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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57069573 No.57069573 [Reply] [Original]

>be 30
>entered 6 figure hell through high-pressure US job as contractor
>money is good but unsure how long this will last
>wife earns like shit cause we're east europoor so basically we're relying on my income for anything important
>parents getting older and they'll probably need financial support for health/retirement
>still years away from a decent home and/or any significant investment that would give me long-term relief
>can't get a mortgage and wouldn't want the burden of it for 20 years
>afraid of losing it all and having to go back to my previous europoor wages
>feels like the world is constantly devaluing any fiat savings
>investments barely keep up
>real estate getting more expensive by the minute
>money printer goes BRRRR
>I probably can't take 20+ more years of this job
>hell, don't even know if AI will make me obsolete in 5 years or if I get fired any quarter now
>wat do

I remember the days when I didn't believe 6 figure hell existed, but I was naive and I thought if I could last a year or two making $100k+ a year I'd be done. Yeah, just realizing it's not how it works and it feels badman.

How do I secure a future that's worth living? Do I gamble on shitcoins? Bitcoin maxi? Or just keep my head low and keep on working for 10 more years investing in some boomer meme ETF?

If you've been in my shoes pls help a fren

>> No.57069590

take a risk and start a business

>> No.57069758

this really seems like the only sensible way out. keep a low-mid effort up at job and focus most effort on a biz of my own.

>> No.57069807

There's no such thing as "6 figure hell", you just have come to the realisation that you have exactly the same problems as everyone in 5 figure hell; you can't afford a mortgage, your globohomo job will replace you at the first opportunity, and any wealth you accumulate with be inflated away. The solutions involve disengagement from this kind of economic slavery which most people are not willing to consider.

>> No.57069820

disengagement? like buying a cabin in the woods and living off the land? (implying I have the skills or the capital to secure large enough land)
or do you mean living off gibs and just not giving a shit?

>> No.57069916

Wait, you're making $100k in eastern europe? Or are you immigrants to the U.S.?
If it's the former aren't you basically upper class over there at that level of income?
If its the latter, live beneath your means, save up, and start investing in assets that will pay off over time.

>> No.57069941
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100k in eastern-europe places you at top 1% of society.

>> No.57069986

I thought it was a merchant meme, what a disappointment

>> No.57069993

Six figures is just beginning of hell. Only the beginning..

>> No.57070045

east EU but real estate got cucked in recent years and houses are now starting around $500k in my city. also I still have to pay taxes on the $100k so it's more like $70k net. so from an income perspective, yes it's top tier. but wealth isn't income.

if I didn't have to start from scratch + paying off debt and I was making this for 5-10 years then I'd be set, sure. but the possibility of that not happening is still strong, with pretty much the whole family relying on me financially, which is what freaks me out. if I get out of this position there's no guarantee I can land another full remote like it, and the idea of ever having to work again for local wages makes me wanna kms.

>> No.57070069

you work remote, move to a cheaper location

>> No.57070097

What fucking part of eastern europe are you living in that houses are $500k?
Am I not understanding something? COL in eastern Europe is like less than half of what it is in the U.S., how are you worse off than someone making less than that here?

>> No.57070886

>with pretty much the whole family relying on me financially

Tell them to fuck off. Unless you were referring to your wife and kids

>> No.57070950

>6-figure hell
that's life basically. 6-figure hell is the entire existence for most people. maybe I'll escape it myself in 30-40 years but at that point low 7 figures aint what it used to be.

>> No.57070972

I've read a lot of retarded shit on biz but congrats OP you top all the tards. If you can't make it with this income in eastern Europe you are just not meant to make it and you should start chasing some other dream before this one destroys you. You are prisoner, a hostage of your own mind.
T. Comfy retired Slovenian