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57080818 No.57080818 [Reply] [Original]

What motivates you to make 7 and 8 figures when you can be clearly happy with 6 figs?

>> No.57080844


>> No.57080850

That bitch got a big fat pussy that swallows the grandpa cock!

>> No.57080854

because with 6 fig you are not out yet

>> No.57080859

We just had this thread 2 days ago. That's his daughter.

>> No.57080864

$2 million is the bare minimum for financial freedom (just barely) if you are willing to live on like $2000 a month.

$4 million + your own house is what you need to mantain an upper middle class life without working.

>> No.57080876

Even better

>> No.57080892
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Man, this shit has already been solved.

> $1,200,000 to retire in boonies or slav country near sea. This is NOT making it, this is existing without waging. Any emergency will wreck this tier.

$40,000 a year "income" from investing one million.
--AND new trailer/old house in the boonies with a rusted out 1967 Camaro SS OR $200,000 apartment in slav high rise in actual city.

If achieved at a young age - enough to rise, travel, take classes, and support yourself through medical school OR work on a business in poverty. You can also get into some expensive sports, such as Formula Ford racing (~$100,000 / season).

> $2,000,000 to retire as middle class

All invested to withdraw 4% post-inflation for $80,000* "income". Sufficient if you live alone. Tight for single-income family.

>> No.57080901
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> $3,000,000 to safely retire as middle class

$80,000 "income" AND $500,000 to cover NEW middle class house near fly-over city, $500,000 as an emergency visit to the ER in the US if you get a papercut. If anyone poor ever gets to 3 mil, they should probably pull it and invest it safely. At that point, their future is secure barring any true black swans. Its enough to do whatever you want if you commit - become a surgeon, mathematician, researcher, pilot, start a small business, etc all while living a comfortable life. Only a few hobbies are out of reach in terms of expenses, e.g. automotive racing.

If you are under 30, this is enough to have a personal trainer, dress well, be well groomed, have a nice apartment, and actually live life a little instead of waging nonstop - go on dates, invite people over, travel without counting every penny.

> $10,000,000 is for (cheap) super cars, a (single) beachfront property, and living on a (lowest-paid) surgeon's "salary".

You can both support a family and "appear" wealthy (without risk) if you choose to do so. This is also the point where gold-diggers think you are "rich enough" even if you aren't living outside of your means. That is NOT the case @ 3 million. Note - still "only" $320,000 "income" if you want two mil to blow on luxuries. Most surgeons are at $600,000+ today.

Your son has a personal trainer and fucks a new girl every week in the hot tub. When he is 12, 16 year olds throw themselves at him. He crashes at least 3 Porsches before 20.

This is also enough money to address serious health issues like curable cancer WITHOUT going to bankrupt. This isn't available at the lower levels.

>> No.57080904
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> $100,000,000 "hundie" is what the wealthy consider(-ed, 20 years ago) a minimum to live a wealthy lifestyle.

This is true "make it" money. Private medical care, mansions, private schools, constant vacations, expensive hobbies, your kids getting out of jail with "Affluenza" defense for minor offenses like "killing four people while driving drunk" in the first world. "Clean" access to shady things - e.g. quick access to organs. Ability to insert yourself or your children into politics, businesses, causes, etc through money alone. E.g. can make your daughter a "big" musician or TV personality almost exclusively through money. Can have the strongest man in the world and the best MMA fighter coache your son regularly.

> 3 comma club

Penthouse with a helipad in a major city. Not worrying about where the helicopter expenses come from.

Islands, MIG-29s, start a PMC, start a space company, buy anything and anyone, run for Congress.

>> No.57080910

>ask some old hag on a boat date
>mention she can bring her daughter
>easy entry to bang her daughter
The perfect plan

>> No.57080911
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I want my family to be happy as well. I could've retired and let my gains keep copytrading forever on dexscreener but i know the time has come to step up my game. Until i can't secure the financial safety of my brothers, sisters and my mom, im not stopping

>> No.57080912

You still have to work if you have 6 figs. My goal is to never need an alarm clock.

>> No.57080914

You shouldn't count income tax if you are withdrawing from investments.

>> No.57080917

>chipotle date
Alright. I'm done.

>> No.57080949
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Don't shun the luxuries you can afford in the modern world if your income is over $100,000.

Long term cap gains or short term cap gains rate.

What is secure? Like how much money do you need to give them to feel like your job is done?

Serious question - people can barely retire on one mil, is that the target for you / person you want to help? Or do you give them $300,000 to fuck off to a beachfront property in Ukraine?

>> No.57080965

I unironically want to be able to buy and maintain a house big enough for a policule of 10 people, supply us with good staff and never work again.

>> No.57080991

>you can be clearly happy
it's actually clear I cannot be happy

>> No.57080992

Look the trick to have money when your older is to simply not spend every dime you make when your younger. And to take advantage of workplace retirement plans. Aka; don't live beyond your means. It's fucking amazing how many people fail this basic simple concept. Compound interest is a powerful thing. It's fucking easier to get say 1 million at 65 by starting that snowball at 20 than to start it at 40.

>> No.57081015

I had to set my alarm clock for link staking. I felt dirty

>> No.57081036

Hello newfriend.

>> No.57081040

man that looks like a bad time.

>> No.57081053
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Yea, everyone is all like pew pew pew. They are miniaturizing thermobarics too, so it's all like whooosh booom shhhhh and shit.

>> No.57081060

2 million would give you 5K to spend a month using a very safe 3% withdrawal rate. that's enough for me

>> No.57081068
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Pic related.

>> No.57081103


that's the optimistic scenario for americucks

>> No.57081114

6fig hell sucks.
You’re not rich enough to stop and not poor enough to not be complacent.

>> No.57081116

>Rent in ghetto + utilities - $20000
Is it really that bad in burgerland?
>Car payment
Buying a car is far cheaper.
>Gas tank - $2500
Makes sense that you would pay that if still working and having a shitty commute. But if you were retired?
>Car insurance - $1000
Are you 16?
>High class dining - $3000
>$10k to 401k
Totally irrelevant. The 401k is already full.

>> No.57081151

> Is it really that bad in burgerland?
Those are real numbers, from a real ghetto. The caveat is the ghetto is close to a minor, flyover state downtown. You could still do $800 if you literally live in a crackhead (literally, not as an exaggeration) apartment 2.5 hours away from any city.

> Buying a car is far cheaper.
Used cars are very expensive now. Do you know how to do your calipers, brake lines, alternator, AC, heater core, heat distributor, ignition coil, clutch, flywheel, throwout bearing, pressure plate, brake master cylinder, springs, coils, injectors, O2 sensor,etc? No? A used car in the use will run you more money than the above then.

> Makes sense that you would pay that if still working and having a shitty commute. But if you were retired?
Gym, grocery store, getting out of the house.

>Are you 16?
Look up decent coverage for the hyundai elantra (aka not a sports car, aka not a luxury car). I will wait.

> Lmao
Lmao because you literally need that much to get chipotle twice a week for two people.

> Totally irrelevant. The 401k is already full.
Sure, I am re-using a salary template.

Here is one thing I can negotiate on since I made that spreadsheet - you can get a Nissan Versa for $300 lease.

>> No.57081209

Do you have brain rot?
Why do you never own anything?

All these spreadsheets assume you start with 0 assets and immediately go into debt like a retard.

>> No.57081236

Did your parents leave you an inheritance? Take a 20 year old and start with >>57081068. Our theoretical anon is saving 4.5k a year, make it work. Post your spreadsheet.

I will wait. Tell us how that 4.5k grows to a glorious 45k over a decade of no emergencies and he puts down a downpayment on a house.

>> No.57081246

>be clearly happy with 6 figs?

>Anon, you are fired
>savings account $70k
>this year's property tax, gas, utility bills, car and house maintenance, food and energy $40k
>sensing this, wife leaves
>takes kids
>takes half of property value (doesn't take the tax liability of course, you can't force her, hateful white patriarchy misogynyst)
>start over by returning to step one, which is "finding a 6 figs job"

clearly happy?

>> No.57081280

I’ve two people in my life in this wealth category.

They were both miserable and their kids were complete fuck-ups with mental health issues put the wahzoo.

Any sane person would pull up stumps at $10mil and just sit pretty.

>> No.57081315

Wealth is a resource, it's on them for fucking it up. Anything else is cope, in the most genuine, non-meme sense of the world.

I completely understand that there is no strong reason to go past 10mil, but saying that it's somehow harmful is off.

The problem is that 100mil is very much unobtanium for someone with 10mil, like 10mil is for someone with 1 mil. Specifically, being a wagie nowadays will get you to 1mil eventually, but it will virtually never get you to 10mil (maybe barring executives, top surgeons, and top FAANG guys - truly the .001%). Likewise there is no clear way from 10mil to 100mil. So I am not arguing that it may be worth it to quit just to not be a slave to money. But if you magically have it, it's a good thing.

>> No.57081395

I have no idea where all these demoralizing faggots who think they need more than six figures to live a wage-slavery free life come from. $2000 a month is plenty to live a comfortable life on, and you can get that with just $360,000 in VTI or some other no-thought-required ETF. If you want more than that, that's fine, but don't be a faggot and pretend you need more than that to comfortably stop wage slaving if that's your only goal

>> No.57081427

They were both self-made.

They were both CEO/Founders of Mining Companies (one was a drilling company, the other was an Explosives company).

The issue is, to go from zero (or bear enough to) to $100mil+ requires an extreme amount of hard work, dedication and time. You basically have to neglect everything else in your life.

The result was two middle aged people (just shy of 60) with no close relationships, fucked up family situations, no meaning in their life and no idea how to do anything other than run successful companies.

From what I observed, the hardest part about “making it” is knowing when you’ve won so you can stop playing the game.

>> No.57081435
File: 47 KB, 304x445, expenses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are things that bad in the US? I'm a leaf and pic related are my average expenses over a year, and while I got lucky in that I've been in my apartment for years and it's rent controlled (similar ones rent for 2300/month now), and I don't drive much, I'm able to keep my spending around 42k/year which is something like 32k/yr USD and I definitely spend way more than I should on food and entertainment.

>> No.57081443

The problem with $1 million is you're at a point where you can dump it all into safer investments and get $50k a year almost guaranteed. You could keep rolling the dice with your net worth and maybe do another 10x, or make some bad trades and sink back into 6 figures or worse. If you can get to $10 million then you can invest $3 million into the safer assets and play around with the other $7 million to work it up to $100 million with less to lose in your personal life.

>> No.57081482

I can't disagree with any of that - they should have stopped earlier in the situation you described.

Still, that's so fucking balla. Like how do you even start a real company (over several million revenue), holy shit.

I mean, that's believable for a NEET who lives on the bare minimum. You could make that work in the US too in a crackhead down. Leafland is way, way worse than the US, so anything from there applies to here.

Again, your numbers are fine (except car maintenance - new tires every 3-5 years will double your annual cost). If you can't do the work yourself, all the parts I listed above will go eventually, etc.

You don't have health insurance, but you have 2 year wait lines for any serious procedures. Etc.

Not $50,000 inflation adjusted. 4% used to be the "safe" inflation adjusted rate, now it's 2-4%

>> No.57081677

>Again, your numbers are fine (except car maintenance - new tires every 3-5 years will double your annual cost). If you can't do the work yourself, all the parts I listed above will go eventually, etc.
Good point, I don't really consider the cost of depreciation/replacement as well. It's a paid off car that I bought 7 years ago so it'll eventually fall apart and anything I replace it with will probably add a few hundred/month in payments.
It's hard to put a number down for that since idk how much it will be worth if I decide to replace it when it still runs fine vs driving it into the ground, and how much the replacement car will cost and the terms of financing vs paying in cash.

>> No.57081810

>6.66% withdrawal rate
Your portfolio will be raped by a recession unless you get very lucky. You can still get $24k/year with 6 figs, but you need more like $720k. Also 100% equities is a bad idea during retirement.

>> No.57082033

so I don't have to work a 9-to-5 job to make 6 figures

>> No.57082043

I live in the Midwest in a 2 bed apartment in a nice area with a roommate I don't mind being around. Also drive an 05 corolla that's well maintained and paid off.
>rent+utilities+renter's insurance+phone bill
$950 a month on average
$40 a month
>car insurance
$30 a month, minimum coverage
Maybe $40
>misc expenses

Imagine not being /frugal/

>> No.57082070

I want to leave my wife but I have 3 kids with the bitch so I have to be able to provide for them. If I left now I would be homeless or close to it.

>> No.57082162

>gas tank 1/week
holy fucking shit your cars are utter garbage lmao

>> No.57082190

>10k in 401k
If he already has 401k, why put 10k more a year? He should start using some of that 401k he has.

>> No.57082191

If you actually have 720k, you can get 24k/year just by slapping it in a high yield savings account. Which is definitely the safest way, but for me, it's going to take till I'm in my 40's till I even have 300k, so I'd rather take the chance and put that in the market and hope for the best, rather than keep wageslaving into normal retirement age

>> No.57082323

This is the assumption of a terminally online basement dweller. You're forgetting a key component...housing costs. 2k/mo works only if you plan on squatting in your parents home until they die. And then what? Furnace breaks down and you're having to pull from your principal investment. Retard.

>> No.57082347

if someone can save up 300k or 2M why is it hard to imagine they have a paid off house or condo? or mostly paid off?

>> No.57082400

1 mil 40 years into the future only has the purchasing power as 300k today. And that's assuming you want to work all the actual good years of your life. Is it better than having no savings? You bet. Will it make your retirement actually good for however long you live? No.

>> No.57082483

Even 6 figs is not required to make it

Ever heard of Kato Kaelin? Just live his lifestyle.

>> No.57082504

Only 8k tax?
Seems you are not paying your due.
I can call the irs right now and get you in debt.

>> No.57082518

Why is $80k/year "income" is scare quotes? That's more than the vast majority of wagies make working actual jobs. It's a damn good amount to make for sitting on your ass and collecting interest. Just live outside of California and you'll be extremely comfortable

>> No.57082541

>Gym, grocery store, getting out of the house.
That shit doesn't take a full tank of gas per week. Nobody is driving 300 miles a week just going to the gym and shopping shopping for groceries

>> No.57082558

It was an example. Insert any amount of money you wish. Point I was aiming for was to start stuffing your accounts today v.s waiting till your 40. You want 2 million, 3 million,etc? Well the sooner you start punting money aside the better. The older you get. The harder it is to punt money back. Life has a way of fucking things up for most people as they age. I mean it's simple math. 40 to 65 is 25 years. 20 to 65 is 45. I'd rather have 45 years to save/invest than try to cram it all in 25.

>> No.57082609
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lol lmao

>> No.57082794

It's a 100x at most.
Just jnvest 100k in something and hope it moons.
Likewise for 100million.
>no clear way
It's called crime and fuck the gov.

>> No.57082818

From what I can tell.

The best way to start a $100mil company is to work in a particular industry (in these cases it was the mining industry) for at least a decade so you can learn the ins and outs of it (and do the all important networking). Then specialise in a niche within that industry for another 10 years (in these cases, drilling and explosives). Then start a business in that niche and dedicate every waking moment to your company and totally neglect every other aspect of your life.

Most will fail, but almost everyone who’s succeeded (outside of first evolution tech startups like Facebook) has followed this path.

>> No.57082874

Sell something for 105 bucks.
Now sell that 10 thousand times, done.
1 million dollars.
Restaurants do it like that too but in terms of tables (5-10 guests)
A fully booked night with each table averaging 300 bucks? easy 80k just in one night.

>> No.57082909

>That's his daughter.
it's not

>> No.57082926

you are just a greedy bastard who will blow up his account one day.

>> No.57082973
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Have you EVER seen this work? Highly regarded idea.

>> No.57083039

life in hell for 30 years wasting your best years so you can have status made it in your mid 50s
whats the point then really, at least crypto/tech investing gets you to made it by 35 without being the living death

also these numbers, is it truly that bad in the usa
leave then you can live good enough in second tier western nations on fractions of that

>> No.57083118

>calculating how to navigate the extreme costs of living in burger land

>> No.57083140

>extreme costs
Not that different from Europe, and the salaries tend to be much higher.

>> No.57083446

So you can pay off your parents debt

>> No.57083478

there are still bills and property tax and maintenance anon. you need 1million + to own and live in a 200k home to escape the wage cage.

>> No.57083503

opinion discarded.

>> No.57083547

>Just put down 200k and get a 3200/mo mortgage and don't put anything into crypto or other savings and be house poor
>It's just better
>b-because it just is!

>> No.57083553

RIGHT now, yes, thats the maths, do them again in 15 years time with inflation.


>> No.57083571
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So I never have to work, nor my family, and whoever I get as wife can be a comfy housewife too. However at the current rate Ill probably get neither rich or a wife for myself. I mean look at this, it happened recently!

>go to the clothing store
>can't find what Im looking for
>find something else
>go to the line
>it's long
>the line feeds into a group of cashiers
>notice 2 cute cashiers
>my turn
>get the pretty girl who's as tall as me
>one small question and she suddenly becomes quite talkative
>from there it turns into a conversation after she asked me a single question about whether i like online shopping or in store, not even about the store Im shopping in lel
>asks for my name at some point
>i only had two items and somehow I was at the register for what felt like a while through conversation that simply flowed
>now comes the part that makes me question it
>her: "you can take this online survey that can really help me. my name is Anonette and id really appreciate it if you could name me on there"
I'm dumbfounded. If it wasn't for that final part I'd have been confident she liked me since cashiers do not typically act like this.

>> No.57083596

Happy like these fucking hick plebs drinking coors on a lake pretending they have a beach house and a yacht? No thanks.

>> No.57083605

>15 years
nah I'll just retire to SEA in 2 years instead of straddling myself with boomer bags that would take all my savings and waging for 25 years to pay off

>> No.57083618

get a better job, kid.

>> No.57083625

If you have to spend money to be with her (ie. buying clothes from her in a shop), she doesn’t actually like you.

This rule applies to all women, including, but not limited to: baristas, personal trainers, barmaids, hairdressers, waitresses, nurses, etc.

>> No.57083634

Compelling offer, waste my free time preparing for interviews and going through multiple rounds at shitty companies all to afford some boomer box in a country run by people that hate me. Or I can just take my money and retire elsewhere that doesn't have retarded housing prices.
Sounds like you have some heavy bags there, but you know what you got, don't sell for a penny less!

>> No.57083669

anon she was trying to get the commission for the sales

>> No.57083719

She's just a cashier in some big company, no tips here. I think she's just a seasonal too, so good survey results help her odds of keeping the job once they let go of the seasonals.

Even with that said most cashiers do not act like this in my experience, including others in the same companys stores. I need to go there again soon anyways as I was in a hurry and didnt get everything I wanted so if I see her again I might just ask her on a date.

>> No.57083780

No commisions there either see >>57083719. It's literally like fast food/retail cashiers, they just ring you up. There are no tips/commissions for them. Best they can get are
>permanent status for seasonals
but ime the first two usually give up when it probably dawns on them that it likely have 0 influence/requires way too much effort. most cashiers are literally
>do you have an account with us?
>*immediately give up if you say no*
>thatll be $xx.xx
>have a nice day
This chick literally kept me there for a few minutes on a small purchase all while there was a long line kek. That's part of the reason I suspect she likes me. but the survey part is really confusing me
>teehee survey, *writes name on receipt and draws a smiley face*
I had one act like this before minus asking for a survey and she was definitely interested but idk on this one

>> No.57083812

Last two jobs I've gotten in the finance industry were word of mouth.

No interviews (other than a coffee at a coffee shop).

Get good.

>> No.57083883

Her job performance is based on the survey you fucking retard. She was going through a script and treating you nice/giving you personalized service by treating you like a human being so you could positively affirm practices like that by giving her a good review on that survey. I feel autistic having to explain this shit to you. She even said to mention her on your review/survey. Holy fuck, you stupid fucking spastic retard.

>> No.57083935

SEA is not as low priced as you think, places like thailand have increased exponentially in price with all the white incels like (you) moving in

>> No.57083994

Thats why Im on the fence. Ive had cashiers treat me like this before. Except they didnt drop a survey at the end
>at subway
>chick is extremely talkative while making my sub
>tells me about some of the other flavors
>her wagie coworker was probably staring at us as it all went down
>wants me to try some condiment she likes
>runs off to the back get something
>squirts it on the little thing for me to taste it
The way she held up the conversation and was having me taste test stuff lel. I didnt ask her out, she was cute but on the cubbier end. Guess ill find out if i see her there again, i gotta buy a few more things i didnt last time so i might see how she acts with other customers and go from there.

>> No.57084129

If you owned your own property, had a modest car that you owned outright, you would only need a budget of less than $2000/month for property taxes, fuel, utilities, and food.

You could soft-retire with about $500,000.

The minimum you would need to get by at that point would be nothing more than a neck-down idiot job with no real responsibilities.

Your monthly expenses would be covered, and you would have cash to spare.

If you think you need more than that, your expectations are the problem.

>> No.57084336

I don't want to be a 65 year old man with a 26yo gf, that's retarded. I want to be happy now, or 5 years ago.

>> No.57084544

Autism usually.

>> No.57084552

>hick plebs drinking coors
IMO these are the only people who are ever truely happy.

>> No.57084753

have you checked what actual mansions in a region you'd want to realistically live in cost?

>> No.57084760

Wow she really loves that BBC
>Big Boomer Cock

>> No.57084779

>Living on 40k/year income with minimal expenses is rough but you can probably swing a $100k/year hobby
What is this post? Did I drink too much?

>> No.57084794

and for those "dividend investors" of /biz/.

to have "earned" a hypothetical one million USD per month (before taxes) over the past 12 months, you needed 1.809.955 shares of SPY (which equates to $857.285.067,88 as of Friday's close)...

>inb4 my divvie stocks pay way more and i beat the market every time

>> No.57084949

>Why is $80k/year "income" is scare quotes?
Wondering the same. I think it's because it's withdrawn from investments? Not sure though.

>> No.57084977

Bro just ask her out. Then you'll get your answer right away rather than never since overanalyzing is pointless.

>> No.57085019

I retired at mid six figs. Just couldn't stand working anymore, it was making me miserable, and after quitting it took me like a full year to decompress and unwind. I don't really feel like I'm in six fig hell though, I'm much more in the mindset of temporarily embarrassed millionaire. I KNOW my crypto stack is worth 7 figs in a year or two, so why worry? Yeah I'm blowing tons of crypto now, which will be worth way more later, but I'll never be this young again. I'd rather enjoy my time now than hold off until I'm 40.

The only thing I'm really missing in my life right now is a wife and kids. I NEED to start hitting the PUA grind.

>> No.57085030


>> No.57085037

>you can be happy

Not falling for this psyop

>> No.57085053

no matter your angle of attack, I remain highly motivated.

>> No.57085099

>happy with 6 figs
Not really enough to retire on in my early 30s.
>what motivates you
Having the free time to create my dream game/project

>> No.57085123

Chicks see right through pua fags now. Also what do you do with all your time now? Maybe you should just find a job you enjoy and get to know some ladies there

>> No.57085157

If you want to be happy you need to dial down your motivation. Happy is as happy does. A Mongolian idiot child blabbering gibberish on the side of a ditch is happy. A hard working professional trying to build wealth is pathologically driven to never relax. You decide when enough is enough but at some point you have to leave money on the table and walk away to be happy.

>> No.57085160

>a fucking retard
>from singapore or switzerland or something
which one describes you best?

>> No.57085215

Been traveling the world and snowboarding. It's pretty great, I'm about halfway through all the good art museums in the world. I'm just getting tired of traveling and I'd like to settle down, or even take a girl traveling with me. Girls may see through PUA but I hit more than half of the checklist so I think I'll actually get pretty good response if I just committed to actively trying to get with women. At least it can't be worse than dating apps.

>> No.57085221 [DELETED] 
File: 640 KB, 676x736, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you manage to make a million then making 10-20-50 millions wouldn't be an issue at all. You say that you would have to live on $2,000 with $2M but you could put all that money on a high interest account and live off interest for the rest of your life. Interest right now it's at 5% bro. That would be $100k on interest per year = over $8k per month by nothing literally nothing!

>> No.57085224

If you manage to make a million then making 10-20-50 millions wouldn't be an issue at all. You say that you would have to live on $2,000 with $2M but you could put all that money on a high interest account and live off interest for the rest of your life. Interest right now it's at 5% bro. That would be $100k on interest per year = over $8k per month by doing literally nothing!

>> No.57085312
File: 199 KB, 1470x735, 2023-12-25_01-51-01_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post is clearly misleading people you jidf demoralizing faggot.
>Mentions a morgatge and buying a full car as a yearly expense.
>Mentions rent in ghetto is 20k which is absurd. I've rented in sort of flyover states but in college towns at 730 a month, no roomates just myself 1 bedroom. Mentions average surgeons salary is 600k+ when in actuality, general surgery average is ~ 450k. See pic rel. Yes, the super specialties averages are at 600k + but you clearly sas in 57080901
>MOST surgeons are at $600,000+ today.
which is completely false because most surgeons are general surgery.
>States Health insurance as a cost then says 500k as an ER visit lmao. What the fuck is health insurance for?
This is the most subtle form of subtly misleading people who don't think for themselves. There are tons of anons unironically replying when a simple google search of an apartment price would have made you realize this faggots a bad actor. Its the same crap fudders use on people to make them not buy bottoms and convince retards to buy tops knowing people are too lazy to take a second of research. Appear real confident too kek. Sure some of your points may be legit but this is clearly to spin a demoralizing narrative. Shits not that bad. Hope no anons fell for this and broke there nofap or whatever they were doing to mentally stay sane.

>> No.57085349

That sounds really nice anon! Regarding the whores though just talk to them lol you don't have to "learn" pua

>> No.57085366

Not women that’s for damn fucking sure.

>> No.57085380

I want to at least be somewhat attractive to women. If a simple behavior change is enough, why not do it? It's a high ROI move.

Good luck to you anon hope you make it this cycle.

>> No.57085425

Thanks I hope so

That's fine if you want to improve but don't make excuses not to start taking to girls

>> No.57085472
File: 376 KB, 494x759, image_2023-12-25_050435620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's his daughter.
damn he hitting his own daughter

>> No.57085658


>> No.57085806

>hiding his erection in the final cut
>through whole clip wife looks elsewhere and drinks away the pain
kinda based but also kinda heartbreaking t b h

>> No.57086302

Merry Christmas. Blind Optimism is a plan, albeit a poor one, it is a plan nonetheless. Good Luck to you. Sweeny Todd sings, "life has been kind to you, you will learn."

>> No.57086741
File: 57 KB, 454x320, 1677741178697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you just imagine what the crunching feeling of her skull slowly popping underneath the force of your grip as you crush it using your bare hands. The intense moment then sweet relief as the global median IQ goes up ever so slightly but still it goes up with one less hole-punch.

>> No.57086883

It's not $1k/month life but bangkok life is good for significantly less than western shit cities like Seattle

>> No.57087147


You'll never have enough money. There is no amountbthat would allow you to live happy or middle class because it'll always inflate from people richer than you. You'll always be waking up every morning asking youself why you aren't happy yet

The only way to make enough money to feel satisfied, is to live like the poorest man alive while focusing only on earning more and more every year.

There is no end. 2 million is barely enough. 40 million is barely enough. 100 million is barely enough. Hell even 1 billion is barely enough.

>> No.57087446

>Mentions a morgatge and buying a full car as a yearly expense.
Did your parents by you a house? Do you have cash sitting around to buy car cash?

>Mentions rent in ghetto is 20k which is absurd. I've rented in sort of flyover states but in college towns at 730 a month, no roomates just myself 1 bedroom.
That was more than 3 years ago, wasn't it?

>Mentions average surgeons salary is 600k+ when in actuality, general surgery average is ~ 450k. See pic rel.
See how the top 6 items on your chart that say "surgery" on them? Btw, saved, ty.

>> No.57088029
File: 55 KB, 270x560, FTHWtm0XoAA8suv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I'm not sure why people make it seem so hard. As for me,
- I earn 52K€/year, which is rather low but I'm basically a state agent in IT doing fuckall, playing steam games at work from home while responding to 2 or 3 emails a day.
-After all the (numerous) taxes, healthcare and shit from my commie state, I'm left with a full net 38K€
-I'm a rentcuck living near the capital, suffering from inflated prices
- From my data, I spend on average 21-22K a year, that includes everything, from rent to food, up to plastic butts and camera lenses, 2 or 3 weeks of skiing, a trip to grorious Japan every 3 years, and some trip within my country during summer.
- Each year, I thus save ~16K a year
- I'm alone and plan on staying alone
- Considering those numbers stocks income taxes, I only need 400K on a World or S&P500 ETF which average 7% a year to earn what I spend without touching the principal.
- And I need 650K if I want to keep my exact same way of live, meaning, still saving 16K a year from my income. Which honestly isn't needed, but I like to think it's my security margin in downturns. A big one, at that, it's basically almost my yearly expenses, I don't need such a security margin.

It doesn't seem so hard to stop working. And even there,
- I could still cut off in travel expenses, I won't die if I only go skiing 1 week a year
- I could simply move out to any small city or village within my country and cut out my housing expenses by 1.5 or 2. I just want nature and mountains and being left alone.
-Even better, I could simply fuck off to a non-commie state, though I won't go to Thailand or some godforsaken degenerate place.
- I'm currently at 280K networth at 34 (100K in stocks), close enough to the 400K threshold, still far away from the 650K, but I'll (sadly) inherit in the next 10 years about 150K-180K.
>b-but inflation
Don't care, stocks follow inflation, 7% a year accounts for inflation
>b-but market downturns
That's what the security margin is for

>> No.57088135

I work for a guy who has made it, and he's also a family friend, but is almost 60 now. He's worth $30m-$40m. He's finally trying to live healthier and get in shape, but he's confessed that he's worked too hard and was basically absent from his kids lives. I could do mostly the same thing he did and make it, but I don't like the idea of having to be absent from my family for months at a time, so I'm trying to start a small project that I think will give me the experience needed to run a big project. It would only take me 2 wins to be relatively ok and be able to coast if I wanted to. The biggest thing to me is not wanting to be absent from my family, but even when starting the small project I realize that I have to sacrifice something to complete it. So far it's mainly been my health, nothing major just a lack of exercise and eating slop because it's faster than cooking

>> No.57088536
File: 2.00 MB, 1901x1065, 2023-12-25_14-15-04_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>car payment, your spreadsheet takes out 60k a year. No one pays 60k a year for a car.
>Mortgage payment

>That was more than 3 years ago, wasn't it?
No its not. Its now. Pic rel.

>Mentions average surgeons salary is 600k+ when in actuality, general surgery average is ~ 450k.
Youre real good at skewing data. The average surgeon isn't one of those specialties and you know that but your point doesnt address that. You know how to fuck with data. You should work for msm news dude especially for finance and pump out articles leaving out just enough info to instill panic/greed when you need to buy/dump. You'd be perfect. Again, this crap is the same reason people didn't buy btc at 16k. Faggots showing Jamie Dimon saying btc is crap when they left out the other 90% of the interview where he praises blockchain.

You're either a fucking psycho and get off to bringing people down or paid jidf . I'm not really sure. It just bothers me that maybe 1 or 2 anons questioned you while the rest seemed to look up to you without thier own logic or reasoning.

>> No.57088589

> Forgot to finish mortgage payment.
If you have 1.2Mil in cash, you can afford to pay down a house. Assuming homes are 500k which they are cheaper in many areas(but I'll give it leeway just for the sake of inflation and other costs).

>> No.57088596

anyway leaving this site. I just realized how much of an absolute waste of this time shit hole is.

>> No.57088638

Bye r*ddit

>> No.57088640

That's a 300k "luxury" example. The 65k spreadsheet has $400 for a Hyundai Elantra lease. I admitted that this can be down to $300 for a Nissan Rogue.

> No its not. Its now. Pic rel.
That $1200 rent on the house is mind blowing since it's within 20 mins of the city. Can't even imagine how much of a shithole TN is - those are Indiana prices, and everyone knows Indiana is the cheapest state short of some northern middle of nowheres.

> Youre real good at skewing data. The average surgeon isn't one of those specialties and you know that but your point doesnt address that. You know how to fuck with data.
But I am not intentionally doing that. I am using a surgeon's salary as an example of a top 1% luxury salary which is basically unobtanium.

> You're either a fucking psycho and get off to bringing people down or paid jidf . I'm not really sure. It just bothers me that maybe 1 or 2 anons questioned you while the rest seemed to look up to you without thier own logic or reasoning.
I am actually just trying to define what the real make it numbers are.

You can go to the hosts file and block it there. I do that for months at a time since it's easy to get around posting picollo dick. Good luck anon.

>> No.57088920

A single man can live on 24 k$/a. Assuming a "safe withdrawal rate" of 4 %/a, that's savings of 600 k$. Anybody who says you need 1 M$ or more to live comfortably is fucking delusional.
>But 2 k$/mo isn't enough for me to live comfortably!!!
You are a melanin-enriched gentleman.

>> No.57088927


>> No.57089035

this is true, I'm a single guy and live on 2K or less a month, but I want a little more luxury so 1-1.5 mil is a good goal for me. I don't plan on having kids either and I'll probably retire to a pussy paradise country like thailand where my money will go farther

>> No.57089146

>It just bothers me that maybe 1 or 2 anons questioned you
at this point we have had so many of these retards it isnt worth responding anymore
most of non jeet biz just wants to be free from the cage and fuck off somewhere quite anyways so they know those ridiculous numbers for housing and col are wrong

but if you (the retards itt) wanna go living full calitardation go ahead but dont come bitching shit be expensive