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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.29 MB, 2020x1356, __KEK__DOUGIE_____.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57038657 No.57038657 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>Brandon Adam Meadows and his $10.85 billion Claim

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>The BLIND bid IPO

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

>Temporary alliance with jews and reddit we can go back to hating each other later
>Don't take any DD for fact use your brain

>As always
Kek bondies

Previousneed on /BBBYQ/:

>> No.57038699

>$44 cash per share?

>> No.57038704

>I have no shares but I must sneed.

>> No.57038847
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Good morning. It's another beautiful day awaiting our equity distribution. It is exciting to be part of a landmark bankruptcy case like no other in history. With fraud investigations being led by the greatest law firms to ever play the game and the DOJ itself, it sure is comfy being on the long side with shares locked in a trust that are already paid for. Could you imagine being short in this situation, with the obligation to buy back some mystery equity pending the results of the bankruptcy? Uh oh, stinky!

>> No.57039185

>according to a trust me bro from some swedish anon
we all are going to wagmi

>> No.57039223

Nobody who has made it this far would consneed at such a low, low price. $44 is the floor.

>> No.57039259

>cash + equity
>$44 is the floor.
for cash, yes. I believe $6,900 is the floor for equity (Teddy) if issued on tZERO.

>> No.57040075

kek baggies

>> No.57040086

X space live

>> No.57040101

BBBaggies are nothing but targets for various griftoids aren't they?

>> No.57040144
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>> No.57040177

Jake2B X space live

>> No.57040209

When I say NOLs, you say gone

>> No.57040229

>he doesn't NOL

>> No.57040270

they joined jake's space >>57040177

>> No.57040462

Stock is canceled and cannot be uncanceled. Shorts are closed and cannot be reopened.

>> No.57040484
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>> No.57040519
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>> No.57040551

Here, have a (you), it’s Christmas.

>> No.57040603
File: 237 KB, 490x550, 1594573609470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like it's gonna be a dead hedgie filled christmas.

Meanwhile Biden continually pushes us towards world war 3, what a fucking time.

>> No.57040645

Why hedge a bet when you can dead a hedge?

>> No.57040654

>Biden pushing for WW3
>Epstein trial releasing info

Yeah I'm thinking we're gonna wagmi it with some misdirection to distract the normans from catching on to how much fucking money they lost out on.

>> No.57040955

Everything is actually going fine for people who aren't you

>> No.57041046
File: 58 KB, 1200x675, FQRdGN6XIAMAHjv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would someone come all the way to an esoteric underwater basket weaving forum to assure strangers that they are okay?

>> No.57041066

because you're going to be rich and we're jealous. This is your sign that you have been right about everything you've ever thought. Great moves, keep it up.

>> No.57041074

Was getting your stock cancelled part of your plan?

>> No.57041095
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Of course! JPM refused our offer, so we paid them off and are in full control.

>> No.57041242

If we get $44 per share that literally will give me exactly SIX MILLION DOLLARS.

Shills in shambles.

>> No.57041243

Plan administrator has now explicitly stated there are no NDAs, Ryan Cohen isn’t involved in any way, and there is no merger.

>> No.57041268

best we can do is $0.00
sent from my iPhone

>> No.57041270

You’ve literally posted this almost everyday for weeks. Do you really do this completely for free? What a strange way to spend your free time. Why do you care?

>> No.57041279

Because it makes you mad. Now please try to convince me you aren’t mad.

>> No.57041281
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Sauce pls

>> No.57041297

You are like a hand rubbing pharisee saying this to Jesus as he is suffering on the cross, only to be proven wrong when he returns from the grave.

>> No.57041299

Why would you keeping these threads alive make me mad? I’ve pretty often thanked you for your service.

>> No.57041304

Because linking to the meltdown sub will further enrage baggies and trigger replies so seething that they won’t even link to my post:

>> No.57041311

82 days later
Still $0/ share
Shills got the final kek
Baggies BTFO

>> No.57041320

Ahhhh, That’s the stuff.

>> No.57041339

Can I ask why exactly are the meltdowners following this at all?

>> No.57041348

You’re here forever.

>> No.57041369

Jesus never came back in real life, anon. The apostles were the original baggies

>> No.57041393
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>> No.57041449

Unironically TYFYS. I've never seen a version of this that wasn't sliced to pieces. Who is Colin Fausnaught, and why does he have such a keen interest in these proceedings?

>> No.57041456

this thread is offtopic to /biz/
this isn't a stock, this isn't a bond, this isn't a futures contract, this isn't a crypto currency
this is a cult

>> No.57041470

Yes, you can ask me that.

>> No.57041487

Kirkland and Ellis also confirms that it’s over and there is no merger.

>> No.57041488
File: 178 KB, 466x2048, plan-admin-dunks-on-apes-some-more-it-is-liquidating-and-v0-9364qnwfrh7c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that why a neurotech/brain manipulation guy is supposedly in communication with the plan administrator?

>> No.57041505
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It's a kind of morbid thrill to watch people throwing reality out of the window and spin strange stories about how they "already won" when all they did was losing money.

>> No.57041544
File: 1.00 MB, 1776x1098, Michael I Goldberg Will Save Us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neurotech/brain manipulation guy
source on credentials, Mr. Racist digits?
>in communication with the plan administrator
You mean this gentleman?

>> No.57041546

>YoU wOuLdN't Be MaKiNg FuN oF mE iF wE wErE wRoNg
Most bizarre cope ever conceived by gme/bbbyq baggies, a literal mindfuck, and they say it on 4chan of all places.

>> No.57041567
File: 833 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20231220-131827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's all very interesting

>> No.57041603

There is no secret plot. There is no puzzle here.
-Plan Admin


>> No.57041628



>> No.57041640

>YouTube link
I’m not going to put my banking login credentials at risk.

>> No.57041652

>all they did was losing money.

>> No.57041694
File: 844 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20231220-132821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also very interesting that Colin Fausnaught has only been involved with bbby since October of 2023, according do his LinkedIn and an interview he did with BCI guys, his neurotech company. Why would you build a decentralized crypto platform for an already bankrupt and defunct towel retailer? Very, very interesting.

>> No.57041701

To be fair. Some people made good money with BBBY. But holding it to zero and thinking that's winning is retarded.

>> No.57041758

What's wrong, downies? No more reddit links to speak for you? That's okay, I'll give you a moment to recoup in your discord. Thank you for giving me information I would not have received otherwise. I look forward to your further contributions. TYFYS

>> No.57041812

>Quoting an LLM
show any mention of BBBY from his linkedin

>> No.57041830
File: 67 KB, 98x117, 1686965647762172.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had me going for a second but (You) laid it on too thick with those last couple posts. Is there any genuine baggies left or are we all just shitposting at each other?

>> No.57041854
File: 953 KB, 2250x1502, Sea-Lion-Baby-Max-0001-8088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've done enough spoonsneeding for you.

>> No.57041868

Yes we’re all here larping as holders and shills every hour of every day.

>> No.57041879

You ever watch cult documentaries? It’s like that

>> No.57041903

Obviously I wouldn't say that if I hadn't already checked. No reference to BBBY on his LinkedIn.

>> No.57041933

I know you are lying, because his LinkedIn is not publicly available
>inb4 that means the ai webscrapers can't see it either
Lie more sisyshilly

>> No.57041969
File: 573 KB, 1440x2399, Screenshot_20231220-145342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they just range blocked India? Available on my end.

>> No.57042009

Damn ngl I thought you were pulling some BS with your AI stuff, but that's crazy if it actually got that right. I didn't know they did that sort of thing. What's the model's name?

>> No.57042031

I consneed. I see what you're seeing. I was using the link off the bciguys website, which I guess doesn't work anymore: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fcompany%2F69394110%2Fadmin%2F&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AOvVaw3wbQBXGoS-aflUVXP49ClL

It's still strange that their official site is linked to a different LinkedIn that apparently used to say otherwise. The point also still stands that it's really weird that he is so actively involved in discussing this "dead" stock.

>> No.57042045

It's chatgpt4.0 on bing.

>> No.57042068
File: 255 KB, 356x420, 1660769540184495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured it out: Colin co-mingled investor funds from his existing projects with his own and bought BBBY because "it was a sure thing" and now desperately needs that money back before his backers find out. This guy might become a ledgie himself.

>> No.57042069

Here is where chatgpt sourced the link, for reference. Broken LinkedIn link is at the bottom of the page: https://www.bciguys.com/about-us

>> No.57042154

If you take that broken link and plug it into way back machine, it references a now scrubbed snapshot from February 2nd which we can no longer access. Also quite interesting.

>> No.57042548
File: 17 KB, 338x177, Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 3.37.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pulte got away with being a grifting nigger.
>RC sat and watched all of this take place on twitter since 2022
>You faggots are still sititng on space calls now calling the plan admin and kirkland & ellis a shill

Pulte is still abulatory and actively shifting the community to PHM (which has never been more profitable)

>> No.57042608

meh, still seems like tricks
not selling

>> No.57042621

>meh, still seems like tricks
>not selling
You have nothing to sell... At least no BBBY shares.

>> No.57042633

The important part is that you keep tuning in to the pp show and donating.

>> No.57042669
File: 60 KB, 858x960, 1698095632026882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no bags; how can you kek my bags? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. I have no bags; how can you kek my bags? Shame on you, sweet shill retard.

>> No.57042699

Lol, pp invited the plan admin on his show claiming that the email answers just aren’t clear enough. lol

PP knows he’ll refuse, so he can use that refusal as “see! He’s running from the truth!”

>> No.57042742

Your very existence is a bag for me to kek.

>> No.57042754

Okay this is exciting.

>> No.57042777

I don't kek bags that are gone. I kek you in person because you are clinging to a non existent reality. +I am not even paid for this. The keks are for free and it feeds my autism.

>> No.57042828

checked and based

>> No.57042885

I imagine you baggies at holiday gatherings, telling everyone (who are already completely sick of hearing about your “investments”) about “Teddy keiretsu”, your key to success and riches. A conglomerate formed from the corpses of blockbuster, bbby, Toys’r’Us and other rightfully dead obsolete retailers. This vision brings me a great deal of laughter and joy. Thank you, baggies. Keep those hopes way up and never let anyone silence you! Tell the world about Teddy keiretsu! lmfao

>> No.57042924

Obligatory checked. Also, I usually am against you shills, but given the Pulte meetup and everyone being a grifting nigger lately, I'm going to agree with you for the first time. Godspeed.

>> No.57043026
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>> No.57043066


>> No.57043086


>> No.57043101

<Framing your son beside some motivational quotes from the internet.
<On the same wall some retarded grifters from the internet.
Yeah, I pity the child.

>> No.57043111

Use this please.

>> No.57043126

How much are your imaginary shares worth today illusionary baggies?

>> No.57043158

Shills only exist to bump my breads. TYFYS, and please continue, bump baggie.

>> No.57043181

Surprisingly based for a shillfag. Nice digits. Here's a (You)

>> No.57043200

“Teddy keiretsu”

>> No.57043238

>You must be getting paid to mock my failed investment based on twitter tator card readings

I would call you a baggie but we all know you have no bags left. Just delusions.
Wonder how long they will last.

In all fields.

>> No.57043283

Oh now you want to be fair you fucking faggot. I bought in under 10 cents with 1k, made 3k on this bitch, and you monkey fuckers were pissing your pussies about the whole fucking thing. Fuck you and every faggot in that office

>> No.57043301
File: 17 KB, 316x316, JA_Crown-Of-Creation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So RC/Elon/Pulte & whoever else go hard with the Jefferson Airplane stuff. Even Bed ((Surrealistic Pillow), Bath (After Bathing at Baxter's), & Beyond (Crown of Creation) lines up with this discography. Obviously white rabbit, the chopsticks in the nose (drumsticks on the nose lyrics in the song about staying young), and so many others. I was hoping to start a discussion about the bigger picture. I just haven't had the time to go through it all so I have no idea what all clues there are.

You can obviously see this place is overrun with shills. They are putting ALOT of time in to their shilling which is 100% confirmation long holders of BBBY are set. Let's not argue with the "durrrr the stock is dead" comments. You know shills and hedge funds are absolutely retarded and have never said anything interesting that made you think or even laugh (try to find one comment). Seriously they are low intelligence and cannot raise the bar above "hehe stock dead". So let's ignore the flood of those comments. You won, the bots here confirmed it. So maybe we can discuss other points.

So one thing I was curious about is in the song "The House of Pooneil Corners" they state "which is why Pooh is Poohing". Whats the meaning here? Why poo? I don't know all lyrics so maybe there is another lyric that hints at something about this? I want to tie it all together, this "event" is obviously bigger than the marker. What did Jefferson Airplane tell us?

>> No.57043366

this is sickening. a redditor pointed at the GMEdd interview (which came months after the rugpull, and RC couldn't really say anything because of the standstill) where RC said his views changed and he sold, but you can't ignore the context of what was said and done both before and after the rugpull. RC also liked pulte's tweet about how "only the young" was going to be very important one day. this was AFTER the rugpull. and it's disgusting how little transparency there was to shareholders considering that it was a public company, as to why RC was named as a creditor, co-debtor etc. they kept hudson bay's involvement a secret from the SEC filings but leaked it to the press anyway. if really nothing happens then RC and pulte are the biggest faggot larpers who should be lynched. probably thousands of people including myself lost their life savings. this shouldn't be taken lightly.

>> No.57043460

If only someone had warned you!

>> No.57043470

Hope the pp socks keep your feet warm on the streets faggot.
What's that saying? With Jews you win?

>> No.57043484
File: 32 KB, 600x315, CIR7jvq5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baggies, our response?

>> No.57043489

nigger shut the fuck up. This adderall rambling makes zero sense.
>Kirkland & Ellis confirmed its over
>The Plan Admin said its over


Theres no fucking "clues" you adolescent child.

>> No.57043510
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>> No.57043524

we were led to believe that RC had special knowledge about market mechanics, that he was possibly a figurehead for a larger entity such as blackrock that was going to squeeze citadel's nuts as revenge for the tesla squeeze, and he 100% played into it with his cryptic tweets. then when BBBY started to squeeze and went on reg sho twice it seemed as validation of our theories. as much as adam aron sucks, he was relatively open and honest about not knowing about naked shorts, needing to dilute etc, meanwhile RC is posting al capone and muhammad ali quotes, pulte is posting mt rushmoore with his and RC's face photoshopped onto it etc

>> No.57043592

That's a good point but it's a reach. "The Saga of Sydney Spacepig" was a song added way later. It was one of 2. It's hard to tell if anything interesting is said in it. It's 10 min long. I do hear something about the CIA though. TSSS, Transit Safety & Security Solutions...hmmm. Does have to do with rail transportation and RC did mention rails. I don't know, it's a reach and I'm not digging into that now. But who knows? Keep it up, we know there is some life in thar empty shell of a person you have to be to do what you've been doing. I know you can find more. Stick with Jefferson Airplane...

>> No.57043598

pulte keeps hinting that there's more to it, and RC keeps liking pulte's tweets and pulte thought RC was going to show up at the pulte x ppshow event if it wasn't for legal issues, instead we got larry cheng who should know better than to make an appearance in front of the financial equivalent of qanon if that's what it is.

>> No.57043616

Who led you to believe that?

>> No.57043623
File: 27 KB, 399x393, fggt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sal, you stupid fucking unwavering nigger

>> No.57043625

home run, chippa

>> No.57043630

I'm sorry this happened to you man, I hope youll be alright

>> No.57043640
File: 8 KB, 192x262, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah in the song "Lather" they say "But wait, oh Lather's productive, you know
He produces the finest of sound
Putting drumsticks on either side of his nose
Snorting the best licks in town
But that's all over"

Good catch you piece of shit you. Now that definitely means something. We see post himself with TWO sticks up each side of his nose. No doubt it's related. What was he trying to say there? This one's on you, no asking the pedos you're with, this one you van figure out. But I'm impressed. Keep them coming!

>> No.57043673

>You simply don't understand.
It's BBBover

>> No.57043696

Why are you acting like he was struck by a meteorite? Hs own foolishness and refusal to listen to sense, logic, or reason led him here. He blindly trusted Jews and retards, he is exactly where he belongs.

At zero point fucking zero.

>> No.57043700




>> No.57043704
File: 418 KB, 1200x1200, a2229204971_10-32728115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct, RC made a ton of references to music. There is a weird one, a song called "3/5 of a Mile in 10 Seconds". Lot of numbersbers in there, seems different. Verse 3 is interesting. Have RC said anything about smoking?

>> No.57043705

No let's wait for Goldberg to appear at the show.

>> No.57043707
File: 13 KB, 251x201, cc1f965acdd594a3dba4c5a0be7233e10fd669399cb736c035645c6029fc6bb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The PA is being very vocal about all of this. Certainly this isn't contrived.

>> No.57043709

>Calm down retard. I bought at 5$ and sold at 23$. Not everyone likes to do penny stocks. Holding to zero is still retarded.
Why are you hanging out here if it's not for the keks if you took your profits?

>> No.57043717

Literally every crypto thread. Literally every stock, literally every forum on any stock that isn’t a blue chip. Yet you spend your time….right…..here. Bbbaggie bbberkshire?

>> No.57043741

He already said no. And he told pp it’s over.

>> No.57043752

>implying every other grift thread doesn’t also spend 90% of posts claiming they get the most shills of any thread.

>> No.57043775

It's like watching an ex on insta. I had fun with you and now I watch your next steps. I wished you the best. But you guys choose to drown yourself in a toilet. I can't press stop now.

>> No.57043776

I know why people who spend there time here. Because they want to make sure they didn’t make a mistake selling there bbby. Because actually the ch11 isn’t finished, so nobody knows the outcome yet…but if I sold, personally, and I’m saying me, if I sold, and this ended up being a Berkshire play, I would actually jump off a bridge.
I’m not saying you should! I’m just saying I wouldn’t be able to live with the fact that god gave me Berkshire for Pennie’s and I refused because of my ego.

>> No.57043838

so now that it's been revealed the plan administrator is a shill, what's next?
can we sue him maybe?
he's saying RC is not involved when we know he is.

>> No.57043951

>The plan administrator, the person who holds the fate of baggies in their hands, is a shill
Shillsisters...we won

>> No.57043966

I love that you think this is compelling. I am going to be so sad when “Teddy keiretsu” rises from the ashes to dominate the new economy! Oh, if only I had believed in “Teddy keiretsu”

>> No.57044041

Today is one of the worst days for baggies in a long time. The PA is very clearly telling the baggies it’s over. I wonder how PP can twist this into “it’s just not clear.” Because the PA is being very, very clear.

>> No.57044055
File: 383 KB, 2047x1637, qctKDmV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, look at all the interest in this still. 24 hr/day, everyday it is being closely monitored. Plus you can tell when it's (((them))). It's the same regurgitated lines every time. Plus you can tell by the anger. I'm so glad I grabbed some of this while it was insanely cheap. But I still think it's something bigger. It's more than just another Berkshire Hathaway. I think it's going to kick off either something huge being exposed. They got some secrets on some higher ups. Then they will hit them economically. But they have something even bigger than both of those 2 things. They have some kind of knowledge that needs to be shared. Something that will completely change everything. Could be great, could be horrible for us. Bit it feels like it transcends the economy. They keep hinting a digging deeper.

But getting exposed (probably child trafficking is part of it) will be huge. These people are sick. I've even heard that even the people/employees at the bottom of these corrupt corporations are fucked. They know what they are part of. You know the ENTIRE system is beyond repair. I have a feeling there is no fixing it at this point. So something big has to happen. The people at the bottom (like the accounts in forums) are going to get thrown under the bus first. It will work at first, they'll be screwed, but everything will still get exposed. These banks, Wall Street, etc think they know what's going on, but they don't. It's going to blindside a lot of these people at the bottom of the totem pole.

>> No.57044074

>Kais is stalking the PA now and posting pictures of him as he follows him down the street

>> No.57044119

but I thought Michael I. Goldberg will save us?

>> No.57044146

Isn’t Goldberg associated with the FBI? That’s a federal offense to stalk a federal law enforcement official, and they do not fuck around with that. Kais finna end up in rikers bro

>> No.57044151

>it wasn't sent on an iPhone

>> No.57044153


>> No.57044172

You baggies are going to let pp work out of all the bullshit he talked and just follow him to the next grift, lol. Be a man, stand up for yourself, and demand accountability from him.

Your only chance to get any money now is to sue pp and Pulte for fraud.

>> No.57044192
File: 291 KB, 675x900, 1702863774827316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally trust PP just by looking at him.

>> No.57044214

Baggies - call one of the law firms that sued Alex Jones. They’re used to going after online grifters, and have experience cutting through the “this is just entertainment!” bullshit.

>> No.57044222
File: 110 KB, 853x1000, 73lufb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always tell when truth gets dropped when shillfags reply in all caps. Good job, anon.

>> No.57044233

Kek, the nose gets bigger everytime it's posted.

>> No.57044243

>he doesn't know
Anon, I...

>> No.57044250

>He doesn't know that I know
Always one step behind. That's why you're a shill.

>> No.57044253

Remember baggies
>Trust the plan (administrator)

>> No.57044261
File: 34 KB, 241x366, donate goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been found out
I recoil

>> No.57044264
File: 45 KB, 640x738, 3bdd27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically

>> No.57044276

Ryan Cohen
In general, when an executive gets paid millions of dollars and leaves a company in shambles, they should be forced to return the money
4:31 PM · Jul 5, 2022

>> No.57044279

I appreciate a good non sequitur every now and then, but this wasn't a good one. You can do better.

>> No.57044290

>You can do better.
I already never bought BBBags.

>> No.57044305

I won't repeat myself, you wouldn't catch on anyways.

>> No.57044344

great find. pulte also amplified the sentiment of what bruno posted about mark tritton's buybacks and insider trading. and michael goldberg confirmed that they have lawyers looking at it.

>> No.57044345

NOLs are confirmed to no longer exist.
Credit bid is confirmed to be impossible.
RC involvement ruled out.
Merger ruled out.

What’s left baggies? I imagine you’ll think the PA emails are fake for a few days, but you know that won’t hold.

>> No.57044362
File: 44 KB, 499x533, IMG_4522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over the last few weeks I have spent hundreds of hours getting up to speed on a subject that I'm not all that interested in, just so I could go into an esoteric forum that's dedicated to discussing said subject, all so that I can berate/troll these people, but mostly try to help them since I'm now up to date on all the relevant information.

I think the world is poised for a renaissance given how many people are so willing to blow hundreds of hours of their own time just to help others.

I am truly blessed you are willing to quickly catch up on info as it comes out just to rush into online discussion spaces to warn us all against the incorrect interpretations.

When we get new teddy shares issues, and possibly a dividend I will surely sell the shares for a low price given how demoralized I am. I will also save the cash dividend as well. Why would I hold teddy shares into the thousands, and use the dividend to buy more shares straight away? This would hurt hedge funds and their prime brokers, who would do such a thing to such an altruistic set of entities?

>> No.57044367

>He forgot to put "Sent from my iPhone"

>> No.57044372

The plan administrator has clarified that you are not getting any teddy shares.

>> No.57044378

Shills cannot refute this. Either the emails are real and they're fucked, or they're liars like always. It's a shit lose-lose life for our sisyshillies.

>> No.57044465

I just want it to finally get real awkward real soon in the gme thread.

>> No.57044471


>> No.57044482
File: 209 KB, 1002x771, you can do better than 500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I won't repeat myself, you wouldn't catch on anyways.

>> No.57044501

Post it again, and please draw more attention to my posts. I want this thread to hit bump limit. Can you tell me why you're not allowed to bump your own threads?

>> No.57044509
File: 15 KB, 633x758, l9cby426oap71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post it again, and please draw more attention to my posts.

>> No.57044522

Baggies getting absolutely dunked on this thread. Bloodbath.

>> No.57044557

Just like every other bbby thread for the past 18 months or so lol
KEK BAGGIES especially baggies who believe in “Teddy keiretsu”

>> No.57044567


Looks like he needs time to figure out how to spin todays bad news.

>> No.57044570
File: 152 KB, 800x434, IMG_8003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn yeah you fuddies are really winning today.

>> No.57044588

1. What news?
2. Why is there still news coming out for a bankrupt cancelled stock?
Really I don’t know anything about what’s going on. I don’t watch pp and I only bought this stock because glowniggers told me not to.

>> No.57044592

Kek baggies

Sent from my iphone

>> No.57044626

>what news
The plan administrator has said there is no merger, there are no NOLs, there are no NDAs, there is no credit bid, and Ryan Cohen is not involved.

>> No.57044633

Damn I guess it’s over then. You can finally leave.

>> No.57044646

>1. What news?
Michael I. Goldberg (should have saved us) said, in so many words, that it is over. >>57043484
>2. Why is there still news coming out for a bankrupt cancelled stock?
Because Alexander "PPSeeds" Zarac keeps making up news and stringing former BBBaggies (former because they don't have bags anymore).
>You can finally leave.
Sorry, we get to laugh at you until (You) leave

>> No.57044649

I am cursed to remain here until the last baggie ropes.

>> No.57044721

Well either way Thank you both for your service. You both know so much about a stock you clearly never held and also literally doesn’t exist anymore. I don’t know what most anons would do if there weren’t good samaritans such as yourselves not only kekking us but also being so informative.

>> No.57044775

You know, your sarcastic appreciation is actually quite hurtful. Be better.

>> No.57044802

How many shares does the plan administrator hold?
How much does the plan administrator know?

>> No.57044830

What happened to hey_ross? Why do all the pp baggies say he’s a shill now? Seeing how fast everyone turned on him, I’m guessing he faintly criticized the cult leader in public.

>> No.57044835
File: 1.45 MB, 1170x1969, IMG_7848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57044870


Real_Eyezz has also gone dark. Lots of big name baggies are throwing in the towel.

>> No.57044890
File: 2.21 MB, 3834x1870, FNVzQHZXEAMpebb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't listen to the plan admin, Kirkland & Ellis have been involved far longer

>> No.57044924


>> No.57044941

What to baggies actually think shills are being paid for? You literally can’t sell so why would anyone pay shills to try to convince you to sell?

>> No.57044942

>throwing in the towel

>> No.57044961
File: 131 KB, 1200x800, IMG_8004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn’t being sarcastic.

>> No.57044973
File: 131 KB, 1037x992, 1693249389586238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Michael Goldberg is baggie handler

>> No.57044988

>pulte tells baggies to lawyer up and start taking action
>the lawyers are now telling the baggies their theories are retarded

LMAO. BBBaggies will literally NEVER recover from this

Hope you saved some of your money to invest in PHM! kek baggies

>> No.57045052

This has to be the end right?
Baggies emailing the plan admin who says “guys there is no restructuring there is no new equity there is no involvement from ryan cohen its just dead”
Unironically how do they recover from this. It could not be more cut and dry than this

>> No.57045071
File: 55 KB, 600x600, life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope,uh, finds a way

>> No.57045075

>the PA is lying!
>the PA doesn’t know the truth!
Both are retarded. But expect the baggies to latch on to this.

>> No.57045107

RC sold his shares and then called baggies retarded in court for holding but they still worship him so I wouldn’t be surprised at any level of mental gymnastics at this point

>> No.57045123
File: 677 KB, 1125x1894, IMG_3235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he’s not giving to give material non public information to random people sending him emails
>yet in pic rel. you’re sending an email
This fucking faggot is so cringe.

>> No.57045163

Tell us you're from reddit without telling us you're from reddit

>> No.57045169

I mean, there's still SEARS baggies out there, just look at that situation to get a clue about what's gonna happen here

the BBBY DD writers are all basically abandon ship at this point and trying to delete evidence in case of lawsuits and SEC investigations

and they've been bleeding baggies at high rates for the past 2 months as they're returning to GME and AMC

give it another few months and you'll have like 4 remaining apes. PP and Pulte will move on to real estate scams, sal will probably run a pump and dump crypto coin and bail, and the last baggies will stay obsessed with a towel stock for another 5 years, waiting for literally anything to happen (but nothing will)

tldr it's just Safemoon again

>> No.57045178

>tldr it's just Safemoon again
Which is ironic since PP was a SafeMoon baggie too

>> No.57045189

Isn't this exactly the same "evidence" that has you trannies so hot and bothered?

>> No.57045247

I was going to ask why the shills stopped posting, but I'm guessing the PPshow just started? You fags are hilariously obsessed.

>> No.57045251

>Thank you both for your service

Sent from my iphone

>> No.57045274

>I'm guessing the PPshow just started?
It got cancelled just like your stock
Sent from my iPhone

>> No.57045281

Gotta tune in to the pee pee show, get all the latest Dee Dee about “Teddy keiretsu” :)

>> No.57045282

>It got cancelled

>> No.57045334
File: 179 KB, 1067x851, 1702579875847723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say its canceled everyday because they don't want you to watch it

Its hilarious

>> No.57045338

Let me know the good news. It's nice that I have a whole team of fags to watch that show so I don't have to.

>> No.57045353

So PP is just making up discussion he had with the plan administrator, but won’t show those. lol

>> No.57045371

What the fuck are you even trying to say?

>> No.57045374

The good news is that even though you’re a gullible loser who is bad at investing, I’m still willing to talk to you. Only in these threads, though, I can’t be seen associating with baggots outside of your little containment thread. So buck up, little baggot! ;)

>> No.57045385

I believe this is what you redditors refer to a "whoosh"

>> No.57045396

90% of the mentions of reddit are from you and the OP.

>> No.57045397

I believe you are what everybody refers to as a “dumb faggot”

>> No.57045408
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>> No.57045412
File: 400 KB, 400x278, tenor (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more my reddit faggies. Just keep me posted on the PP show. I'm not gay enough to watch, but I'd like to know what he's saying anyways. I know you can't resist but to report back to me. It's only a matter of time, and I'm patient man.

>> No.57045419

PP said to move on from bbby and start buying phm.

And I’m 45. I’m telling you to not buy phm. Don’t do it.

>> No.57045426

>pp says shills keep claiming the show is canceled
Confirmed (again) that pp is in these threads.

>> No.57045432

I don't get the 45 reference. I'm guessing it's a GME thing? I have nothing against GameStop, but you maxis are a special breed.

>> No.57045437

>38 posts
Lets be honest, youre refreshing kroll, refreshing your inbox waiting for (((Goldberg))) to save you, updooting childrens book "DD" (none of which has been right), in a space call with unwavering niggers (who have also never been right) and superchatting Alex as we speak. You dont need my updates.

>> No.57045457

But I do. The only thing I'm refreshing is this bread, and I would be able to do it less often if you discord fags didn't sperg so much.

>> No.57045480

Wow, this must be the power of ~unwavering conviction~. The one and only thing you CANT buy from Teddy keiretsu!

>> No.57045485

You still think people need to organize and "prep" in order to engage with a group that has literally never been right once and has lost their entire savings to a jew.

You spent $500 +tip for Coors light and a spot in the back of a hangar (didn't even shake pulte's hand) and think I need to strategize to engage with you?

>> No.57045506

I will also give you a (you)
(you) are not getting anything.

>> No.57045508




wtf I never said any of that?? Anyways, since you're here, there's this company

>> No.57045533

PP: you should all ignore what the plan admin says from here out. He’s just lying.

>> No.57045539

Lmao, fuggin checked! Did he really say that?
(To the rest of you fags, why can't you play nice like this guy?)

>> No.57045548

Look at all this sweet delicious seethe.
$45 per share.
Plus equity in Teddy on the blockchain.

>> No.57045597
File: 262 KB, 1265x661, IMG_5728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you not entertained? Look what the bbberkshire bbbaggies have done!

>> No.57045611

Is bbberkshire bbbaggies a subsidiary of Teddy keiretsu?

>> No.57045624
File: 1.64 MB, 1024x1072, ftwpurple_a_painting_of_a_astronaut_holding_a_glowing_teddy_bea_9d349ea9-e2ac-4974-8ea4-f71c2e094914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57045655

For me most of the fun is reading about how they interpret a tweet from their abuser as some sort of obscure hint that he's going to suddenly stop abusing them and make them all millionaires instead. You don't have to understand their mental gymnastics to laugh at them, but it does add some depth to the ironies at play here.

>> No.57045681

kek, hilarious if true
sent from my iphone

>> No.57045907

The baggot truely is a marvelous paypig. You can pump and dump it and still it blindly gives you all it's money.
Then feed it some absolute low effort bullshit that makes no sense and it will give you what little money it's made since your last milking.

>> No.57045922

I feel like Cohen is done milking them for the moment and is now leasing or selling them off to Pulte. These guys get passed around like a $5 hooker, but I think they make less money for far more fucking.

>> No.57045945

The jews will just pass them around and each have their turn. Not like goyim are people, no need to feel bad about it. The way the baggots act I can't say I blame them.

>> No.57045970
File: 2.00 MB, 500x208, ShilliesInaBBBYQThread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek seethies

>> No.57045980

Yeah it's hard to feel much pity for someone that openly abuses the people trying to warn them of danger. I assume they want to get fucked by various obvious scams. It's their plan. They lose all their money but they have people constantly telling them they're very smart and will soon be wealthy. A fair trade until it all ends.

>> No.57045987
File: 87 KB, 1200x680, IMG_1682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to thank everyone who keeps up to date on an investment they don’t really care about that much. Your information is interesting given you don’t care about it, and spend an obscene amount of time on here and other online spaces trying to control narratives.

>> No.57045991

You’ll be able to rent great movies like this one from the Blockbuster division of Teddy keiretsu!

>> No.57046008

The take away from tonight’s episode - PP says he knows more about the bankruptcy plan than the plan administrator, so trust PP and ignore the plan administrator. lmao

>> No.57046022
File: 97 KB, 1086x378, thanks for the donation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trust PP

>> No.57046031




>> No.57046037

This is my favorite reddit colony. That live show in the hanger was an absolute cringe mine. Physically painful in a cathartic way.

>> No.57046042
File: 40 KB, 651x513, 1627002342374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57046126

Lol, PP is seething hard. He’s so mad that there are people that say bbby was a bad investment, he’s basically crying about it.

>> No.57046140

Link I want to see.

>> No.57046151

And PP has issued his “challenge” - come debate (5 baggies vs 1 meltdown Chad) and PP can mute you whenever he wants.

>> No.57046155

Second link in the OP.

>> No.57046174

>you like that babe
PP confirmed to be the babeposter on /gme/

>> No.57046191

Sorry can't last more than five minutes listening to it. The absolute state.

>> No.57046201

I'm about to end this man's whole grift with one word

>> No.57046205

See you tomorrow? LOL

>> No.57046206

I can’t believe there are people that listen to this without being paid to. It’s so cringe.

>> No.57046242

>pp: there is probably something preventing pulte from buying bbby
lol, yeah I think there is

>> No.57046243
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>> No.57046258
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>> No.57046260
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>> No.57046295

>pp: everyone needs to stop with the interpersonal drama
>pp: omg, kais you tagged me with Ross and I was all like “what”, and David Simpson was being all mean and stuff

>> No.57046303
File: 112 KB, 236x310, YouSeemUpset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57046314

Top tier connect-the-strings autism.
This is probably meant to refer to China's Xi Jinping, who is frequently compared to the cartoon bear.

>> No.57046346

>pp: pulte told us to hire a lawyer as a secret code to tell us we don’t need to hire a lawyer

>> No.57046366

Late to the party, still kekked and I wanted you to know, anon

>> No.57046398

What are these comments at this point? Is it just noise to keep outsiders from having interest in teddy when it drops. It’s just screeching from shamblers who are brambling.

>> No.57046420

What investment? You don't hold anything. You use to, it's gone.
This is a kek at delusional baggots thread.

>> No.57046436

Jake (aka docket autist) - I know you read here. I challenge you to a debate, 1 on 1.

Your refusal to answer this challenge will prove that you’re scared, and that you know you’re wrong.

Baggies in shambles.

>> No.57046524
File: 20 KB, 474x484, MoonaSoona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debate me, bro

>> No.57046587

Oh hey, that’s me. Still not jake, still not a predditor, and still not going to ever have any kind of online presence. I’m flattered you still remember me, I must have made an impact. But might I suggest meds?

>> No.57046667

this thread is just ridiculously pathetic. complete used and abused baggie cope. inb4 shill lmao you literally can't make this shit up.

>> No.57046690

he's an autist but not the savant kind. He's the "stubbornly can't understand any other point of view" kind. Which makes him a boring and poor debater.

>> No.57046700

>t. Sent from my iPhone
So basically he's just a prideful retard

>> No.57046722

You got me good!

>> No.57046765


So are the autists actually uncovering lawyers over-billing hours and whatnot to steal money from a dying company? And the lawyers are just emailing them whatever to get them to go away to not get caught?

>> No.57046799

>they still don't know
Like a sore thumb.

>> No.57046822

Checked and glad you keked

>> No.57047009

We’re not so different, you and I. Also checked.
Checking just because.

>> No.57047152

Shills literally have to watch the show. lol. Lmao even.

>> No.57047215

>My paid enemies are here
You and this empty company are not that important anon. People watch for the same reason they come here.
To laugh at the ridiculous retards and morbid curiosity. I honestly can't believe people can be so retarded as the baggots here, you retards deserve to be golems for Jews, you have no self awareness and refuse to acknowledge basic reality. Instead you live in fantasy world like trannies where this dead company is the crux of some global financial scheme and you are fighting paid enemies on every forum.

>> No.57047264
File: 155 KB, 1089x335, IMG_5730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57047372

>He watches PP for free
>He is proud of this
I think you're the golem, anon. Where's that shill that keeps reposting PP's nose. I need you now.

>> No.57047399

>I can't reply to his post
>The hedge fund managers trying to get me to sell my evaporated shares will win if I do
Zero point zero dollars per share. That's what you received, and that's all you will ever get. Their fuckin gone retards.

>> No.57047437

How many times do I need to teach you this lesson, Steve? I see that you shoahed your Twitter account. I accept your consnession.

>> No.57047445
File: 2.99 MB, 1718x1840, Chin 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57047622

No matter how many twitter strawmen you defeat your shares are not coming back.

You think I give a shit about what you retards think? I am performing a public service for you baggots, be grateful. Who else is bothering to try and help you idiots see the reality of the situation?

Keep feeding your money to Jew scammers if you must, but don't say nobody tried to help you.

>> No.57047637

i'm not here to help, i'm just here to laugh at the baggots

>> No.57047644
File: 22 KB, 600x400, tBVJag8i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think I give a shit about what you retards think?
You gave a long reply, so yes

Speaking of strawmen...

>> No.57047929

When do you guys think we should start calling this the /PHM/ general? Or should we have a transition period with both PHM and BBBYQ in the title for a while before removing BBBYQ entirely?

>> No.57048360

baggies are stupid and i don't respect them
that's right, i just kek them

>> No.57048774
File: 37 KB, 250x176, 1701851641723841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comf Tedded friendos:

>> No.57048970

Quite the early bake.

>> No.57049131

Good morning baggies

>> No.57049198

kek no shares baggots

>> No.57049458

PP show has always been about phm.

>> No.57049537

dont forget when your elders forget
to say their prayers
take them by the legs
and throw them down the stairs

>> No.57049641
File: 33 KB, 241x363, Early Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where's that shill that keeps reposting PP's nose.

>> No.57049749

My man!

>> No.57050168
File: 1.58 MB, 2316x3088, 1651167653744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's from /GME/, he would argue back and forth with keith and rack up like 45pbtid. he would claim to have access to ken griffin's private jet or something like that and people thought he glowed.

>> No.57050226

>this is what a baggie looks like
Worse than I even imagined.

>> No.57050315
File: 103 KB, 1080x1080, 1651244689670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57050647

I see, thank you loremaster

>> No.57050718

what is name?

>> No.57050760
File: 106 KB, 1024x1024, Redeem3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are non redeemers itt

>> No.57051127

girl with glasses is innocentelixir, spicy_elixir, u/asummerslut, austinsummer onlyfans
blonde is melina, melinagoranson
brunette is missmercyy

>> No.57051728

This is keith.
He is a huge faggot

>> No.57051765

Why doesn’t PP allow the cult to see that letter from the PA? I thought he was against censorship?

>> No.57052448


>> No.57052919

kek dumb fuck BBBaggies

>> No.57053844
File: 17 KB, 480x471, bread close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who keith is faggot
pretending I'm your secret internet ex-boyfriend because my answers upset you is incredibly funny though

>> No.57053998


>> No.57054161

Daily reminder to tell you that you are getting nothing for your dead canceled towel store stock.

>> No.57054234
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1586726764438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is how he spends every day
speaks volumes about how sad your life is kek

>> No.57054317
