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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57079905 No.57079905 [Reply] [Original]

Are chainlink baggies the biggest midwits in crypto? They really thought a middleware utility token with no usage would pump more than VC backed L1 gas tokens or low mcap gambling meme shitcoins

>> No.57079919

thanks for keeping this a LINK board

>> No.57079942

dunno if being up 100x and earning a median income from staking is called a baggie but if it is I don't mind

>> No.57079958
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>> No.57079981

you seem upset

>> No.57079989

The ICO was 10 cents and LINK is now $15.70.

Because you can’t do basic math you have to trust retarded websites. That’s actually you, as a person. Consider that.

>> No.57080373

quadrillions must flow

>> No.57080622
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KEK fagots

>> No.57080959
File: 198 KB, 1198x938, 1703439187988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dec 15 2020:
LINK: $13.25
TRX: $0.029
DOGE: $0.003
SOL: $1.69
AVAX: $3.34
ADA: $0.15
MATIC: $0.019
BNB: $29.94
ETH: $589

>Dec 15 2023:
LINK: $15.00
TRX: $0.10
DOGE: $0.097
SOL: $74.80
AVAX: $39.32
ADA: $0.64
MATIC: $0.87
BNB: $251.20
ETH: $2280

>> No.57082769


>> No.57084190

you are just jealous of the awesome link community, right marines?

>> No.57084232

NEVER SELLING, SN=SN, WAGMI!! band together marines its dangerous to cage alone

>> No.57084256

that's it? kek it's not normal to make less than a 10,000x

>> No.57085140

My linkies stay staked for all eternity

>> No.57085150

Link holders aren’t even midwit level, they’re just retarded

>> No.57085201

Never selling. Link will be $1,000 in 2024. Niggers seethe.

t. Day 1 OG. 3 fully staked v0.2 wallets.

>> No.57085226

what about LPL??

>> No.57085330

Chainlink, like BTC and ETH is a cockroach. Worse it's probably more like an ant infestation...

Do what you want with this info

>> No.57085370

Eth ICO was $0.05...a 45000x return you fucking idiot.
There was no ICO for BTC but miners were mining 50 coins per block for close to free and when people started actually selling or trading them for value they were worth pennies...remember the pizza?
But for BTC, for simplicity sake you can just call it another 45000x.
I've been into this shit forever and I've never seen a dumber fucking group of people than post-2021 linkies.
It's ironic, but them holding link and underperforming is probably best for them since it's clear they don't 'get' crypto and would just get eaten alive anyway.
They might as well just stay in link and get eaten alive by Sergey.
Also it's nice when you have a bad day in crypto to have someone to compare to and be like
>at least I'm not a linkie
And if it's bait, then it's good bait since it's actually fully believable that a linkie would confidently post a picrel like that thinking it's real and justifies their failures lmao

>> No.57085397

>I've been into this shit forever
And yet you still haven't made it and seethe on biz about a token you don't hold lmao
I made it off the 2020 run and now LINK makes me passively more than you could working
I suppose I'll make a couple more million with some dogshit this next run, just for fun
You're stuck in the mud, poorfag

>> No.57085404

The pools closed bud. sorry maybe after another year passes.