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57064805 No.57064805 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize money was everything?

>> No.57064813

The inverse is also true.
I'm a klepto now.

>> No.57064960
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>> No.57065457

It is until it's not, once it's not then you will feel good.

>> No.57065461

First grade

>> No.57065474

Money doesn’t mean shit if you have poor health

>> No.57065539

Money is in the top 5 of most important things. Health and family rank higher, but money is critical.

>> No.57067008


>> No.57067029
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When every miserable, broke fuck in the 90's parroted "Money isn't everything" growing up

>> No.57067030

Money gives you the best chance at correcting health issues. Being poor will actively give you health issues.

>> No.57067134
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i think 2018 or so when i got heavily into crypto and seeing technology evolve while starting to consider biotech and ai in the future.

>> No.57067407

Yes, however if you lose your eyes no amount of money will buy them back. If your child passes away, no amount of money will buy them back.

Therefore family and health > money.

>> No.57067439

There's bound to be technology soon to either create completely artificial eyes or at least some kind of surgery to use the eyes from a cadaver. Either way it's going to be expensive as fuck.
Eventually we'll get to the point where we can scan brains and insert thoughts/memories/personalities into cloned bodies, death will be cheatable to those who can afford it.

>> No.57067447


>> No.57067449

>When did you realize money was everything?

>> No.57067451


>> No.57067466

If you read my previous post I said that money is in the top 5 most important things, retard. Just because I also said there are things that rank higher than money doesn't mean money isn't extremely important.

>> No.57067477

Within our lifetime for sure.
Money is the servant to protect such things. You're correct that It's not more important in itself because you'll be willing to part with it in exchange.

>> No.57067489

I'll buy a third worlder's eyes and their child

Money solved that issue, didn't it big guy?

>> No.57067539

>Within our lifetime for sure
Improbable. Additionally once we even get artificial eyes, the first generation will be trash. Also, let's say you are young, 22 years old now. If in 50 years they have rudimentary eyes to replace the ones you lost when you were 22, you'll be 72 and near death. Practically irrelevant.
>You're correct that It's not more important in itself because you'll be willing to part with it in exchange.
Yeah, it basically proves that family and health is more important.

>third worlder's eyes
They're useless to you. You can't just slam some guys eyes into your face and have it do something.
>raise a brown child
Not your genetics and you didn't get you beloved child back. Seems like you utterly failed, big guy.

>> No.57067577
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Strides are being made every day. Sure it's just cosmetic for now, but imagine a decade or two down the line, especially with the help of AI.


>> No.57067583

Failure to detect sarcasm is a sign of autism

>> No.57067603

>dude AI
Lol. Just look at prosthetic limbs, much simpler than the eye. They're still garbage. It will be a very long time before replacement eyes will be a thing.

>> No.57067674
File: 383 KB, 599x287, Transplant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget about artificial body parts for a second, we're probably gonna make better strides with organic replacements. Lab grown replacement body parts are gonna be a huge thing, but taking them from dead poor people will work for now. There's literally already been limb transplant surgeries, like pic related.
As for AI, my thought was along the lines of that Japanese one originally designed to recognize different kinds of donuts in real time. which got modified to be able to visually detect which individual cells were cancerous. Something like that one day could be used to individually connect optic nerve cells to a transplanted eye to make vision possible.

>> No.57067828

>t. retard

why do u keep engaging with someone that likely has half your iq?

>> No.57067834

when i was 18. but then i realized not going to jail was even more important.

>> No.57067845

The only thing above money is your health. If you haven't experienced a chronic condition that makes you wish you were never born then you would say otherwise. However saying that, if you have money then you can get treatment without waiting and by competent doctors so yh money kinda is everything assuming good health or chronic condition.

>> No.57067852


>> No.57067860

You and i are not the same, i spend 12h a day trying to get a 10x so i can start to pay for treatment instead i just get rugged becauae solana is a jeet chain.

>> No.57067872

You are right but money and health are correlated because if you need healthcare you need money. Free health are is joke.

>> No.57067882

That chick's body is actively trying to destroy those arms and has to take medications to suppress that. Additionally, she can't control the fingers. Mostly just meat sticks they sewed onto her.

Regardless, we're digressing. The point being that money is not more important than health or family. Theoretical future magical technology is meaningless.

>> No.57067906

>You are right but money and health are correlated
Yes, and you're also correct with your previous statement
>If you haven't experienced a chronic condition that makes you wish you were never born then you would say otherwise
Being told that maybe, probably, kinda it will be fixed if you have a lot of money decades from now doesn't mean much to you.

>> No.57067929

If I refused to interact with retards, I'd never login to 4chan in the first place.
If we start growing body parts in test tubes made from the cells of the original host, immunosuppressants will be unnecessary for transplants.
Without money, health and family are doomed. Just look at the entire third world doing slave labor and living in repugnant conditions that destroy their health and yet they bring in more souls into the world to share their miserable fate.

>> No.57067956

You can be poor and have good health and a family. If you family dies in a car accident, money will not bring them back.

Family and health > money. There really isn't a debate.

>> No.57067996

It's depression insurance, because even if you end up never falling in love and meeting someone special to make you happy, then at least you have the money to fall back on.

>> No.57068015

There are free exercises that you can do to improve your eyesight dumb fuck. We've known about it since the 1800's. They just don't want you to know about them. Look up print pushing:


>> No.57068127

When family needed medical care and the difference between good care and low-quality/no-care was money.

>> No.57068130

You can't have good health if you're poor, it's literally impossible. We're surrounded by poison and poor people have to work jobs that destroy their bodies. You shouldn't have family if you're poor, at least not children, otherwise you're just a cunt for putting them in the same position as yourself.
If you're rich, you can afford cars with the latest safety features, mitigating the likelihood of them dying in a car crash in the first place. Not to mention being poor will likely force you to be on the road A LOT more often including in unfavorable weather conditions and a dangerous amount of traffic.
Yeah that'll work great if you're in an accident that completely destroys your eyeballs.

>> No.57068148

>You can't have good health if you're poor, it's literally impossible
Factually, objectively, wrong.

>> No.57068164

>Family and health>money
money supports both family and health. without money, neither can do well. thus money>all

>> No.57068414
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>>830 A.D. for me.

>> No.57068416

By weighing money higher than family and health that means you would sacrifice family and health for money, which is stupid. Money is of lower value than health and family and you should sacrifice money for it.

>> No.57069588
File: 99 KB, 1484x1080, yes you know the source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when a goddamn dogcoin saved my fucking life
i didn't remembered having $VINU on my Vires wallet, I bought like $400 a few months ago and forgor
This week I started having some struggles with money and I remembered about those $400, turns out I have $1200 and now I'm able to survive two months more

>> No.57069601


>> No.57069609

When did you realize everything is literally penis?