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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57073977 No.57073977 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know why she quit at chainlink?

>> No.57074037

I heard from one of my friends who works at CL Labs that she got caught not using someone’s proper pronouns repeatedly and came to a mutual agreement to separate

>> No.57074067

I think the guy Aaron Crow had begun transitioning and she just kept calling her him, almost forcefully IIRC. But that’s what my friend Krystina said who works there unironically in their HR department

>> No.57074124

she was probably disgusted at the noises Sirgay would make while devouring big macs in the break room and his little queefs of glee whenever he would dump 700k LINK on binance weekly

>> No.57074211

my sources say she didn't want to lie for Sergey anymore

>> No.57074258

Instead of a paycheck sergay posted breadcrumbs and hints about her paycheck in the break room

>> No.57074282

Actually fucking bearish.

>> No.57074302
File: 149 KB, 524x312, dahlia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57074304

This. Hopefully this means they're axing the BBC-chain idea though. Whew.

>> No.57074311
File: 667 KB, 643x979, dahlia libra diem fed faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57074315

she literally posted today how BBC.chain code will be posted when it's ready

>> No.57074322
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>> No.57074332
File: 232 KB, 774x742, denationalization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57074336

Lies. Sergey was going to fire her for gross incompetence, but you see here he instead mercifully allows her to put in a resignation so she can save face. Now without a woman to hold Sergey back, he can finally do what he was destined to do, and send Link to the moon and blow all the competition out of the water.

>> No.57074340

Damn that yenta whore and her obsession with nigger dick. I guess all we can hope for now is LINK becoming the official currency of BLACKED.com.

>> No.57074364

Damn, this is the first fud that's actually affected me in a really long time.

I hope this is true. Dahlia's amazing, it would be a big loss if she quit.

>> No.57074405

Kek all the actual scientists are leaving, soon 100% of its employees will be HR roasties and advocates

>> No.57074623

Which other scientists have left?

>> No.57074828

Why would she quit a job where she's getting paid millions to do nothing except publish her students homework on a blog nobody reads? Fud: dispelled

>> No.57074879

Bullish for XRP. if anything has stability of value I would say XRP. it hasnt moved from 62 cents for forever. Before that it was stuck at 50 cents for a long ass time

>> No.57074908

she quit to work full time on BBC chain