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57041654 No.57041654 [Reply] [Original]

Spoonfeed me ICP what does it actually do?

>> No.57041678

Literally nothing lmao

>> No.57041679

It’s like this internet computer thing or some shit and it can send messages really fast but I’m not sure how you download the app honestly

>> No.57041680
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It is a computer on the internet which was invented by Al Gore.

>> No.57041692

it gets bought at 3 cents and dumped on jeets. For real though, I have never seen a single thread explaining what it does. I have only ever heard that it will have video games on it and it will replace ethereum. I don't know why or how either of those two things would work...The only thing I know is that I stay away from rubic and ICP because they are attract retards.

>> No.57042211

>Insane Clown Posse, often abbreviated as ICP, is an American hip hop duo. Formed in Detroit in 1989, ICP's best-known lineup consists of rappers Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope.

>> No.57042230

It's internet, but on the computer.

>> No.57042335

They want to rebuild the internet on computers, or something like that.

>> No.57042406

These aren't very helpful

>> No.57042570
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It does what every one wants to be able to but can't

>> No.57042594


>> No.57043128

Purchasing it donates power to summon mecha hitler, so he can come back and finish the job.

>> No.57043426

Excuse me sir I think you meant the computer on the internet

>> No.57043452

It essentially runs the servers for every blockchain. So if the government tried to shut down a dapp or other service they would have to attack all icp nodes.

>> No.57043597

Future of web development. It took me only 1.5 hours of listening to Dominic speak to have him on the same level of visionary as SN. ICP is what ethereum wants to be, a world computer. On ICP, you can create frontends that compile to wasm (these front ends are all fully onchain) and you can also code backends (also on chain) in python, rust etc.
I'm not going to bore you with technicals, because you seem smoothbrained, I will give you the simplest value proposition.
Imagine creating a web application with no devops team necessary, cheaper deploy than aws, no firewall configuring required, no networking required, etc.
Basically, ICP is the AWS of crypto

>> No.57043672

And to add to this, a lot of web3 in it's current state isn't decentralized. They'll have a frontend controlled by a comittee of sysadmins. Internet compoota allows for all DAO stakeholders to modify the application state (front end, back end or block end)

>> No.57043677

Icp does what people think ethereum does

>> No.57043861

Most concise and best way to put it

>> No.57044057

why does this frog show up everytime i shave and make me self conscious of my little bit of chin fat. stop stalking me frog.

>> No.57044109

it's like cloud computing but with crypto for "reasons" except it doesn't actually do anything

>> No.57044112
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It feeds the village ser

>> No.57045420

just think of it this way. ICP is at its core a protocol. The Internet Computer Protocol. And this protocol has the potential to replace another protocol TCP. imagine owning a part of the TCP protocol starting twenty years, you'd have made it 10 times over easy. now you have the opportunity to own a new and improved protocol. ICP. Imagine if every time a request was made over the internet, you get paid. Because you own the protocol. but too bad its a scam and only worth 3 cents

>> No.57046730

ICP is the most useful blockchain.

Are blockchains useful at all? Remains to be seen, but they're definitely a part of the mainstream narratives push to get people into the blockchain because it gives them total control/oversight of what everyone does. Starting from BTC it's all been a psyop.

However if that is indeed the future that the elite have in store for us, then we need to extrapolate next steps, see ICP allows the powers that be to host yahoo, Google, YouTube, Facebook etc etc etc, all on "open source and distributed ledger" of ICP. All at a cheaper price point than AWS... Which is all fun and dandy but remember the ultimate goal, TOTAL GLOBAL blockchain so that every single one of your transactions can be observed by a certain someone.

This certain someone will say "you won't be able to buy or sell unless you have the mark on your forehead or the number of his name" and will use the fact that everything is "open source and visible" to track the fuck out of you and everyone you love. This is the incoming future, and it will be made largely possible by ICP, nothing else can serve this function quite as well.

So what happens is they get the people to get internet IDs (via ICP) and enact their total control goals... so why invest into ICP? Because it's the way of choice for the elites to take over the entire global internet and make sure its seamless when America and the dollar go down the shitter. Imagine when AWS goes down due to major nigger riots that destroy servers? Boyyyy is it gonna drive traffic to ICP, and thats just one aspect of it.

ICP is 100% the final crypto and will integrate with all others and control them

One crypto to rule them all, one crypto to find them, one crypto to bring them all in and in the darkness bind them.

As soon as we hit 100/ICP it'll gain the mainstream eye, including musk et.al, because then crypto can become about the tech and everyone will flood to it as per the ultimate agenda

>> No.57046753


>> No.57046846

It's literally just an acronym for watching yourself piss.

>> No.57046949

The only reason Ethereum even works is because of Consensys, which is a 7 billion mktcap corporation that owns and operates metamask, infura, and the server farm that everything important actually runs on. They pay the devs to put the faggot unicorns on everything they build and call it a decentralized cryptocurrency. Without all that shit none of this other shit would even work. If your EVM copy runs on a metamask wallet you are still fucking with ethereum and no amount of shitposting and shilling is gonna make your cheap piece of shit premine worth anything until they get their own fucking server farm and corporation, lobbyists, and jpmorgan and microsoft tier investors to rain hundreds of millions on their heads so that they can compete with ethereum head on. BSC is backed by billions. Solana is backed by billions. ICP and Kaspa and whoever else only stand a chance if there is a tidal wave of talented zoomer blockchain devs willing to work for free that magically appear out of nowhere. Which they wont, because zoomers are retarded.

>> No.57047017

dfinity currently has $200,000,000 allocated for grant money and the largest known group of cryptographers in the universe. cope and seethe nigger.

>> No.57047055

its a chainlink killer

>> No.57047071

is it like when ethies used to say "world computer" before they gave up on any ambitions ethereum could be used for anything other than spawning shitcoins? Because I doubt it isn't just another case of naive optimism

>> No.57047746


The only reason why Ethereum still can scale, it's because Vitalik, Bo Shen, were actively funding Hidden R D teams like Dfinity. In fact, Ethereum 2 is closely modelled after Dfinity's 2015 design. Dfinity wasn't created out of thin air, it was funded by Vitalik's ex fund ( Fenbushi) to not only help Ethereum scale but to push this space forward. Hence, sister network. Dfinity is part of the Ethereum alliance which consist of Consensys, Linux Foundation, DARPA, string labs, not to compete but to enhance Ethereum. The end-game is to absorb all the existing L1s outside Ethereum and force ICP to become the web3 hub to interop w chains that try to compete with Ethereum. So far I am impressed with Bobby's O research, he is one of the few, besides, who actually gets it. Vitalik has actively warned the dangers of crosschains interdependencies, and has stated that the future is multichain, ''connecting all the different L1's together through a multichain hub (ICP). From 2021 moonman days, till now, anons had 2 years to do research, still a few get it. Nobody cares if you bought at $40, if you truly did your research, you would have averaged down all the way to $2. This is a pure infrastructure protocol that is extremely unlikely to fail.

>> No.57047764

Kaspa is a gimmick, you are literally comparing move A to B token without smart contracts with a L1 that is going to solve 99% of the problems that plague this space.

>> No.57047843

very based and gets it pilled

>> No.57049235


>> No.57049265

Ok but why are we dumping?

>> No.57049610

China is ballsdeep into ICP

Tip herbert

>> No.57050054

You use the tokens to pay for a gimped version of Amazon Web Services. The services are kept somewhat affordable because they're subsidized by dfinity. It's not sustainable but that doesn't mean it's dumb to subsidize the servers. If enough people build things on it they might continue to use it when it gets expensive. That said, there's no reason to use ICP since it's centralized and a pain to develop for. It's completely useless. The entire project exists only to fool degens like you into buying their shitcoin because you're not a developer and you don't know better. Nearly all cryptos are pumped because of the greater fool theory, so you can gamble and make money off of retarded shit like this. What sets this scam apart from the other shitcoins is that it's not even decentralized. There's no value in what ICP does. Even Ethereum has some inherent value in its, albeit poor, ability to execute smart contracts in a decentralized trustless manner. As long as people want to run smart contracts on Ethereum there's some real value in the token, and not just speculative value. With ICP there's no reason to use it. It's the worst of both the web2 and web3 worlds.

>> No.57050076

Vitalik buterin is interested in ICP you fucking baboon

>> No.57050110

I bought ICPISS (ticker: ICEPEEPEE)
Will my money evaporate or will I make profit?

>> No.57050124

This is what it wants to be. Atm you have to get approved by ICP and most nodes run on AWS.

Nobody uses WASM irl because it sucks for SEO and nothing managed to replace SPAs (React, Angular). ICP is all in on WASM, but no one else is. They also have a useless language called Motoko you can use, hut thankfully they support Rust. They claim support for other languages, but it hadn't materialized.

> Imagine creating a web application with no devops team necessary, cheaper deploy than aws, no firewall configuring required, no networking required, etc.
He forgot slow as fuck, on shit hardware, with no plan for true decentralization.

This guy knows.

With all that said, ICP still has the best story for pumping. I can't even explain what LINK, HBAR, ALGO, AVAX, etc pretend to do nearly as concisely. With ICP its:

> lol anonymous, cheap servers that can run standardized "container" (wasm) applications paid for by tokens with an ok amount of storage.

>> No.57050141

It's really sad to see these retarded degens that honestly believe in this scam. They not only believe in it, but they're so passionate about it that they're tricking other retards into believing it too. It's like a mind virus that only infects retards. Its victims are blissfully unaware of it and will get angry and attack you if you try to help them. They're emotionally invested in it because they're financially invested in it. They bury their heads in the sand.

>> No.57050190

The baboon part made me chuckle anon, thanks, I needed that.

>> No.57050224

No he's not. I know the video you're talking about and he said that so long ago that nobody, not even Vitalik, could have known how bad it was. ICP isn't even open source (lmao) so he had nothing to go on but their talk and some demos.

>> No.57050506

Why dump?

>> No.57050557

Thanks anon, you actaully gave me some nice insights

>> No.57050568

It hs both the worst ticker and name I have ever seen

>> No.57050788
File: 320 KB, 360x628, domheaven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>analyzing target
>nigger who holds avax detected

>> No.57050956

You gonna profit of that hype or just bitch about it?

>> No.57050962

>WASM sucks for SEO
Please elaborate :D

>> No.57051052

It pumped like 200% in a couple weeks what did you expect

>> No.57051070

Priced in

>> No.57051237

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is how you make your site show up at top of Google (and other search engine) results. A part of that is keywords in your code discovered by bots.

WASM is compiled code, so it doesn't have a way for bots to find your site and index it. This makes WASM horrible for the business' website being discoverable.

>> No.57051411

It puts the internet in the computer. That's why it's called internet computer.

>> No.57051463
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it does everything.
yes, it actually is a red flag and a reason NOT to invest
captcha: pADHD

>> No.57051574

And yet everyone and their mother "invests" in shitcoins. Ranging from a degen PnD jeet to "muh fundamentals" chump. This and many other boards are infested with 'em. While the truth to matter is no one really knows until it's that time. All speculation and gambling until then. So why not make a little money in the process?

>> No.57051825

SEO doesnt work anymore in 2023. It is all garbage. We need a new system anyway..

I bet someone smart will standup and make something clever

>> No.57051943

SEO is still a thing. It's just more complex, involving site maps, Lighthouse scores, etc and SOME unknown magic. WASM is still fucked and so are icp sites.

>> No.57051961

They have the internet on computers now?

>> No.57052076

It is like Amazon and Facebook put together but also you can watch movies for net flix. tomorrow they are working on a video game

>> No.57052083

Open Chat

>> No.57052190

Look for Querio Ticker : QRO. Already on coingecko. This is the solution to the SOE problem.

>> No.57052323

Literally bought 1335 of these and staked em with a 1 year delay

What am I in for anon?

>> No.57052377


>> No.57052834

Unknown magic? Nigga wtf you talking, links? Not even that works anymore, lol. Google just randomly penalizing sites left and rite and filling their whole shit with a bunch of spammy domains that are just scraping content. Nigga I’ve been doing SEO for 15 years, and although it still works to some degree, that shit is basically dead. And with the new SGE, unless you’re a real business that sells real shit, you won’t be making a significant amount of money with ads or affiliate programs. Every major publisher is laying people off for said reasons.

>> No.57053055

try to develop on solana lool

>> No.57053167

Multichain has interop has been achieved already but since it was built without vc funds or a premine you will never hear about it. You are being spoonfed bullshit by people who dont want crypto to succeed. Binance does not real interop, neither does consensys. They want every everything silo'd off into little neat piles that they own and control via centralized networks. It's the biggest bullshit scam going and you all fell for it. read this. dyor into genuine, vc free decentralization. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1372879.0

>> No.57053328

> it still works to some degree
Rest of your post is being dramatic or clueless. Companies still pay SEO consultants.

>> No.57053383

Sure is a lot of samefagging going on in this thread.

>> No.57053492

Nigger, I’m an SEO consultant working with really big well known companies, lol. Not dramatic, just laying it down how it currently is. Maybe it’ll get better, but right now shit’s fucked.

>> No.57053528

There is a reason you fucks get paid - I still need you to tell me:
> make a site map
> get Lighthouse score over 90

Maybe it's not "gamed" anymore, but without it, the company is not getting to page 1 for sure. WASM can't do that, it's compiled gibberish.

>> No.57053609

Now all of this is true.

As I said, if you’re a real company selling real products and services, seo is still very much worth it. If you’re a blogger trying g to make money with ads or affiliate links, then you’re in for a rude awakening.

>> No.57053803
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9k liquid and 1500 staked for 3 years. Trust your instincts

>> No.57054913

is it hard to comprehend that you can do SEO stuff in simple static pages and when redirect to WASM app? Like everyone is doing right now?

>> No.57055240

This is the real answer.

>> No.57055279

Internet... Computer

>> No.57056788

Good evening sir's my computer is in the internet

>> No.57056921

Fuck it im buying it

>> No.57056983

Takes money from bagholders and gives it to VCs

>> No.57057065

>if the government tried to shut down a dapp or other service they would have to attack all icp nodes
and that's why they are trying to sabotage the project

>> No.57057587

DEXs and on-ramps hosted on ICP will make centralized exchanges irrelevant.

>> No.57057636

You can still use react for icp

>> No.57057684

This. You can use Angular and Svelte as well

>> No.57057700

>Nobody uses WASM irl because it sucks for SEO and nothing managed to replace SPAs (React, Angular).
ICP is an infra protocol, it doesn't replace react and angular lmfao. You can still use node, react, express, etc. alongside motoko/rust. It's meant to replace things like mongoDB, kubernetes, cloud storage, etc.

You're actually retarded.