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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 612x408, Golf-for-business-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57065956 No.57065956 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth investing time and Money into learning to Golf? People say some of the biggest businesses deals are made on the golf course. Also you can play until you're old as hell

>> No.57066077

>Is it worth investing time and Money into learning to Golf
Maybe if you're the CEO of a business. You can learn to play golf in a month. Much better investments for the average person on this board would be investing in your career growth and general fitness.

>> No.57066241
File: 17 KB, 260x257, 1642046198085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dudes that learn golf to get deals are the same dudes that join book clubs to meet chaste girls. Everyone sees what you're doing, nobody wants you there, you contribute nothing

Any physical sport you can play as a geriatric 105 year old is a sport for larpers and golf sucks.

Unless you're just getting fuckeyed on long island iced teas at 11am and jumping the rental carts off the sand dunes don't bother

>> No.57066282

>Maybe if you're the CEO of a business
People play golf at all levels
>you're just getting fuckeyed on long island iced teas at 11am and jumping the rental carts off the sand dunes
Sounds like a good time

>> No.57066296

You should learn to play golf because you enjoy it not to suck old white dude's cock. People play golf to relax and improve their game.

Will people talk about stocks, work, and other business related stuff? Yeah, they will sometimes, but that's not why they are there. If you suck horribly people won't wanna keep playing with you, unless they really like you.

It's fun, but don't be a poser. It can be a very frustrating game, and there is a lot of etiquette to learn.

>> No.57066453

>You should learn to play golf because you enjoy it
>Dudes that learn golf to get deals are the same dudes
Hey newfags, believe it or not people say "financially speaking" so the Jannies will delete the post. Lurk more

>> No.57066553

>You can learn to play golf in a month.

>> No.57066603

OP just go to a driving range. Hire a pitching wedge, 8 iron, 6 iron, 3 iron and driver. Get a bucket of balls and work through them in that order. Start at 50% power and slowly get to 90-100% then move up.
You'll either suck terribly or be somewhat natural. If you suck terribly it's probably a good idea to quit unless you love it. If you enjoy it, even if you suck, keep doing that for a while before going to a real course.
Playing golf vidya unironically helps with shot selection and knowing the game.

>> No.57066612

>You can learn to play golf in a month

t. Someone who can't play golf

>> No.57066708
File: 61 KB, 1200x628, Deer-Creek-Golf-Business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, my brother gave me hits beginner set of clubs. Do people normally wait years before getting custom clubs?

>> No.57066792

>Do people normally wait years before getting custom clubs?

Wait until you actually know how to play before buying new clubs. I started playing golf 3 years and still use my first free set because I'm not good enough for it to matter much. You can also get a lot clubs for free just making friends, and people will often give you their old clubs they don't want.

Your technique matters 1,000 times more than your equipment. Once you're consistent enough to finish 18-holes somewhat close to par, you can add some clubs that will expand your game, but otherwise you'd just be buying clubs to flex on your buddies.

>> No.57066885

Like the other anon said focus on your game. I use mostly second hand (expensive) clubs. Lots of people buy expensive gear thinking it'll magically make them better then sell it to me 6 months later when it doesn't.