpulls
>DOGE goes parabolic
>dogtoken mania happens
>complete my 1 BTC by flipping DOGE at the peak (Elon on SNL)
>have 10's of k's of unrealized gains in literal dogshitcoins
>BTC dumps late April
>epic dogcoin crash in early May
>paper gains evaporate but I don't care because I turned 20k into 200k
>wackoff summer of acoomulation ensues
>buying every week from June to September
>market starts going up again
>buy a bag of SHIB
>it pumps hard and I make a 5x
>dump all of the gains unironically into dogbat
>dogbat gongo up
>second euphoria in November
>low volume pumps then get dumped on by whales
>dogbat collapses
>BTC back to wackoff acoomulation zone for three months
>still buying every week
>"obviously there is a triple top forming"
>he doesn't know
>Fed announces rate hikes in March
>the market fucking collapses
>endless bleeding until June
>LUNA collapses
>it's fucking over
You had to live it to understand.

>> No.57089767

nothing this crazy will probably happen again

>> No.57089774

My advice, just stick with Bitcoin for at least a year. You have to lose a couple hundred thousand in unrealized gains before you really know what you're doing.

>> No.57089823

Still havent done anything incredibly stupid but boy i feel the stress, i hope i get used to it

>> No.57089846

>nothing this crazy will probably happen again
>nothing this crazy will probably happen again
>nothing this crazy will probably happen again
You should have learned by now anon.

>> No.57089847

nigga this is crypto, it for certain will

>> No.57089916


>> No.57090352

It will and you will probably either get shaken out or become a baggie like me >>57089683. If you do end up a baggie, it's not all bad as long as you keep buying. 2022 felt like absolute shit and I was catching the falling knife all year, but then the market turned around this year and I'm all profit going into te next run. Good luck newfren.

>> No.57090367
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>> No.57090409

The twin peaks was fun and exciting. So much dip slurping.

The period between Luna and last month was fucking ghey though.

>> No.57090413
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>> No.57090419

because in so many ways this game is basically a casino for gamblers...if you hold in semi-decent projects, you'll eventually earn some money

>> No.57090427
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