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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 884x656, scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57084420 No.57084420 [Reply] [Original]

This will be obvious to most of you but for newfags, don't buy this scam.

>> No.57084439

>price dips
>millions bought
>price doubles
>millions sold
>WTF?! Who's behind this? It can't be the devs, the top ten wallets haven't moved ;)

>> No.57084460

but bro they are going to hire a stripper to write $sb0nk on her tits that means you should buy

>> No.57084465
File: 2 KB, 420x420, bigblue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats ok, i have my partyhats

>> No.57084469

The devs returned to the Telegram right after a couple of recent whale buys, must just be a coincidence haha

>> No.57084479
File: 7 KB, 403x104, asrbhbarh-d-h-aerhae5haehaeadjadj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're trying to cover their tracks

>> No.57084481

I rode it up and it's a fun project. Don't know why the hate! I sold recently but I plan to buy back soon. Same with wif. They're both fun. It's ok to have fun bizanons!

>> No.57084486

gimme rundown

>> No.57084488

Wait so what's going on? I missed something

>> No.57084493

How do you release a roadmap and not even put it on your website? The devs have their heads up their asses so far it's not even funny

>> No.57084495

The worst part is that this had all the memeability it needed to succeed and a community to go along with it but the devs are fucking retards as everyone on /biz/ keeps pointing out

Literally all they had to do was make a more professional social media presence and organise the telegram into a proper community instead of a bunch of retards shitposting like they're on /b/

>> No.57084496

If you buy anything with the words "Safe" in em, or "moon" you deserve to loose it all.

>> No.57084509
File: 13 KB, 385x136, twowhalessold;).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57084516

yea the fucking twitter memes aren't even funny they're just openly racist/not palatable. And yeah, I'm racist, but don't fucking appeal to normies with racism, my fucking god. I could do a better fucking marketing job than these fuckheads.

>> No.57084537
File: 212 KB, 1024x1024, 1701847196317708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that was the last whale, we promise sers

>> No.57084553

One of the most obvious scam coin P n’ D’s on biz in a long time

>> No.57084555

but why they said the dev was White how could a White person do this to his /biz/bros?

>> No.57084585

I have officially capitulated
I watched 50 turn into 2500 and then sold for 500
god bless

>> No.57084593

The best decision you could ever make. Merry Christmas anon.

>> No.57084630

Tell us what happened you dn

>> No.57084684

What do you mean? I got scammed by a bunch of /biz/ niggers. What more do you want to know?

>> No.57084811

I thought you were trying to say the devs were doing something secretly or something. Sounds more like babbys first shitcoin trade. You're welcome for the lesson.